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1911 Newsletter Alpha Phi (University of Michigan)
1911 newsletter of the Alpha Phi chapter at the University of Michigan. The newsletter is eight pages in length.
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Alpha Phi
University of Michigan
1911 Newsletter Alpha Phi (University of Michigan)
Fiji War Cry
Vol. IV
No. 1
Alpha Phi
Phi Gamma Delta
University of Mich!igan
"Wood" Metcalf...
"Jocko" Hughes
"Jumbo" Fallen )
-tt . jV
Baroil" Ilart
■, .
It has long been our custom to pre
face each edition of the War Cry with
an apolog)-.
This year wc intend to
omit that feature.
Wc offer this num
ber witb.out c.Kcuse or apology. A'lay its
bad features be overlooked and its good
features—if tbere be any—commend it
to von.
Never have our prospects appeared
brighter than this year. ■ Starting the
semester with twenty-one old men in
school we have enjoyed a most success
ful rushing season, capturing seven of
AJichigan's finest freshmen. Weil rep
resented in all campus activities and
possessing a high average of scholarship
we are looking forward to the most
successful year in our history.
We do not wish, however, to delude
ourselves into such a state of self-com-
placcncy that we will forget the prob
lem before us—for we have a serious
problem to face, if not in the present,
at least in the near future. In 1911 we
will lose by graduation almost half of
our men. Accordingly, it behooves us
to take time by the forelock and look
out for new men. In this wc need your
co-operation. If you know of any Fiji
material which is coming to Michigan
next year, we would bo greatly pleased
if you would write us, that we may
make all due preparation for the stren
uous rushing season which we must
face next fall.
Much to our disappointment the addi
tion, which has been our watchword for
more than a year, has not yet become
a reality. This fact, however, does not
discourage us, and it is with a great
deal of hope that we make another
open appeal to our alumni. The condi
tions about our chapter house and
about Ann Arbor in general are becom
ing more urgent every day for our get
ting into action, and if we could in son';e
\r\nmanner or other bring it upon our alum
ni to appreciate the circumstances, we
shall have accomplished our object. We
are sure that the loyal alumni of our
chapter would never wish to see us
outdone after the excellent start which
we have had.
During the past year Alpha Delta
Phi has erected a $30,000 house, Alpha
Tau Omega has a house in the process
of construction and several other local
chapters have remodeled their houses.
In view of these facts and the fact that
the facilities about our own house are
inadequate—the latter fact being mani
fest to everyone who visits our chapter
house—we again appeal to you, alumni,
to come to our rescue.
One of the most enjoj'able functions
in which has been our pleasure and
privilege to participate was held the
evening of Thursday, Nov. 10.
initiation of the seven freshmen took
place at 5:ao p. in., immediately followed
by the banquet which was a distinct
success from soup to cigars. Go.od fel
lowship fairly scintillated in the air, and
many a merry jest went round. 1 lie
presence of seven of our faculty broth
ers added much to the spirit of the
occasion, and they showed that they
could be just as young and enthusiastic
as any of us.
Bro. Morris P. Tilley, O, '97, presided
as toastmaster in his inimitable way.
and his mirthful introductions of the
various speakers showed that he is a
past master in the art. Bro. Flannigaii
welcomed the freshmen in behalf of the
chapter and Bros. Zewit and Sadler
offered them some wholesome advice in
a few well chosen remarks. Bro. McHale criticized the faculty for not coin
ing around to see us oftener with the
result that we expect to have a number
of faculty smokers this year. Bro. Pol
lock told us of the old Wisconsin chap
ter, Bro. Metcalf spoke of the ''Com
ing Year," Bro. Sunderlaiid followed
with some good advice. Bro. Benin tt
took upon his shoulders the burden of
defending the faculty—a heavy burden,
too—and Bro. Allen
gram with a few well placed remarks to
us all.
