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1967 May Newsletter Mu Iota (University of Idaho)
May 1967 newsletter of the Mu Iota chapter at the University of Idaho. The newsletter is four pages in length.
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Mu Iota
University of Idaho
1967 May Newsletter Mu Iota (University of Idaho)
New Buildings At Idaho
College of Education
University Classroom Center
The University of Idaho, since 1960,
has been going through a period of
growth and development. One sign of
this new growth has been the appear
ance of many new buildings upon the
Campus. At present, there are several
buildings beieng constructed upon the
campus and plans are being drawn up
for others.
One of the newer structures upon the
campus is the University Classroom
Center. Completed in 1965, the UCC was
designed to provide more office and
classroom space for the University fac
ulty and students. Utilizing all the latest
construction techniques, the UCC is an
example of what can be done when
using the newer forms of concrete con
Another new structure upon the cam
pus is the Art and Architecture build
ing. Completed just this last year, the
Architecture building provides the stu
dent with the very latest facilities with
^ TO
^ 1 *■ I
which to carry on his work. Included in
the four story structure are workshops,
drawing rooms, and even a small mod
ern library which can be used by the
students for research and new design
(Continued on page 3)
Art and Architecture.
Letter From The President ...
Fiji Faculty At Idaho
Mu Iota is proud to have five of its
members currently serving on the fac
ulty here at the University of Idaho.
They are Boyd A. Martin *36, Dean of
the College of Letters and Sciences; Dr.
Malcolm M. Renfrew, *32; Professor
William P. Barnes, *47; Assistant Pro
Just what is the AKE? Most of you who read the Gem State Fiji are members
of this Corporation whether you realize it or not. Although most of the business is
handled by a small group of men called the "Board of Directors," each of you who
is an alumnus of Mu Iota Chapter of Phi Gamma Delta is a voting member of
"AXE," and we urge you to attend any and all of our meetings.
During the 1966-67 school year, your AKE Board of Directors consisted of
Glenn Owen (Mu Iota *36), Bill Barnes (Mu Iota *44), Tom Edwards (Mu Iota *57),
Bill Merrill ,Mu Iota *.—), Jim Hawkins (Mu Iota *58), and Paul Tobin (Mu Iota
*53), who has been Secretary-Treasurer for the past ten years. At the March AKE
fessor Weldon Tovey, *61, and Tim
Flood, *66.
Dean Martin, who is also a Profes
sor of political science, received his
Bachelor or Arts degree in 1936, his
Masters degree in 1937 from the Uni
versity of Idaho and his Ph.D. from
meeting Tom Edwards was replaced by Hal Damiano (Mu Iota *59), but Tom will
continue to meet with the Board in his capacity as Purple Legionnaire. Bob Melgard (Mu Iota *56) was elected Secretary-Treasurer for the coming year, and we
all wish to thank Paul Tobin for his many years of service to Mu Iota both as
Stanford University in 1938.
Purple Legionaire and as "Keeper of the Books.**
What did we accomplish this yast year? Well, to name a few of items that
come to mind, we:
been active in state affairs and now
serves as a member of Idaho*s Consti
tutional Revision Committee.
(a) Kept the alumni drive going to renovaet the old portion of the house at
Dr. Malcolm M. Renfrew, who is the
Chemistry Head of the Physical Sci
ences Department, received both his
"600**. (See Glenn Owen*s article on this subject.
(b) Assisted the house treasurer in the collection of house bills past due by some
of our alumni.
He has
(c) Helped establish an Alumni Interfraternity Council in order to further fra
Bachelor*s and Master*s Degrees here
at the University of Idaho. He was
ternity coopeeration among all fraternities on campus.
(d) Assisted house officers to strive for a "scholastic atmosphere** within the
granted a Ph.D. from the University of
(e) Last, but not least, tried our best to keep a dry roof overhead (most of the
time!) and took care of the many details necessary to maintain a several
hundred thousand dollar physical plant in good repair.
All of the above is much less a job than a privilege due to the wonderful co
operation we have received from all the actives at Mu Iota. Here*s wishing all of
you the best of luck and success in your drive towards the Cheney Cup!
