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1910 June Newsletter Omega Mu (University of Maine)
June 1910 newsletter for the Omega Mu chapter at University of Maine. The newsletter is ten pages in length.
Date/Date Range:
Omega Mu
University of Maine Orono
1910 June Newsletter Omega Mu (University of Maine)
Vol. IV
Wednesday, June 8th.
11.00 A. M. Commencement Exercises,
This year the experiment was
tried of combining Junior Week
following is a complete program.:
9.30 P.
1.00 P. M. Commencement Dinner,
8.30 P. M. Senior Reception and Dance,
Alumni Hall.
Wednesday, June 1st.
8.00 P. M.
ing, Chapel.
No. 5
Junior Exhibition Speak
Class reunions of the "first seven "
classes were held during Commence
Informal Dance, Gym
ment Week.
Thursday, June 2nd.
1.00 P. M. Junior Lunch, Library.
3.00 P. M. Ivy Day Exercises, Chapel.
4.00 P. M. Planting of Class Ivy,
Agricultural Hall.
8.00 P. M.
Dramatic Club present " A
Pair of Spectacles," Gyninasium.
For the first time in eight years,
Maine has won the championship
in baseball, defeating Colby, in the
last game, by a score of 3-0. Bro.
Pond, 'II, was largely to blame for
9.30 A. M. Tennis tournament with
Mass. College of Agriculture, Campus.
8.30 P. M. Junior Promenade, Gym
this, driving out a home run, the
longest hit ever seen on the field,
and letting in two runs besides his
own. Fijis made two of the three
runs, Bro. Scales, '10, scoring on
Friday, June 3rd.
Saturday, June 4th
Pond's hit.
11.15 A. M. Excursion to Verona Park.
1.45 P. M. Clam Bake at VeronaPark.
8 00 P- M. Baccalaureate Sermon,
Address by Pres. Fellows, Chapel.
Monday, June 6th
9.45 A. M. Convocation, Chapel.
2.30 P. M. Meeting of Alumni Council,
Class Day Exercises, Cam-
3.00 P. M
M. President's
On May 16, Ralph W. Weatherbee, '13, of Hudson, Mass., and
Sunday, June 5th
Tuesday, June 7th.
9.00 A. M. Trustee's Meeting, Alumni
^^0.30 A. M. Phi Kappa Phi Initiation,
2 30 P- M. Meeting of Law Alumni,
3 00-5.30 P. M. Fraternity Receptions.
4.30-7.30 P. M. Alumni Lunch, Library
4.30-7.30 P. M. Alumme Lunch, Mt.
Vemon House.
7.30 P. M. Meeting Alumni Associa
tion, Library.
9.00 P. M. Fraternity Reunions.
Charles B. Cleaves, '12, of Portland
were initiated.
They both
promise to be a credit to Phi Gamma
Delta and we gladly greet them as
One of the most important social
function of the year was the Sopho
more Hop. It was held on the evening
of April 15, at the Gymnasium and
the floor was crowded, even for a
The Gym was arched with
white streamers and
many con
ceded it the prettiest piece of decora
tion in the college history.
The dancing began at about 9
o'clock and the fun kept up till
nearly 3 o'clock. Bro. William R.
Ballon, '12, was floor manager and
certainly did himself proud. The
Fiji's, as usual, were greatly in
evidence and the Phi Gam Comer
was second to none. All went
well satisfied.
\r\nthe MAINE FIJI
It is not alone in fraternity life
that the Fiji boys are making good.
They are playing a prominent
part in the life of the University.
Out of this years entering class
of 194 men, we pledged ten to the
service of old Phi Gamma Delta,
and we flatter ourselves that we
got the men we wanted. Miller
Bradbury plays the mandolin and
made good in the musical clubs.
Warren Brewer had a strangle hold
on the Glee Club and also drew
"sweet music" from a trombone
in the band. "Nick" Carter made
his class track and football teams
and was Vice President of the Fresh
man class. Clif Chandler was chair
man of the Military Ball committee
and held down the position of
Ballou, Churchill and Cleaves put
up a good game for the Sophomores
while Wescott represented us on the
Freshman team.
In the meanwhile
the Musical
Clubs were making their annual
trips thru the state. Garland, '12,
and Bradbury, '13, made the
Mandolin Club, of which Davis, '11,
was leader, while Fassett, '10, Gar
land, '12, and Brewer, '13, were in
the Glee Club. Fassett was also the
reader for the Clubs and has made
an enviable reputation for himself.
Track was
the next center of
interest and here again we were
still in evidence. Pond, '11, is well
known as a sprinter and captured a
place in the State Meet while
Smiley, '12, has improved rapidly
in the discus.
