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1939 April Newsletter Alpha Phi (University of Michigan)
April 1939 newsletter of the Alpha Phi chapter at the University of Michigan. The newsletter is four pages in length.
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Alpha Phi
University of Michigan
1939 April Newsletter Alpha Phi (University of Michigan)
JhjL CUpkcL (philL TUiwa.
University of Michigan Chapter of Phi Gamma Delta
New Series Vol. IV
No. 3
At Recent Election
Chapter Will Lose
Many Prominent
Men This Spring
As the seniors sing- their Swan
Songs and leave the chapter room
The old Fiji song runs; "Broth
ers, as we go mai-ching . . ." And
marching from 707 this June will
John T. Gelder '40
Will Lead Chapter
Named President
for the last time as active mem
bers, a new set of officers who will
be one of the most loyal and en
thusiastic classes that Alpha Phi
guide the destinies of Alpha Phi
during the coming year were elect
ed at a recent chapter meeting.
Brother John Gelder, an out
of Phi Gamma Delta has had in its
standing activities man who has
shown continued devotion to the
fraternity, was named E. A junior
editor of 'Ensian, a leader in cam
pus politics. Jack is a member of
the exclusive Toastmasters Society,
a Sphinx and an outstanding stu JOHN T. GELDER. Jr. '40. one of
dent in radio.
-Vlpha Phi's outstanding activi
Is Manager
ties men. was recently selected
John Hulbert, new T, is another
by popular vote of the chapter to
campus leader. Fulfilling an ap
prenticeship under Brother Laughe,
post of president for the coming
year. "Jack" is a junior in the Lit
his work was so remarkable that
the possible was assured him. He
is a junior business manager of
'Ensian, a Sphinx and one of the
school and comes from
Raids, Mich.
best students in the house.
Larry Rinek, whose brother John
Plans Underway For
Pig Dinner—May 20
leaves 707 this June, was a popular
A member of Tri
It's almost Pig Dinner time again
angles, engineering honor society, down 707 way. Burgess Vial '40,
he has been active in engineering- chairman of the annual reunion of
school activities. He was class of the Fijis, announces. The date for
ficer, a member of the Flying Club the affair, which is expected to be
and of the Gliding Club. He served one of the biggest ever held at
as king and is a leader in house Alpha Phi, is May 20.
Brother Shirley W. Smith, vicepresident of the University and
Named "E.G."
Matthew Rae, E.G., also has had secretary in charge of business and
choice as G.
Heading the list of Phi Gams
who say good-bye to active mem
bership in the Clan of the White
Star and enter whole-heartedly
into alumni membership is Elmer
Gedeon, E during the present year
and an outstanding representative
of the University in the field of
sports. Ged's contributions to the
chapter cannot be enumerated, for
the space available is limited. In
brief, however, he has been an in
spiration to the chapter, an out
standing end on the gridiron, a
record-breaking hurdler who has
won national acclaim, a stellar first
baseman on the baseball team. Ap
preciative of his talents. Sphinx
and Michigamua, highest literary
college honor societies, initiated
him. He is also affiliated with the
"M" club and other organizations.
Graduates From Engineering
Robert Angley, another member
of the outgoing executive council,
has been an important factor in life
around the house, taking- part in
all activities, intramural athletics
and at the same time winning ac
claim from class-mates in the En
an excellent record on the campus. finance, will serve as toastmaster, gineering College.
Walter Peckinpaugh, who recent
An outstanding student, he has led cracking the quip in the stellar
returned from a trip through
the house in intramural athletics
and been one of the most loyal Phi work
Gams in the house.
of such
Stan Swinton, new historian, is Shepard.
night editor on the Michigan Daily,
a member of Sphinx and Toastmasters, and active in campus ac
tivities. He is one of the first men
who does not live in the house to
win office in Phi Gamma Delta in
recent years.
past maestros as the southland at the head of the
baseball team he captains, is an
other man of whom all Fijis can be
Brother Bud Rae and Bi-other Ben
Invitations have been sent out to proud. His feats on the diamond
alumni who reside both far and at Michigan bid fair to become le
gendary with sports writers calling
near with a record attendance ex
pected. So join the crowd and turn him one of the outstanding Wolverup at 707 on May 20, ready for an 'ne baseball players of recent years.
evening of amusement, gayety and He has also taken an enthusiastic
Fiji Fun.
