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1974 Fall Newsletter Rho Alpha (Virginia Tech)
Fall 1974 newsletter for the Rho Alpha chapter at Virginia Tech. The newsletter is 3 pages in length.
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Rho Alpha
Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University
1974 Fall Newsletter Rho Alpha (Virginia Tech)
Wella we made it through midterms, survived Homecoming weekend b
and successfully -tssmpifeted the first round of rv.ehc,
Our rush program finally got It all together this Pall as a
result ©f several faeteir®o To "begin with.,. Jeff Patch (Arixona 7k)
our latest Field Seoretaryc decided to pick r-^sh we ok to visit
our chaptere In addition to Jeffg another Fiji graduate,, Paul
Gernl (Perdue e?0) was staying at our house* Paul Is a professional
billiards playera Between the field secretary and the "hustler"3
we learned some new tips on rushing and ssrne general public
relations techniques „
If that was net enough, 3111 Mauser (Deniaon 850) cam« down
from Roanoke and conduotedFa session on rushing techniques*
This j, by fai'r, was the greatest factor to our success this fall*
It was quite apparent by us that there was mu^h to be learned
before we eculd master the art ©f effective rushing0
With only 20 brothers returning to schools all juniors ami
seniors,, we realised that time was running out,, We bid for 10
quality Freshman and Sophomores and pledged '?, Winter quarter9 we
plan on bidding 20 good men ahS pledging- no less than i5* We re
not shooting for the stars-=this is what must
be done t© keep our
chapter In existence whan all of n® ? 'oldies1 are gone-,
On the financial sideg we aren t doing t?-o badly* We managed
to obtain a 6 month moratorium on the house payment to Boatman°s
Bank of St«, Louis « This means w® pay enly the installments to the
bank In Blacksburga With the ,f/ added capital Wfc*v0 done some
minor repairs to the hause» We managed to make the upstairs
bathroom look like it isn't really crumbling apart,, and put some
new tile down in the first floor bathroom., A email miracle appeared
when Ed Merwln and Rabbit Dunn attempted
to install a new water
heater and the thing actually worked c I regret to inform you that
we lost the beloved picture tub® on the color TV,, After a record
number of hours of uninterrupted service,? the bj teh finally called
it quits*
Along with fixing the TV« the pledges are insulating the
room under the $$$/ porch,, By winter
be paneled and two
brothers will be living there. I c m most .happy to annunce that the
t*^ old refri|gerators that have been being stored in the pit have
been relocated in fche eity dump,. , , ,;howevei.% their place was refilled
by the old water heater, (another headache for the house manager)
I'd sineerely like to thank Rick Pine,= Ron Ghe«n5 Russells
Ronnie Hill9 Rich and Tom Rau« Bill Latane-? MJ,He M&rtirano and Ed
Arnold for helping us defray the cosl? of our Homecoming actiwltiesP
We had one helluva good time and we even won the football gam«P
Thanks go out t© Mike Griffith for coming all the way from Pennsylvania and t© Mike Martinano for coming from Hew York®
Thfe new House Corporation offioers were eieetad at the annual
meeting— President » Bill Mauseri— Vice President, Brad Ryff•!,,-—•
Treasurere Carl Bellas—- Secretary , Mike Griffith,
The chapter officers for this year aret
President»Phill Jessop
Treasurer- Bill Ritchie
R«c6 Secretary Rick Coffey
Corr, Sfc«3e
Bill Eehelberger
Doug Painter
Just for the
Doug Painter was married this summer,, and so did rookie brother
Darryl Oakts0 Phil Jesses IB .engaged s; so are Riek Vaden9 Dale Weldon9
Ed Merwin., I tell you ws^re dropping like flies around heref Curt
\r\n• tter
Allison plans on getting married around .December or Januarys
Before I fcrget ft hers°s a short calenda
events for PA,
VPI home basketball
" Dec
18 Farleigh Diokiiwon
8 Richmond
12 William & Mary
17 North Carolina
West Virginia
Norrifl pig
> o f^rmA-s
pij. Islander
Just & few words about the Ncrris Dinner* This year we're finally
going all ©uto Formal invitations will be out within th® next few
weeks „ The syiapoaiarah is Dr^ William Mauser and the main speaker
IB Viator Kainber from the Cfepitol Hill Fiji's in Washington, D 0 C 0
We might eyen give a few awards this y«ar0 To start the night off
we will haw® a seektail hour on the patio at the Blaoksburg
Marriott Inn, From there its into the dinner and some fun times.?
Brush up on yeur Fiji songs because we will be singing som* of them
(the one or tw© that we know.!) Aft«r the toasts and speechesB we
will adjourn for everyone to go baek and pi ok up their sweetie,,
Then its baok t© the Marriott at 9 e'elcsk for a danee until lam.,
Throughout the danoe thex*e will be a set-ups bar available,, Kent
Bathurst Is lining up an excellent band for the ocoaffion0( That's
called putting old Kent on the spot?) Donst forget,, the dinner Is
stag but the dance sure aint! The price for the cocktail heur0 th«?
danee and the dinner is $15» This is the total price for eaeh
brother and his date,,
This is going to be our best effort of the year* We're
extremely organized for this year°s occasion because we are expecsting
100^ participation from everybody,
A little reminder—May 3 is also the Ring Dance Weekend— sc
if you plan on staying at a motel in town* particularly the Marrfefett*
you had better ®ak« reservations early* I WES over at the Marriott
yesterday making reservations for myself and for Mr* Kamber and they
were already
taking reservations for Ring Dance0
WeBre doing our b«st down here* now the rest 5s up to you9the
gx-aduates of Rho Alpha,,
We finally decided it waa about time that we had somebody on
the All Fiji Football team that the PGD magazine puts ou£e You
are probably wondering who we could possible nominate „ Well* we
thought that It would be pretty eoeky if we nominated Bill Ritehie ,-, 00 -.
not for the tearae but for the All Fiji Team Managero After all*
Bill was awarded tw© varsity letters f*& his management of the
VPI football
tea»0 What the hell* why not?
Ism also enslosing a form for you to fill out to help us
s^art keeping traek $p ®* everybody0 Please return it to
John Hughes
e/o Phi Gamma Delta
202 Chureh Street
Blaeksburga Va0
• 24060
\r\nPlease fill out and return tos
John Hugh4
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Fall 1974 newsletter for the Rho Alpha chapter at Virginia Tech. The newsletter is 3 pages in length.