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1969 May Newsletter Chi (Union College)
May 1969 newsletter of the Chi chapter Union College. The newsletter is three pages in length.
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Union College
1969 May Newsletter Chi (Union College)
P i.ll
G A h k A
jLi ii.LTA
A new tide rcay have finally begun
April 19th holds many memories and
at Chi Chapter, with regard to house sch renewed friendships for the many graduate
olarship. In the recent past, scholarship a,nd undergraduate brothers who attended
has been weak. Not so this past term.
this year's Norris Pig Dinner. Despite
Well over 80^ of the brothers improved
the rain which tried to claim the day, the
activities and cocktail party apjieared to
proving the house index by a remarkable
lighten everyone's spirits.
Activities began with the Chi Associ
O.R03. This will undoubtedly put us on
top in improvement rank among the sixteen ation meeting, which included some changes
in the by-laws,(For actual changes see the
fraternities. The House index, 2.783f
enclosed vainutes) All changes were look
also represents a new high for the Chap
ed into by Brother Coulter, and are in
ter, and may well rank us third on Cam
agreement with the NX state laxj.
We all extend our hearty thanks to
Part of the really encouraging infw
Brother Busse, who addressed us during
ormation concealed in the house index,
indicates that the sophomore class is tiie the formal ceremonies at the Hale House,
real sparkplug to house scholarship. As He reminded many of us of our Fraternal
a class, their cumulative index was a
ties with the brothe.-s of all chapters,
and the real need for this unity.
shade over 3.07.
Dean Lucas, Asst. Dean of Students,
House scholarship leaders Larry
accepted a gift to the College from Chi,
Suter '69 and Steve Pierce "71 both
He commiencied tiie chapter on its recent
pulled through with perfect R.O's: each
of them taking an extra course overload. improvement in scholarship, and campus
Reid Schvrc-nk "71 another- of the house
relations, iilso present wias Dr. Sowa,
leaders fell off
to a 3*^7, but is de- our faculty advisor. President, Dick
terrined not to let it happen again.
Adaris, announced our Wilkinson Award Can
Nearly 52'^ of the brotherhood had a 3*0
didate as Brother Trumbull. The Frank
or better in the winter tcrv, while only Sargeant Hoffmann Award, presented, to
little more than 7% were below 2.0.
Chi's most outstanding senior, also went
to Bob. The Edward Seitz Award, for the
In studying the reasons for the up
most deserving sophom.ore, -went to .robert
surge we may onlj^ assuv e that the sopho
mores have helped turn the house attitude Teittinen.
The dinner ceremonies were concluded
toward studying. Other scholarship com
mittee programs are only in the infantile with a few remarks by our Symposiarch,
Richard liartin ('67), and all in all, the
stage and will help more in the future.
remaining hours at the house topped off
We are revamping the fraternity files,
both to complete and to update them. .o the good time wrhich was had by all.
However, we definitely feel that our
attitude will help us much more than any
their grades over the pievicus term, im
material in a file.
\r\nA Look at The Pledges....
A Word From The Coach
Chi Chapter is playing a significant
This year's pledge class reflects a
role in Union College's I.F. athletics
vride variety of interests and personali
this year, with various Fiji teams rating
ties. As a result, sugrestions for pled
highly in competition. During the XiJinter
ge projects have ranged in many different term, we placed fourth in Intramural ra
tings, marking our best showing in re
At the suggestion of the Campus and
cent memory.
Commmity relations committee, the pledge
We had a fine effort in the swim and
class vd-ll put on a "talent show" for the
track meets last term, and are looking
kidAlat^the children's ward at Ellis Hos
forward to an equally fine performance
pital. They'll follow this up with a
in the upxjoming spring track meet. (We
party for the kids and brothers.
Another idea, in the same area, was
finished fifth overall in the winter
to organize an IFC (Interfraternity Coun
cil) sponsored carnival for the extensive
Big Brother program. This plan, aimed at
the Fall of '69 would serve a 3 fold pur
pose. First, it would give added impetus
to the already prospering program, second
ly* it would promote Interfraternity
shows promise of a successfull season.
So far we have run over Delta Chi, and
dropped a tough one to Delta Phi. Our
sights are still et for a big first in
the league.