Our Man At National
"Not for college days alone,** is a
motton which certainly applies to Ste
phen H. Edwards (Mu Iota *64). Since
his graduation, Steve has continued to
serve Phi Gamma Delta in many posi
Coming to the University from Idaho
Falls, Steve continued the interest in
Minnesota in 1959. He is currently on
loan to accept a one year appointment
fraternity house.
as a staff associate of the Advisory
Council on College Chemistry at Stan
ford University.
Professor William P. Barnes teaches
Mechanical Engineering in the Univer
sity's College of Engineering. He serves
Mu Iota as the President of the AKE
Board. The undergraduate brothers re
cently voted him the Outstanding Alum
nus Award for the year 1966-67 for his
great contributions to the chapter.
Mu Iota, '44
Steve also has two brothers who are
Fijis. Tom, his older brother, currently
serves Mu Iota as its Purple Legion
naire, and Rich, his younger brother,
now resides in Idaho Falls. The brothers
at Mu Iota would like to congratulate
Steve on his fine work for the fraternity
and we hope that he will continue on
in the future.
Craig Storti *68
Weldon Tovey is an Assistant Profes
sor of General Engineering here at the
University. He received his Master*s de
gree in 1964.
Tim Flood is the youngest member of
the Fiji Faculty Group. He is presently
serving as in instructor of freshman
English while he does graduate work
here at the University. He received his
Bachelor*s degree last June.
school affairs which he had shown in
high school. While at Moscow, he took
an active interest in school affairs. He
Bob Harwood *69
Gem State Fiji
served as a class officer, secretary of
Interfraternity Council, and as a mem
ber on various student committees. In
addition to these activities, he was a
Death In Viet Nam
member of Blue Key, national men*s
honorary, and Alpha Kappa Psi, na
tional business fraternity. In relation to
the chapter, he served capably in sev
eral leadership capacities.
It is with great sorrow that Mu Iota
has to report the death of one of its
alumni in action in Vietnam. Major
Harry M. Brenn (Mu Iota *55), formerly
of Moscow and a graduate of the Uni
versity of Idaho, was killed there re
Upon graduation, Steve entered the
cently. His C141 Starlifter, which was
flying out of Cam Rahn Bay, South
ranks of the national headquarters staff
as a field secretary. His capable work
Vietnam, apparently developed engine
here soon earned him a promotion, and
at the end of his term, he was appoint
ed as assistant to the Executive Secre
tary. In this position, which he holds at
present, Steve was in charge of the
training program for Phi Gamma Del
killed in the crash.
ta's field secretaries. Also he has aided
William S. Zermann, Executive Secre
Published Three Times Annually
tary, in his endeavors to build up Fiji
graduate chapters and strengthen grad
uate relations.
Currently, Steve is serving as secre
tary and coordinator for the 1980 Com
mittee. This committee, which is pre
paring a program for future develop
trouble shortly after take-off, and
crashed into the bay. Major Brenn, in
attempting to save the aircraft, was
A recipient of the Distinguished Fly
ing Cross, Major Brenn was the son of
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Brenn, formerly of
Moscow, now living in Sequim, Wash
ington. He is survived by his widow,
the former Karen Parkinson, of Mos
cow, and three children, all now resid
ing in Tacoma, Washington. The men
of Mu Iota wish to extend their sin-
cereest condolences to both his parents
ment of Phi Gamma Delta, will make
and family for the loss they have suf
its report at the next Ekklesia.
\r\nMAY ISSUE, 1967
(Continued from page 1)
The Wallace Complex, the new dor
mitory on the campus, represents the
most recent efforts of the University ad
ministration to handle the problem of
student housing. It is a completely self
contained unit which provides excellent
ATTENTION ALUMNI: The following is a partial list of past graduates of Mu
Iota for whom we no longer have an address. If you have any information about
the location or addresses of these men, please notify us. We are trying to bring our
alumni files up to date. Also, we would like to have the men who have graduated
since 1961 to send in their addresses. We have no current addresses on the gradu
ates from 1961 onward. The address these notices should be sent to is: Alumni
Chairman, 600 University Ave., Moscow, Idaho 83843.
accommodations for the students at a
reasonable price. It has a central cafe
teria which can handle over 1000 stu
dents, and many lounges in which stu
dents can relax and study.
In addition to these recently com
pleted structures, the University has
several others in the planning stages.
