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1935 November Newsletter Alpha (Washington & Jefferson College)
November 1935 newsletter of the Alpha chapter at Washington & Jefferson College. The newsletter is four pages in length.
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Washington & Jefferson College
1935 November Newsletter Alpha (Washington & Jefferson College)
The Wiji Fill
Washington, Penna., November, 1935
Vol. XXV
No. 1
Alpha's 1935 Pledges at McMillan Cabin
Back Row, left to right—McCord, Moffat, Grobe,
Logan, Osbourne.
Middle Row—Strickler, Naylor, Hopkins, McCarrel,
Front Row—Munce, Brownfield, Jones, Thoma, Glas
As a result of much work on the part of
Brother William Allison and his rushing
committee coupled with the excellent co
operation of Alpha's alumni, we are happy
to announce the pledge class of 1935.
White stars are being worn by fifteen W.
and J. men, twelve freshmen, three sopho
mores, and two juniors.
The new pledges have entered the field of
extra-curricular activities to a great extent
and records show that their scholarship is
above the average.
Active members of Alpha wish to take
this opportunity to express their sincere
appreciation to all those alumni who made
this excellent class possible.
The fifteen neophytes are: Jerome Becker
R. Naylor, Wheeling, W. Va.; Arch H. Logan,
'38, brother of Brother John Logan, '36, and
Brother George Logan, '30, Rochester, Min
nesota; and the following freshmen:
Charles M. Moffat, Ft. Wayne, Ind.,
brother of Brother James D. Moffat; Thomas
Edward Munce, Harrisburg; James M. Mc
Cord, Cincinnati; Ebenezer McClane McCar
rel, Claysville, brother of Brother Robert L.
McCarrel, '35; L. E. Glasgow, Jr., Cleve
land; Edward H. Schlaudt, Hutchison,
Kansas; Richard W. Brownfield, Erie; Max
L. Hopkins, Wlieeling, brother of Pledge
Brother Joseph Naylor; John Thoma, But
ler; Arthur H. Grobe, Butler.
November 9th brings to light again that
Jones, '37, of Hutchison, Kansas; Kenneth
Dale Strickler; '37, of Uniontown; Alvan
Donnan Osbourne, '36, of Pittsburgh; Joseph
longed-for social event of the y.ear—when
all formality is laid aside and every one
Randolph Naylor, '38, son of Brother Joseph
(Continued on Page 4)
The Wiji Fiji
Published four times during the school
year by Alpha Chapter of Phi Gamma Delta,
at Washington and Jefferson College.
Writing articles, collecting advertising,
and carrying out the motto that "the paper
must come out" we find Fiji members of
the Red and Black staffs in the persons of
Brothers Marshall, Wilder, and Preston,
and Pledge Brothers McCord, Munce, and
Brother Murdoch is editor of the Gam-
Cecil D. Williams, '30
Henry Beeson, '37
Joseph I. Marshall, '37
Laird O. Miller, '37
Frank E. Doak, '38
T. Logan
T. Allison
president of our house, ,1. T. Logan, Among
the services he performs for the school
member of Pi Delta Epsilon and Kera, Elder
in College Church, and Vice President of
William C. Graham
Recording Secretary
Henry A. Jones
Corresponding Secretary
Among the outstanding competitors in
are: President of Student Council, Presi
dent of Phi Tan Gamma, head cheer-leader,
James D. Moffat
holier and under his guiding hand are
Piedge Brothers McCord, Munce, and Glas
the Classical Club.
Members of Phi Tau Gamma are Brothers
Graham, secretary of the society, and Henry
Jones. Members in other honorary socie
ties are Brothers Kiine, Phi Sigma; Beeson,
Robertson, Logan, and Marshall are in Kera;
Marshall, Graham, and Pledge Brother
It is with deep regret that we an
nounce the death of Brother John Mc
Cartney Kennedy,'94, a trustee of the
college and a loyal brother In Phi
Gamma Delta. While practicing his
vocation of law he still found time
to devote to his Alma Mater and to
the fraternity of which he was a loyal
To the family and friends of Brother
Kennedy we of Alpha chapter of Phi
Gamma Delta extend deepest sym
Strickler are in Pi Sigma Alpha. Beeson i.s
also on the intra-mural council, and junior
football manager, and a member of the
Y. M. C. A, Brothers John Logan and
Henry Jones are members of Crest.
Marshall holds sway over meek freshmen as
he sits on his throne in the capacity of
junior judge of Freshman Court.
The Moffat Debating Forum has attracted
the attentions of Brothers Mead, Preston,
and Pledge Brothers Munce, Schlaudt and
Strickler, Pledge Brother Strickler also be
longs to the Classical Club and the Y, M,
C. A. He and Brother Bud Ficken are aUo
Deacons of the College Church, Brothers
Bill Ficken and Frank Doak hold the joint
office of sophomore intra-mural manager.