Nor must it be imagined that
Sergeant in the Battalion. Hal
Hamlin managed his class baseball
team and was Treasurer of the
Sophomore Hop, Chandler, '13,
sides being a First Sergeant, made
mittee of which Haskell, '12, and
Freshman Class. Morrill Pope, be
a good try for the baseball team.
"Deak" Wescott has made three
numerals baseball, football and
the social side has been neglected.
Ballou was floor director of the
chairman of the Military Ball Com
Wetherbee, '13, and Pope, '13, were
aids, while Pinkham, '11, was an
aid at the Junior Prom.
Toward the end of the year base
basketball. He was also our Y. M.
C. A. man and was chairman of the ball claimed recognition. Pond, 11
Northfield Delegation Committee. played left field all year and J.
Ralph Wetherbee made his class Scales,
'10, held down short stop.
track team and was acknowledged N. Scales,
'11, played center field
as the shark of the class. "Tib" until a sprained ankle put hun out
Doak and "Sponto" Young had a of the game.
hard race for the position of star
The literary standing of the house
fusser." and the outcome is doubt
than ever _ beiore.
ful still. Such was our Freshman Waite,better
'11, was editor-in-chiet ot the
Prism, while Davis, '11, was Manag
As the football season woreon the er. N. Scales, '11, is business
Phi Gams began to get busy.
Pond, '11, Haskell, '11, and Carter,
manager of the Campus, for next
year, Waite, '11, Exchange editor,
^13, made the squad while Waite, Davis,
'11, managing editor, and
11, Smiley, '12, and Cleaves, '12,
succeeded in making the eleven, the
McDonald, '12, one of the associate
editors. Waite, 'H, was also
latter playing in every game of chosen as one of the Junior Pnze
the season and winning his M.
As the year advanced and basket
Two of our men succeeded in
ball succeeded football, the boys making the Sophomore Decs, and
were still in the game. Cleaves, one. Cleaves,'12, won them. Smith,
Iw, and N. Scales, '11, both played
was on the Commencement
on thevarsity and Ned isnext year's '10,
Ball Committee, Bragg an aid at the
captain. On the class teams. Commencement
Ball, while,
'10, was chairman of the Com
mencement Week Committee.
Bro. Ballon, '12, is the Secretary
of the Athletie Association for the
coming year.
McDonald, '12, is Manager^ of
Owen O. Dow, '08, is the Principal
of the High School in Scarborough,
At a mass meeting of the Law
on April 18, Bro. Frank
Track for next year and George, '12, School,
'12, was elected editor
is Manager and Treasurer of the in chief ofLaw
the Maine Law Review.
Dramatic Club, while Haskell, 11,
Bro. Ralph Flint, ex-'12, is sur
was Manager of Tennis.
This is, briefly, the sumrnary of veying for the Maine Central Rail
near Waterville, Me.
the work we have done during the road,
J. B. Bartlett, ex-'82, is agent for
college year. We hope that next timbtrlands
in Ashland, Me.
year our record will be still better
Bro. Frederick M. Ingersoll, exand that old Phi Gam will continue
to stay at the top whereshe belongs.
Malcolm E. Fassett, "Tom."
Lester M. Bragg, "Humpy".
James G. Scales, "Jimmie."
James M. Eaton, "Sister."
Charles F. Smith, "Schmidt."
Nathan C. Cummings, "Puss".
Raymond W. Davis, "Jeff."
'11, is in the canning business, in
R. J. Smith, "Jud" '08, leaves
the University of Michigan, where
he has been attending the forestry
school for the past year, on June
15th, for Red Lodge Mountains.
He is to be engaged in forestry
work, under the service of the
Bro. L. C. Southard, '75, was the
Alumni representative at the SemiAnnual meeting of the Maine Inter
William O. Flaskell, "Bill."
collegiate Athletic Board, held on
May 21st, at Portland.
Niles C. Pinkham, "Gussie."
Bro. Chas. Stickney, "Stick,"
ex-'10, is engaged in the Automobile
Nelson N. Scales, "Henshaw."
Sumner Waite, "Scrapper.
business with his father, in Portland.
Howard L- Farwell, "Prunes,"
William R. Ballon, "Rip."
draftsman in the offices of
Carl S. Cleaves, "Jock."
been promoted to the position of
Ralph B. Pond, "Froggy."
Chauncey S. Robinson, "Toddy."
Raymond F. Churchill, 'Xohen.
Philip Garland, "Wafer.
Benjamin Haskell, "Hog.
Clifford H. George, "Professor.'
Warren McDonald, "Hoot.
Leon W. Smiley, "CatT
Charles B. Cleaves, "Shark.
'09, who has been working as a
Boston and Maine Railroad, has
Assistant Engineer of the Civil
Engineering Dept. "Prunes" was
here and took in the boat-ride.
Bro. Foster Farwell, ex-'ll, is
inspector of machines with the
pany, of Springfield, Conn.