iContiiiHcd on page S)
\r\nPage Two
April, 1939
Alpha Phiji News
Published quarterly by Alpha Phi
Chapter of Phi Gamma Delta
707 Oxford Road
Ann Arbor, Michigan
Assoc. Editor
Bill Crowe
Stan Swinton
Elmer Qedeon
William Layhe
Hamilton Morris..Recording Sec'y
Robert Angley
Cor. Sec'y
Bill Crowe
Platform For 1939-40—
The old order passeth . . • and a
new executive council takes over
the reins. Realizing the difficulty
From the Isle
It seems as though rushing
never gets very far away from
us. With the initiation of a new
class we must begin to think of
the class which is to come next
fall. If you know of any boys
who are planning to come to
Michigan next fall and if you
know of any boys here on cam
pus who have not pledged a fra
ternity, would you please drop
us a line and let us know about
these young men. We must start
thinking about our spring rush
ing parties, and it would help us
a great deal if we could get a
few names to work on for these
pai*ties. The rushing chairman
is Larry Rinek—please address
all correspondence to him.
of following in the foot-steps of as
competent and enthusiastic a coun
cil as the house has known in sev
eral years, the new officers still will
do their best for Phi Gamma Delta.
lt*s program, simply put:
1. To work for improved scholar
ship at Alpha Phi.
2. To continue active support of
participating in extra-curricular ac
3. To work in every way for Phi
Gamma Delta.
4. To ask for alumni suggestions,
welcome alumni who accept our
open invitation to visit the house,
and to show the Fiji spirit to them
Alpha Phi Announces
Pledging Of B Men
With pride Phi Gamma Delta re
cently announced the pledging of
three new men whose outstanding
record in the past presages a great
career at the University.
Robert Smolenski, first of the
group, recently transferred here
from Grand Rapids Junior College
where he was an outstanding ath
Gelder, Hulbert and Swinton—
chewing their fingernails as ap
pointment time approaches ... all
seem to have a good chance for
senior jobs . . . but you never can
tell . . . the possibility of an ex
change dinner with the Thetas . . .
Alpha Phi's first venture into the
sorority field as a group . . . in
many years . . . wonder how it will
The interest shown around the
house when Brother Jack Brennan
announced his marriage to Doro
thea Staebler, women^s editor of
the Michigan Daily . . . they've
been going together for years . . .
and when their engagement was
publicity throughout the country as
an ideal college couple . . . Jack
also hit the front pages when he
was "Queen" of the campus ice
carnival . . .
The freshman class turning up
loyally after the last party to clean
up . . . unpleasant task but well
done . . . congratulations to the
new officers . . . and sad faces as
the seniors went inactive . . . con
centration of study as the house
shows its
the scholastic average.
ers of the White Star.
famous Masked Rider of Justice—
Ranger's broadcast from coast to
coast— is heard over 130 stations
in this country, not including Can
ada and Australia." The Green
another organization has a prior
claim . . . the Publication trio—
William Hastie, whose home is
in Grand Rapids, is another out
standing man. A sophomore, he has
CHARLES D. LIVINGSTONE already won a place for himself on
'25 is dramatic director and pro the campus.
ducer for the King-Trendle Broad
Robert Ulrich, from Addison, is
casting Corp. in Detroit and resides a sophomore whose work on the
with wife and one-year-old son, Michigan Union staff has won
Russell, at 16195 Trinity Ave, De praise from the officials. He is a
troit. He writes: "It may be of praise-worthy addition to the wear
the Lone Ranger—is put on the
air by a brother Phi Gam. The Lone
to find that it can't be used because
come off . . .
as they have shown it to us.
interest to brother Fijis that the
The Michigras committee excited
about its new booth idea . . . only
is district manager for the Marion
HARRY F. DOWNING '91L is Machine Foundry & Supply Co. lo
practicing law in Virginia, 111., cated in Mt. Pleasant, Mich. "Dick"
where he has offices at Room No. 3, studied a combined curriculum of
Theatre Bldg. Harry, former base
ball and football star, studied un
Engineering-Law at Michigan. He
reports that he is still single and
Hornet, up and coming mystery dergraduate work at Knox college receives his mail at Box 101, Mt.
melodrama, also originates at sta (Galesburg, 111.) where he was a Pleasant, Mich.
tion WXYZ under "Chuck's direc
member of Gamma Deuteron chap
ter, before transferring to Michi
gan for the study of law.
former "Michigan Daily" staff
member at Michigan, is branch law clerk in the firm of Foorman L.
manager of the Metropolitan Life Mueller located in Chicago, and is
Ins. Co. with offices at 304 Traverse studying at the Chicago-Kent Col
an attorney-at-law in Oil City, Pa.,
with offices in the Veach Building.
"Ben" was married to Miss Mar
garet Young in September of 1937.
(Mrs. McFate attended Ohio Wes-
leyan, belonging to Delta Gamma
City State Bank Bldg., Traverse lege of Law. "Bob", former Michi sorority.) The McFates make their
City, Mich. "Bill" is married and gan trackman, is residing at 451 S. residence at 906 W. First St., in
has a 5V2 year old daughter.
Madison Ave., in LaGrange, 111.
