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1910 March Newsletter Gamma Phi (Pennsylvania State University)
March 1910 newsletter of the Gamma Phi chapter at Pennsylvania State University. The newsletter is six pages in length.
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Gamma Phi
Pennsylvania State University
1910 March Newsletter Gamma Phi (Pennsylvania State University)
Alumni Lacking Address
next year "Bugs" Scliroeder, ex-'08, en
tered with '09, and "Chief" Waha was
Sydney H. Bro\Tn, '93.
W. H. Brown, '95.
H. M. Lewis, Jr., '07.
Walter L. Moore, ex-'09.
C. C. Neil, ex-'08.
A. V. Sallada, ex-'09.
Of these seven men four were
graduated last June, Llewellyn, Moore
and Sallada having dropped out of col
lege. To the four graduates—particu
larly to Wagner—we feel indebted for
their good work for the Chapter while
We wish to acknowledge the receipt
of the following Chapter papers:
The Occasional Shout.
Wagner is the man who made possible
the remodeling of the house by planning
and superintending the whole thing. To
appreciate the thoroughness of his work,
one must see the new house, for that is
what it amounts to.
Waha was one of our athletes.
The Tiger Fiji.
Fiji Cyclone.
Delta Caduceus.
tennis team.
The Chi Tama.
The Pike's Peak Fiji.
The DePauw Fiji.
The Boilermaker Fiji.
The Quaker Fiji.
The Maine Fiji.
The Yale Fiji.
The Fiji Wahoo.
Ye Fijine Spot Light.
The Wabash Fiji.
season and at other social times in the
year, "Suds" was the man of the hour.
Scliroeder was a chemist and a type
The Pi.
' ',
Wittenburg Fiji.
Fiji Clam.
Theta Fiji.
Fiji Wind Jammer.
Chicago Fiji.
Zeta Fiji.
side of the college than to the athletic,
but his good works will go down in
history just the same. During rushing
even of that peculiar genus. His nick
name, "Bugs," describes him eloquently,
but what we would have done without
him we do not know.
The Fijistene.
Commencement, 1909
The commencement festivities of 1^909
will go down in history as one of the
best times ever at the old Bohn house.
The number of visitors entertained was
nity men. We were very much helped
by their ideas of the other Chapters
and hope that the good work will not
be dropped.
Already we are planning
convention for this year
would be glad to receive any sugges
tions of topics for discussion from any
of the Chapters this may reach.
REitEMBER May 7th—Bro eats. Oi.n
Bale game.
Track meet.
Drop us a line and say you'll re
Alumni and Personals
Sudduth inclined more to the
methods and manners of operations
which affects our daily life as frater
played four years of 'varsity basketball,
being captain in his Sophomore and
Senior years. Besides this he was in
nearly everything musical that went on
.around college, was a tennis champion
for two years and a member of the
The Fiji War Cry.
Beta Chi Zeitnng.
Stiffel X: '09; Tritz, A, '09; Pollock, ;■
r , and AVolf, X: '09, gave talks on !
various phases of Chapter life, giving
experiences along various lines .at their
respective Chapters and describing
To sum up—Gamma Phi was never
more proud of a graduating class than
last year's, and we, who thus extend to
them our thanks, hope that the world
will have an opportunity to realize and
Howard B. Waha, '09, is with the
forest service at Alberquerquo, N. Mex.
V. L. Henry, '07, spent a couple of
weeks with us during football season
lust fall.
Incidentally he did much to
produce the winning 1909 footb.all com
bination. We all hope that "Hi" may
visit us soon again. He is now at
Creighton, Pa.
B. V. von Senden, ex '10, has be
come a full fledged miner by settling
at Morenci, Arizona, and taking unto
himself a wife. The wedding occurred
in Los Angeles, Cal., on October 9th,
appreciate their efforts as we do.
.Tim Torrance also left us, having
Glen B. Hastings, '08, paid us an
over Sunday visit not long ago. "Spice"
finished up the short course in Agricul
ture. To say that he is gone but not
was with
forgotten would
Jim's rare smile
alty is missed,
knew him best,
be putting it mildly.
and still rarer person
not only by us who
as -n-as his, Spicer, of Sigma Deutoron Chapter. "Gov" is now traveling
for the Taber Manufacturng company
of Philadelphia.
