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1912 April Newsletter Beta Chi (Lehigh University)
April 1912 newsletter of the Beta Chi chapter at Lehigh University. The newsletter is four pages in length.
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Beta Chi
Lehigh University
1912 April Newsletter Beta Chi (Lehigh University)
§ I
Lehigh University
'Tis pleasant sure to see one's
self in print;
A book's a book, although
there's nothing in't
Bethlehem, Pa., April, 1912.
Xo, 2.
Vol. n.
Published every moon or so by the hiji
scribers of Beta Chi Chapter of Phi Gamma
Delta, Lehigh University.
Address all criticisms and suggestions as well
as news and information to
Phi Gamma Delta House,
Bethlehem, Pa.
In the fall issue of the Beta Chi
Zeltung we spoke of that proposi
tion which is uppermost in the mind
of every chapter that is not now in
a home of its own, that is a new
Since that time we have ob
tained an option on what we con
sider the most desirable location for
a fraternity house on or near the
campus, and the matter is now being
taken up with several of the older
alumni of the chapter with a view
of closing the deal at an early date.
We feel that much of the success of
the movement for a new home for
Beta Chi depends on the acquisition
of a site, and are therefore most
anxious as to the outcome of the ne
gotiations now under way.
From year to year there is becom
ing more and more distinct in the
mind of the average prospective stu
dent, the classification of chapters
according to the type of home which
they occupy.
There is, of course,
little relation between the ideals and
calibre of a fraternity group and the
character of the house in which they
live, but to convince rush men of
this is a delicate task.
It is to be
regretted that this state of affairs is
becoming prevalent, but Beta Chi
must face the facts as they are.
Our aim in speaking of the move
ment for a new house in this issue is
not to bring something definite be
fore our alumni, but merely to con
vince them of Phi Gamma Delta's
greatest need at Lehigh and of the
fact that we are attempting to do
our share to satisfy it. As was said
before, we shall approach you with
a business proposition, and shall
hope that you may all be in a posi
tion to play a part in this business
with your chapter. Beta Chi. All
that we ask for the present is your
interest, a receptive mind to what
we shall say later, and a willingness
to cooperate with Beta Chi's under
graduate body when the definite
proposition is made to you.
alumni feature articles, the pages of
alumni clippings from the public
press, the alumni banquet news and
the alumni chapter letters—in addi
tion to all these, the smaller alumni
notes at the end of the chapter let
ters aggregate over 300 inches or
2700 lines, which is the equivalent
to 20 of our own pages, and if set
in the larger type and smaller pages
of the other fraternity journals,
would make about 40 of their pages.
The pure alumni news in this issue
would crowd 100 pages in the usual
smaller-paged, larger-typed frater
nity magazine. This issue can fur
ther boast a letter from every active
chapter in the Fraternity, a rare oc
currence indeed, but a splendid indi
cation that the management of our
fraternity magazine is wide-awake.
Concerning the encouraging in
crease in subscriptions to THE PHI
GAMMA DELTA, the March issue
editorially says;
"The amazing success of the sub
scription campaign, running away
beyond what we started out to work
for, has proved a revelation to ev
erybody. Even our leaders, our offi
cers, never before realized that so
great a degree of latent enthusiasm,
loyalty and fraternity-energy existed
in our midst.
The remarkable im
petus of this movement has served to
open the eyes of other fraternities to
the inherent strength and vitality of
Phi Gamma Delta. They are busily
trying to search out the causes of
our super-strength, as partly reveal
ed by this movement, that they may
pattern after them and vitalize their
own organizations the more. Phi
Gamma Delta is coming into its own,
is commanding the admiration and
respect in the fraternity world that
is its due.
This subscription cam
paign put our membership to the
test, and they responded as the mem
bership of no other fraternity ever
did in all time—the addition of 10
per cent, of the alumni membership
to the subscription roll in one colle
giate year. The number of this, that
and the -other in Phi Gamma Delta
as compared with other fraternities
—such petty methods of comparison
are insignificant compared with the
overwhelming enthusiasm of the
thousands of members of our Frater
nity as expressed in this campaign,
the like of which no other Fraternity
ever experienced.
The enormous energy and interest
properly directed and organized, will
sweep this Fraternity so far in ad
vance of other fraternities that they
themselves will be forced in their
embarrassment to admit our super
One of the best signs that Phi
Gamma Delta alumni all over the
country are bestirring themselves is
the remarkable increase in the sub
Founders' Memorial is as good as an
scription list of the fraternity maga
committee has but to complete the
zine during the last few months. The
details of organization and announce
campaign for new subscribers during
the start of the campaign, and it will
be as good as done.
