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1923 May 1 Newsletter Lambda Nu (University of Nebraska)
May 1, 1923, newsletter of the Lambda Nu chapter at the University of Nebraska. The newsletter is four pages in length.
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Lambda Nu
University of Nebraska
1923 May 1 Newsletter Lambda Nu (University of Nebraska)
TEfl© hmmhim Mw% LsSdar
Lincoln, May 1,1923
University of Nebraska
No. 4
Nebraska's Annual Round-Up
Second Annual Event to be Held The Silver
►at University, May 31 to June 3. Anniversary of
A Phi Gamma Delta pin, iii
at the University comes on May
31, June 1 and 2.
It is hard to
stress the real importance of this
Lambda Nu
The Second Annual Eound-Up
initials 'E. V. K. Nebr. '05' lij
Do you know how many men
on the back. Will the owner ji| have
the Iii Lambda Nu and are linked to
event. As Chancellor Avery said,
owner communicate with
iji gether by the fraternal ties of Phi
'•IVliether public or privatee, all
Frank E. Pauly,
j|| Gamma Delta, since the eighteenth
American Universities depend on
the loyalty of their alumni. "With
Board of Education,
iji claj' of October, 1898? There has
Sand Springs, Okla. iii been exactly two hundred and
out disinterested loyalty, witlio\il
eighty-one (281) men. How many
a sympathetic attitude on the part
of these 281 brothers do you
of the alumni, no institution really
know ? Not verjf many, I'll wager.
In twenty-five years we have scat
prospers." Of course there are
Now is the time to get in the tered to all corners of this counmany ways of creating and keep
ing up tliis loyal interest, but in real hard licks for next year's trj'; some have passed on to a
all, you will finally find that it is 'Eush Week.' Last year it was greater reward. Let's all come
personal contact. This is the best,
undoubtedly due to the activities back June 2, the Silver Anniver
and most satisfactory means of of you, alumni, that put Lambda sary, and pay tribute to those
Continued on Page Two
Continued on Page Three
Continued on Page Two
friends, banquets, and a general
good time. Besides this, there is
the surety that the old feeling,
that real fighting spirit, you had
The Silver
Anniversary of
old Nebraska U—is going to
Round-Up for
be awakened. After this 'old fight'
Continued from Page One
Lambda Nu
is aroused the work is over half
Continued from Page One
You, in your enthusiasm,
keeping in tovidi with your Uni will give old Nebraska the alumni brotliers who have passed on, re^
suiDport she needs. I don't knoAV new old" acquaintances, and make
whether I have put mj'^ idea across new ones. Let's get acquainted
During the year after you grad
uated, you had, no doubt, a strong
desire to come to Lincoln and see
or not, but in case I have failed, do with every member who has been
this one thing, Be in Lincoln for initiated into this chapter. Miry
the 'Bound-Up', May 31 to June 3. not come to this banquet- and link
old friends. But, you didn't come.
our hands in an unending chain
Thought you were too busy. The
next year the same desire. Still
too busy. So it has gone on until
now, the same story every year.
Perhaps the reason you didn't
"When College Days", once again.
Managers Did
come back was because there was
nothing of particular interest to
of fraternal brotherhood and sing
Brother H. Stephen King of
You Ever
Stop to Think?
draw you. But last year the first Omaha has been appointed Junior
Annual Bound-Up was held and Manager of Track in the Univer
That we are editing this letter
sity and Brother Arthur J. Latta for you, alumni? If you have any
main purpose of furnishing this of Tekamah, Junior Manager of suggestions to offer, write us. If
'interest' which would bring back Basket Ball for the j'ear 1023-24. you have any criticisms, write us.
the tradition established for the
all of the alumni of the University Steve and Art deserve a lot of If you have neither criticisms nj^
of Nebraska.
Just think of tlie
credit for getting this distinction, suggestions, write us anyway and
things the 'Eound-Uia' offers. The out of all the men in the Univer let us know how you are gettin
old time get-together with j'our sity who tried for these positions. along.
in Imowing that Brother James
A. IMcGeachin
is on
Officers Elected
Continued from Page One
around the world.
last issue
He will visit
all the points of interest in China
Lambda Nus Letter the chapter
Nn thru with the greatest of suc and Japan and others including has had the annual election of of
cess. A^ou, in your daily activities, Monte Carlo, Rome, Nice, Cairo. ficers for the coming year. The
meet hundreds of High School
Brother Victor H. Henningsen
graduates, that the active chapter is now located in New York Citj'',
officers for the past year were:
John T. Stanton 'E'; M. M.
|!an never meet. If you think your handling the foreign trade of the Maupin 'T'; Ralph M. Anderson
man is good Fiji material, and is Henningsen Produce Co.
coming to Nebraska, date ijliim.
We were very sorry to hear of
Just drop us a line and we will the death of Mx\ Hurtz, father of
send you date cards so that all Brothers Leonard and Frederick
can be arranged. But, during rush
week the active chapter have all
Nus Letter and get some dope
from the Rushing Committee.
Alumni Notes
The Brothers
elected to fill these places are:
Randall K. Weeth 'E'; Mathias
Blanchard R. Anderson 'Eg'; and
Brother Edward V. Bogue has
Rob't Scoular 'I'.
At the first election held before
spring vacation Brother Harold
B. Stedman was elected 'T' but as
ment and send us the best.
lYatch for our next Lambda
Lukens 'I'.
G. Volz 'T'; Neil S. Sanborn 'G';
they can do to eliminate. Conse bought a drug .stoi'e at North
quently we are leaving a great deal Platte. Nebr., and is now located
to you. Be unerring in your judg
'G'; Alathias G. Volz 'Eg'; and
Revising Files
he was unable to come back to
school another election was held
and Brother Volz elected. All the
For the past year we have been
officers were installed' the first
revising our alumni card files. If meeting after spring vacation.
you know of any Nebraska Fiji,
who is not hearing from us please
Brother Claibourne G. Perry have him send in his address, or
The alumni journal stated that
'14, was married March 10, 1923, if 3mu have changed your address Phi Gamma Delta was not going
^ the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. please let us know at your earliest to hold a banquet during 'Round
H. Putman of Golden, Colo convenience. We would like to Up' Week. This is an error. We
get our file revised and up to date
A"ou will probably be interested by the end of the school year.
will have our annual Founders
Day Banquet June 2, 1923.
New Scholarship Requirement
An additional scholarship re that average.
Under this new tive in keeping up the general
quirement was voted to Lambda scholarship requirement, in case average in the fraternity and in
Nu's 75% rule. The requirement
the Freshman was not initiated
that Freshmen have to make an
the first semester, he must, during Lambda Nu is still a jump ahead,
still a bit of the habit of study.
average of 75% still holds good the second semester, have an aver as there is hardly any doubt but
but many times they can be initi age as high as the average of all that the Inter-fraternity council
ated before going home in the fraternity men in school. This re
will take steps along this line in"
spring, and still not have to have quirement will no doubt be effec the very near future.
Remember the Diamond Jubilee
Ekklesia, to be held in
Pittsburg this Fall
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May 1, 1923, newsletter of the Lambda Nu chapter at the University of Nebraska. The newsletter is four pages in length.