Oil City.
\r\nPage Four
April, 1939
News From Brothers Everywhere
mer editor of "The Alpha Phiji
News", is studying law at the Har
vard Law School and is residing at
7 Wendell St., in Cambridge, Mass.
"Bill" writes: "More than anything
I miss at this school is a fraternity.
My life with Phi Gamma Delta
were the ^golden years'." Bill will
finish his legal training in 1941.
retired from the active business
world in Milwaukee, Wis., and has
recently moved into 1035 E. Ogden
dealing: in life insurance for the
New York Life Ins. Co. out in Los
Angeles, Calif. He writes: "Have
been in California since January,
1933. Calif, has been mighty good
to us and we love it here." Chase
is agency director of the Southern
Calif, branch office and has charge
Union Doors Opened
To Women
The PWA and industrial prog
recently retired after more than
forty years association with the
Crane Company as medical director
and chief physician and surgeon.
crease equality of the sexes, ac
cording to the announcement
made recently by Stanley Waltz,
manager of the Union, that
women will be allowed to use
the front door of the Union for
at least two months.
91, and later studying at the Uni
versity of Illinois Med. school from
Access to the north door, the
usual entrance for women, has
been blocked by the job of dig
ging a trench and extending the
University service tunnel to the
new Union dormitory quad
rangle. Until work is complete,
therefore, the fairer sex may
enter through the front door as
nonchalantly as the men, with
out any fear of reprisal from
George Johnston, the doorman.
1891-93. Andrew resides at 345 N.
Spring Ave., LaGrange, 111.
The chapter wishes to take this
opportunity to thank HARLEY B.
KLINE for his recent monetary
contribution towards the Bathroom
CLAIRE MENDEL '11 writes in
asking that the "Phiji News" be
sent to him
at 3323 S. Flogler
Drive, West Palm Beach, Fla.
of nearly 100 men in the office.
This staff of men represents many
universities and nearly all fratern Informal Dance Held
ities—some Phi Gams. Chase adds,
"Our big job out here is to induce
movie stars to save money in an
Once in a while — but with the
nuities, etc. If any of the boys have present emphasis on grades in the
a high "P.Q." measurement—we house, not too often to endanger
By Chapter March 31
can use them out here."
scholastic averages — the boys at
address is 740 S. Broadway, Los Alpha Phi venture down from their
ivy-covered towers of study and,
like "Life," go to a party.
EDWARD S. STAGG '36 reports
The first party of the semester
he is working in advertising in the took place March 31, an informal
Kelly-Smith Company in Detroit. dance under the direction of social
Both "Sedge's" dad and brother are chairman Jim Palmer. A good
Phi Gam members, his father be crowd turned out, the music was
longing to the Columbia chapter good and, to use a not-exactly orig
and brother to the University of inal phrase, a good time was had
Maine chapter. Following gradua by all.
tion Sedge spent a year of study
Top social event of the Spring,
in the school of Business Adminis outside of the Pig Dinner, will be
tration at Syracuse University. His the Spring Formal. Plans for it
business address and mailing pref aren't completed as yet. Brother
erence is 713 New Center Bldg., Palmer says, but at present the
brothers, all affiliated with the Phi
Gam chapter at Knox College. He
studied at Knox from 1885 to 1889,
then transferring to the University
of Michigan Med. school in 1890-
house expects the traditional for
mal dinner dance. All alumni are
FREDERICK M. JOHNSON '21 welcome and urged to attend.
has for 20 years been in motion
pictures as writer, director, assis
tant production manager and for
the past seven years has been with makes his business headquarters
Paramount News as Feature Edi in the Farm Credit Bldg., Omaha,
ALBERT E. STOLL '17 has re
cently moved into business offices
at 410 R. A. Long Bldg., Kansas
City, Mo.
Another address from sunny
California is that for WILLIAM E.
PETRITZ '12. Bill lives at 2515 S.
Bronson, Los Angeles, Calif.
Over in the Windy City of Chi
cago, GEORGE S. MARTIN has
his offices at Room 536, 11 S. LaSalle St.
MINOT E. LANE '20E works in
industrial engineering where he is
department head for Armour & Co.
His address is Wanwatose, Wise.
cently moved back to his "alma
mater state" of Michigan when he
left Lake Bluff, 111., to go to Lawton, Mich., where he resides.
left Birmingham, Mich., in favor of
Carteret, N. J., where he is work
ing for the Foster Wheeler Com
pany in that city.
tor and Assistant News Editor. Neb.
"Fred" commutes to his offices in
free-lance bond broker in Colum
FREDERICK M. WALKER '98E bus, Ohio, and receives his mail at
New York City from his home at
84 Frankel Blvd., in Merrick, N. Y., has informed the chapter to send 55 Woodland Ave. "Tommy" grad
where he resides with wife and future mail to him at 700 S. 10th uated from the law school at Ohio
St., Escanaba, Mich.
three-year-old son. Merle, Jr.