"This editorial is not inspired by
the last four months and a half has
resulted in 770 new alumni sub
scriptions at $2.00 each. This makes
partisan enthusiasm, but is written
a new record.
calmly and carefully by one who has
been in personal communication with
The March issue of the magazine
contains, in addition to the several
thousands of our alumni this
\r\nand is making a weak effort to con
vey some idea
fuller measure; to be left long with
an equipment inferior to theirs
loyalty and enthusiasm borne toward
the Fraternity by our splendid body
means a serious loss to us.
of alumni men."
is an immediate notification of the
We rejoice in the surprising and
gratifying success of the subscription
campaign, and our only regret in
this connection is the small part that
the alumni of Beta Chi have played
in boosting the subscription list.
Beta Chi now has 138 alumni. Sep
tember 1st, 1911, Beta Chi had 3
alumni subscribers,
through the efforts of the magazine
this number by Feb. 15th, 1912, was
increased to 14.
In other words,
even after waging a successful cam
paign, only 10 per cent, of the
alumni of Beta Chi are receiving the
magazine published by their Fra
ternity. Arranged according to the
number of alumni subscriptions from
each chapter, Lehigh stands 36th in
the list of the 57 chapters of Phi
Gamma Delta.
This is far from be
ing a creditable showing for Beta
Chi, and we feel that our alumni so
clearly understand their position
that merely calling their attention to
the above facts will remedy the
What we ask, then, of our alumni
name and standing of any men who
are contemplating entering Lehigh,
and we will do the rest.
It is seldom
that we "lose" a man when we know
of him in time, and therefore we feel
that the cooperation of our alumni
has meant and will continue to mean
a great deal in the maintenance of a
fair standard in the chapter.
The annual Section Convention of
Phule IV, held at the University of
Pennsyivania on February 16th,
with the Beta Chapter acting in the
capacity of host, proved a rousing
success. Individually the chapters
responded dutifully with the excep
tion of Lafaj'ette, who, owing to an
Junior Week festivities, was unable
to have but three men present. At
the commencement of the afternoon's
which no Fiji can afford to miss.
It's a real effort for something worth
business section. Section Chief Bro.
Leon Downing appointed former
chief of Section IV, Bro. Shafer of
Pennsylvania, as temporary chair
Among those present were
Brothers Watson, of Yale, and Lynch,
of Johns Hopkins, the former an
earnest and enthusiastic worker in
dollars to E. B.
Phi Gamma Delta for many years,
Pittsburg, Pa., for one year's sub
gave several very interesting talks
on the fraternity conditions in gen
Send two
is a
If there is any single phase of the
life of the active chapter in which
all its alumni can show an equal in
terest, it is in the matter of recom
mending men who expect to enter
Lehigh. It is needless to point out
to our alumni, who are past-masters
in the art of "rushing," the tre
mendous advantage of knowing be
forehand the calibre of certain men
who expect to enter here.
The cha
otic conditions under which men are
strenuously rushed every fall make
alumni cooperation a vital factor in
the attainment of success in this
eral and those of the New York Phi
Gamma Delta Club in particular. He
desired above all to know whether
the aspect of the Club came up to
the expectations of the visiting bro
thers. A joint convention with Sec
tion HI was talked of as a possibility
next year, and the matter was left
chapter, who will act as our host in
Baltimore next spring.
An elaborate banquet
was ten
dered the visiting brothers at Hotel
Majestic that evening. A high spirit
of good fellowship and kindred feel
ing was prevalent, and after the
usual routine of
was passed over, the jolly gathering
broke up, each certain in his mind
that Pennsylvania had performed
her part nobly.
work. In fact, we are forced to be
lieve that the chapter which has the
closest cooperation of its alumni is
the one that has the most successful
We desire at this time to bring to
the immediate attention of our alum
rushing season.
It is of the utmost importance
that the active chapter receive the
notice of a prospective student at
the earliest possible moment. The
rushing is by no means confined to
the fall after the men have arrived
on the ground, but a great deal of
the effective work is done the pre
vious spring. In order that Beta
Chi may accomplish something defi
nite during each spring and summer,
it is more necessary than ever that
she have the active assistance of her
It should be remembered
that most of our competitors already
have what we are asking for in a
ni an anticipated reunion of those
whose undergraduate days in Beta
Chi have become a matter of history.
Our Alumni Day falls due this year
on June 8th, and we contemplate
having with us all those who can
spare the time and money to jour
ney to Bethlehem to renew their
fellowships and acquaintances of un
dergraduate days. With the occa
sional exception of infrequent visits
during the year, the active chapter
sees very little of her alumni after
graduation, and it is with the sole
purpose in view that we recall this
matter to your mind. From you.
