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1938 January Newsletter Alpha Phi (University of Michigan)
January 1938 newsletter of the Alpha Phi chapter at the University of Michigan. The newsletter is four pages in length.
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Alpha Phi
University of Michigan
1938 January Newsletter Alpha Phi (University of Michigan)
AlpJixi PUiji J^e4AAi
University of Michigan Chapter of Phi Gamma Delta
New Series, Vol. IV
Alpha Phi Predicts
Championship I-M
Number 2
Chapter Appreciates
Contributions From 23
Contributions Made
Following are listed
Basketball Team
names of the 23 brothers who
On Bathroom Fund
have so generously contributed
to the Bathroom Fund. Contri
butions have ranged from $10
to $100.
Shirley W. Smith '97
Edmond Madden '25
With the race for the Intramu
ral Championship at the halfway
mark and with the opening of the
winter sports in the intrafrater-
nity competition, we find many of
the Alpha Fiji brothers more or
less basketball conscious.
Basketball has always been
Raymond C. Smith '20
Henry E. Riggs
John M. Ormond '89L
James F. Temple '33
George M. Davison '03
Frank T. McCormick '15
Steven B. Wilson '15
K. W. Vance '16
T. Gustafson '21
favorite with the brothers in the
Joseph A. Riggs '22
past and the house is planning to
A. K. Krause '22
W. B. Thorn '15
enter a strong team in this yearns
Ralph T. Sayles '10
Develop Two Teams
The number of men turning out
for basketball was exceptionally
good and two strong quintets have
been developed. Teams have been
entered in both the "A" and "B"
The "A" team has as its center
Robert E. Driscoli '11
Donald D. Smith '04
Alfred P. Chambe '10
Leland E. Phipps '08
Charles F. Meyer
Walter W, Calkins '15
Chas. W. Lewis, Jr., '22
H. Willis Heidbreder '23
Bob Elliott, '37. Bob, who has just
entered law school this year, is a
veteran at the pivot position and
has always proved his worth in
former years. Another veteran of
former years is speedy "Lum" Holt
'39 who plays the forward position
in a manner that dazzles his oppo
The fund for the
posed bathrooms for Alpha Phi
chapter has merely started. Actual
estimates of the amount received
are very difficult to determine at
the present time because the cam
paigners outside of Ann Arbor
have not, as yet, turned in their
Judging from what has been re
ceived in Ann Arbor, however, it
is evident that we have yet a long
way to go before reaching our
Chapter Thanks Contributors
The chapter realizes that many
have put off sending in their check
due to the time of the year the
campaign was begun, which W3,s
just prior to Christmas—a time of
year when it is hard to expect
Chapter Will Hold
J'Hop Party Feb, 12
The chapter greatly appreciates
all of the donations received thus
far and hopes that many more of
the alumni brothers will follow
the same example. It proves to us
This year Alpha Phi chapter will what true fraternity spirit is and
continue the tradition which was
makes the under-graduate proud
renewed last year of holding a J- to know he has co-operating alum''B" Team Loses Opener
Hop house party. The J-Hop, the
The "A" team is also supported highest event on Michigan's social
Not Much Time
by such stalwarts as Forrest Eva- calendar, will be held between se
The chapter hopes that the fund
shevski '41, "Personality" Walt mesters. This year's gala occasion will swell to the $4,000 mark in or
Peckinpaugh '39, and Chuck Dar will fall on Feb. 12 and music will der that the necessary changes may
ling '38.
be furnished by two popular bands, be made. Our need is an urgent
The "B" team developed a feel Kay Kyser and Jimmie Dorsey.
one and most of the alumni are
ing of over-confidence
prior to
In regard to the Phi Gam party, aware of this fact.
their opening battle and lost a held before the J-Hop festivities
The proposed bathroom fund
thrilling contest to Kappa Nu bv begin, all of the men living in the must be completed by, and not
the narrow margin of one point In chapter house will nlo^e out and later, than early spring, in order
their second encounter the "B's" turn the place over to J-Hop girls that the work may be completed
];eat Phi Delta Theta in a close on Friday afternoon of the dance. this summer. Obviously, to raise
The brothers, accompanied by the necessary amount, this will re
In other intramural sports the their lady escorts, will eat all of quire speedy action and co-opera
chapter has Norm Kewley '40E who their meals at the chapter house. tion on the part of each and every
led the speedball team to the cham
Friday night everyone will attend
alumni member.
pionship of the fourth division. In the big dance and on Saturday
As a means of thanking those of
swimming Wad Spain '38 paced the night the couples will enjoy a you whom have already sent in
swimmers to the quarter finals in sleigh ride and mock Ben Hur race. your donation, we are printing the
the all-fraternity sjwimming meet. Sunday a farewell dinner to the names of these brothers in box in
Rolling along in the other fields girls will climax the week-end's the adjoining column. Send in your
of sport we have W. Peckinpaugh festivities.
contribution today and see your
and Harvey Clarke '39 represent
The house will be in tip-top own name added to the list of
ing Alpha Phiji chapter in the shape and everyone is expecting to brothers in the March issue of the
bowling competition.
have a great time.
"Alpha Phiji News."
(^yllpha ^hiji
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January 1938 newsletter of the Alpha Phi chapter at the University of Michigan. The newsletter is four pages in length.