There are many Fiji's who are active
in intercolDegiate sports. Pledge Bill
Waldron is a starting mid-fielder on the
freshman Lacrosse team and has been doing
very well.
We also have a good number of brothers on
the rugby squad. Bob Gresham arid Ken
Labarge are regular starters, while Bob
Teittenen, Walt Hennings, and pledge
Doug Tosh are in active reserve.
Just recently pledges Bart Bonazinga
Pete Keller, and Steve Rothman finished a
fine season with the frosh wrestling sq
uad, This season sophomore Dave McKeown
is playing with the varsity tennis team.
There is a general interest of the
unity, and lastly, it would enhance the
position of fraternities &sk real leaders
on campus.
Our pledge class has expressed an
interest in working to improve the Chap
ter house itself. This suggestion has
taken shape as a movement to build a set
of sorely needed book shelves for the
living room.
In the midst of one of the less
serious m-oments, the pledges mentioned
something about the buried bar from the
old house
And exactly what effect
this will have on the ingenious pledges
is still undeterminedI
track meet) Meanwhile, our softball team
house in all areas of athletics from
football to handball, and without a doubt
the chapter will nake itself known in all
Sowa, Comes on Strong1
We mentioned before in the Chi Tama
t hat the undergraduate chapter w^as in
the midst of choosing a new faculty ad
visor. Well, the choice has been made,
and as it looks so far, Chi has found a
helping students obtain the best possible
Dr. Sowa has a wife, Eileen, and
three small children vdth another on the
way. Outside chemistry lab and the
Chapter house, he enjoys tennis, softball
the functions and relations of the Chapter and sailing.
man who will take a dedicated interest in
Dr. John R. Sowa (B.S. Notre Dame '56
Ph.D. Pennsylvania ^6k) came to Union
just two years ago, but already has be
come prominent in campus and community
He came to the attention of
the Chapter through several brothers who
profited from his willingness to take an
active and individual concern with their
progress in organic chemistry.
Dr. Sowa
is dedicated to good teaching and witht' i)
The Campus and Community relations
Committee informs us that President H. C.
Martin has written us a personal note,
commending us on our fine campus rela- •
tions, and expressing his wishes that we
keep it up.
April 18, 1969
RaFO.:TS of CT'FIC^ilS
Brother Bowdish reported that 77 payments of dues had so far been received
totalling $1,530' The Dempster donation to Chi totalled $A13'1A. The savings
account presently stands at $3680.55'
The newly amended by-laws were accepted unanimously as revised by Brother
Coulter to meet legal and democratic needs. Brother Pike added that the by-laws
should be available to the undergraduates and graduates upon their request.
Brother Case paraprased Foster Brovm's letter concerinp; Brother Dempster's
and Brother McCleary's gifts to the college. It vras suggested that a copy of the
aforementioned letter be sent to Brother HcCleary so as to determine the meaning
of the gift.
The undergraduates were urged to get liability, fire, and casualty insurance
The idea of contriiauting for the cost of the fire doors vras considered.
Brother Seitz was authorized to buy a safe in which the Association's
records could be kept.
fiLbCTlGNb OF OFilGJktb
Brother Seay nominated the following slate of oificers:
President - Brother David T. Case
Vice President - Brother L. Trevor Coulter
Sec. &Treas. - Brother Clifford .b. Bowdish
The vote was unanimous.
The follovring were elected to the Board of Directors;
Brother Jolin A. Seay
Brother Edward F. Seitz
Brother Stuart F. kaclJlillan
Brother John T. Dempster
Pi-other D. Bruce Burns
Respectfully submitted,
lartin D. Cary
Active Graduates
Sophomore NCAA
Chi alumni are notably active in
several graduate chapters and associa
Burt Yankiver, a sophomore at Chi,
recently represented Union at the NCAA
tions other than their home base.
College Division Swim^fing and Diving
Brother David J. McClemens, '6A is pres
Championships. The contests were held
at Springfield , Piass. ;. ^
ident of the iiadison, Viiisc. Graduate
chapter and Brother William U. Light is
the N.Y.U. Historian.
He swam in the AOO yard hedley
Relay, and the 100 yard Free style, for
KNC^ A UNION ■•73 ?
which he qualified at a time of A9.9,
a College Record.
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May 1969 newsletter of the Chi chapter Union College. The newsletter is three pages in length.