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1966 December Newsletter Zeta (Indiana University)
December 1966 newsletter for the Zeta chapter at Indiana University. The newsletter is six pages in length.
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Indiana University
1966 December Newsletter Zeta (Indiana University)
The forces that have been
greatest in my life have been God
and the College Fraternity that
moulded me.
̲ Thomas R. Marsha11
Published regularly throughout
the school year by Zeta Chapter
of Phi Gamma Delta Fratemity at
For many, ma,ny yea,rS Zeta Chapter of Phi Gamma Delta
Indiana University for the enjoy.
has maintained a position of exce11ence in a,11 areas. We have
ment of its alumni and friends.
alwa‑yS held a respected position on the Indiana University
Contributions of news of alumni
are welcomed and encouraged at
all times. Let us know what you
Each year is a consta,nt Cha,11enge to remain in our unpre‑
are doing. Address all communica‑
tions to: Alumni Relations Chair‑
cedented position・ Schola,Stic efforts are continually demand‑
man, 631 E. Third Street, BIoom‑
ington, Indiana 47401.
1ng mOre time and interfra.temal competition becomes keener
eVery year.
Last year was a successful year for our Chapter. We fin‑
Co‑Editors :
Robert A. Long,
68, Frankfort
Peter L. Scott, ,69, LaPorte
ished second in with many individual first places.
We finished third overall in scholarship with the pledge class
finishing second on campus. We had many brothers in cam‑
pus activities and va‑rSity a‑thletics. Finally
We finished the
year by wiming pole position a.nd finishing fifth in the Little
500. I personally feel tha‑t this record coupled with the strong
fratemal qualities fostered in the house would be termed a suc‑
cessful yea‑r for almost a,ny fra‑temity on this or any other
But I ca.n honestly say that year did not satisfy the
brothers of Beechwood. For the Zeta tradition is not second
or third places, but excellence・ Therefore, the brothers are
showing a new determination to make this the best year in
Zetals history. We a,re Striving and wi11 be first in schola.rship
intramurals, a,Ctivities, Little roO膏nd fratemal a.ffection. We
Ve a Phra,Se in the house, …66
better than 76
that sums
up our detemination. 1956 was a year of excellence a,t Zeta・
as a pla,que PreSented to the chapter proudly proclalms. So
with this fact in mind, ea.Ch brother is determined to better
the 1956 record.
It is this type of fratema,1 spirit that ha,S ma,de of
us proud of the fact we are Fijis, a‑nd it is this tra,dition of Phi
Gamma Delta, tha,t ma.kes each brother, undergraduate a.nd
gradua,te誼ke, eager tO SuPPOrt Our fra.terIla,1 cause and main‑
taln the proud traditions that we al1 1ove so dearly.
\r\nGerman Exchange S†uden†
Chris†mas Spiri†
ts Gues† Of Ze†a
F川s Beechwood
Zeta cha.pter of Phi Gamma Delta is indeed pleased to
ha,Ve an eXCha,nge Student a‑S a gueSt Of the house aga,in this
year. Twenty‑four yea‑r Old Burkha,rt Ortmann from Brenen‑
The Christmas Spirit has never
lacked at Zeta and this year has
been no exception. Early in the
month brothers began to decorate
haven, Germany has been living
Beechwood in the holiday tradi‑
with the brothers of Beechwood
tion and the warmth of the sea‑
since the beginning of the fa11
son was generated as brothers
would return from classes in the
bright scholar working toward his
evening to sit around the open
M.A. degree in geography here at
Indiana University. He has pre‑
fire and to enjoy Christmas music.
Kappa Kappa Gamma was the
viously attended the University of
Bonn and the University of Kiel
in Germany. He has also studied
guest of Zeta on December 14 as
we combined forces to sponsor our
annual Christmas Party for und〇
℃rP葺e注Ieged ch主贈ren.臆Br①the撃S‑
train主調g OOIわざも「 n ̄七鴨で高調Ⅲg丁でf=
John Sorensen and Bob Long
ter which he spent a year in Eng‑
handled the arrangements for this
land teaching in a grammar school
in the South and attending the
years party which served to en‑
Exeter University. Through this
children from the
Speech and Hearing Exchange
Home here on campus, The party
year of experience in England)
Burkhart has picked up the King,s
began in the evening with a・ SPeC‑
English and has exceuent pro‑
ial treat meal from Fern, and then
nounciation of our language.