Miller I. Bradbury, "Braddy."
Warren G. Brewer, "Spikf.
William S. Carter, "Nick.
Clifton E.Chandler, ' Jingles.
Marthon Doak, "Tib.
Harold Hamlin, "Scout.
Morrill S. Pope, "Morgy.
Chester A. Wescott "Deak.
George E. Young, "Squanto.
Ralph W. Wetherbee, "Hudson.
FIJI banquet
Attention Fijis! Our
Commencement Banquet
held on June 6, 9 P. M.
Gams are cordially invited,
will be
All Phi
and we
extend a special appeal to our
Alumni to be present if possible.
Philip Garland, 1912
C. A. Wescott, 1913
Omega Md Os.KBl'&Vi. • •Editorial Staff
Issued—When there is news enough,
usually the fifteenth of each college
Subscription Price—The hearty co
operation of our Alumni.
No articles in this paper are to be
published in any but publications
of Phi Gamma Delta Fraternity.
This is the last issue of The Fiji
for this year.
When you again
hear from us, we will have lost
many of our best and truest
Brothers, the men who for four
years have worked and labored to
place old Phi Gamma Delta where
she should be, who have direeted the
affairs of this chapter, and also
made names for themselves in the
During the season of 1906-1907,
the first Maine Fiji was published.
Its primary objeet was to keep the
Alumni united and interested in
the aetiye chapter. Since that
time various other purposes have
entered into the paper but the
fundamental object is still the same.
The Fiji should be a link between
Brother and Brother, binding each
Alumni firmer to the others and all
to the chapter from which they
started out into the world.
Is the
Fiji accomplishing its mission? We
sincerely hope so but are not sure.
Do the Alumni derive any good
from reading its pages and learning
what their brothers are doing in the
world ?
If so, won't you let us know;
by helping us to make the Fiji bet
ter, by sending us news of some
Brother, of something in which a
Phi Gam was interested; by giving
us your opinion of the paper and
advise and even criticism for its
When we get these
things from our Alumni, there can
college world. Althpugh we hope no longer be any doubt but what
another j^ear to introduee you to
new brothers who will take their
the Fiji's work is appreciated.
places in keeping Omega Mu at the
top, yet we feel it will be hard to
ma,ke up for the men we are now
losing. Perhaps a word coneerning
their future plans may not be amiss.
Charles F. Smith of Skowhegan,
has secured a position with the
Western Electrie Co., in Chicago,
HI. James G. Scales of Guilford,
^ to be Assistant Chemist for the
Pennsylvania Rubber Co., of Teannette. Pa.
three remaining Seniors are
Malcolm E. Fassett of Portland,
Bro. Frank Fellows, ex-'12, Bro.
Terschak F. Bye, ex-'07, Bro. R.
L. Mitchell, '07, Bro. Ralph Flint,
ex-'12, Bro. C. C. Garland, '82,
Bro. Boardman, S. Williams, ex-'11,
Bro. Albert H. Brown, '80, have
been recent visitors at the house.
On April 29, the Dramatic Club
was at Lincoln, Me., where they
gave a fine performance. Bro.
Malcolm Fassett, '10, and Bro.
Lester M. Bragg of Stoekton Springs George, '12, both had important
parts and should be congratulated
It^y have not decided on any on
their work. On May 20th the
dehnite position as yet but will
and James M. Eaton of Prineeton.
club was at Bangor, Much credit
doubtless soon secure good ones
for the Clubs fine work belongs to
But we wish them all luck, what Bro. Windsor P. Daggett, Professor
ever theymaydoor where ever they of
Public Speaking, for the Jifue
go, and may they always re
patience he has spent in drilling
member and never regret the days and
the men.
they have spent in college as Fijis.
Bro. Raymond Churchill, '12,
was a delegate to the Amherst Pig
Dinner, held on April 15th. Be
sides Bro. Churchill, Omega Mu
had four other representatives, Bro.
Foster Farwell, ex-'ll, Bro. T. H.
Reynolds, '06, Bro. Arthur Ham
in regard to mistakes or omissions.
mond, ex-'12, and Bro. W. D. Kurd,
Allen, Bert J., '86, Middleboro, Mass.
former Professor of Agriculture at
the U. of M. Bro. Churchill report
The following are the most com
plete Alumni lists we now have.
We would be glad of all information
Anderson, Thomas A., '02, Pittsfield,
ed that he had the time of his life.
Atkinson, W. H., '92, 14 Melrose St.,
Raymond W. Davis has been
South Framingham, Mass.
Aborn, E. B., ex-'06, 46 Burablecom
chosen as one of next year's Senior
Skulls. Good Work, Ray! Keep
it up.