State in 1912.
\r\nApril, 1939
Page Three
Chapter Will Lose Ends Presidential Duties|Chapter Attempts
Placement For
Many Prominent
Graduatins Men
Men This Spring
{Continued from page 1)
part in house functions and is a
Wins Many Honors
Charles Willett (Bill) Crowe,
For some time inembers of the
who hails from the wilds of Grand
Rapids, has won a seemingly never
chapter and many of the alumni
ending string of honors here. A
member of the exclusive Tau Beta
an organized Phi Gam placement
bureau for tbe benefit of newlygraduated Alpha Phi members and
have been considering the idea of
Pi society in the engineering school,
member of Vulcans, retiring I, he
has edited the Alpha Fiji News in
the past year and worked hard in
the interests of Phi Gamma Delta.
Hamilton Morris, a Sphinx, has
been another man whose contribu
tions have helped make 707 what it
is. A junior staff member of 'En-
sian, he has been actively engaged
in activities, both house and extra
Bob Holt, spark-plug in house
athletics, also is a top-notcher in
University life. Manager of the
track team and a Fiji who has al
ways been willing to make sacri
fices for the good of the house, he
has a host of friends on the Michi
gan campus who see him leave with
Harvey Clarke, an outstandingmember of the track team, has been
a willing participant in bouse ac
others in need of a helping hand.
Needless to say a central em
ployment bureau, using the Chap
ter House as a logical clearing
house and "The Alpha Phiji News"
as a means of contact, will assist
each brother during the trying per
iod following graduation and will
be of further assistance to him in
an emergency later.
Ask For Suggestions
We of the chapter feel that all
ELMER J. GEDEON '39 has step of our alumni members will be
ped from the president's chair more than willing- to enter into the
after completing a successful spirit of such a fraternal enter
year at Alpha Phi's helm. "Ged" prise and undertaking and hope
will divide his remaining two many of the brothers will write in
months on campus between base with suggestions and constructive
ball and track, having won fame criticism.
in both sports during past years.
The only duty of the alumni will
He will receive his degree from be in furnishing- leads for pros
the Lit school in June. Ged's
home is in Cleveland, Ohio.
Bill Layhe held the positions of
T and steward last year—indicative
of the regard in which he is held
by the bi'others. He was a member
of the Michigan Daily business staff
branch sales manager for the Rem
ington Rand people in Omaha, Neb.
Paul married Ruth Johnson (Wellesley alumna) in 1926 and they
and one of the leaders in house have two children; Peter, 5 and
David, 10. The Burkholders make
John Rinek, an enthusiastic Phi their home at 303 S. 50th Ave. in
Gam, has concentrated his activi Omaha.
ties in the field of aeronautics and
military science, constantly winninghonors. He is a member of Scab tively for it. He was active in cam
bard and Blade, of the University pus politics and has a great number
Flying Club, an officer in the R.O. of friends on campus.
Another man to go inactive, al
Jack Brennan, who is one of the though not a senior, is Burgess
lucky seniors to possess a job, hav Vial. Burg, who won the Harmon
ing- signed a contract to play pro St. Clair award this year, was scholfessional football for the Green astically the most outstanding- man
Bay Packers, is another man who in his class. He won the position of
has brought great honor to 707. A treasurer of Phi Eta Sigma, schol
Sphinx, Druid, Michigamua, mem astic honor society, played football
ber of the "M" club, football star for three years and at the same
of such magnitude that he won time managed to carry the extreme
on several
ly heavy academic schedule de
manded of pre-med students. En
pective positions. If you hear of an
opening in the firm for which you
work, or some other closely allied
company, send this news to the
Chapter Editor on the handy en
closed business reply card (no post
age necessary) and it will be given
to a senior or recent gi-aduate with
suitable qualifications who is look
ing for an opening.
Write To Editor
Alumni members who wish to be
considered for openings that may
arise .should write a note to the
Chapter Editor making his wishes
known and describing the kind of
work he is suited for.
Thus if you have "news of an
opening" please send the informa
tion at once on the handy card so
that some Phi Gam with proper
qualifications may make an immed
iate contact.
In June of this year several sen
iors will be leaving "707" qualified
to begin in such fields as engineer
ing, advertising, journalism, busi
Some graduating seniors lack the
Geoi-ge Semour has been another trance into the medical school has necessary "connections back home
Phi Gam whose intense interest in foi-ced him to cut short his Fiji —are you able to give one of these
men a i-unnin,g start ?
the house has led him to work ac-
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April 1939 newsletter of the Alpha Phi chapter at the University of Michigan. The newsletter is four pages in length.