Everyone felt that the evening had
been an ideal one and resolved to make
the faculty smokers a huge success. We
\r\nwould like to have our alumni join us
in them.
To date we have initiated the follow
ing men and take great pleasure in in
troducing them to the fraternitj'- at
Charles Farley,'14 Lit, La Grange, 111.
Owen D. Qilman, 'i3 Law, Goodland,
Alvah B. Frederick, '14 Eng., Detroit,
John D. Freeman, '14 Lit, Lead, S. D.
Alfred Fckert, '14 Eng., Saginaw,
Jolin R. McFic, '13 Law, Santa Fe,
New Mcx.
John B. Sherman, '14 Lit, Mt. Clem
ens, Mich.
The following are our officers for the
E.—Clement R. Flannigan.
T.—Claude L. Post
G.—Woodbridge Metcalf.
Eg.—Robert E. Driscoll.
L—John M. McHale.
We are making rather slow progress
on our chapter history due to the loss
of the early records of the chapter.
For information relating to the period
18S6-97 we must rely chiefly on our
alumni, and hope that you will aid tis
in whatever way you can. We would
points; first, the history of the local
chapter which became Phi Gamma Delta
in 1S86, and secondly, the history of the
chapter during the year 1894-97. We
would be greatly pleased if our alumni
would write us on these or other sub
We started the social season with
a whirl by having our annual fall house
dance two weeks earlier than usual. It
came on the 21st of October, and al
though the evening turned out to be
rainy, it failed to dampen our spirits.
The older men acted as hosts and saw
to it that our freshmen were started
right. It was^ with justifiable pride that
this year's "fresh" were led into the
limelight and introduced to the gentler
The decorations were appropriate to
the occasion.
Cornstalks filled every
\r\navailable nook and crevice. The lights
were hidden by jack-o'lanterns and gob
lins' heads, giving wierd and pleasing
effects, and adding greatly to the'romancesomeness" of the ocacsion. (See
"The Personal Memoirs of Willie
Dancing was indulged in 'till after
midnight and after light refreshments
and many songs the party adjourned.
Prof, and Mrs. Pollock chaperoned
the party. Bro. Spooner and his wife
were also there.
Among the out-of-
town guests were: Miss Katherine
Farley, La Grange, 111.; Miss Geraldine
Moore, Mt. Clemens, Mich.; and the
Misses Jennette Gibbons and Norma
Wandless of Detroit, Mich.
Carpenter—President and Treasurer
of Athletic Association, Member of
Board of Control of Athletics, Chair
man Class Social Committee, Secretary
Aeronautical Society.
Club, Capt.
Bowling Team.
McHale—Glee Club.
Lyman—Interscholastic Manager.
Boice—Triangles, Class Dinner Comniittec, Manager Class Bowling Team,
Class Basket Ball Team.
Host—Class Bowling Team.
Knapp—Class Bowling Team.
Fallon—Chairman Class Social Com
Hart—Business Staff of Gargoyle.
Eckert—President Fresh Engineer
Fisher—Manager Class Track Team. .
This year Alpha Phi has three men
on the Glee Club, Metcalf, Trier and
McHale being the fortunate ones. ^ The
itenerary of the club includes Saglnaw,
Detroit, Toledo, Cleveland, Ft. Wayne,
Evausville and several other cities not
yet determined.
Our bowling team composed of Brc.s.
Knapp, Metcalf, Boice, Barnum, Flannigan and Lyman is in second place in
the Inter-fraternity League. Only Si;;nia Nu leads us and our boys have not
yet met them. In our next edition we
hope to announce the capture of tl.e
prize cup offered by Huston Bros.
\r\n"J" HOP.
We are looking forward to the "J"
Hop this year with a good deal of pleas- '
lire. Indications point to the largest
crowd in the history of the chapter. ^
Bro. Boice, our Hop representative, is j i
treasurer of this year's Hop.
