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1974 March Newsletter Lambda Omega (University of Western Ontario)
March 1974 newsletter of the Lambda Omega chapter at the University of Western Ontario. The newsletter is three pages in length.
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Lambda Omega
University of Western Ontario
1974 March Newsletter Lambda Omega (University of Western Ontario)
^ Efl W
/CA Pfl
B3 j'MbS ^ ^ M 1 BJ
Lambda Omega,
Bfl 'fap "Iff 7^'london,
March 1, 197^,
HjB^jB B bTj ra m Wm
PIG DINNER WEEKEND - February 8-10
This year's Pig Dinner Weekend was a smashing success as thirty-five
Grads were in attendance. The festivities began with the Grad-Undergrad
Hockey Game which was barely won by the Old Boys 6-5, The Pig Dinner itself
was held at the Ivanhoe Curling Club and the Brothers were treated to an
excellent dinner of roast beef and succulent pork. Three of the four Cana
dian Fiji chapters were in attendance, the Alberta chapter being the only
one not represented, Michael J. Stewart, Penn State '72 and Field Secre
tary for Lambda Omega, gave a fine speech on the many aspects of frater
nity life. Following the dinner, the Brothers retired to the Fiji House
to take part in a formal meeting in the Chapter Room, Tim Day's minutes
from September 19, 1970 were read and many Brothers took the opportunity
to make a comment during the C and C, The evening ended in the spirit of
brotherhood as some fellows re-acquainted themselves with other Brothers
over a few beer and others engaged in the perpetual Poker and Bridge games.
All in all, a great weekendl
The Undergraduate Brothers of Lambda Omega wish to express their
appreciation to all the Graduates who made the Pig Dinner Weekend the
success it was, Grads in attendance werej
Don Atkinson
George Isaac
Frank Smeenk
Ian Begg
Kevin Linden
Rick Starzynski
Steve Brett
Rick Longworth
Bob Brown
Pete Macdonald
Paul Macklin
Bob McCulloch
A1 Stewart
Bob Storie
Lynn Campbell
Jim Coles
Bill Szego
Brent Thrall
Murray Coulter
John McKinnon
Jim Vernon
Rick Fellman
Steve Firth
Paul Good
Doug Mclntyre
Wayne Pritchard
Dave Warren
Paul Renaud
Dennis Wilson
Mike Woods
Doug Groves
Bruce Ritchie
Jim Young
Pete Hockin
Barry Rogers
Tony Von Mandl(UBC)
The new Cabinet installed on February 10 includesi President- Ian S,
Grantf Treasurer- Michael Stocki Recording-Secretary- John R, Nicholsonj
Corresponding-Secretary- James D, Cameronj and Historian- R, Donald
Whittier, Any future correspondence to a Cabinet Officer should be add
ressed to the proper person.
On January 25, the fraternities and sororities at the University of
Western Ontario held a Dance Marathon in support of Multiple Sclerosis,
Lambda Omega was responsible for the publicity of the event. The theme
highlighted the dance marathons held during the Depression and many dancers
participated wearing the costumes of that era. Although the projected goal
was $5tOOO, over $6,400 was raised! The Fiji goal of $400 was met easily
as Brothers Turner, Keaveney, Hudson, Anderson and Firth ably represented
the chapter. Congratulations are extended to these Brothers!
John E, Bassingthwaite- is in Vancouver working for I,P,Sharps Associates,
Tim Day- is a buyer in the Purchasing Dept, of C.P, Air in Vancouveri if
you have any planes to sell, new or used, contact Tim,
Tony Von Mandl- B.C.Fiji} is a wine broker and has set up an Eastern Divi
sion Office for Josef Milz International Ltd, in Toronto;
Welcome to Tony!
Bob Storie- working as a Marketing Rep, for Bell Canada in London,
March 24 - Parents' Tea, 2i00 - 5s00 p,m,; drop in to sip a cup of tea
and munch a few cookies.
March 30 - Grass Skirt; take a break from the real world! come on down to
sip Jungle Juice out of a coconut.
John Starzynski
Steve Good
James F, Coles
Postal Code M4G 1E6
Richard A, Fellman
Telephone Number - (416)278-1781
Dennis C. Wilson
267 Sixth Avenue,
Woodstock, Ont,
Timothy R« Day
#4-2544 West 3rd Ave,,
Vancouver, B.C.
John E, Bassingthwaite
c/o I,P. Sharpe Associates,
2055-777 Hornby St,^
Vancouver, B.C.
William G* Lovell
R. Ian Bradley
210 Warren Rd.,
Kitchener, Ont.
3640 Swirlingleaves Ores.,
Mississauga, Ont.
James M. Higgins
33 Mason Blvd.,
Toronto, Ont.
David A. Warren
58 Gage Ave.,
Scarborough, Ont.,
Paul H« Macklin
John C. Campbell
8 Springbrook Rd.,
Cobourg, Onto
361 Baseline Rd. W.,
London, Ontario
Tony Von Mandl
c/o Suite 1906,
701 Don Mills Rd.,
Don Mills, Ont.,
M3C 1R8
William ?• Corbet
3 Lakeview Ave.,
Grimsby, Ont.
Ronald A. Pearson
127 Dunhill,
Kleinburg, Ont.
Bruce L. Love
104 Avondale Blvd.,
Bramalea, Ont.
Michael H. Biggs
Address as of July 1, 197^ - please note for
future reference-
14 Eastview Ores.,
Toronto 12, Ont.
On February 11, nine men became pledges to Lambda Omega. These men
arei Rick Ba8e(Pledge Class President)! John Hagarty (Pledge Class Secre
tary-Treasurer)! Don Dinnin! Mike Jones! Steve Dunn! Mike Sullivan!
Pete Bannon! Jack Johnston! and Doug Workmen. The pledge training is
under the able guidance of John Nicholson. Congratulations to all the
Brothers who made the Rush a success! With this Rush, it is ensured that
there will be at least 18 Brothers returning to Lambda Omega in the Fall.
If you change your address, it would be greatly appreciated if you
could inform Steve Good so that the change can be incorporated into the
Directory. Also, please let the House know of any big changes in your
lives i.e. engagements, births, job changes, etc. so that the informa
tion can be passed on to all the Brothers. It is hoped that the Grads
will continue to use the Grad Letter as the medium through which to
communicate news to all Brothers.
Steve Good
John Starsynski
\r\nDear Grad,
If you did not fill out the last Information Sheet, please
return this one to me* The longer I wait to get the sheets back,
the longer I must wait to make up the Directory, Also, these
sheets are going to form the basis for a continuing Graduate File,
You grads are important to us actives. If it hadn't been fol? you
there would not be a Fiji chapter in London right now. So, keep in
touch and let us know how you are getting on,!
John Starzynski
Graduate Relations Committee
Name t(in full)
Addresst(include postal code)
Phone NumberI
Married or Single?
If married. Wife's names
If children, names and agesi
If engaged, name of fiancees
Year of graduations
Subsequent schooling to B,A,s
Present occupations
With whoms
Any future job plans?s
General Commentss(tell us what you have not yet, along with any
news about other grads. Attach additional sheets
if necessary,)
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March 1974 newsletter of the Lambda Omega chapter at the University of Western Ontario. The newsletter is three pages in length.