On Monday, May 30, we had our
boat left
the Bangor wharf at 9 A. M. and
steamed slowly down the river to
St., Lynn, Mass.
Anderson, William A.,
Boynton St., Bangor, Me.
Bixby, John H., '01, 263 Prospect St.,
Ashtabula, Ohio.
Bixby, Oscar M., '01, 60 W. 128th St.,
Verona, where we all had a most
N. Y.
enjoyable dinner.
Blackwell, Chas. E., '99, Madison, Me.
Brastow, Wm. T., '97, American
Bridge Co., Ambridge, Pa.
After a pleas
ant hour, spent
in dancing,
we again set sail and reached
Castine. Here we enjoyed our
selves until time to return up the
river, which we did in the evening.
The ride was voted one of the best
ever held and everyone was unani
mous in declaring the Fiji Boat
Ride one of the events of the year.
We wish to thank the following
brothers for their gifts to the house
this year. Bro. Amon Brown, '07,
Bro. Ralph H. Fifield, '05, Bro.
Robert D. Mitchell, '07, and Bro.
Brown, Amon B., '07, Rupert, Idaho.
Burns, Caleb, '07, Paia Mani, Hawaii.
Burns, Wm. B., '07, Mars Hill, Me.
Baker, Robert C., ex-'04, Copperhill,
BartlETT, James M., '80, Orono, Me.
Bennett, Waldo H., '01, 6 Water St.,
Newport, Me.
Bodge, Byron H., ex-'02, 8Philbrick
St., Norwood, Mass.
Brown, Albert H., '80, Oldtown, Me.
Buck, Hosea B., '93, Room 1, Columbia
J. Wilbur Chapman of Ohio State
College. We also desire to express
Bldg., Bangor. Me.
our gratitude to the New York Phi
Dexter, Me.
Gamma Delta Club for their gift
of a beautiful picture of their new
We desire to sincerely thank all of
our Alumni and Brothers who have
so cheerfully given their contribu
tions to our former matron, Mrs.
C. A. Belcher, during her illness.
We appreciate their generosity and
chapter wish to thank them.
Bunker, Stephen S., '97, La Paz.,
Bye, T. p., ex-'07, Bessie-Ashworth Co.,
Club House.
Bumps, Wilber A., '75, 22Spring St.,
Fassett was
Bangor, Me.
Campbell, Dudley E., '88, Prin.
Caddington School, Newport, R. I.
Catheron, Lewis J., ex-'12. South
St.' P. O. Box 257, Needham, Mass.
Chandler, Robert P., '03, Poison,
Chaplin, Caroll S., '04, 125 Western
Promenade, Portland, Me.
Cimpher, Orman, ex-'03, Sullivan Sq.
operated on for appendicitis, on
May 25th, in Bangor. The attack
Terminal Charlestown, Mass.
was most unexpected but the opera
tion was very successful and Bro.
West Medford, Mass.
Fassett is well on the road to re
Clark, Edmund, '91, 37 Warren St.,
Clifford, Edw. C., '04, Forest service,
Missoula, Mont.
CROWEtL, William H., '00, 254 Main
St., New Britain, Conn.
CuMMiNGS, Robert L., '08, 511 Le
banon St., Meirose, Mass.
Goodwin, Bertram W., '03, Ridlonville, Me.
Carle, Harry P., ex-'lO, 105 Pearl St.,
Portland, Me.
Gilman, a. L., ex-'07. Phi Gamma Delta
House 318 West 57th St., New York.
Goodwin, George P., '07,243 Stark St.,
Portland, Ore.
Wilton, Me.
Gould, Samuel W., '77, Skowhegan,
Clark, Bertrand, E., '87, Bar Harbor,
Glidden, Everett, '96, 922 State St.,
Schenectady, N. Y.
Clarke, Wilkie C., '00, Skowhegan,
Green, James N., '02, 76 Chapman St.,
Putnam, Conn.
Collins, A. W., '05, Hemakaupoko,
Mani Tei Hawaii.
Hall, William D., '07, Presque Isle,
Davis, Harry W., ex-'85, Guilford, Me.
Decker, Wilber, F.,'79,304 Andrews
Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn.
Dunning, James A. '84, Broad St.,
Bangor, Me.,
Hanscom, Arthur S., '08, Wagner,
Hanson, Walter, K., ex-'12, French
St., Bangor, Me.
Harvey, Austin I., '77, 6 Summer St.,
Dow, Fred T., '90, Bangor, Me.
Bangor, Me.
Dow, Owen O., '08, Hiram, Me.
Eastman, Fred L., '88, 316 BealeSt.,
School, Kalamazoo, Mich.
Wollaston, Mass.
HaRvey, LeRoy, H., '01, State Normal
Haskell, Ralph W., '05, Westbrook,
Ellis Merton E., '95, 25 Peabody Ave.,
Beverly, Mass.