It surely was a treat
to have them with us and we all hope
for a speedy return.
not as large as it has been on other
but by the whole col
lege. We all hope that he will not for
get his determination to return and
occasions but the same old spirit of
finish up a four years' course.
short visit last fall and the only trouble
we could find with the visit -vvas th,at.
congeniality was never more in evidence.
The dances and other social doings could
not have been more thoroughly enjoyed.
The programme of events was practi
cally the same as in other years.
MufBy, as chairman of the house
dance committee deserves much praise
he didn't stay long enough.
Section Convention
The Fijis of Phule V gathered in
convention on May 14th at Harrisburg,
Pa., to discuss questions of mutual in
terest and in order to make suggestions
for the good time, but much of it was
helpful to us all.
also due to the increased space for danc
outcome of Brother Carl Overholt's sug
ing given by the remodeled house. Much
of this is due to members of the gradu
ating class of 1909 which had among
its members several of the best men
that Gamma Phi has ever turned out.
In the fall of 1905, the fraternity
men—-"Sam" Llewell^ii,
"Val" Sallada, "Maud" Moore, "Suds
Sudduth, and "Curt" Wagner from en
tering Freshman class of 1909. The
"Spreege" dropped in on us for a
The meeting was the
gestion as were many of the topics dis
He is still
as strong as ever, with the fair ones of
the surrounding country—hence we saw
little of him.
Sam Pollock is going to graduate this
year despite all predictions to the con
trary. Forestry is his course and this
time next year will find Sam somewhere
in the Wild and Woolly West.
diet Eichelberger and .Tack Hammitt
are going in strong for Wilson College
these days. Too bad for Chet that he
should fall from grace and become a
Brother George R. Meek, State, whom
we know best as "Petie," was Section
Cliief and presided at the business meet
fusser only in his Senior year.
ing in the Delta Chapter rooms and
& ,T.
acted as toastmaster at the "feed" in
Heine Fritz, Chet Eichelberger and
Miuch Miles all made positions in the
"Gay Soubrette."
the Cameron house.
Williams A, '09; Wagner, P $, '09;
As to
Jack, he learned his bad habits at W.
\r\nMonell Siiiitli hns his hands full thpse
Alumni Reunion
days witli the .1911 La A'ie of which lie
is editor-in-chiof—and here's a predie- ;
May 6 to 8, 1910
tion that it will bo about the best ever
as far as La A'ie's are concerned.
On our ill-fated hockey team there
were three members from Gamma Phi.
"Herb" Baetz was at center; "Bill"
Floyd at co\er, and "Ken" McDonald
at "right wing.
Parker's boat still runs on the B.
TO Lemont. We'll be out in force at
BOTH stations ON MaY 7TH.
"Blondy" Dilworth left college at the
end of the first semester and has located
at Ansonville,
bo said of the
has done. At
turn in .Tune
N. C. Too much cannot
good work that "Blondy"
present he expects to re
and then graduate next
year. Here's hoping that he doesn't
change his mind.
AValton Sudduth, '09, is superintend
ent on a railroad construction job at
Ansonville, N. C.
W. C. Wagner, '09, was with us dur
ing rushing season, and on Pennsylva
nia day. Curt is with the Watsontown
Door and Sash company, at Watson
town, Pa.
W. F. Sehroeder, '09, is with the P
R. B. at Altoona. "Bugs" has not
changed in the least, as he showed us
when he came around just before the
"Ping" Oberfeld, '06, paid us a flying
visit in October. Tie's still the same old
"Ping," only grown ^or^ enthusiastic
than ever regarding Phi Gamma Delta.
Tinnu AfcWhinney,
AIcAVhinney, ex-11, ig at ^presDean
ent earning his daily bread by learning
the open hearth process. Don't work too
hard, Mick.
.1. L. Martin, ex- 10, was on
Vol. V
March, 1910
No. 1
when .Tones & Laughlin started their new
operations at Aliquippa, Pa. "Mart"
is learning the steel business by begin
ning at the bottom. Here's good luck,
for he's got to support a wife now.