The most recent of these which was re
leased to the public, was the new Per
forming Arts Center. When constructed,
it will contain all the facilities needed
for presentation of the fine arts at Uni
versity of Idaho. Incorporated in the
building's design are two separate audi
toriums which can be used to present
drama and musical programs. Also
there will be several classrooms and a
practice stage upon which plays and
musical performances can be rehearsed
in order not to tie up the regular facil
In addition to the Performing Arts
building, there are also plans for a new
Women's Gymnasium, Engineering Lab
oratory, College of Education building
and Administration building. With such
structures as these, the University of
Idaho campus should undergo a rapid
change in the next few years.
619 Burrell, Lewiston, Idaho
1318 Ranch Road, Boise, Idaho
500 West Franklin, Boise, Idaho
Boyd A. Moore
912 N. 10th, Boise, Idaho
Arlin R. Spaulding
Louis Bayrell Brown
John H. Kenney
James B. O'Connor
307 Spaulding Street, Bise, Idaho
2000 S. Blvd., Idaho Falls, Idaho
1010 10th Street, Idaho Falls, Idaho
196 Blue Lake Drive, Twin Falls, Idaho
Brent W. Warberg
George C. Anderson
Pocatello High School, Pocatello, Idaho
156 N. Johnson, Pocatello, Idaho
Kenneth C. Smith
Jack A. McEntire
Dean D. Thorton
20842 Place S. W., Seattle, Wash.
9253 26 S. W., Seattle, Wash
3057 36 W., Seattle, Wash
George W. Gibson
Gary Tronson
920 6 North, Seattle, Wash
19100 34th St., Seattle, Wash.
Titus N. Carter
Roland B. Hutchinson
General Delivery, Sancaster, Calif
444 Ceritos, Long Beach, Calif
Vaughn W. Halliday
Eugene C. Cluster
3725 Foothill Blvd., LaCresenta, Calif
2820 Danube, Acoto, Calif.
John L. Hill
1226 Palmer Street, San Diego, Calif
Ralph A. Baker
520 E. Wabash, Eureka, Calif
John P. Fuller
Ellis W. Poulton
305 Chestnut, San Carlos, Calif
13091 LaPato, Westminister, Calif
As was stated before, athletics is an
One of the most important aspects of
Robert B. Tarola —
Marvin J. Whitcomb
Donald D. McKee —
the Inland Empire one week for his per
important aspect of fraternity life giv
ing the house a balanced membership.
We Fijis are might proud of our "Jocks"
Phi Gamma Delta at the U. of I. is its
formance against Gonzaga U. He was
and their performances in varsity ath
continual emphasis on its members' par
ticipation in as many of the areas of
college life as possbile. Varsity athletics
is one of the more outstanding of these
also voted the Most Inspirational Play
Of the approximately 60 men living
in the house this semester, 20 are par
ticipating in spring sports. When the
year ends, nearly 30 Fiji's will have
participated in U. of I. athletics.
The Fiji's pride of the Vandal grid
squad last fall were Ron Porter, a de
fensive linebacker; John Daniels, defen.sive end; Dick Nelson, defensive
back; Bob MacCray, guard. On the frosh
team were John Bowman and Walley
All of the brothers were thrilled when
Ron Porter, the Yuba City, Calif., boy
with movie star features, signed a pro
contract with the Baltimore Colts. John
Daniel also signed a contract with the
San Diego Chargers. Congratulations
To mention the sport golf on our
campus is like saying Fiji. For the past
five years we have been well repre
er award for 1966-67.
Freshman Jeff Williams, high school
state champion from Boise, has proven
himself by repeatedly winning for the
varsity tennis team. He started as sev
enth man on the team and moved up to
A NOTE TO READERS: If you are a
Mu Iota graduate and are or have been
a member of a professional team please
send us a letter with information so
we can print it in our next magazine.
fifth after the first match. He is now
the "winningest" player on the team. He
seems to be the spark the Vandal netters needed.
Covering the diamond as Fijis this
spring are Steve Moen, Gary Johnson,
and Bob Lantz. The Vandals have lost
one one conference game to head the
league. Gary Johnson, shortstop from
Kirkland, Wash., has been performing
with excellence. He is currently number
one in the nation in triples and also
among the top 15 hitters in the nation
with a .485 average. Bob Lantz had of
fers from the New York Yankees upon
high school graduation but chose to
finish his college education first.
