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1969 May Newsletter Epsilon Lambda (Michigan State University)
May 1969 newsletter of the Epsilon Lambda chapter at Michigan State University. The newsletter is six pages in length.
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Epsilon Lambda
Michigan State University
1969 May Newsletter Epsilon Lambda (Michigan State University)
Pty co od
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MAY 9, 1959- EPSILON LAMBDA -MAY 9, 1969
\r\n10 years of Phi Gamma Delta at M.S.U.
INSTALLATION MAY 9, 1959—(top row) Don Noel (61), Phil
Peterson (60), Bill Hammond (59), Jim Ellis (61), Art Dowd, Jr. (60),
Jim Lou (61), Bob Toth (61), Frank Hlovocek (59). (2nd row) John
Kay (59), Clare Dorlington (61), Tom Andrews (58), Don Creyts, Jr.
(60). Missing—Phil Bennett (60).
(61), Bob Holden (60), Allan Hill (61), Don Hosley (62), Art Gubernick (61). (1st row) Arthur Roy Shumoker (59), Tom Roberts (59),
Jerry Elder (61), Bill Barker (61), Tom Burgoon (60), Dove Dougherty
(61), Dennis Whiftington (61), Ron Zink (61), George Pinkerton, Jr.
House fulfills dream of decade for 242 Phi Gams
By Mike Wagoner
Ten years on campus and
what do you have to show for
In accomplishing the ideal of
brotherhood, it is difficult to pin-
point the intangible quality and
say "We've got it." Of course,
the chapter feels the brother
hood, but it's an invisible thing.
However, we can point to the
things that breed brotherhood—
ancl one of those things is the
new fraternity house.
In 10 years Epsilon Lambda
has lifted itself from the rickety
hut on Michigan Ave. to a real
fraternity house. A house that
belongs to each of us—^from
charter member to new initiate.
kind of men who were capable
of looking past the full length
cracks in the wall in the old
These are the men who have
built Phi Gamma Delta. These
are the graduates who come back
to the Founders' Day Picnic, the
Pig Dinner and Purple Garter.
These are the men who care.
What does Epsilon Lambda
have to show for its 10 years at
That this fraternity is "not
for college days alone."
Each MSU student who en
Official Publication
of Epsilon Lambda
tered the fraternity dreamed
that maybe his class would live
in a new house. It was this
dream that provided the incen
The cover ...
Chapter of
tive for the continual drive for
Phi Gamma Delta
Michigan State University
better housing conditions. Prog
ression which has been unrivaled
Gamma Delta at 239 Oak-
Vol. IX, No, 3 April, 1969
at MSU.
hill Ave., and how it all
began—the presentation of
Mike Wagoner
Bob Justin
Sports Editor..- Gary Lonik
Photographer Glenn Moore
Epsilon Lambda is grateful to
Alton B. Graeff (Pitt '42) and
John Steen (62) for their tire
less work to make the new house
a reality.
But, the new house isn't an
end in itself. The chapter must
go right on pledging the same
of Phi
the charter on May 9, 1959.
Accepting the 85th
charter from
Bailey (Wis. 12), Archon
Treasurer, is Tom Burgoon
(60),first president of E. L.
ifiji feedback features graduates
professions and the business world
Bob Pemberton (62) is an in
surance representative with the
"1-A" from the Selective Ser
Insurance Co. of North America
in Minneapolis.
Art Dowd (60), a charter
member, is the proud father of
a six-month-old daughter, Re
becca. Art is a sales engineer
for F. B. Wright Co., a rubber
and plastics firm in Dearborn.
Bill Weagly (62) is employed
Frederic J. Aichele (65) is
still living in Fort Wayne, Ind.,
and is vice president of Fort
Wayne Drug Co., drug and liquor
Our most recently initiated
Also passing out cigars was
Mike Haack (66). The Haacks
gave birth to a son, Michael A.,
Oct. 1. Mike is the division man
ager of infants (rather ironic)
and girls wear at Sears in Grand
Dennis Whittington (61), also
a charter member, has moved to
grass seed and fertilizer.
Doubling as a graduate assis
tant and doctoral candidate in-
chemistry, Jim Sipe (68) is
studying and teaching at Penn
State in State College, Pa.
Jeff Choi (63), attorney with
Carlsmith, Carlsmith, Wichman
and Case in Hilo, Hawaii, urges
that anyone vacationing in the
50th state look him up.