Santa arrived to the joy of all
Burkhart has related several of
the youngsters (and brothers,
his empressions of fratemal liv‑
too!). The Kappas helped
ing. He saysJ =Everyone should
Santa pass out stOCkings full of
see the fratemity as an integral
part of the American educational
system. The greatest purpose Of
Candy) and toys) PrOViding
a most satisfying evening at
the fratemity as I see it is to help
Although Zeta is enjoying the
the student to transfer from high
luxury of one of the finest phy‑
On December 17, the brothers
school to the academic life of col‑
sical plants on campus, due to
entertained their yuletide dates
1ege. In a university so deverse
the remodeling and construction
with dinner in the chapter house.
as Indiana, One muSt make many
of last year, Beechwood continues
After another of Fem,s fantastic
choices, Certain of which are made
to put on a new face.
for him with the association of
meals, the bro七hers and their dates
At the beginning of the fall
semester the senior brothers of
men of common ideals.
What surprises Burkhart is the
;ys毒in of  ̄studying ̄ f6r graduate
students which invoIves a greater
number of tests and papers here
in the United States. In Germany,
study is mainly on your own.
Burkhart is very impressed with
the cultural opportunities and stu‑
dent productions at I.U.
What does Burkhart dislike
around the piano.
Zeta began their own class pro‑
On the final Sunday before
ject, Paneling the dining room.
Christmas vacation, Delta Gamma
The brothers did all of their own
added to the voices of Fijiland in
labor, and thanks to the Mother
a night of caroling. A cold group
Club, Who supplied the curtains,
of carolers finally arrived back at
we now have a lifted face in our
the house for an evening of hot
dining room.
chocolate, donuts
and dancing.
Last month, the front and side
Indeed, the Christmas spirit was
lawns of the house were com‑
well generated within the wa11s of
pletely relandscaped. New schrub‑
ery was planted along a11 sides of
about his fratemity experience.
Beechwood, and a11 the flower
=I just don,t like to be thrown
beds were replanted and covered
with peat moss. Indeed this was
out of bed so early by the pledges,
trimmed the tree and sang songs
a much needed improvement on
Jan. 20
Finals Begin
he explained.くくHoweverJ I do
the house. AIso, SOmetime in the
Feb. 18
Purple Garter
get more accomplished by rising
near future, CarPeting is to be
Mar. 3 I.U. Sing and Fiji
The Brothers of Zeta say,
come, Burkhart !
Mother,s Weekend
laid in all of the halls of the
For these and other im‑
provements) We Say thank you
graduate brothers.
ll Basketball ‑ Purdue
Apr. 15
Spring Vacation Begins
Norris Pig Dinner
\r\n功i Ga,n Aんmni A畑uǹ]物e (ちun均
Russell Warren Smith,
21, is
now serving as a Judge of the Ap‑
pellate Court of Indiana. Russ
has also served as a member of
the Indiana House of Representa‑
tives, 1927置31, Judge of the La
Porte Superior Court 1934‑42, and
Director of the Indiana Legislative
He also has
found time to participate in the
Beta Graduate Chapter of Phi
Gamma Delta, the Masons, and
Phi AIpha Delta legal fraternity,
and is a past president of the In‑
dianapolis Torch Club.
graduating from Indiana, Russ
received his A.B, and J.D. de‑
gress at the university of Michigan
and in 1954, married the former
La Veta Fodrea.
Orville Wade NichoIs, JI..,
is now a member of the law firm
of NichoIs and NichoIs in Knox,
former Kathem Ann Reppetto, a
Kappa AIpha Theta from Ohio
HaroId Gene NichoIs,
52, 1ives
State, reSide with their three chil‑
with his wife, Linda, and their
dren Abagail, Karen Lee, and
four children at
North Heaton in
Road, South Bend, Indiana. He
Knox, Indiana. Nick has served
is a Psychiatrist in the St. Joseph
as presecutor of Stark County and
Co. Adult and Child Guidance
Clinic, also in South Bend. His
Wade at
is a member of Kiwanis and Toast‑
masters. Mike Robison, a nePhew
of Nick, is with us now at Zeta.
present hobbies include gardening
and tropical fish. While at Zeta
Hal was pledge trainer.
John Chester Borneman,
52, is
now a condor warden with the
National Audubon Society in Ven‑
tura, Califomia. John began this
work after spending five years
with Fred Waring,s Pennsylvan‑
ians and three years at Disneyland
in the Dapper Dans barbershop
quartet. In February of 1965 he
was appointed condor warden, a
capacity in which he does research
on rare species of Southem Cali‑
three brothers, Orville, Jr., Tom
and Robert, Were also FIJIs, tWO
of them here at ZETA.
Frank K, Lagemann,
51, is em‑
James L. Ruhlman,
53, is now
an export Representative for the
J. L. Ruhlman and Associates in
Santo Domingo, Dominican Re‑
public. He is married to the for‑
mer Joanna Leath, a Delta Gamma
for Indiana, and they reside with
their three children, Tom, Eliza‑
beth, and Ann at Apartado Postal
1457 in Santo Domingo.
residing with his wife, the former
Kathlyn K. Keller, a Kappa Kappa
Gamma at Rollins Co11ege, and
pIoyed by the Comecticult Gen‑
eral Life Insurance Company. He
their three children at 1820 Green‑
and his wife, Christine, live at 13
is manager of the Elkhart office
Surry Circle in Simsbury, Con‑
of Bache and Co., an Investment
necticut. While at Zeta, Stretch
Banking and Brokerage firm.
was active in fraternity affairs as
Blackie has also served as presi‑
we11 as completing a marketing
dent of the Elkhart SchooI Board.
