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1970 April Newsletter Zeta (Indiana University)
April 1970 newsletter for the Zeta chapter at Indiana University. The newsletter is four pages in length.
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Indiana University
1970 April Newsletter Zeta (Indiana University)
Zeta Chapter of Phi Gamma Delta Fraternity at Indiana University
New Cabi皿et Provides Beachwood With
 ̄Nec己ssary Drive to Remain O皿Top
The 1970 cabinet of Zeta Chap‑
s cabinet is responsible for
Jim is a two‑SPOrt athlete, Playing
football, and pole‑Vaulting for In‑
1970. This new body of officers
Planning, administration, and co‑
Ordination of all house activities,
is composed of President James
from social events to mainten̲
Jim is also extremely bright, main‑
Lowell Teter, junior, from Indi‑
ance of the house physical plant.
七aining a three plus average in the
anapolis, Indiana ; Treasurer Frank
All five of these men have dedi̲
field of pre‑medical schooling.
Glenn Dunten, junior, from La‑
Grange, Indiana; Recording Secre‑
tary Douglas Lee Berry, SOPho‑
Cated themselves to this responsi‑
Jim)s concern for his brothers is
bility, Plus that of maintaining the
but one of his many qualities that
fraternal exceuence for which
led to his election as chapter pres‑
more, from Milwaukee, Wisconsin;
Zeta is reknowned.
ter was elected on January
diana University
s varsity teams.
A personal glimpse of President
Treasurer Dunten is another tal‑
Teter reveals a quiet, yet highly
ented Zeta Phi Gam. While main‑
Haute, Indiana; and Historian
Douglas Kenton Moore, SOPho‑
respected figure sincerely concem‑
taining a 3.8 grade point average,
ed with the problems of maintain‑
Frank has engaged in many cam‑
more, from Springfield, Ohio.
ing the high quality of tradition.
(Continued on Page 4
Corresponding Secretary RandoIph
Evan Price, junior, from
With final preparations for
Zeta,s first Rush Weekend be‑
work to make Rush a success, but
in order to have a complete Rush
ing completed, the Rush Chair‑
program we must have the full
men report that more names are
cooperation of the graduate
needed if Spring Rush is to be a
Therefore, if you know of any
Spring Rush takes on added im‑
The forces that have been great‑
est in my life have been God and
the College Fratemity that mould‑
ed me.
鵜冒homas R. Marshall
outstanding men that are consid‑
POrtanCe this year since the chap‑
ter decided not to take a Spring
ering enrolling in I. U. don
t hes‑
Pledge Class. Instead of the nor‑
Can COntaCt them before they com‑
mal half class, the house is con‑
mit themselves to other houses
itate, but write now so that we
Centrating on the Spring Rush
for rush weekends.
Program which will result in a
mendations should be addressed
bigger Fall Pledge Class.
to Sam Wade, Phi Gamma DeIta,
Since a bigger pledge class re‑
quires an expanded Rush Program,
All recom。
Indiana University, BIoomington,
the Rush Chairmen are innovat̲
ing several new techniques to ob‑
Wi11iam H. Wright AB
24, is a
tain more names. Approximately
motion picture and television writ‑
80 1etters were mailed to graduates
er and producer wth Warner Bro‑
in areas where we had no under̲
thers Studio. He is also part own‑
graduate residents. These letters
er of T. V. Pilot,バKentucky
Were SPeCial requests for recom‑
With N. B. C. Brother Wright is
mendations since we had no other
also the First VicePresident o青
s Kid
the Screen Producers Guild. While
Were also sent to several Big Ten
area Chapters asking the under‑
On CamPuS he was a member of
graduates for names of potential
Sigma Delta Chi, and the Indiana
Daily Student staff. In 1933 he
Skull and Crescent, Sphinx Club,
This year each Freshman wrote
married Wiltrud We11ensiek of
his former High SchooI Counselor
explaining a little about our Rush‑
Buende, Germany. They live at
ing procedure, Our house, and then
49, California.