Houston where he is a market
State Farm insurance agent,
Steve Peterson (66), has also be
come a father. The Petersons
jave a 19-month-old son, Paul.
graduate, Bob Breese (68) is
employed by The Pontiac Press
as a display advertising account
by O. M. Scott «S: Sons, Marys
ville, Ohio as an instructor in
Elder (61), another
businessman-father, and
Donna, had their second child,
Steven R., Dec. 2. Jerry was
recently promoted to Coordina
tor for Program Administration
with the Oregon Regional Medi
cal Program.
Richard Bennett (63) is an
assistant buyer working with
sources of product development
ing representative with Arm
strong Cork Co., a commercial
and residential flooring firm.
Since returning from active
duty in the USAF in June, 1967,
Clare Darlington (61) has been
employed by Ford Motor Co. in
Bruce Zorman (61), is man
cause his honeymoon was the
following week in the Bahamas.
(He couldn't be too sorry.)
John Powell (66) and Nancy
Jackson were married Jan. 26
Gerald Alexander (65), gro
teaching biology at Wayne Me
morial High School, and the
all California vacationing Fijis
to look him up in Glendale. He
and wife Kaye now have two
Tom Roberts (59) is vice pres
ident and treasurer of Garrick
Photo Supply in Detroit. Tom,a
CPA, is also a member of the
Board of Directors of the De
Don Stolz (62) and wife, Mar
ian, gave birth to a son, Donald
planner for the State of Michi
troit Society for Crippled Chil
Tumon a bullfighter?
Jim Tuman (64) qualifies as
Mike Henry (68) said he is
a toxicologist (scientist of poi
sons) with drug research firm.
Smith, Kline and Freeh Labs, in
Philadelphia. He is engaged to
JoAnne Gilbert, MSU.
•>motion from Oldsmobile in June.
in Marion, Ind. Dick Lorenz
(63) was the best man. John is
cery manager and part-owner of
a California food chain, invites
Another charter member, Dave
„'ougherty (61) received a pro
gola. Pa.
Dearborn. Clare is a financial
Jr. Aug. 1. Don is a community
Phil Napolitano (66), a pack
aging engineer at Dow Chemical
Co., Midland, wrote that he was
sorry he missed the Ekklesia, be
ness at Luzerne Community
College in Wilkes-Barre, Pa. The
McCrackens are living in Nuan-
analyst in the Steel Division of
the company.
for Sears in Chicago.
ager of market development for
O. M. Scott & Sons, Marysville,
Ohio, the "turf-builders."
To correct an error in the last
S. F., John McCracken (66) is
an assistant professor of busi
the most adventurous Phi Gam.
He has just returned from Viet
nam on a business venture and
is planning a trip down the Colo
rado River in April. And then,
it's off to bullfighting school in
Spain in August. Any takers?
Bill Wolfram (67) is a second
year law student at U.-M. Law
Dave is now at the Pittsburgh
zone office in car distribution
School. Bill wrote that he won
Jim Stokes (65) was dis
charged from the Navy in Feb
ruary and has returned to the
where he is assistant office man
Award" for excellence in crimi
nal law. He also said he won a
Lansing area with the idea of
\r\nGraeff to receive Silver Owl Award
Epsilon Lambda will pay tribute
to Alton B. Graeff (Pitt. 42) at the
Founder's Day Picnic May 18.
Graeff will receive the coveted
Silver Owl Award as a 25-year
member of the fraternity.
Over the past ten years nobody
has been as dedicated to the chap
ter as Graeff. He was instrumental
in founding the chapter and secur
ing housing for it, and has served
Laurence returns
for 5th annual
visit to MSU
By Bob Justin
Dan Laurence, distinguished
Phi Gam and member of the
NYU faculty, has befriended
many a Fiji throughout the na
tion. MSU Fijis have had the
good fortune to have Dan as
their guest for five straight
Dan made his fifth annual- trip
to attend Epsilon Lambda's Norris Pig Dinner.
He is now spending a year on
sabatical leave to finish a book
on George Bernard Shaw. Dan
is heralded as the world's fore
most authority on Shaw.
This summer Dan is teaching
at the Indiana summer session.
Best wishes are extended to Dan
on his first assignment at a Big
Ten university.