Adding to the Vandal track efforts
are Rod Bohman, Bob Bohman, Ron
Porter and Bill Bryson. Rod has had
Paul Tobin Retires
The Alpha Kappa Epsilon house cor
poration lost one of its more outstand
ing members this year. Paul H. Tobin
(Mu Iota '53) retired this year after
ten years' service upon the corporation
Since his graduation from the Uni
versity of Idaho, where he received a
Bachelor of Arts degree in Political
Science and History, Brother Tobin has
served Mu Iota well in many positions.
From 1955 to 1965, he served as the
Purple Legionnaire for Mu Iota. In ad
dition to these duties, he occupied the
post of secretary-treasurer on the house
corporation board from 1957 to 1967. In
his job as secretary-treasurer. Brother
several wins in the broad jump and
triple jump with his young brother Bob
putting in outstanding performances in
the pole vault. Bill "Flash" Bryson, Ida
for the planning and construction of the
golfers out for varsity did not hurt our
ho's answer to speed, holds the record
in the 100 yard dash with a time of 9.4
Alumni award for his service to the
intramural team as they won this year's
seconds. Bill
golf trophy.
spring with a leg injury, however.
Bjom Juvet, our exchange student
from Norway, was Idaho's Alpine racer
Mu Iota would like to take this op
sented on the varsity golf team. This
year is no exception with Mike Carter,
Dick White, Skip Pierce, and Allen Hull
filling in four of the seven team posi
tions. I might add that having our best
Our maple court contenders were
basketballers Rod Bohman, Jim John
ston, Kurt Miller, and Dave Goss. Rod
was voted as the outstanding athlete in
for the ski team. He is also a member
of the soccer team.
Tobin was one of the men responsible
new addition to the chapter house. In
1965, he was awarded the Outstanding
portunity to thank Brother Tobin very
much for the fine job He has done, not
only on behalf of Mu Iota but also of
Phi Gamma Delta.
\r\nMAY ISSUE, 1967
o'clock with dinner and pictures. At
The 1966-67 school year has been a
particularly busy one for the men at
Mu Iota. In both politics and activities
the Fijis have been able to compile a
very respectable record.
This year might suggest a change in
the name of the University of Idaho to
The University of Phi Gamma Delta, as
the Fijis marched into student govern
ment! Last year, the A. S. U. I. Execu
tive Board hailed only one Fiji in Gary
Vest '68, while this year's nine man EBoard boasts both Howard Foley and
Craig Storti (also '68). Gary Vest made
a valiant attempt for the position of
A. S. U. I. President but fell short by
a small margin. He was later appointed
the A. S. U. I. Attorney General. The
class elections also saw two Fiji's elect
ed in Dave Goss '69, Sophomore Class
V. P., and Howard Foley '68, Junior
Class President.
In campus organizations, Mu Iota was
also well represented with many of the
main positions being filled by Fiji's this
year. I. F. C. president was won by Craig
Storti. Craig later on in the year gave
up his office as Duke of I. K.'s as Dave
Goss was elected Worthy Scribe (i.e.
V. P.) and Jody Olson '69, was elected
Court Jester the number 5 position on
eight man officer board.
The business fraternity of Alpha
Kappa Psi also bustled with Fiji ac
tivity as Dave Lincoln '68 was elected
vice-president and brother Steve Can
non '68 was elected public relations
man. Steve Scott, '68, was elected pres
ident of Curtain Club, a drama honorary
and Ed Marohn '68 received the Out
standing Army ROTC cadet ribon again
this year. Rod Bohman '67, ROTC bat
talion commander, received one of the
20 national engineering ROTC cadet
Mu Iota was also very strong in stu
nine o'clock, the City Zu, a band brought
in from Seattle, began playing.
lasted until twelve o'clock, leaving many
Davy '70 was elected Chairman of the
tired but happy Fijis an hour in which
to take their dates home and find then-
I. K. book sale. Some of the other com
mittee chairmen in Activities Council
were Barney Gesas '69, Dads Day; Bruce
Austin '69, Stereo Lounge; Dave Weeks
'68 SUB films; Steve Oliver '68, Stu
dent-Faculty Committee of Recreation;
In honorary societies across campus
the Fijis also made a good showing.