1eaf BIvd. in Elkhart, Indiana. He
Richard Catlin Haskett,
H. Davis,
64, is now
1ives with his wife, Anne, Who was
serving as Ist Lt. in the U.S.
Army acting as an assistant fi‑
a member of Pi Beta Phi sorority
now retired but was formerly en‑
gaged in farming near Jefferson‑
nance and accounting officer.
four children at 205
Chuck is married to the former
nue in Washington Grove, Mary‑
time a govemment inspector of
Karen Kline, a Pi Beta Phi from
1and. He is a professor of Ameri‑
Hugh McHenry Marble,
13, is
at Syracuse University, and their
Groves Ave‑
can history at George Washington
University in Washington, D.C.
activities as well as completing a
Hayes Circle in Ft. Ord, Califor‑
nia. He will be retuming to I.U.
chemistry major. Hugh and his
to complete work on his MBA in
and is a member of the town coun‑
wife, Mary, live at R.R. 2
the fa11 of 1967. While at Zeta,
cil and the planning commission.
Zeta Hugh was active in house
Dick is active in community affairs
600 in Jeffersonville, Indiana. His
Chuck was house president and
While at I.U. Dick majored in his‑
son was a FIJI at Lambda at De‑
president of I.U. Student Founda‑
tory and participated in dramatics
Pauw University.
and debate.
\r\n動i Gam AんmniAγ0棚nd棚e (カαn均
Thomas Charle§ Smiley,
16, Still
Dennis Davenport
Thomas Albert Troe3er,
59, is
has his general practice in den‑
is working on his Ph. D. in or‑
now a resident physician in in‑
istry in Washington, Indiana, and
ganizational psychoIogy at the
ternal medicine at the Indiana
is now director of the Home Build‑
ing Savings and Loan Association.
University of Michigan. Besides
Studying, Angs is also working as
University Medical Center in In‑
dianapolis, Indiana. He and his
Chotz has been extremely active
an assistant project director in
Wife, Pat, and their four children
in civic activities serving as past
the Institute for Social Research
reside at
PreSident of the County Library
at the University, Which surveys
in Indianapolis, Indiana.
Board, the County Health Board,
and consults private business or‑
Washington Chamber of Com‑
Dunk Drive also
ganizations in the Michigan area.
at I.U. Moose was a member of
Phi Beta Kappa and AIpha Omega
merce, and the Rotary Club, and
He is residing at 2222 Fu11er Road
AIpha in addition to receiving a
is a past officer of the State
in Ann Arbor, Michigan, and is
degree in medicine. Tom
Dental Association. In 1921 he
sti11 unattached.
er Jack was also a Zeta FIJI.
married the former May Kixmi11er,
a Kappa Kappa Gamma from De‑
Pauw. Their residence is now 214
N.E. 10th St. in Washington, In‑
diana. In 1965, Chotz received
his 50 year I Mens pin for his let‑
ter in track in 1915 and was hon‑
ored in 1963 with the Phi Gamma
Delta Gold OwI certificate, Signi‑
fying 50 years of brotherhood in
our fratemity.冒om also has a
brother, Paul S. Smiley, and a
brother‑in‑1aw, Judge J.S. Hast‑
ings, Who were Zeta Phi Gams.
Donald E. Lambert,
56, is the
Åbbott KIopfenstein,
Portland, Indiana.
He and his
wife reside with their twin sons
CarI Keith Edwards,
50, is at
division manager of the Ke11y
Manufacturing Company in Hous‑
the present time empIoyed by the
ton, Texas. He and
his wife, Ruth, and their ̄ ̄t高下毒
〆his wife,
Armstrong Cork Company. Carl,
Ludy, and their two children live
children live at
at 420 Pinehaven Drive, in Hous‑
Street, Lakewood, CoIorado. He
ton, Texas. Don is actively in‑
is a past president of the Lion
VOIved in Texas politics by trying
club of Denver and is an avid
to make Texas a two party state.
golfer and coin‑COuector. While
At Zeta Monk was trasurer of the
in college Carl was a marketing
house in
major and in addition was active
49 and completed his de‑
in such campus activities as Sphinx
gree in marketing.