President of the Fiji Housing
of East Lansing since its
^^rmation in 1958.
He was the^ driving force which
Q-j^tained Epsilon Lambda's new
:fj-aternity house and its furnishirigs.
The chapter will ever be in-
(^^bted to him and to him goes our
thanks and sincere api-eciation.
Herb CarnP sets goal
OS ear, nose, throat specialist
By Bob Justin
It takes 21 years of schooling
and 5 years of residency to be
come an otolaryngologist (ear,
nose and throat specialist).
Herb Camp (62) is now only
two years shy of his goal. He is
serving as an assistant instruc
tor for the State University of
New York in Syracuse, N. Y.
Herb has racked up an impres
sive list of accomplishments over
the years. He earned the rank
of Eagle Scout, his God and
Country and directed a danc6
At MSU Herb majored in bi
ology, was a member of Beta
Beta Beta, biology honorary, the
concert and marching bands and
did departmental research.
Herb graduated from the U-M
East Lansing site
of next convention
Epsilon Lambda will be the
host chapter for the next Section
Convention scheduled tentative
ly for November.
Medical School and spent a year
as an intern in Traverse City
before moving to Syracuse. He
plans to enlist in the Air Force
after completing his residency
to fulfill military obligations.
Fiji Parents Day
Scheduled May 4
Day will be May 4 at the chapter
Chairman Glenn Moore
(70) has planned an open house
and a luncheon for the parents
The agreement was made at
1961, Herb and Jackie (MSU 62)
the March 1-2 convention in
have two children and reside at
of Epsilon Lambda.
The parents club will also con
duct its Spring meeting, and new
308 Dewittshire, P^Witt, N. Y.
officers of the club will be elected.
A happily married couple since
\r\nAlumni look for 3rd softball win
Undergrads rated
underdogs again
Carrying an unblemished rec
ord into the third annual grad
uate Softball game-picnic May
18, the alumni nine is favored to
spank the youngsters once again.
The picnic begins at 1 p.m. at
Lake Lansing park. Co-chairmen
Rick Gilman, historian; Steve Douse, cor
responding secretary; Mike Wagoner, presi
dent; Dove Gibbings, treasurer; Tom Homer,
recording secretary.
ing golf tourney on tap. Golfers
are requested to notify them to
Directing- the Fiji Movement
for a successful 10th year are
four juniors and a senior. The
new cabinet has termed its ad
ministration as a movement to
ward efficiency and campus in
Mike Wagoner (70), a journal
ism major from Adrian, has been
elected president. He had forkmerly served as corresponding
Dave Gibbings (69), a Detroit
Gary Lonik (70) and Bill McCracken (70) also have a morn
jor from Isle of Palms, S. C., is
the new recording secretary.
Corresponding secretary
chores have been assumed by
Steve Douse (70). Steve is a po
litical science major from Nash
ville, Mich. Rick Gilman (70),
Birmingham psychology major,
is Epsilon Lambda's historian.
The cabinet has already met
with the Field Secretary, Section
Chief and Detroit (Graduate
secure tee-off times.
With mug in hand, Bob
Schnedler (67) will head the
alumni squad, that will surely
miss the fielding of third sacker
Dave Dourgherty (61) who was
traded-off for an extra keg.
Just why are the grads fa
vored ?
It's because "Rubber-arm" Le-
Anderson (71) will be on the
mound for the undergraduates,
who are coached by "Rocketarm" Gilman (70).
business major, has stepped up
from steward to treasurer. Tom
Hamer (70), an advertising ma-
Fijis invite fired professor to explain "his side'
Playmates rate
second best
It used to be that you couldn't
beat Playboy's method of dress
ing up—or is it undressing?—a
. But, the MSU Fijis have done
just that. A bevy of beautiful
MSU coeds.
. Epsilon Lambda has published
its own "girlie calendar" featur
ing a different coed accompany
ing each month. The "She Gams"
^re fully dressed, however.
Developed as a rush promoIiw, the calendar has been dis-
Wbuted to all eligible rushees.
The idea was borrowed from our
Illinois chapter, but the girls
ure ours!
Paul Reardon (69), Tom Ham-
Per (70), Gary Bisbee (70) and
Bill Deuel (70) were the chief
interviewers, ad salesmen and
l^out men, but a State News
photographer was more than
"^Ppy to take the pictures.