Eaton, Russell W., '73, Brunswick, Me.
EsTabrooke, C. B., ex-'09, Groton,
Smith St., Portland, Me.
Fellows Frank, ex-'12, 144 Exchange
St., Bangor, Me.
Fellows, Raymond, '08,144 Exchange
St., Bangor, Me.
Flint, Ralph J., ex-'12. West Baldwin
Farwell, Howard L., '09, 44 Harvest
St., Dorchester, Mass.
Farwell, F. Foster, Jr., ex-'ll, 29
Arlington St., Chicopee Falls, Mass.
Fifield, R. H., '05, Malta, Montana.
FiTz, Guy B., '03, Auburn, Me.
Flint, Prof. Walter, '82, W. Baldwin,
French, Haywood G., '86, care J. W.
Bishop & Co., 683 Atlantic Ave., Boston,
Frost, W. O., '06, Negaumee, Mich.
Garland, Charles Clinton, '82, Oldtown, Me.
Garland, C. L., '04, Box 571, Bangor,
Gould, Joseph F., '82, Oldtown, Me.
Gill, William E., ex-'04, 656 Main St.,
Worcester, Mass.
HitchIngs, Edson S., '75, Waterville,
•Hamlin, Geo., '73, Orono, Me.
Hancock, William J., '88) Erasmus
Hall'High School, Brooklyn, New York.
Hardison, Allen C., '00, Ottawa,
Hart, Prof. James N., '85, Orono, Me.
Harvey, B. T., '05, Independence,
Hart, Malcolm C., '00, 5532 Ridge
Ave., St. Louis, Mo.
Harvey, Clifford D., '01, N®'"'
sington. Pa.
Harvey, Willis, ex-'09, Ocolla, Fla.
Haskell, E. J., '72, Westbr^k, Me.
Hayes, Clarence M.,
Box 107, Cob. Conn.
Haywood, G. E., '07, Winthrop, Me.
Hill, W. A., '08, Great Falls, Mont.
Hilliard, E. K., '05, Cambridge, Mass.
Milliard, John H., '03, 220 Broadway,
New York City.
Hinchliffe, John H., '03, 4 Garan St.,
East Hartford, Conn.
Hodgkins, R. L., ex-'09, 678 East 37th
St., Oakland, Calif.
Houghton, Austin D., '97, Soquel,
Hurd, Prof. W. D., Massachusetts
Agricultural College, Amherst, Mass.
Hutchinson, George W., '93, Greensburg. Pa.
Illingsworth, Miles W., '07, Lock
Box 518, Worcester, Mass.
Ingersoll, Frederick M.,ex-'ll, Au-
Mitchell, Charles A., '01, New Glasgow. Nova Scotia.
Merrill, John N., care Headquarters
Philippines Constabulary, Manila, P. I.
Mitchell, Ezra C., 02, J.817 F. St.,
burn Me.
N. W. Washington, D. C.
Jordan, Whitman H., '75, Geneva,
Mitchell, Lester H., '05, Glendive,
New York.
Jose, Wallace H., '94, .142 No. Front
St., Philadelphia, Pa.
Joyce, Shirley S., ex-'12, 16 School
St., Bar Harbor, Me.
Keyes, Austin H., '85,.Dover, N. H.
Keith, Alfred J., '82, Oldtown, Me.
Keith, Ballard F., '08, Jesus College,
Oxford, England.
Keyes, Prescott, Jr., '91, Westbrook,
Montgomery, Carroll, ex-'03, Woodfords. Me.
Nason, C. J., ex-'09, Hampden, Me.
Neallby, Colvin H., '92, 224 Broad
St., Newark, N.J.
Oliverbaum, John E., '04, 45 North
7th. St., Hamilton, O.
Charles E., '76, 149 Cedar St..
Bangor, Me.
King, Fred W., '03, Schenectady, N.Y.
Kittredge, C. D., '03, 3 Division St.,
Schenectady, N. Y.
Little, Leslie, '04, 63 Logan St.,
Denver, Colo.
Lyon Alpheus C., '02, Am. Tel. &Tel.
Portland, Me.
Paine, S. R., ex-'09,9Cedar St., West
Lynn, Mass.
Patten, James H.,'82, BarHarbor, Me.
Patterson, John C., '78, care.G. N.
Railway Co., St..Paul, Minn.
Co., Boston, Mass.
LISHERNESS, Ernest, '07, Hampden,
Owen, George S., '06, Thomas St.,
Powers, Fred W., '80, .104 Brighton
Ave., Portland, Me.
Perkins, Frank J. '78, Oldtown, Me.
Libby, Herbert L, '98, 12i Oak St.,
Perkins, Newell R., Skowhegan, Me.
Lord Robert W., '91, Skowhegan, Me.