Alpha's men have rapidly wormed their
way into the apple of opportunity on this
campus by availing themselves of the ad
vantages of extra curricular activities. The
most popular of these, the Buskin Club, has
attracted no less than 16 of our would-be
thespians. These 16 are;
Brothers Bud
Ficken, Laird Miller, Marshall, Arnold, Dick
Donaldson, File, Preston, Doak, Bill Alli
son, Robertson, and Pledge Brothers Strickler, Schlaudt, McCord, Munce, Brownfield,
Various other campus positions iilled by
Phi Gams are members of the band—
Brothers Bud Ficken and Bill Arnold, and
Pledge Brother Arch Logan; representa
tive "on the Pan-Hellenic Dance Committee.
Brother Wiliiam Allison; basketball man
ager, Brother Chuck Donaldson; and CheerLeader, Brother McKennan,
A future starring halfback from our house
is a reaiity in the form of Brother Truxal,
former Greensburg High School star. Bill
and Arch Logan.
is just a sophomore, but has already proved
Our representatives in another line of en
tertainment, the College Glee Club and
Choir are:. Brothers Kline, Arnold, File,
Jones, and Pledge Brothers Strickler and
And so with that versatility by which our
house has always been characterized, we
enter another year in the thick of the activi
Thorn a.
ties whirl.
his ability in the field.
Alpha chapter during the last two months
has played ho.-t to many returning alnmni.
Many were present during our rushing
season and others have returned to bid us
''hello". Three brothers from Beta Kappa
Cdiapter at Colorado University were over
night guests several weeks ago.
John W. Brandon. '02, stopped at the house
Among others. Al|)ha has entertained
Brother Anderson, '12, C. E. Heffelfinger,
and Ur. W hite—all members of the W. and
J. faculty. W. B. Beeson, '99, father of
Brother Henry Beeson has visited the house
on several occasions recently.
We of the active chapter wish to extend
our invitation to other alnmni to test our
During the past year the brother who dis
tinguished himself more than any one else
in both fraternity affairs and college ac
tivities was James Oliver Campbell Howard.
"Jim" was president of the chapter in 193435.
He was active on the Student Council
and served on the Council on Interfraternity
Relations. He was Class Day speaker in
his Sophomore and Senior years. He also
served two years on the staff of the Red
and Black and Pandora, the two college
publications at that time, and was a mem
ber of Kera and the Greek Sw.ingout Com
mittee, While here at W. and J. we all
knew him as an "all-round Fiji." By the
vote of the active chapter his name will be
placed on the Alpha ICfriciency Cup as be
ing the most valuable man to the chapter
during the past year.
"Prorsum et Surstim" and
Seniors on the ladder of achievement.
Law School. Leonard Clark helps in his
own enterprise, the famous Clark Teaberry
Gum Company, the gum with the mountain
flavor. Jim
Lambie, having completed
his college course in three years, goes on
to Michigan Law School to win laurels. All
in all the men who so recently left their
Fiji home and the halls of their Alma Mater
have won honor for themselves and for
Alpha of Phi Gamma DeltaCHAPTER NOTES
We are sorry to announce that this year
we must go on without two of our Sopho
Brother John
Connell re
mains in Jamestown. N. Y.,. where he has
obtained a very good
position. Brother
Foster Meyer, W, and J,'s golf champion,
also remained at his home town, Pittsburgh,
where he is employed by his father while
learning the business.
The house entertained the Grove City
cheer leaders when they were here a week
ago for the game at College Field. This
entertainment was proper considering that
the two head cheer leaders for W. and J.
are Pijis.
The many brothers of our chapter who
enjoyed the kind hospitality of the chapters
at Penn State and Bucknell wish to express
their appreciation of the same. Consider
ing the size of the group making the trip to
Lewisburg for the Bucknell-W. and J. foot
ball game, we were fortunate in finding ac
commodations at the beautiful Penn State
chapter house on Friday night. Many of
Gamma Phi's members were in Pittsburgh
for the week end, thus making ample room
for all of Alpha's Fijis.
Brother Schmidt, class of '29 at the Uni
versity of Pittsburgh, has recently accepted
a position on the W. and J. faculty to fill
the vacancy left by Dr. C, D. Dieter, head
of the biology department.
B. Williams obtained a coveted position
with the Bethlehem Steel Company at Beth
lehem, Pa., over thousands of keen com
petitors. James O. C. Howard is in the
The date which has been set for the an
employ of the Spaido Shirt Company—
"They are cheaper
because they last
nual Homecoming and Founders' Day exer
longer." Jim is sure to be sticcessfui if he
end will be one of unusual activity on the
campus and of particular interest to Fijis.