C. L. Downing, Beta, '07, is coaching
the'Thespians for their annual play
This year a musical comedy is to be
nut on. Brother Downing ig gurely a
welcome visitor and his shows can't be
L." J. Talbot, of the Cornell Chapter
has entered college. Great things are
expected of Lee "J the hammer throw
this spring. Already he has shown that
ho is some wrestler _ by producing a
wrestling team that is giving all comers
a hustle.
Sam Pollock, as manager of the Thes
pians this year, has helped put on a
musical comedy- The Gay Soubrette"—and also a"'anged a good trip
to nearby towns to be taken early in,
^'meet me at the Bush house on Mat
^To the Postmaster: If not called for in 5 days,
^notify Phi Gamma Delta, State College, Penn
7th, 1910-
sylvania, who will send postage for its return
\r\nGamma Phi Fiji
Aiumni Reunion May 6 to 8
Issued by the members of the Gamma Phi Chap
the Pig di'nner and reunion tliifi year.
Satarday, May 7th, is the date set for
ter of Phi Gamma Delta
Letters arc now being sent out to an
nounce the fact and it is up to all of
you to make the event a success.
E. C. LLOYD 10
day has been set with special regard to
doings around State College. On May
'th, it is likely there will be a track
C. C. FRITZ '12
W. H. NELSON, JR. '11
meet, while a baseball game is assured
for Friday afternoon. Incidentally, we
may be able to find time for an Alumni
vs. Active Chapter baseball game, sim
MARCH, 1910
ilar to the one which was such an event
at the last reunion.
the new .Agriculture and Oairy build
ings, Swamp's 'Mtull Pen, ' ^vhcrc he
bawls out five lunidrcd frrshmen at one-
Tliere are other things, ton, that
will open up your eyes.
Come and se-
thrm all and incidentally live over
some of the ood old days once more.
It will be wortli your while, so COML-
Cliapter History
At the sixty-fiist Fkklcsia held in De
troit, August, ISOn, the office of Nationftl TTi?toi'laii \\i\s ci'catod, and ^Tr.
F. C3iomber]ain, of Dayton, Ohio, w- ■
appointed to fill the place.
The his
tory whicli is to be written must neces
sarily he made up from material fi""'
nishod by the scvcwal clmpters and we
It is ■with an apology for late ap
pearance that ■we begin this, our first
On Friday evening there ■will be a
smoker at the house—one of the good
old kind only lots better. This is the
issue of volume five, but ■we hope that
chance to hear the other fellow tell of
wish tbe Alumiii to help us do our pai'^
Several years ago a Chapter HstoO"
bis ■n'ondcrful and varied experiences
both in and out of college—also it is
perfectly permissible that you put a
this data can be fumisb.ed
its lateness will make it none
the less
In another column, the Alumni re
union in May is dealt with at some
It is on Saturday evening that the
great event is to come. T^e pig is al
ready fattening in Andy Lytle's barn
will surely be appreciated. War ly' ®! ,
State College on May 7th.
enough and then some, Mr. Toastmaster,
will be able to keep in touch with the
doings of Phi Gamma Delta in all parts
of the country.
New Beaver Field
New Beaver field was completed last
spring in time for baseball and track
seasons and we now have an athletic
field that will in time rank among the
best in the country. It is located be
yond the frog pond and, with its ^ sur
roundings of woods, is indeed an ideal
The baseball diamond is to one
side of the track so that it is now pos
sible to have a track meet and ball game
at the same time.
Several new stands
have been erected and it is possible that
this spring a swimming pool will be
Alumni and if you will contribuiC to
be the best ever. The pig will be sup- •
830 E. Monument avenue, Dayton, Ohio,
and thereby sign up to a year's sub
scription to the best fraternity maga
zine in the world. Incidentally, you
Word in yourself.
length. We want to make this the one big
reunion in our twenty-two years' history—
and to do this we need j/om. So write
to your friends and classmates in the
Chapter and tell them that you are com
ing, then write us the good news and
arrange affairs so that you will be in
Send two dollars to Leon P. Lewis,
WT.S begun, but because of insiiidc.e. ^
data, it was never cunipletod. All e
yard and the chances are that it will
W. 'W. MuBly, Box ooS, State ColiefiJ'^
Fa., anything that might be used, '
of any mem.Iier are e.=pecially
as is also ainthing tliat has been a
in politics or along educational lines-
pleniented with other things too numer
Chapter Roll
ous to mention—and somewhere in the
wee sma' hour.s, after everyone has had
who, by the way, will likely be Petie
Meek, will rise and announce that an
other chance is otfered to talk of the
old times. ' Then, when the party is
about to break up, ■we will give three
cheers for good old Gamma Phi and all
Will agree that she is ' the only real
It will be a good idea to come early
and stay late, for there will be lots to
00 and more to see. Come up on Parksr s boat at ,3 o'clock Friday afternoon,
or on the Lemont train at 4 o'clock. "We
Will meet you. Gome earlier if you like.