Lynn Robert W.,'01, Hartland, Me.
Beverly Mass.
Plummer, A. B., ex-'07. No. New
Biddefor'd, Me.
Maddocks, Harold L., '00, 504 Trust
Bldg , Newark, Ohio.
Marston, Frank L., '96, Stockton
Springs Me'
Means Otis W., '08, 20 Lawton Ave.,
Lynn Mass
Merriam Willis H., '86, 858 Coeurd
Alene Ave Spokane, Washington.
Mitchell, FredC., '00, Arlington,Mass.
Mitchell, Frank Henry, '00, Richmond and Tioga St., Philadelphia, Pa.
Mitchell Robert L.,'07, 601 Tremont
Bid. Boston, Mass.
PiERCE, William B., '90,7 CUfford Ave.,
Portland, Me.
Porter, J. H., ex-'04. Brewer, Me.
Porter, Byron, '97, Lincoln, Me.
Powell, Morris M., '99, Orono, Me.
Quincy, Frederick G., '90, 499 State
Reed, John, '89, Benton Falls, Me.
Rollins, Kent A., '09, Farmington
Falls, Me.
Rollins, Dean W., '07, Stonington,
Russell, Prof. Fremont S., '85,
Mullen Charles W., '83, 59 Broad-
way, Bangor, Me.
Murray, HERBERT, '94, Haileybury,
Russell, Leo B., 00, Farmington, Me.
Reynolds, T. H., '06, Turners Falls.
Richardson,Fred J.,ex-'08,R.F.D. 1,
Martin, B. C., '01, 826 Macey Ave.,
Brooklyn, New York.
Martin, C. H., '07, 826 Macey Ave.,
Brooklyn, N. Y.
Corinna, Me.
Rogers, Allen, '97, Pratts Institute,
Brooklyn, N. Y.
Small, James R., '94, 20 Holborn St.,
McDonald, Frank, '00, Eastport. Me.
Merrill, Clyde H., ex-'ll,; 107 Winter
St., Auburn, Me.
Roxbury, Mass.
Smith, C. D., '05,-40th and Butler Sts.,
Pittsburg, Pa.
\r\nthe; MAINE FIJI
Smith, D. F., '05, 405 The Ontario,
Washington, D. C.
Smith, Lewis E., '03, Pasadena Cal.
Young, Bert Harvey, '03, Bar Harbor,
Smith, R. J., '08, 432 Thompson St.,
Ann Arbor, Mich.
Southard, Louis Carver,
Tremont St., Boston.
Allen, Chas M., '80, Pratt Institute
Brooklyn, N. Y.
Andrews, Henry H., '81, Callaway,
Stevens, Ray P., '98, care Lehigh
Valley Transit Co., Allentown, Pa.
Stickney, Chas. E., ex-'10, 24 Charles
St., Portland, Me.
SuTTON, Harry E., '09, 19 St., James
Ave., Boston, Mass.
Sargent, Paul D., '96, Augusta, Me.
Bartlett, Chas. S., '97,180 Turner St.,
Bowden, Geo. I., '90, Elm St., Hingham. Mass.
Brown, Chas L., 49 Washington St.,
Rumford, Me.
Scott, Walter E., '04, care Chicago
Milwaukee and St. Paul Railway Co.,
Bryer, Chas. S., '97, 236 Cumberland
Ave., Aubumdale, Mass.
Lind Wash.
Barker, George G., '86, 219 Forest
Ave., Springfield, Ohio.
Small, Frank L., '88, 177 Linden Ave.,
Hampton, Va.
Stanley, H. A., '05, care General
Electric Co., Schenectady, N. Y.
Stevens, Fred L., '84, 34 Winter St.,
Bartlette, Joshua B., ex-'82. Ashland, Me.
Bisbee, Fred M., '76, La Junto, Colo.
Blackington, Alvah D., '77, Hotel
Bangor, Me.
Jermyon, Scranton, Pa.
Steward, R. K., '08, 701 W. Illinois
St., Urbana, 111.
Stevens, Ray F., ex-'lO, Westbrook, Me.
duskeag Ave., Bangor, Me.
Blanding, Edward M., '77, 172 Ken-
Boynton, Jacob L., '82, 12 University
Sturtevant, Geo. W., Jr., '81, 1208
Fisher Bldg., Chicago, 111.
SuTTON, George A., '83, Orono, Me.
Thompson, Prop. G. A., Orono, Me.
Towle, E. L., '09, 5081 National Ave.,
Terrace, Lynn, Mass.
West Allis, Wis.
Van Horne, Horace M., ex-'ll, 5103
Waterville, Me.
Chester Ave., West Philadelphia, Pa.
Walker, Perley F., '96, 1301 Ohio St.,
Lawrence, Kansas.