The college has been fortunate in avail
ing itself of the services of Samuel P.
Bledsoe, President of the Atchison, Topeka
keeps his boundless energy pointed
right direction. Robert McCarrell is
in the McClain
Mining Company.
good-natured personality makes him
in the
a boss
a pal
to his fellow workers and as a result his
division is a lop-notcher.
Frank Brown has become a student at
Pitt Law School and claims much attention
by his briliiant briefs. Harold Durie also
is pointing toward a position at the Bar by
winning liimself a place in the Harvard
cises is the IGth of November.
This week
and Santa Fe R. R. Company.
Mr. McClain of the Administration
gotten together a program containing many
interesting and varied features.
The program, as tentatively announced,
is as follows:
November 15, 1930—Homecomin.g-Found-
ers' Day Exercises, Second Presbyterian
Church. Samuel T. Bledsoe, speaker. Pre
sentation of honorary degrees.
2:00—Wooster College vs. W. and J. at
College Field.(Reserved seats $1.14.)
6:00—"Washington and Jefferson Alumni
Dinner at the George Washington Hotel.
($1.50 per cover. Ladies are invited.)
9:00—Alumni Dance in the Gymnasium
($.75 per couple).
Brother James B. W. Murphy, '33, was
married on October 5 to Miss Mary C. Mar
tin of Washington, Pa.
Brother Joseph L. Thistle, '30, was mar
ried on August 30 to Miss Marion Johnson
of Washington, Pa,
Brother George Logan, '30, was best man
at this wedding.
Brother Hugh L. Ruffner, '36, and Mrs.
Ruffner are pleased to announce the birth
of a son, Thomas Warren.
Brother Henry Hudson, ex-'36, was mar
ried to Miss Virginia Martin of Greensburg,
The house has been well taken care of
recently in more ways than one. With
two dozen new chairs in the dining room
the favorite Fiji pastime takes on a glorious
new aspect, providing relaxation with a re
freshing repast. Many new sets of dishes
beautify the culinary efforts of our ef
the brothers.
brothers will kindly send the same to the
Harry E. Dawe, '18
John A. Harrison, '18
William R. Craig, '02
Clifton D. Hughes, '02
Paul C. Richards, '20
John W. Carpenter, ex-'28
Franklin D. Kerr, '70
Philip C. Collins, '24
Charles H. Guy, '19
Vincent P. Whelan, '00
Brother Carl Johnson, '33, is now teach
ing and coaching at Ebensburg High School.
Brother George Schaeffer, '33, is now
working with the Pennsylvania railroad and
Hugh A, M'cNamee, '17
is located at Wheeling.
Brother Miller, '05, Purple Legionnaire,
Smith N. Whitworth, '11, have just returned
from England.
With a new banner and the
Any one having information as to the
present addresses of any of the following
law office of his own in Pittsburgh.
Brother Foster Meyer, ex-'3S, is now work
ing for his father.
Brother Floyd Westbecker, '16, is now
starting his second year as a coach at
Greensburg High School. He used to teach
there eight years ago.
a reality.
bar examinations recently and now has a
European trip.
fireplace improved that ideal "snug little
nook by the fireside" may become more of
pital in Boston.
Brother Sonny Dom, '31, passed the state
ter, Antoinette Tomlin Donnan.
Brother Albert C. Troutman, '98, and Mrs.
Troutman have recently returned from a
mettle and the good old Oriental breathes
a sigh of relief. A new supply of pingpong balls has been purchased to insure
the success of the tourney organized among
Brother Allan Abrams, '10, of Waukesha,
Wis., stopped recently at the chapter house.
Brother George Logan, '30, recently be
gan his internship at the Children's Hos
Brother Benjamin Culler, '28, is Assist
sions in the living room.
The new ash receivers have proved their
on October 5th.
ant Professor of French at Mohonk School
in the Hudson River valley.
Brother John Donnan, '31, and Mrs. Donnan have announced the birth of a daugh
repairs on the radio bring the brothers
back to their gayety and lighthearted ses
(Continued from Page 3)
his troubles—the Hard-Times Party.
This time, however, an innovation has been
made in that we are holding the dance in
connection with the Phi Kappa Psi frater
Owing to Phi Gamma Delta's long asso
ciation with this fraternity on the W. and J.
campus this dance is to be known as the
Jefferson Duo-Hard Times Party.
This dance will provide a good opportun
ity for alumni to meet all the pledges and to
greet the brothers while enjoying the mar
velous dance music of Sid Dickler. The
Elks Hall will be the scene of this hilarious
good time.
The chapter wishes to extend a cordial
invitation to all
alumni and Fiji sweet
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November 1935 newsletter of the Alpha chapter at Washington & Jefferson College. The newsletter is four pages in length.