As to leaving, let that take care of it
self, but for your convenieuce. we can
^ay that the auto-bus runs to Bellefonto
ounday morning and afternoon meeting
trains which rvill get you either East
or West, in time for a good night's
sleep and work on Monday morning.
Now is the time to make arrange
ments that will make your presence pos
The house wili be yours to use
D. D. Colviu, Milton, Pa.
C. A. lOichelberger, I'ivcrett, la.
A. F. Goyne, Ashlaud, Pa.
F. C. Lffiyd, Pittsburg, Pa.
W. AY. Muffiy, Howard, la.
H. B. Norris, North East, Pa.
8. T. Pollock, Altooua, Pa- ^
W. W. Twaddoll, Philadelphia, I a]9]1
IT. B. Baetz, Pittsburg, Pa.
T. D. ITarmau, Pittsburg, Pa-
D. W. Lloyd, Pittsburg, la.
H. Miles, Miitou, PaII. Nelson, Chester, Pa.
Smith, Nowtown, Pa.
IT Swank, Jolinstown, -Fa.
p. W. Cronemc-yer, McKeesport,
C. Fritz, Bloomsburg, Fa.
K. Ifammitt, A])ollo, Pa.
AS, Leighou, Nortliumberlaud, '
11. Martin, Lewes, Dei.
lege, with its 200 brick houses, built in
I>. G. Norris, Nortii East, Pa.
F. M. .Seikregg, Nortii East. Pa
F. K. Skinner, Ohambcrsburg, Pa-
three years, the new Beaver field, our
student body, fourteen hundred strong;
C. L. Cecil, '13, Conuelisviiie, Pa-
3s you like.
Come and see tbe remod
eled Chapter house, tbe new State Col
\r\nTliero oidy remains the track team to
at "Old
State" are in
mote flourishing condition
have been for ntany t'cars past and the
football Koason of IHOO ivill go doivn in
State history as the most successful ever
for the cnterged from a series of
conflicts undefeated.
be considered.
prospects arc
bright .as ever before.
Brother Jj. .T.
T a,I hot will give .a good aceonnt of him
self in the weights and materially
sticugthen the team.
In every branch of athletics, things
were never brighter than now at "Old
This i.s the first,
time since lSf>4 that so high a record
has been attained and every State tnan
ni.ay ju.stly feel proud of a team whoso
Thanksgiving House Party
Tiie Thanksgiving house
goal line was crossed but once.
year war. the rarest
Grove City and Geneva were over
whelmed in early season ga.mes, the first
I'-onse was filled with girls, and several
otl'crs were rooming around town. Al
together there were nineteen girls here
.and a rousing time it surely was. Such
confirmed old batchclors as "Blondy"
Hib.vorth and Clict Elcholberger were
there with girls and under such condi-
real test coming in the Indian game .nt
Although ontnlayed
every stage of the game, the Indians
managed to hold the Blue and IVhite to
a tic score, S-S.
Tonnsylvania was met on Franklin
field and was tied, ."-1. West Virginia
.and Bncknell were disposed of by the
sanio score, ",3-0, on successive
season in our football history had passed.
The coaching staff this year included
"Hi" Henry, '07, and too much credit
cannot ho given to him and to the others
year, but was not initiated till fall. He
has already taken hold of things in a
i ])roraising manner and, as chairman of
the house committee, is keeping
Freshmen at work.
Norris is the fourth member of the
Non-is family to enter State, and he
is as nnisieal as the rest of the family
and made the band early in the fall. He
was also on the Freshman football
d.ay and the customary dances—Thurs
day uight at the house and Friday
night at the armory with an
liouse danre Saturday night—were sched
Ptnte's class. On Thanksgiving dav,
Pitt was defe.atcd 5-0, and the best
East; Donald K. Skinner, '13, and
Eobert F. Eiddle, '13, of Chajnbersburg,
r.nd A. F. Goyne, '10, of Ashland.