Charles DougIas Baillie,
40, is
now vice president and branch
45, is a partner in the KIopfen‑
stein Hardware and Appliance in
s broth‑
administrator of the United Cali‑
fornia Bank of Los Angeles, Cali‑
fomia. Charlie and his wife, the
former Helene Kuehn, a Kappa
Kappa Gamma at I.U., 1ive with
Club, Union Board, Blue Key and
he was also head of the first I.U.
brother John was also a∴Zeta
Herbert Å. Miller,
57, is now a
Partner in the realty firm of Sand‑
at R.R. No. 6 in Portland, Where
their family at
Stan is a member o fthe Chamber
Road in San Marino, Califomia.
of Commerce, Shrine, Scottish
While at I.U. he was twice presi‑
Rite, Masons, Elks, and the
American Legion. He majored in
dent of Zeta, PreSident of Phi
Eta Sigma, a member of Skull
former Cynthia Bynne, a Kappa
AIpha Theta from I.U., reSide with
Zeta where his two brothers, Wen‑
ers and Miller in Indianapolis, In‑
Herb and his wife, the
their two children at
and Cresent, and a letterman in
91st St. in that city. He jokingly
business administration while at
track three years. Since gradua‑
remarked that he has not aged
dell and Bruce, Were also Phi
tion with honors in business from
in the least bit since his gradua‑
Stan states that the class
Indiana, Charlie has attended
tion and that he has all of his
of ,42‑43 picture in the November
Hoosier Fiji brought back many
Northwestem, UCLA, and Chi‑
hair, mOre than can be said for
cago, and is now responsible for
his pledge brothers.
fond memories as he remembers
the direction of twenty‑eight offi‑
Zeta, Herb was social chairman
cers of the United California Bank
Of Orange and San Diego counties.
His hobbies are golf and photo‑
and president of the Falcon Club.
graphy, and is a member of the
1is at 846‑5353.
the house dog,バFiji
and many of
the brothers.
Gilbert Harlan Morrison,
has just received the Sperry Rand
Univac award for being the out‑
standing sales manager in the
Los Angeles Alumni Chapter of
Phi Gamma Delta.
While at
He invites any of the brothers to
give him a ring when in Indianapo‑
R. Steven Browning,
62, is now
an attomey for the E.R. Squibb
country for 1966. He is married
to the former Aileen Birk, an Al‑
45, is presi‑
and Son, Inc., a Pharmaceutical
dent of Bonsib, Inc., an advertis‑
firm in New York City. He is
pha Chi Omega from Indiana, and
ing, Public relations, and market‑
married to the former Judy White‑
they reside at
ing firm in Fort Wayne, Indiana.
leather, a Delta Gamma from I.U.,
Lane in Cleveland, Ohio. While
He and his wife, the former Pa‑
and they live at 170
at Zeta, Gil was house treasurer
tricia Grothoure, reSide with their
Ave. in New York. While at I.U.,
and majored in business adminis‑
five children at
Zip was rush chairman of Zeta
tration. He spends most of his
While majoring in chemistry. He
leisure time now playing tennis,
Road. John also has two brothers,
Louis and Richard, Who were Zeta
golf, and bridge.
Phi Gams.
at Indiana in 1966.
John F. Bonsib,
West End
Went On tO reCeive his law degree
\r\nF申s We言! Rep「esen†ed On IU Founda†ion
Phi Gamma, Delta言s a, well represented on the 1966‑67
India,na. University S調dent Founda,tion a,S Pla.ns are beginning
for the 1967 Little 500 Weekend. Nineteen Zeta brothers
attended the Foundation kickoff
banquet last month as selections
begin for the various committees
Which plan the three days of
Zeta is proud of having Brother
Bob Richey as a member of the
Foundation Steering Committee,
One Of the highest honors attain‑
able for an I.U. senior.
to serve in leadership and com‑
mittee positions are: Jerry Brad‑
ley, John Bucher, Gerry Danie」
Intl.amuraIs At Zeta
Zeta is deligently trying to put
SOn, Tom Elyea, John FIoretta,
the IFC intramural trophy back in
Carter Jackson, Jack Johnson,
the case at Beechwood, and thus
Bob Long, Gordon McLaughlin,
far the results have been very suc‑
Tom OIsen, Steve Powell, Tom
Poulin, Mike Robison, John Sor‑
quires a lOO%
ensen, Steve Springer, Denny
Of the house with brothers partici‑
Thompson, Bob Whitacre, Rick
Pating in almost every sport.
Any such attempt re‑
effort on the part
Bruce Gobdel and Steve Pollum
Were elected earlier this month as
the new rush chairmen for the
COming year. These two men were
elected for their ability to organ‑
ize, lead, and direct the most es‑
Sential program for continued
Zeta success.
Brother Gobdel is a graduate
Of Adams High School in South
tary of Phi Eta Sigma, freshman
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December 1966 newsletter for the Zeta chapter at Indiana University. The newsletter is six pages in length.