Wescot, Arthur C., '99, Rutherford
Calderwood, Isaac G., '95, care St.
L. R. & P. Co., Missina Springs, N. Y.
Caldwell, Andrew J., '78, Newburgh,
Rubber Co., Rutherford, N. J.
Weston, Benjamin T., '00, 303 Com
N. Y.
monwealth Bldg., Jackson, Mich.
White, Frank ManlEy, '07, Vinalhaven, Me.
Wilson, Nathaniel E., '88, 123 Maple
St., Reno, Nev.
WE.STON, Wallace A., '00. 21 No. Front
St., Wheeling, West Va.
Wharff, Edward M., '03, Winterport,
•White, L. H., '98, Newport, Me.
Whitney, Harvey D., '03, Auburn, Me.
Whittier, Charles C., '99, 1121 The
Rookery, care Rob W. Hunt & Co,,
Chicago, 111.
Williams, Boardman S., ex-'ll, 161
Devonshire St., Boston, Mass.
Brick, Francis S.,'88, Uxbridge, Mass.
Brown, Henry W., '81, Literary
Institution, New Hampton, N. H.
BurlEigh, John H., '87, 93 Main St.,
ColEsworthy, Chas. F., '75, Pendleton,
Clark, Irving M., '87, 148 E. 34 St.,
New York City, N. Y.
Clarke, Roscoe C., '92, 61 Park St.,
Lynn, Mass.
Clary, Justin R., '97, East Wilton,
CoBURN, Lewis F., '75, Yreka, Cal.
Crosby, Oliver, '76, 801 Goodrich
Ave., St. Paul, Minn.
Cowan, Edward H., '94, Marion, Ohio.
Crosby, Robert A., ex-'Ol, 97 Ex
change St., Portland, Me.
Danforth, Edward F., '77, Skowhegan
Dole, Asher, '85, Suffolk, Va.
Drew, Albert W., '90, Newport News,
Dunton, Oscar H., '82, Circleville,
Lord, Thomas G., '88, Skowhegan, Me.
Merrill, Geo. P., '79, Dept. of Geology
Elliott, Fred B., '88, Auburn, Me.
Elwell, Charles C., '78, N. Y. N. H.
& H. R. R., New London, Conn.
Farrington, Mellen E., '92, Bangor,
U. S. National Museum, Washington, D. C.
Moulton Joseph F., '85, Normanville,
N. Y.
Mayo, Edward D., '75, 2015
Ave., Minneapolis, Minn.
Frost, Charles A., '95, 40 Grant St.,
South Franiingham, Mass.
Freeman, George G., '89, Cherryfield,
Mayo, R. J., '00, 129 Lisbon St.,
Lewiston, Me.
Merriam,, Charles H., '86, 327 The
Rookery, Spokane, Washington.
ForTier, Arthur H., Los Angeles, Cal.
ji. Merrill, Dennis D., '85, Acme, Wash.
Fuller, Osgood E., ex-'80, Rockland,
[• Merrill, Fenton, '87, Acme, Wash.
Gannett,'93, 53 State St., Boston, Mass.
Gould, Geo. P., '90, 9 Poplar St.,
Bangor, Me.
Gay, George M.,'89, Damariscotta, Me.
Gilbert, Walter J., ex-'97, Calais, Me.
Goodridge, Elmer O., '85, 148 E.
Foster St., Melrose, Mass.
Greenwood, Elmer E., '87, Skow
hegan, Me.
Gurney, John I., '74, Highland St.,
Dorchester, Mass.
Haggett, Eben R., '89, 1102 American
Bldg., Baltimore, Md.
Harvey, C. C.,'90, Fort Fairfield, Me.
Hamilton, Harry E., '76, 125 Marlborough St., Boston, Mass.
Hatch, John W., '88, Bangor, Me.
I Merrill, T. L., '91, Acme, Wash.
Morey, Elmer, '90, Colombo, Ceylon. "'
Morrill, Edmund N., '90, Warren, N.
Morse, Charles A.,'79, 827 Harrison
St., Topeka, Wash.
Morrill, Stephen, '00,56 Congress St.,
Portland, Me.
Murphy, Charles C., '93, Rangeley,
Nason, Walter H., '82, Hampden, Me.
Oak, Willis L., '80, Caribou, Me.
Cakes, Frank J., '78, 114 Liberty St.,
New York City, N. Y.
Otis, A. M., '90, Andover, Me.
Owen, John W., '90, 101 Milk St.,
Boston, Mass.
Hayes, Austin D., '94, 185 High St.,
Pattee, a. Clifford J., '95, Belfast,
Heath, Elmer F., 90, 222 48th St.,
Parks, George D., '76, Lafayette
Belfast, Me.
Newport News, Va.
Hill, John E., '84 St. Cloud, Minn.