12921 Evanston St., Los Angeles
requesting the names of outstand‑
ing students that were considering
enrolling in I. U.
Since High
SchooIs have become increasingly
ldss cooperative with Fratemity
Rush this more personal approach
WaS uSed to solicit their help.
Gilbert M. Shu11,
40, is director
of Chemical Research at the E. R.
Equibb and Sons of‑New Bruns‑
Wick, N. J. Gil, his wife, and their
three children reside on Menham
Road in Bernardsville.
While at
So far the most successful
I. U. he was historian of the house,
method used for collecting names
and a member of the Sphinx Club,
has been the requesting of Sor‑
Blue Key, and the football team.
After undergraduate work he went
Ority Pledge Classes for names of
OutStanding men from their home‑
As you can see, the undergrad‑
uate chapter has been hard at
Name of Rushee
on for his M. S. and Ph.D. in bio‑
Chemistry at the University of Wis‑
consin. Gil is also an inventor and
the owner of 30 patents.
§END u§
\r\nPage 3
Each spring for the past eight‑
goal of 13,000 volumes. This total
From its relatively sma11 begin‑
een years the campus of Indiana
WOuld provide one book for every
University sheds the drabness of
Student in the BIoomington schooI
to an organization of over
the all too familiar gray winters
members selected from the junior
the Foundation has grown in‑
and for one week becomes a fest̲
Another project begun this year
ive camival, reCOgnized nation‑
and senior classes. A group of
finds its roots in two earlier pro‑
twenty‑four seniors form the
Wide as the World
s Greatest Col̲
1ege Weekend.
grams of the Foundation. Last
Steering Committee in charge of
CO‑Ordinating all the activities of
s Tutorial and Junior Scholars
The entire collection of events
Programs were combined to form
associated with the Little 500 are
the Student Foundation. In the
Plamed and organized by the In‑
diana University Student Founda‑
the Red Carpet Day. For one day
during the spring I. U. plays host
PaSt the FIJIS have held promin‑
to a wide range of students from
Foundation? With this year being
tion. The Student Foundation
all over the state. Here they can
no exception. Last spring
now celebrating its 20th year, be‑
CatCh a quick glimpse of college
Michael Hoover Schatzlein was
臆票an臆臆aS臆臆a ̲ J)r」ess耳asSive臆Or‑
ent positions as the leaders of the
Iife and臆Wha七→ ⊥」エ」I姐to‑O土fe山a軸edJo leadJ血JS血1deniEQmda̲
ganization serving as the student
The Student Foundation then plays tion toward its goal of
VerSion of the I. U. Foundation.
a strong part in showing these
The original student group of fifty
Students who might never have the university,,. Other Zeta Stu̲
JunlOrS and seniors was formed
With the goal of evoIving students
in service to I. U. As the Univer̲
Sity grew, it became apparent that
aS he says,
バdoing something worthwhile for
COnSidered coHege in the first dent Foundation Presidents in̲
PIace that I. U. wants them.
Not only is 1970 the 20th Anni‑
clude; WilIiam A. Foley
Robert A. Long) 1968
Charles E.
VerSary for the I. U. Foundation・ Davis) 1964. A very impressive
more students wished to serve. So,
but it is also the 150th birthday record that speaks for itself, and
the once passive group became act‑
for IndianaUniversity.冒heFoun‑
ively invoIved with a vigorous pro‑
dation has assumed the responsibil‑
gram revoIving around the Little
ity for student envoIvement in the
Okla Wilbur Sicks, J17, is the
Sesquicentennial celebration. Ban̲
medicaI director for the Indiana
bike race.
That transition
Came eighteen years ago this
quets) SymPOSiums) 1ectures
entertainment, are Slated for the
Since that time a wide variety of
year)s activities. Tentative guests
Of Indiana include GeraId Ford and
for the men at Zeta.
