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1974 April Newsletter Xi Deuteron (Case Western Reserve University)
April 1974 newsletter of the Xi Deuteron chapter at Case Western Reserve University. The newsletter is seven pages in length.
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Xi Deuteron
Case Western Reserve University
1974 April Newsletter Xi Deuteron (Case Western Reserve University)
Dr. James Priguletti, an Assistant Professor at C.W.RoU.
was the unanimous choice of Xi Deuteron to become our
new Faculty Advisor, Dr, Friguletti replaces Dr. Arthur
Adrian who served in the capacity for several years but
has been inactive recently,
"Doc" as he is known to the Brothers, received his
B.A, from V/.R.U, in 1958 and his Ph.D. in History from
Harvard in 1966,
Dr, Friguletti currently is Faculty
Resident of Pierce House and maintains an excellent rap
port with the fraternity, Dr, Friguletti feels "he knows
most of the brothers in the house because many of them
lived in my dorm,"
Xi Deuteron feels Dr, Piriguletti is a valuable ad
dition to the fraternity. He is well respected and an
excellent counselor and advisor. We are optomistically
looking toward the future with Dr, Friguletti as our
Faculty Advisor,
This years Pig Dinner will be held at the Cleveland
Athletic Club (1118 Euclid Ave,) on May 2,
held in the Orleans Room on the 7
It will be
floor of the club.
There will be an attitude adjustment hour featuring
a cash bar begining at 5O0 with dinner following promptly
at 7:00,
Dinner will be $8,50 per plate and will con
sist of Prime Rib of Bteef, cold potato soup, baked potato,
peas, mixed green salad, beverage, and desert.
All the undergraduate Xi Deuteron Brothers will be
there and we will be looking forward to seeing all our
graduate brothers again. So, don't forget to reserve May
second (2) for the Norris Pig Dinner and you can make your
reservations by contacting James A, Williams, The reser
vation form is on the last page of the Pot Pourri,
Six brothers will be completing their undergraduate
careers at C.W.R.U. this May, They deserve congratulations
and recognition beyond the few lines written about them
Lee W. Prazer has served as a past president of Xi
Deuteron. Athletically, Lee is well known throughout
campus for he has played on the varsity football team
his entire four years at C.W.R.U,, lettering the past
three and serving as co-captain this past season.
As a
sophomore he was honored by being selected for the All
Fiji Football Team. In intramurals. Lee wrestled to three
consecutive championships along with participating in
basketball and softball.
He has been nominated as one of
the outstanding seniors to Phi Gamma Delta Magazine. Lee
will graduate with a B.A. in Economics and desires to
further his education in business during graduate school.
Michael Ferrell is a past president and treasure of
Xi Deuteron. He served as an l.F.C. representative, also.
On- campus, Mike was awarded the Kirtland Prize for undergraduatie teaching. He participated in intramural softball
and wrestling for the house, Mike has been nominated
for the Wilkinson Award and as one of the outstanding
seniors to the Phi Gamma Delta Magazine. He will graduate
with a B.A. in Biology and will attend medical school next
Richard Ortman served Xi Deuteron as a past rush
chairman and social chairman.
His intrest in athletics
lead him to be a member of our intramural teams.
will graduate with a B.A. in Biology and plans to seek a
position with the Federal Government or research within
the university.
He plans to further his education in
either biology graduate school or dental school,
Terence McNultv has been past recording secretary
for the house. He has participated in intramurals, Terry
will graduate with a B,A. in Sociology and plans to enter
the student personnel administration field through a
master of education program in graduate school,
David Dingle has served as a past president of Xi
Deuteron. Ori campus, he is the assistant coach of the
girls' tennis team and presently is on the yearbook staff.
In intramurals, Dave has been on the football, tennis, and
softball teams. Through the undergraduate scholars program,
Dave will graduate with a B.A. in Biology and a B.A. in
Geology. He plans to work in marine geology or environmental
\r\n- . -3-
studies for a couple of years, and then attend graduate school
in marine geology.
Rick Pekarek although only a member of our fraternity
for his senior year he has made tremendous contributions to our
house through his steady influence and guidance to his under
classmen brothers. His activities within the fraternity are
numerous, for in only one year at the house he served as
Co-Ghairman of the Little Sisters Committee ans was pledge
trainer and steward. Rick, also competed for the house quite
strongly intramurally in wrestling, Softball, and basketball.
He was nominated to the Phi Gamma Delta Magazine as one of
the outstanding seniors. Rick's future plans include medical
school while departing from C.W.R.U, with a B.A, in Chemistry
and a B.A. in Psychology and a 3•75 grade point average.
We the underclassmen wish all our six graduating brothers
the very best luck in years to come,
Xi Deuteron is taking great strides in order to become the
excellent Chapter it was a few years ago. This Spring has been
a most active one that has featured many outstanding achieve
Thanks to Brother Barry Prystowski the By-Laws have been
revised for the first time since 1969«
The FIJIS won the
Intramural Wrestling Championship and garnered second place
in Basketball, On April
Xi Deuteron spent a refreshing
afternoon with neighborhood underprivlidged children. Social
Service is an area in \^ich Xi Deuteeon has been chronically
weak. As a community service project Xi Deuteron is sponsoring
a paper drive to recycle paper which is badly needed since the
University is a major paper consumer.