Page, Arthur D., '86, Chicago, 111.
Patten, Franklin R., '80, 404 Mesa
HiNE, Thomas W., 82, Eureka, Cal.
Ave El Paso Texas
Horton, J. B., 81, 6441 Harvard Ave.,
HODGKINS B. C-, Bangor, Me.
Chicago, 111.
Holmes, George W., '81, Norway, Me.
Hunter Rodney D., '74, 535 25th St.,
Oakland, Cal.
Jack, Walter »., '93, 411 Westfield
Ave., Ehzabe N. Y.
Truman H., '83, Glasgow
Pease, Charles T., '80, 2533 William
St., Montrose Col
ft^RCE, hIywood, '76, Frankfort, Me.
Pillsbury, C. I., '76, Rockland Me.
Pillsbury, Geo. M., '90, Lowell,' Wash.
Potter, Frederick D., '79, Cortland
Jordan, A. T., 93, 184 George St., St., New York City N Y
New Brunswick, N. J.
Porter, Joseph'w' H '97 Caribou
Keith, William E., '91, Wichita, Me.
Kenniston, Frederick, ex-'82, Colfax
County, Vermejo, New Mexico.
Ladd, Edwin F., '84, North Dakota
Ag. College, Fargo, North Dakota.
Lenfest, Elmer, '86, Snohomish,,
.Powers, Tom S., ex-'Ol, Everett Mass
Putnam, Charles E., '83 Tamaiea
Plains Mass.
Rackliffe, Joseph R. 'go 619 Fdmond St., St. Joseph, Mo. ' '
Rogers, Charles' W., '76, 25th Place
and Stuart Ave., Chicago, 111.
\r\n1516 MAINE EIJI
Shaw, Geo. M., 75, 490 29th St.,
Oakland, Cal.
Starrett, Henry V., '91, Warren, Me.
Saunders, Addison R., '87, 362 Essex
St., Lawrence, Mass.
Seabury, George E., '88, 110 No. Pine
Ave., Albany, N. Y.
Whittemore, George A., '98, 49 Union
St., Worcester, Mass.
Webster, John M., '93, 3364 F. St.,
San Diego, Cal.
Welch, Warren E., '98, Windber, Pa.
Williams, John S., '87, Guilford, Me.
Williams, John H., '79, Brooklyn
Sears, Cassius A., '87, Los Angeles, Cal.
Center, Minn.
Shaw, Orrin J., '93, Ludlow, Vt.
Snow, Gleason C., '82, Orrington, Me.
Starr, John A., '96, 54 Irving St.,
Watertown, Mass.
Stevens, Charles W., '87, Fort Fair-
Wood, Edward B., '94, Danville, Va.
The addresses of the following men are
field, Me.
Stevens, Moses B., Box 124, ElPaso,
Stevens, Thomas J., '77, 22 Lake St.,.
Auburn, Me.
Stone, Prank P., '77, 143 Mail! St.,
Norway, Me.
Sturtbvant, Charles F.,
Frank E.,
'87, 421
Laughlin Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal.
Tarr, Roderick D., '98, 4 Oak St.,
Biddeford, Me.
Tebbetts, C. M., '79, Gardiner, Me.
True, Joseph S., ex-'88, R. F. D., No.
1, Lewiston, Me.
Todd, Frank H., '82, Macozani Sonora,
Webber, William, '84, 889 S. Sawyer
Ave., Chicago, 111.
Alexander, John F., '92; Bacon; F. F.,
'76; Bailey, E. M.; Boadway, L. A., '91;
Bowles, C. W.,'05; Bryer, T. S.; Cochrane,
B. H., '79; Dalst, A. J., '97; Day, E. G., '04;
Pay|H, R,; Douglass, R. L-; Drew, L H.
'99; Ferguson, W. E., '79; Freeman, G.
W., '93; Hanson, S. W., ex-'07; Higgins,
R.E.,'05; Hill, W.E.,'04; Hilliard, S. T.,
Sherman Ave., Evanston, 111.
WiswELL, Carl C., '98, East Machias,
'08; Jones, D. S., '80; Knight, Fred; '00;
Lyford, A. L.; Margesson, C. W., '02;
Moore, C. R., '84; Noyes, H. F., '99:
Rich, G. A., '85; Ridley, W. J., '81;
Robinson, W. C., '97; Sewall, H. W.,'02;
Soderstrom, G. S., '04; Sopher, H. M., '03;
Soule, S. S., '75; Southard, F. D., '06;
Tilden, W. R., '81; Walker, R. M., '00;
Webb, F. H., ex-'90; Weymouth, A. P.,
'06; Whitney, H. D., '03%
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June 1910 newsletter for the Omega Mu chapter at University of Maine. The newsletter is ten pages in length.