State Vocational and Rehabilita‑
tion Department. He and his wife
Iive at 607 East 82nd Street in
工ndianapoIis, Indiana. In the Sec̲
PrOgramS and projects have been
added in order to provide an op‑
Vince Lombardi, tWO PerSOnalities
Ond World War he fought for four
POrtunity for each student to
With whom students are very fam‑
years and achieved the rank of
Select an activity appropriate to
iIiar. It is hoped that with active
his own life sty工e. In the recent
Student participation and a con̲
Chairman of the commission on
PaSt these areas were large工y con‑
SCious support of alumni effort in
gOVemmental medical service for
Cerned with entertainment.
a better channeI of communication
the Indiana State Medical Society
Paddleboat regatta, the fashion
these university oriented programs
and he is the author of a book en̲
Wi主旺 ̄ 0珊ed品w言議元一諾‡謹嵩霊謹葉
newer additions which follow the
and aIumni.
traditional entertainment line. In
Aside from the newer projects
the last two years, eXPanSion in
invoIving social service, the Foun‑
the Student Foundation)s programs
have fo11owed the mood of the
CamPuS and have tumed to more
dation will continue to raise money
SOCially orien七ed aid projects.
The Foundation book dr王ve was
Roy Elmer Whitehead
for scholarships and grants in aid
a medical director for the United
Fruit Company of New York.
to students attending I. U. Last
Whitey and his wife Helen reside
year proceeds from the Little 500
activities amounted to
York City. After receiving his
69th Street in New
added this year on the suggestion
000.00) all were given in schoIar‑
Of a Student Foundation member.
medicaI degree in 1921, he pract‑
Ships.冒he work of the Founda̲
Many of the BIoomington schooIs
iced medicine in Indianapolis, be‑
tion in alumni re量ations is respon‑
are severly handicapped by inade‑
Came medical drector of the Bur̲
Sible for even more funds donated
eau of Air Commerce in 1933, and
quate library facilities. The Foun̲
for scholarships. The Metz Schol‑
then served as a medical officer
for the U. S. Public Health Service
dation designed a drive to collect
arship program and the Bob Hope
used books for all ages so that the
Scho]arships are directly related
libraries in the schooIs of BIoom̲
in 1937. Among his∴aCCOmPlish‑
to the work of the Foundation. In
ments are: first doctor to fly
across Pacific Ocean, and develop‑
ington wouId be stocked adequate‑
all, SeVeral million do11ars in dona̲
Iy.冒he Foundation is well on its
tions and proceeds are generated
Way tOWard realizing its proposed
ment of procedure of multiple X‑
by this an student organization.
rays of short and mobile units.
\r\nNEW CABINET . . .
(Continued from Page One)
pus activities including I. U. Stu‑
dent Foundation, Student Govem‑
ment, I. F. C., and was nominated
Once again Zeta of Phi Gamma
Delta has provided the Indiana
for class office and Board of Aeons
last spring. A business account‑
Memorial Union with exce11ent
ing major, Frank plans for a ca‑
leadership under the capable guid‑
reer in the Law profession.
ance of Brother Joe Kasarlio, the
Recording Secretary Doug Ber‑
dents, SuCh as, Tom Martin, Vice‑
presidents Bob Whittaker and
Dick Handley, and such Board of
Director members as, John Soren‑
son and Dave Handley.
ry pledged but a year ago and has
and Brother Steve Stevenson, a
Under the direction of Brother
Kasarko the Board of Directors
eagerly accep七ed the responsibility
member of the Memorial Union,s
has diligently worked to stress the
Board of Directors.