Since the last edition of our magazine |
the Board of Regents have chosen a T
president for the University. Acting
president Hutchins, formerly dean of
the Law department was the man selectcd to manage the affairs of the
University, for thirty-eight years so
ably conducted by President Angell
Michigan is to be congratulated on so-
curing a man of such integrity and
ability for president. May his career be '
as successful as his predecessor's 1
The last year has seen the addition
of two new buildings to the University '
the Alumni building-and the new Cheni'
istry building. Both fill a long felt want
and both are worthy ornaments to our
campus. The old Chemistry building !
has been rejuvenated and is now occu^
pied by the Economic department I
its altered appearance and excellent ae"
commodations may be seen the hand o^
Bro. Sayles.
In athletics we have again upheld our
claim to the championship of the West
Mediocre at the first of the season, the
team was developed into the most pow ■
erful offensive and defensive machine
seen on Ferry hield since the davs r
Heston and Redden. The defeat c
Minnesota, 6 to o, was a fitting
to a successful season.
The Michigan Union announce nl.
for the construction of a new
clubhouse. The campaign fir fH'"^
already well under way.
We wish to announce the marri.
Bros. Pollock, Hastings Snail
ler and Chambe, and ?he
Bro. Ray Deahl.
S^gement of
Bro. Hayden, Gamma Deuter.,
has been appointed to an assistl'r
in American history,
Bro Allen spent the summer in m
key where he superintended thi
lation of an engineering denni
Roberts College, $1,200,000 E''"'
appropriated for that purpose
\r\nBro. Sadler has been making extens
ive experiments in aeronautics and is
the sponsor of the local aeronautical so
Bro. Modine has gone into the man
ufacture of a new type of automobile
Bro. Sayles has accepted a position
with the Sullivan Machinery Co. and
is at present located in Clairmont, N. H.
Bro. Galloway is practicing law in
Dayton, O.
Bro. Smith is junior member of the
Blainc-Smith Sales Co. of Toledo, O.
About 20 of the brothers attended the
local performance of Bro. Hopwood's
great success, "Seven Days." It is a
"scream" from start to finish, and we
advise all, who have the opportunity, to
see it. Bro. Hopwood's new musical
comedy "Judy Forgot," is meeting with
great success.
Bro. Post's father was elected to Con
gress at the last election.
We hope
some day to see "Hap" himself in a like
Bro. Sadler has been appointed a fac
ulty member of the reorganized board
of control of athletics.
"Bull" Flannigan, Norway, Mich.
"Hfip" Post, Washington C. H., Ohio.
"Biscuit" Fisher, Omaha, Neb.
"Ooch" Metcalf, Detroit, Mich.
"Howdy" Reed, Dunkirk, N. Y.
"Dclehanty" Radford, Washington, D.C.
"Pete'' Carpenter, Port Huron, Mich.
"Bunk" McHale, Escanaba, Mich.
"Corny" Driscoll, Lead, S. D.
"Queenie" Host, Detroit, Mich.
"Don" Knapp, Bristol, Ind.
"Dutch" Trier, Toledo, Ohio.
"Jack" Lyman, Alexandria Bay, N. Y.
"Rope" Boice, Cheyenne, Wyo.
"Jocko" Plughes, Toledo, Ohio.
"Birdie" Oilman, Goodland, Ind.
"Mush" Mercer, Detroit, Mich.
"Jumbo" Fallon, Orand Rapids, Mich.
"Willie" Hart, Freedonia, N. Y.
"Annie" Moore, Mt. Clemens, Mich.
"Pip" Farley, LaGrange, 111.
"Abe" Freeman, Lead, S. D.
"Snicky" Frederick, Detroit, Mich.
"Eck" Eckert, Saginaw, Mich.
"Gen." Sherman, Mt. Clemens, Mich.
"Mac" McFie, Sante Fe, New Mex.
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1911 newsletter of the Alpha Phi chapter at the University of Michigan. The newsletter is eight pages in length.