\r\nBrother Alumnus, we would urgent
ly request an atfirmative response to
a post card which will soon be forth
coming regarding this reunion. We
trust that you will honor us by your
presence at this time, smoke with us
a cool pipe of fellowship and enjoy
with us that true spirit of kindred
feeling worthy of all loyal Fijis, in
order that we may better know you
and that you in turn may learn
something of the active chapter and
her work.
As everyone who read the Secret
Number of the Phi Gamma Delta
magazine knows. Brother Chamber
lain, our national historian, is at
present engaged in compiling a com
plete and accurate history of our
founding. In so doing he needs the
cooperative assistance of each chap
ter in the country, who, by sending
in as early as possible a detailed ac
count of their chapter's affairs from
the earliest date, will respond most
efficiently to his call.
The Beta Chi history is now in
the course of preparation, and the
committee to whom this work has
been entrusted finds it an extremely
difficult task to get complete infor
mation necessary to a creditable pub
lication. To our alumni who may
have at hand any available informa
tion that would be helpful, we would
ing into the project with an intense
ly enthusiastic spirit. With such
action prevalent, a successful houseparty is certain to crown our earnest
Edmund Bruce Lehr, "Eddie."
Harold Morgan Smyth, "Smitty."
Edwin Walter Trexler, "Pud,"
Charles Wellman Francis,"Count."
Burton Reginald Rebert "Runt."
Elmer Ellsworth Yake, "Deacon."
Walter Diggers Menefee, "Fleas."
Harold Edwin Lenker, "Bubbles."
Raymond John Rems, "Pete."
Thomas Watson Downs, "Bunny."
Harvey Conrad Griffith, "Clarke."
Peter Joseph White, "Joe."
LeRoy Seamen Green, "Greeny."
John Bosley Hiss, "Jawn," "Bal
"Humph," "Hippo."
Albert Frederick Glass, "Snork,"
Bro. A. C. Shand, formerly a mem
ber of the class of 1912, returned to
college reoently to attend the final
banquet held by his class at Hotel
Eagle. "Alec" was warmly greeted
by his former classmates, and thor
oughly enjoyed the affair.
Brother G. R. Brothers, '09, now
urgently request that they notify by
letter or forward such information to
Brother C. W. Francis.
Any such
response in this matter will be heart
ily appreciated by the committee-in
Company, Richmond, Va., last month
visited Bethlehem, and during his
stay of several days he combined
business with pleasure. It is seldom
that George crowds his program as
he did on this occasion.
Recently the chapter
On Saturday evening, March 30th,
the brothers of Beta Chi entertained
at an informal dance in the chapter
A number of young ladies
from the immediate' vicinity, who
have shown us considerable kindness
in the past, graced our spacious
dance floor and deemed the even
ing's entertainment something worth
while. Professor Conkling and Mrs.
Conkling together with Mrs. Reiter
courteously essayed to act in the ca
pacity of chaperons and their con
genial and entertaining qualities were
highly esteemed by all those present.
During the intermission refresh
ments were served and
while the
dance was in progress an excellent
was agree
ably surprised to learn of the incre
was easily accessible.
ment in the list of notable benedicts
that it has turned out. This time
it was Bro. W. T. Lytle, '08; he was
secretiy married last fall to one of
his local acquaintances of undergrad
uate days, and the fact was not gen
erally known until a few months
ago. "Shorty" and Mrs. Lytle are
now at home at Pleasantville, Pa.
Brother A. A. Hammond, Maine,
'07, Sales Manager for the Utley
Company, Inc., visited Lehigh on
business and stayed with us while
The recent notice of the death of
Bro. Ed. King's father was brought
to the attention of the chapter dur
ing the past week. Mr. King for
many years had been a resident of
music for the evening's programme
was ably rendered by three memliers
of Weingartner's orchestra.
On April 25th, 26th, and 27th the
bud of Beta Chi's social flower is ex
Pottsville, Pa.
pected to spring forth into full
of the year.
active in the undergraduate affairs
about college and his loss to the
We anticipate, at this time,
to bring to a realization our much
meditated Junior Week house-party.
Already much preparation is under
The floors are being painted
and varnished, while the walls and
ceilings are receiving their new
spring suitings.
All of the brothers
are thoroughly awake and are jurap-
An operation for appendicitis
made it necessary for Brother John
Morse, of the Sophomore class, to
drop out of college for the remainder
Bro. Morse was very
track team this spring will be keen
ly felt. It is probable that he would
have proved the fastest man on the
squad. He is making a rapid recov
ery from the operation, and the boys
are all eagerly looking forward to
his return to college in the fall.
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April 1912 newsletter of the Beta Chi chapter at Lehigh University. The newsletter is four pages in length.