The whole
motto estab工ished by the 1969
house is terrifica11y proud of the
Board: Union Board Means Peo‑
fine way these two men have rep‑
resented the high ideals of Zeta.
ple! It has pursued this end by
the addition of three major pro‑
was also approached to run for
Three of the brothers who have
grams designed to more fully meet
Vice‑Presidency of I. U.
also become quite active in the
body, but found himself deeply in‑
work of the Union Board are
voIved in fraternity affairs. Doug
Steve Gudeman, aS CO‑Chairman
new programs created for the Fall
has served as Baker Cup Chairman,
Of the Pop Concert Series ,Bruce
of 1969, emPhasis is on a contin‑
while maintaining a B average
White, in his∴CaPaCity as co‑Chair‑
ual broadening of the educational
scholastically in the SchooI of Edu‑
man of Mephisophiles Market, and
Warren WooIcott, aS Chairman of
sity student, in addition to the al‑
of a cabinet office. Doug has been
active in Student Govemment, and
was elected Vice‑President of
I. U.,s Class of 1972 1ast year. He
president of Union Board,
the needs and interes七s of the stu‑
As is evident from the
perspective of the Indiana Univer‑
Corresponding Secretary Randy
Potpourri Presentations. A glance
ready functional, and quite active,
Price has served the house in sev‑
to the recent past is a reminder
SOCially‑Oriented programs.
eral capacities. Randy was rush
Of the previous direction given the
chairman, helped with intramurals
Student union through past presi‑
headed Graduate Relations and be‑
sides his cabinet office is heading
Ze七a,s Centennial Fund Drive. Says
Senting this stronghold, Zeta
〃The house offers so much
Cabinet looks forward to uniting
and has offered so much for so
With other houses on campus and
Iong that the work invoIved is nom‑
across the nation in order that as
inal in terms of what I have gain‑
a system, a Whole unit, the Greek
experience may rise above the im‑
Historian Doug Moore is per‑
minent dangers present in a rapid‑
haps one of the most intelligen七
1y changing and swiftly moving
men in the chap七er. While pur‑
COllege community.
suing admission to medical schooIJ
The cabinet feels, aS a body re‑
SPOnSible to its brothers, the need
average last semester. PlusJ be‑
to show the strength upon which
cause of his brawn (as well as
Doug maintained a perfect
In working with the faculty of
the university, the Union Board
created the Free University clas‑
ses, a∴CO‑Curricular project which
supplements the academics of the
student. The format consisting of
, held by pro‑
fessors in areas not offered by the
university. One of the most suc‑
cessful phases of the Free Univer‑
sity was the高Crisis BioIogy
inars held over an eight week per‑
iod this Fall. Some of the topics
covered were air pollution, Chemi‑
cal and bioIogical warfare, and the
POPulation expIosion.
therefore, Plans to move to in‑
The Board, tOO, has臆Organized
murals. Truly, this sophomore is
creased inter‑fratemity invoIve‑
ment, COnCem for tht service ob‑
the Student Experimental Thea‑
ter and the Student Film Festival.
as 〃purple as they come.タブ
1igation she holds for the commun‑
These two programs provide a
Beefer,, also has made
valuable contributions in intra‑
The cabinet is representative of
ity, and an ever strengthening,
media for expressing more pro‑
the wide variety of brothers tha七
deepening, and broadening of the
gressive thoughts. A greater ap‑
live fratemally at Beechwood・
brotherhood shared by au Zeta
preciation for another
They are united in their diversity
Phi Gams. As expressed by this
thoughts, aS Well as, COnVictions
s ideas,
can definitely be cultivated
in their interpretation of
unified cabinet, the realization of
the great significance of brother‑
these goals must necessarily be
through these types of
hood. It is their desire to improve
within a realm of invoIvememt and
upon the excellent foundation that
concern of each individual brother.
In an attempt to become more
has existed at I. U. for decades. In
Beechwood once again feels the
cIosely attuned to the alumni of
the days of trouble that all frater‑
freshness of new leadership that
the university, the Union Board
nities are facing today, Zeta re‑
serves as the enduring focal point
mains a stronghold of belief in this
of fraternal involvement.
has made the secretary of the I. U.
Alumni Association, Frank Jones,
Iong established tradition of fra‑
gratulations to the Zeta of Phi
temal life enrichment. In repre‑
Gamma Delta Cabinet officers.
an honorary member of the Board
of Directors.
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April 1970 newsletter for the Zeta chapter at Indiana University. The newsletter is four pages in length.