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1969 August Newsletter Rho Alpha (Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University)
August 1969 newsletter of the Rho Alpha chapter at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. The newsletter is six pages in length.
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Rho Alpha
Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University
1969 August Newsletter Rho Alpha (Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University)
S-J:^oty ^
■Well, how are we hangin' this late in the summer?
maidens have we spread the good will of
And to how many young
Perhaps an explanation is in order to the alumni (and to at least one of
our slower brothers, right Dum-Dum?).
This is the first printing of what is hoped to be a quarterly newsletter sent
to all aluiani and co-ops of CpApi During the suicmer it will also be sent to
active bi-olherb. The idea and gsnaral format was intrcducad by past president-
David Priest and this first newsletter is the doing (or undoing, however you
want to look at it ) of the newely installed officers and, to a large extent,
the fraternity Sweetheart. In general the Oa.X Quarterly (catchy name, huh?)
will contain news about fraternity functions, brothers and aluiani, the House,
sports, I.F.C., a tentative calendar of events for the following quarter, and
during the school year a section on pledging.
IN ESTROSPECTs About thi'ee years ago in a classroom a fraternity was
born. 25 guys attempted to call each other brother^ diversified, unorganized,
enthusiastic but lacking pride. This was to be
Through the molding of
strong hands, notably those of Tucker Thompson, the fraternity grew. The
pledge system stimulated pride and built a common purpose, brotherhood. At
is a brotherhood of 26.
It is in the process of getting a lease
for the House. It is pledging the I.F.C. It is planning more and better social
functions for its brothers. It is making House improvements. It has the best
potential football team of 1969.
But it needs improving.
Among other things
needs to strengthen enthusiam, not as a whole but as individuals.
image is one of a young but strong and enthusiastic fraternity. But the image
ofdyl^ is only what each brother reflects it as. Several things can affect
the' enthusiam of a fraternity.
If cliques are formed within a fraternity, it
will die. If officers become lax in their responsibilities, despondancy will
set in. The -dues you pay do not entitle you to brotherhoo;^: by themselves the
dues pay toward little but apathy. You as a brother of
have a responsibility
v/hich you swore to v;hen entering. That is to take a meaningful and active part.
The Alumni also have a big part to play. They must support
by returning
to it when possible and by contributions, material or monetary.
The purpose of the (pAA Quarterly is to keep the Alumni brothers as
much a part of the fraternity as possible.
1) Nev; Brothers:
John Delaware
Jack Houck
Eddie Sparkman
Skip Umstead
2) New Officers:
Vice President
Rex'iew Board:
Bruce Hearn
Jim Sharpe
Denny Grimm
L.J. McSwain
Robert Ames
I.F.C Representative:
Arlington, Va,
Richmond, Va.
Richmond, Va
■White Plains, N
David Russell
Peter Hessler
Sonny Darr
Pledge Master
Sargeant Arms
House i'hnager
Carl Fastabend
Tucker Thompson
Larry Phillips
Jack Ov/ens
Mike Jones
Ritual Master
John Miller
Summer House Chairman
Activities Chairman
Pat Rimes
Chris fJaines.
3) ' Two new positions:
Constitution Revision;
(a) House Rules rewritten
Tom WAiest
formed - Bar (V. Free) and Actii'ities Committees
deleted - Social and Constitutional Committees
strengthened Review Board
The "25 CLUB" got off to a smashing start with Mr. "I'LL PAY HALF",
Steve Garnsey.
He was followed closely by Larry Phillips, "The Rookie".
6) 24 (Pax jerseys were ordered and should be delivered late in September.
They're football jersey, navy blue with horrendous gold^'/JX
really cocky.
front -
15 large, 6 medium, and 3 extra large were ordered at 5.25
First come, first serve.
7) House Improvements: gravel for drivewayj bar extended, sink installed,
second tap (Schlitz); exterior of house ^ painted; walkway to back door;
makeshift incinerator; another refrigerator, lawnmower and T. V.; silverware
contributed by Owen's dining hall.
Pat Rimes and H.B. have done a great job keeping the House from floating
away. They were responsible for our first suimmer combo party which came close
to breaking even. The T. V. set H.B. brought to replace the one that died
has a huge screen. It's almost like going to the drive-in.
Sonny Darr has been doing amazingly well with ^/IX deficit finances.
Dues must be paid up before you can enjoy House priviledges.
\r\nThe pin order was returned to J.B. until late September. This way the
treasury won't have to pay for the order, the individual brothers will.
And now a note from ^/9X Sweetheart:
Hi there, Big Red here, I'm looking forward to seeing everyone of you
September 19 and at the Alabama game Saturday. It should be a blast.
DOES ANYONE KNON "WHERE OUR FLAG IS? If you do please write and tell mej
and please mail it or bring it to the House. If there is anyone at the House
please measure the v;indov;s in the kitchen and send the measurements to me
at 6706 Dean Drive, McLean, Va., 22101. Ittiat would you all think about some
"new" furniture for the living room? Also a new rug? I want to thank each
and everyone of you for electing me Sweetheart, It's been wonderful ! Sorry
I couldn't write more but he (Dave) wouldn't let me have any more room. Love
you all.
Ted Zook is getting married September 6 to Mss Martona — Pete Hessler
is getting married August 16 and is petitioning for Alumni status — Jack
Houck didn't flunk out after all — I4ole (Robert Mes) flunked out.
Does anyone know where he is? — Bob Salter pinned Miss Barbara Johnson —
Paul Thomas disappeared — H.B, got fat — Red learned how to "cook".
I. F. C.
We tied for 3rd in the Guzzle Gup Contest with outstanding perfoimances
by L.jJ. McSwain, Eddie Sparkman, and Larry Phillips.
Big Steve Garnsey
burped too hard after 4- and it was all over.
I. F. C. weekend was really a gas. Tv;o bands, 30 kegs and no bathrooraa.
Bob Salter ran a fast 100 yards, but not quite fast enough to make up for
our other lead footed fellows. Our only casualty was Eddie Sparkman. He
got his head caught under a Mic tap.
Fall quarter is our last quarter i'or pledging the I. F. 0. We have seen all
the fraternities officially except -r6 .
\r\nysa9 ^jll.
PAKrA' 8
^ S^'3
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August 1969 newsletter of the Rho Alpha chapter at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. The newsletter is six pages in length.