Blue Key has now tapped five broth
ers: Chuck Birchmier '66, Rod Bohman
'67, Craig Storti '68, Howard Foley '68,
and Gary Vest '68. Of these five, two
wear the distinguished badge of Silver
Lance: Craig Storti and Gary Vest. In
Pi Omicron Sigma, an I. F. C. honorary,
Mu Iota was represented by Rod Boh
man, pase vice president, and Craig
Storti. Mu Epsilon Delta, the medical
honorary, has tapped Brother Gordon
Matlock '69.
With a
moment's reflection on the
awards, committees, offices and honors
held by our brothers on campus, we of
Mu Iota cannot help but think that the
campus is in good hands!
Fiji Islander
On April 14, after a lapse of five
years, Mu Iota had one of its most
cherished functions, the Fiji Islander.
Planned by brothers James R. Mooney
'68, Steven S. Scott '68, and John R.
Reed '68, it was one of the more out
standing social events of the year.
In celebration of the occasion, the
entire first floor of the chapter house
was decorated. Using bamboo and reed
mats, the effect was one of a grass hut
complete with a forty foot waterfall,
which emptied onto our patio. The
chapter had a local caterer provide the
food, and each brother and his date were
regaled with a feast which included:
roast beef, roast pig, and shrimp,
backed up with fruit salads served in
pineapple halves. During the dinner
hour, music was piped in throughout the
house so as to create a real "islander"
Our guests of honor for the evening
were Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Reynolds,
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Clark, and Mr.
and Mrs. Bill Stoakes, who acted as
The actual activities began at five
Brothers Bob and Port McKinster '67
were named to Judicial Council. The
Junior Prom committee was headed up
by brother Steve Cannon. Jeff Williams
'70 headed the Chairmanship of one of
most successful held by Mu Iota in sev
eral years, and we look forward to the
next one four years from now.
Dick White '69
The Blood Drive Chairmanship went
to Howard Foley and the All House
Competition was co-chairmaned by
'68. Brother Goss was busy heading the
Soph's Holly Week and Bob Harwood
was named Chairman of Big Name En
tertainment. Later on in the year both
way back to the chapter house. In ret
rospect, the dance was probably the
and Steve Cannon, Athletic Board of
dent committees.
brothers Steve Cannon and Steve Oliver
Mu Iota Fund Drive
The fund drive initiated in the spring
of 1965 by the AKE house corporation,
is currently undergoing a period of re
organization. To keep the alumni in
formed of the progress of the drive,
brother Glenn Owens (Mu Iota '36) has
submitted the following report to the
Gem State Fiji.
As of 21 April, there were forty-seven
"Century Clubbers" (one hundred or
more dollars contributed). In addition,
thirty-three other alumni members
have contributed lesser amounts. Cash
receipts to date total $5,894.68, of which
$4,369.68 was contributed during the
period 1 June 1965 to 1 June 1966. The
$1,525.00 received thus far during the
second year of the drive is $2,475 short
of the funds required to finance the
renovation planned for this summer. If
you are not a "Century Club" member
or if you have not started a term plan
to achieve the goal set for this year, the
next two months is an opportune time
to lend a hand. Because of the retire
ment of Paul Tobin (Mu Iota '53) all
future contributions should be sent to:
Bob Melgard, 1141 Highland Drive,
Moscow, Idaho.
Since the last report, the following
have joined the ranks of the "Century
Club": Richard B. Ott '19, Paul T. Rowell '22, T. N. Sichels '23, Tom Burnam
'36, Paul Morken '39, Clyde Culp '41,
BoId Cooks '41, Gordon Tolmie '44, Bill
Marineau '50, Robert B. White '52, Lloyd
Dunn '52.
been received from: Linton Lang '39,
Bob Davis '40, Donald Hagedorn '41,
Rex W. Anderson '42, John Holland '42,
Donald Bullock '46, Robert J. Hoffman
'46, Bruce Mclntosh '53, John Werner
'59, Gary Maxwell '61, and Mrs. W.
Horning for W. Keith Horning '22 (de
Glenn B. Owens '36
600 University
the Frosh Week committees, and Doug
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May 1967 newsletter of the Mu Iota chapter at the University of Idaho. The newsletter is four pages in length.