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1909 December Newsletter Beta Chi (Lehigh University)
December 1909 newsletter of the Beta Chi chapter at Lehigh University. The newsletter is four pages in length.
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Beta Chi
Lehigh University
1909 December Newsletter Beta Chi (Lehigh University)
a short time they will see Beta Chi
locateJ in its own house by the campus.
Bethlehem,Pa., December, 1S09
Vol. 2.
No. 1.
Published every moon or so hy the Fijiscribers
i fSS Chi Chapter of Phi Gamma Delta,Dehigh
For the past year we have been se
riously considering the building of a
Business Manager.
chapter house. Those of us now in col
lege realize the importance of this move,
Address all criticisms and suggestions as well
and it was clearly demonstrated during
as news and information to
this last rushing season that we must
Phi GammaTDelta House,
BethUhem, Pa.
locate on the South Side. Last June we
held an alumni meeting at which was
discussed the best procecdure. Everyone
.».This being the first issue of the Zei-
present,includingSololiae, '93; Buck, '05;
iJimg for the school year, the Chapter ex
Potts, '94; Edmonstone,'98; Knapp, '05;
tends its" greetings and best wishes to
King, '07; Ran, '88; Lundy, '98; Flem
ing, '02; Perley, '98, and Lytle, '08, were
heartily in favor of it, and expressed
their desire to assist in such a good
cause. Bros. Ran, Woodring and Emery
are doing all in their power and are now
considering several suitable sites. Their
plans are not definite enough at the
ffie Alumfti' and Fraternity at large.
The Chapter has started out this year
with twenty-two active members, two
pledges and several good men in sight.
The Chapter lost four men hj' gradua
tion: "Dojy" Laavfon, ''Babe" Brothers,
•'Hop" Hoppock, "Anti" Antonsanti." All
of these-men took active parts in the
chapter as'well as-in college affairs, and
while we^hato to|(part with such men.
whose untiring efforts have added to
our success durin|[ the past year, yet
we wish them all manner of success in
their new-rwork.'
The onei great falk here in the Chapter
is the new^ hou^e.'Every man in the
Cliapter -ss- talking it, every man is
thinking it, ever^ ^an is putting forth
his best efforts to make it a reality. And
what about our Alumni reunion in June
We sure did have a mighty
good crowd of the
Alumni back and
what a pleasure it was for the boys here
in the Chapter to meet the old men and
hear the tales of "When we went to Le-
high." During the reunion the question
of our new house was brought up and
present to publish a final
What eve want is a good, substantial
home, near, not on, the campus, capable
of comfortably housing from fifteen (15)
to twenty (20) men, and presenting a
neat outside appearance. The next thing
is to secure the necessary money, at
least enough to purchase a lot. No
harm can be done by having a lot, as
property is not depreciating in South
Bethlehem. "Vi^e now have pledge blanks
and ask every man before graduating
to promise to pay one hundred dollars
for the next ten years in annual pay
ments of ten dollars. All last year's
class and this year's, together with two
of our live-wire alumni, have signed
these, and by March 1910, there will
he one hundred dollars in cash to start
discussed. It looked favorable and since
with. When things move this way it
shows that we want a house badly and
then with the aid and guidance of
Bros. Ran and Woodring the matter
has been steadily pushed forward and
every man in the chapter feels that in
purely business basis and to carry it
through we need and ask the support of
all our alumni. We ask you to give
mean business.
This will be run on a
\r\ntins question your most careful consid
eration and be prepared to act when
you hear more definitely of our plans
in the near future.
Among the college sports, foot ball
has always headed the list, and this sea
son Beta Chi has "led the leaders" both
in the number of men and in the quality
of the material.
The gridiron hero of
the season of nineteen hundred and nine
would be without doubt "Wes" Martin,
lie is but one of a number, for there is
"ivitch," our artful dodger. "Dode" Wood
is no.xt.
His motto is "You can't hold
a good man down." He plays at any
position with confidence and gi-ace.
"CU'o" Downs represents the "Cripples,"
"Bob" Wood the "Scrubs," and "Prep"
.Smith the "Froshies." This is the bunch
which is keeping Beta Chi alive in the
foot ball world. If you would concern
yourself with basket ball you will not
find us wanting, for here wo have "Al"
Osbourne, and "Reggie" Rebert, who are
forever losing themselves in the mazes
of such technical terms as dribbling,
shooting, working the floor, etc. "Prep"
Smith again turns up as guard on the
Fresh, team.
Lacrosse is the sport for gentlemen,
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December 1909 newsletter of the Beta Chi chapter at Lehigh University. The newsletter is four pages in length.