One of the highlights of this Spring was the Graduate
Party held at Xi Deuteron on March 30"''",
This party was a
huge success as over 70 people including dates attended. The
undergraduates were- especially pleased to see William R.
Van Aken, Dewitt R, Cogswell, John Vanek (70) from New York,
and Jonathan Plimpton (70) from St, Louis, Everyone rekindled
old friendships and new friendships are started with the new
actives. It was also a unique occasion since six past pres
idents were- in attendance. The party was so well received
that Xi Deuteron hopes to make this an annual event.
Another highlight to this spring has been the addition
of Dr, Priguletti as our new faculty advisor. Although Dr,
Friguletti was not a fraternity man as an undergraduate, he
is very enthusiastic about fraternity activities and can com
municate very well with both graduates and especially under
graduates, He is a graduate of Western Reserve and received
his Phd in History from Harvard.
\r\n:ure notable
The future
on April 21®"
activities planned are the Parents Dinner
Pig Dinner May 2"^, and FIJI Island May
The graduates will be in for a treat from the undergraduates
the Pig Dinner for Xi Deuteron has revived the old singing
tradition and will entertain at the Pig Dinner,
Xi Deuteron now boasts a membership of 2? men and has
an inside track on several high school students who have
stayed in the house this year. We hope to push our member
ship over the 30 mark,
Xi Deuteron is noted for its hospitality. The Brothers
extend an open and hearty invitation to graduates to drop
by the fraternity house- anytime.
Jonathan F, Diller
Xi Deuteron would like to introduce the Spring Pledge
Class of 197^,
They are presently under the guidance of Rick
M, Pekarek (74), who is serving as pledge trainer. The five
pledges will pass through the inner portals of Phi Gamma Delta
during their activation which is planned for May,
Daniel B, Ely (77) is a pre-med major.
In high school
Dan was a member of the wrestling team for two years in ad
dition to being section editor of the school yearbook and a
member of Players and Thespians, At CWRU, Dan helped Phi
Gamma Delta win the team wrestling championship by placing
third in his weight class",,
Michael M, Metz (77)» another pre-med major, has fine
credentials backing him. In high school Mike was vice-pres
ident of his junior class and president of his senior class.
In sports, Mike was a three year letterman in basketball and
co-captain his last two years. During the spring track seasons
of his junior and senior years, Mike was named to the AllCatholic High School Conference,
Harry H, Chang (76) is another pre-med major. At CWRU,
Harry has been doing research for the Pharmacology Dept.
This Dean's List student was awarded the Presidential Scho
lars Award and a monetary prize during his freshman year
at CWRU, In high school, Harry participated in football and
track as well as being class treasurer.
Bruce H. Gilboard (77) is a Political Science major with
plans to continue into Law School, In high school Bruce was
a member of the soccer and golf teams. As well as being se
lected to the National Honor Society, Bruce was editor of the
literary magazine. In his senior year, Bruce was president of
his class.
\r\nCharles G. DiBella (76) is a Biology major. In high
school, Charlie was a member of the football team and was
also selected to the National Honor Society. At CWRU,
Charlie was one of the two pledges who contributed to the
FIJI wrestling championship,
This year there are perhaps more FIJIs active in cam
pus activities than in any other year in recent memory.
Brothers are involved in many varied functions, from var
sity sports to student organizations.
Brother Chris Partis(76) has just been elected to the
Campus Development Committee and will be actively involved
in the planning of various university projects. Brothers
Larry Starkey(75) and Brian Gresham(76) are varsity Golfmen
and will be the mainstay of the CWRU success in this sport
this year. Both are excellent golfers, winning many tour
naments on and off the campusi we hope that this will be
their best year yet. Brothers Ted Kazantzis(76) and Scott
Maslow(76) are our IFC representatives and now they are in the
stage of planning and organizing Greek Week coming up this
spring. Brother Maslow is also vying for a position on the
varsity Tennis team and with the ball bouncing the right way
he will see plenty of action on the courts. Brother Dave
Dingle(7^) has been appointed Layout Editor of this year's
Vis-a-Vis yearbook and will be an integral part in the suc
cess of this issue, whose publication had previously been
doubtful. Brother Jon Diller(75) has been writing for the
sports section of the Observer, the student newspaper,and
has added luster and life to a once-dead and drab section.
Brother Greg Bergman(77) is participating on the Varsity
Track team, Greg is throwing the discus and working out for
the next football season. Brother Lee Prazer(7^) is one of
the few students to be chosen to be on the committee to
select a new Athletic Director for the University, Finally,
along with the above brothers, the whole house will be aiding
the Admissions Office in recruiting for the University by
contacting prospective students in the hometown areas and
being the campus hosts for these visitors.
As can be seen, FIJIs are involved in practically all
facets of University life. Hopefully a trend has been esta
blished that will persist in the future of Xi Deuteron,
Paul Motz (15) deserves a get well wish from all Fijis,
Paul is pesently recovering from heart trouble in Cleveland,
George Sternad (17) celebrated his 50^^ wedding an
niversary on January 30^'^* Brother Sternad also took a
second honeymoon to Alaska
this April,
G'eorge also has the
distinction of having his grandson Ken initiated into the
Ohio Wesleyan Chapter, making for the third generation of
Sternad Pljis,
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April 1974 newsletter of the Xi Deuteron chapter at Case Western Reserve University. The newsletter is seven pages in length.