A professor was fired.
he had a legitimate protest to
SDS came to his defense.
demand reinstatement with the
The campus was in a state of
university. He attended an in
were clouded, the State News'
formal question and answer per
iod at the Fiji house to present
journalism was yellow and the
his view.
outside agitators tried to pro
Although we talked for three
hours, a summary of the discus
sion is irrelevant to the point
voke a student strike.
was con
cerned and wanted to know the
Bertram E. Garskof, assistant
professor of psychology, believed
that Phi Gamma Delta became
involved in a controversial cam
pus issue. Atypical of MSU's
apathetic reputation.
\r\nTen accept
bids in spring
With Dick Montgomery (70)
at the helm, Epsilon Lambda
pledged ten men during spring
rush, the largest pledge class of
the academic year. Accepting
bids were:
Gary Pryzbylo (72)—a phys.
ed. major from Schnectady, N.
Y. Gary was a starting guard on
the freshman cage team and a
FIRST ASSEMBLAGE of the Fiji pledges—
(front row) Rick Reynolds, Mark Butcko,
Dennis Homer, Larry Dold. (bock row) Jim
Swortz, Mike Bennett,
Steve Parks, Bill Bell.
Missing, Gary Pryzbylo, Greg Kopec.
high jumper on the MSU track
team. As a prep he was a bas
ketball All-American.
Steve Parks (70)—a bio. sci.
major from Birmingham.
Mark Butcko (72)—a no pref
erence student from Detroit.
A total of 17 men were ini
tiated into the brotherhood in
the 1968-69 academic year by
Epailon T.ambda. All have be-
come reliable chapter workers.
Mike Barratt (70) Blissfield
Bob Breese (68) Farmington
Ray Barry (70) Park Ridge, 111.
Mel Boyd (71) Hersey
Rob Lorentzen (71) Saginaw
Bud Komlenic (71) West New
ton, Pa.
Chuck Frasier (70) Avoca
Auggie Arbulu (71) Birming
By Gary Lonik
Winter term spelled disaster
for Fiji athletic squads. Only
swimming and ping pong stood
The basketball team, expected
in the pre-season ratings, to be
Bob Britton (72) Orchard Lake
Mike Downey (70) Birmingham
Mark McCutchan (70) Evans-
record. The Fijis lost their four
games by a total of 16 points.
The entire team, however, re
turns next year determined to
Jim Swartz (72)—a Pontiac
television and radio major.
Bill Bell (70)—an elementary
education major from Royal
Mike Bennett (71)—a pre-med [|P
student from Lakeview.
Greg Kopec (71)—a business
major from Bay City.
Fred Chamberlain (72)—Mt.
one of E.L.'s finest, finished
Dave Lynch (71) Detroit
Craig Strachan (71) Detroit
out amongst the intramural com
fourth in its division with a 1-4
Larry Dold (71)—a Bluffton,
Ind. engineering major.
Dennis Hamer (72)—a De
troit no preference student.
Rick Reynolds (72)—an ac
counting major from Birming
ville, Ind.
Dave Laity (71) Detroit
Dave Hartwig (72) Tecumseh
Gary Lake (72) Farmington
win the championship.
In handball, defeat was in
flicted in the opening round,
while the volleyball team went
Douse Elected IFC
VP for Development
On the brighter side, Denny
Vass (71) took second in the
Steve Douse (70), chapter
corresponding secretary, has
breast stroke in the fraternity
swim meet. But, the surprise
Development of the MSU Inter-
of the term came from the table
fraternity Council.
Before winning one of the
tennis crew led by veteran paddlemen. Chuck Cousino (70), Bill
Polhamus (70), Dick Montgom
ery (70) and Hugo Keasling
route to the finals, they suc
cumbed in the championship.
been elected Vice President for
three vice presidencies, Steve
had served as IFC scholarship
Steve is a member of MSU's
Honors College and had been a
champion debater in high school.
Cal Fox (70) has been named
to the 1968 All-Fiji first team
defense at a linebacker spot. Cal,
a 210 pounder, had been an offand-on starter for the Spartans
last fall. As an offensive end at
Battle Creek Central, Cal won ^
all-state honors.
He has two years of eligibility
remaining due to a shoulder in
jury suffered before the 1967
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May 1969 newsletter of the Epsilon Lambda chapter at Michigan State University. The newsletter is six pages in length.