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- 1973 May Newsletter Rho Alpha (Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University)
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1973 May Newsletter Rho Alpha (Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University)
May 1973 newsletter of the Rho Alpha chapter at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. This newsletter is two pages in length.
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Rho Alpha
Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University
1973 May Newsletter Rho Alpha (Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University)
202 Church Street
Blacksburg, Virginia 24060
MAY, 1973
Thought for this month: I got me ol' job back..
suffer you guys..,
Well good golly...Seems fl-JI had its own Watergate case...A little
more serious as we re-elected four new officers...John Hughes as the
top dog; Ronnie Hill as Recording Secretary;; Don Whittaker as Historian;
and jrours truely as Corresponding Informer...Bob Dix as Treasurer was
the only cabinet member to keep his job...guess he's so small that his
office was overlooked...Hell, he'll kill me when he reads that...we
apologise for no April Newsletter...Month of turmoil...Month of May was
a biggjr,..It started off with a bang(a Rich Rau '71 and H.B.Harne '70
bang)...we're still missing the bar door,guyg .John Miller '71 and his
wife, Donna, were in town...John's new address is; 2019-1 Canterwood Dr.
Charlotte, N.C.,28213...Initiated Sonny Darr '?, Howard Canada '76, and
Mike McCormac '76
on May 5Ih...Howard's from Midlothean and Mike's from
Richmond...The first annual PIG DINNER was held May 12th...To those of
you who didn't come, you missed a goodie...The wine and cheese hour wa.s
great, but the meal was absolutely fantastic...Prom turkey, chicken,
roast beef to salads and shrimp cocktail...Naturally songs were sung
with the bringing in of the pig...Honored FIJI'S who ventured in were
Rich Rau '71, Bill Latane '75, Kent Bathiirst '75, Bill Cross '73, And3r
BaileAr '74, Rick Fine '72, and Bob Moore '72...Rob Johnstons '66 from
Oklahoma, now living in Roanoke, was the only local FIJI to show, who
wasn't affilated with Rho Alpha...The bar walls were painted purple and
white - whew, I need a drink...And once again we reorientated the bar.,
.took out the stove, sink, and cabinets from the bar area...tore, down
the garage...Skip Umstead has been suspended from Rho Alpha for not
paying back m.oney owed to us...Mark Russell has been classified as an
Alumnus of Rho Alpha...He's planning on attending the University of
Mar^rland...Good luck,Mark...1'm sending a magazine, CONTEXT, about greek's
here at Tech...of special interest is the article on Phi Alpha Chi on
page 13...neat...also sending a list of up to date addresses of all you
ugly people...-Just in case you get lonely...May 19th we had a frat
picnic in the Jefferson National Forest...Bill Watts '73, and Jeff Duncan
'73 wondered in for the weekend,..Forgot to mention that Bill took a
break from school earlier in the month...Initiated our 571h FIJI from
Rho Alpha, Ed Merwin '76, on the 19th...Ed's from Richmond...May 21st
through the 26th was greek week...Placed second in IFC bowling...Ga,ve
Kappa Sig one hell of a contest on the tug-of-war...Kappa Sig was the
existing champs...Oiir guzzle cup team of five drank 40 beers in an hour.
..It took 55 beers to be the winners...Since our present Sweetheart, Sue
Marshall, m^oved to Roanoke to work with American Blotor Inns (Holiday Inji
and Dr. Hauser), we elected a second Sweetheart to carrjr on the duties..
.This is embarrassing as it happens to be my wife, Meg...How could I
build that up a.n_3miore?... A^nywaj'^s, with a half dozen roses in her hand
and a new FIJI jacket, she wondered around the rest of the night trying
to guess what actually happened...1 sneezed around the roses for a couple
of dajrs till I feed theni some beer...Jacket fits me goog guys, thanks...
This newsletter will be carried on through the summer...hopefully every
two weeks...Bob lantosca '74, stopped by for a week before heading to
Florida...1'11 have his address bj?- next letter...Also enclosed football
cards...Start making plans....Time for a beer.^y,^'*.,^..the griffer
\r\n;JL ' A \ 'u ^ .. .
- • -
202 Church Street
Blacksburg, Virginia 24060
, ,
MAY, 1973
Thoiight for this month: I got me ol'
joh hack,... suffer you guys...
Well good golly...Seems FIJI had it^s own Watergate case...A little
more serious as we re-elected four new officers...John Hughes as the
top dog; Ronnie Hill as Recording Secretary; Don Whittaker a.s Historian;
a.nd yours truely as Corresponding Infonner.. .Boh Dix as TreasTirer was
the only cabinet member to keep his job...guess he's so small that his
office was overlooked...Hell, he'll kill m.e when he reads that,..we
apologia,e for no April Newsletter. . .Month of tumoil.. .Month of May was
a biggjr.,,lt started off with a bang(a Rich Rnu '71 and H.B.Harne '70
bang)...we're still missing the bar door,guys...John Miller '71 and his
wife, Donna, were in town...John's new address is: 2019-1 Oanterwood Dr.
Charlotte, N.C.,28213...Initiated Sonny Darr '?, Howard Canada '76, and
Mike McCormac '76 on May 5'bb. . .Howard's from Midlothean and Mike's from
Richmond...The first annual PIG DINNER was held May 12th...To those of
you who didn't come, you missed a goodie...The wine and, cheese hour was
great, bi.xt the meal was absolutely fantastic.. .Prom turkey, chicken,
roast beef to salads and shrimp cocktail...Naturally songs were sung
with the bringing in. of the pig. . .Honored FIJI'S who ventiired in were
Rich Rau '71, Bill Latane '75, Kent Bathurst '75, Bill Cross '73, Andy
Bailey '74, Rick Fine '72, and Bob Moore '72...Rob Johnstone '66 from
Oklahoma, now living in Roanoke, was the only local FIJI to show, who
wasn't affilated with Rho Alpha...The bar walls were painted purple and
white - whew, I need a drink...And once again we reorientated the bar..
.took out the stove, sink, and cabinets from the bar area...tore down
the garage...Skip Umstead has been suspended from Rho Alpha for not
paying back money owed to us...Mark Russell has been classified as an
Alumnus of Rho Alpha...He's planning on attending the University of
Maryland...Good 3Aick,Mark. . .1'm sending a magazine, CONTEXT, about greek's
here at Tech...of special interest is the article on Phi Alpha Chi on
page 13. ..neat,..also sending a list of up to date addresses of all you
ugly people. . .
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May 1973 newsletter of the Rho Alpha chapter at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. This newsletter is two pages in length.