Martin was pledged before exams last
fellows showed th.eir real strength. Bnckthem to swallow, as it demonstr.ated con-
iti.atcd six men and afSliated two more.
The initiates are C. Holmes Martin, '12,
of Lewes, Cel.; Donald G. Norris, '13,
and Fred M. Seekregg, '13, of North
says there is still one more coming. He
.\s usual, the girls st.aycd over Sun-
(Infividy that they are entirely out of
We opened the college year, 1909-10,
with nineteen men from last year's Chap
ter in college and since then have in-
tious how could it bo other than a suc
It wars in these ttvo gnincs that out
neU's defeat was particularly hard for
New Men
Ciut IVagner, '09, was the only
alnmnnr. present, but we had as guests
two Buclmell pledges. "Fat" Hastings
and "Bill" Frick, .and .also L. C. Schrieve,
Br.i'knell. '10. We really expected to
Selkregg, surnamed "Vars," comes
from North East High school. He wa
on tho varsity football squad and also
made a bid for the basketball team.
Skinner prepared at Mereersburg an.
has distinguished himself by playing a
slar game at end on the Freshman foot
of the coaches.
sec some more old men and were more
In the annual
g.omo "Cap" Skinner played a wonder
ful game at end for the Freshmen and
had it not been for injury in iiractrre,
Solkregg would also have started the
than sorry when they failed to appear.
game on th.c other end. The game was an
good fettle at all times and added much
tluat we are hoping for great things from
interesting one from start to finish—the
to this memorable dance.
necessary for Iliddle to leave ns early
The feature of the occasion
was the
continuous vaudeville performauce given
bv Chet Eichelbergcr and .Tack Hammitt. Together, they kept everyone in
Freshmen coming out victorions by the
with a record of two years' pl.ay on the
star .^Mereersburg basketball team, so
However, circumstances made it
in March.
score of G-5.
We all hope for his return
next year.
The basketlinlt team this year is com
posed largely of veterans nnd has accnm])lished great things. Waha's place at
center was a hard one to fill, but Iladdoe, '13, of I.nncastcr High school, was
finally decided upon. An inter-class
basketball league, similar to last's
inter-class baseball league, has been
formed. Skinner is manager of the
Freshmen team.
Baseball is again beginning to loom
up and indications point to a team that
will be as near an unbeatable machine
as it is possible to get. Most of the
positions will be filled by veterans,
though some new men arc showing up
unnsually strong.
ball team and also as manager of the
Freshman basketball team.
Riddle is another Mereersburg
A series
games will pg arranged similar to last
year's schedtile and .all will be out for
the scaln of last year's pennant winners—
"Heine" Fritz's "]912 team.
St. Patrick's Tea
On Saturday afternoon, March 19th,
the Chapter entertained the faculty at a
St. P.atrick's tea in honor of Mrs. George
G. Butz and Dr. .and Mrs. Fred Eobison. Miss Katherine Heinen, of Mil
ton, and Miss Mary Irvin Thompson
doing the pouring. The house was ap
propriately decorated in honor of Ire
land's piatron saint and from the testi
mony of those firesent, the affair was a
great success. This is a new method of
onteitaining the State College f.acnlty
and incalentally it was new to nearly
all of the follows in the Ch.apter, but
from the way things went along it is
likely that they will become a common
thing in the future.
Goyne has been with ns for three
years in college and all who know him
wHl realise what a strong man in col
lege and class affairs we have secured.
Our one pledge, Cecil, is from Conjjellsville—the home of Connellsville coke.
Ho is in influential man in the Fresh
man class and we feel safe in predicting
a great future for "Gee."
The two men .affiliated are .John K.
Hainniitt, '12, from W. & .1., and .Tohn
H. Leighon, '12, from Bucknell. Both
are now loyal members of Gamma Phi
even though they still refer occasionally
to their original Alma Mater.
We're not saying anything about these
men being the pick of the college
anything like it, but we ask an who
would like to know how good they are
to come and be convinced.
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March 1910 newsletter of the Gamma Phi chapter at Pennsylvania State University. The newsletter is six pages in length.