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2014 Summer Newsletter Chi Eta (Western Kentucky University)
Summer 2014 newsletter of the Chi Eta chapter at Western Kentucky University. This newsletter is seventeen pages.
Date/Date Range:
Chi Eta
Western Kentucky University
2014 Summer Newsletter Chi Eta (Western Kentucky University)
Summer 2014
Volume 5 Issue 2
Biking for Alzheimer’s
P. 5-6
in Purple
P. 6
“NU” Pledge
P. 7-12
Chi Etas
Abroad P. 13
Jason White
P. 16
Mark your Calendars!
November 3rd-8th
WKU Homecoming,
New Tops on the Block
3,000 miles, 56 days, $85,000 and 12 Chi
Eta Phi Gams. All the necessary components
for the third edition of Bike4Alz.
Bike4Alz, originally named Fiji’s Across
America, was created by graduate brother Tyler Jury (2012) in honor of his late grandfather
who passed away from Alzheimer’s.
In the summer of 2010, Jury along with
five other Chi Eta brothers and a close friend
at UK, rode from California to Virginia, raising over $56,000 for the Alzheimer’s Association. In 2012, nine Chi Eta brothers pedaled
from International Falls, MN to Key West, FL,
raising over $65,000 along the way.
Just months after that ride concluded,
preparation began for the next ride set to take
place in the summer of 2014. 16 months of
weekly meetings and deliberations, countless
hours of reaching out for sponsorships and
donations by phone and in-person, and a lot of
hard work from 12 Chi Eta brothers was done
to ensure that this would be the most success-
ful Bike4Alz trip to date.
The 2014 Bike4Alz participants were:
Robert Lucas (2014), Ryne McMullen (2015),
Luke Sparks (2015), Wade Weatherholt
(2015), Seth Bland (2016), Seth Haga (2016),
Parker Kuhn (2016), Drake Riley (2016),
Taylor Ruby (2016) and Drew Tingle (2016)
as bikers, and Nate Blankenship (2015) and
Brent Stephens (2016) as the support drivers.
On Monday, May 19, after a delicious
homemade breakfast from Rick and Lori Tingle, parents of rider Drew Tingle, the group
departed on a 40 hour trek from Bowling
Green to the sunny shores of San Diego. Driving through six states all the way to CA, it was
over 40 hours of non-stop singing, sleeping
and sweating (as is any Chi Eta car ride).
Late that Tuesday night, Bike4Alz arrived
in San Diego at the home of support driver
Brent Stephens’ (2016) cousins. There the
group was spoiled by the indescribable views
...continued on p.2
Friendship. Knowledge. Service. Morality. Excellence.
\r\nof the Pacific Ocean, Mexico and San
Over the course of the week the
riders went on training rides together,
learning how to bike in formation
and how to ride together with traffic.
The group also had a great surprise
that week, receiving an anonymous
$20,000 donation on their website.
“The surprise of the $20,000 donation, the multiple days in San Diego
learning how to ride as a group and
the hospitality of Stephen and Stuart,
was the exact encouraging beginning
we needed,” said rider Ryne McMullen (2015).
The first day of the ride, May 24,
started with a daily dedication to the
late grandmother of 2012 Bike4Alz
support driver Austin Lanter. His
grandmother, Marjorie Gibson, suffered from Alzheimer’s for 5 years
before passing away just two days
prior to the start of the ride, on May
Each day of the ride was dedicated to individuals like Marjorie
Gibson, and the goal of each daily
dedication was to not only honor
that person’s life through that day’s
efforts, but to spread their life stories
and show that even though Alzheimer’s disease may strip someone of
their memories or personality, it can’t
take away their legacy and the impact
they had on so many people’s life.
“We realized real early how important daily dedications were by doing Austin’s grandmother on the first
day,” said McMullen. “When the ride
got tough going up that mountain on
the first day it helped us keep pushing
on knowing that we were doing it in
memory of her.”
From San Diego, the group pedaled into the barren deserts of south-
ern California into the northern parts
of Arizona. Biking into Arizona the
group climbed into southeast Utah,
where they stayed for one night before heading into southern Colorado.
In Colorado they tackled the
highest mountains they would face
the entire ride. From Colorado they
then descended into Kansas where another new challenge presented itself,
the wind. From the plains of Kansas
into Missouri, Bike4Alz went through
its most traumatic and hardest day of
the ride.
While leaving Joplin, MO, the
riders stopped off at a creek to cool
down from the scorching heat. The
riders found a rope swing and everyone preceded to jump from the
rope into the cool waters. But when
biker Taylor Ruby went on his second
swing, he fell into the shallow waters
and suffered a gruesome foot injury.
Ruby’s heel struck a rock perfectly and gashed open his heel, cutting
so far deep that it severed his Achilles tendon. Ruby was taken to a local
hospital’s emergency room, where we
was stitched up and was then flown
to the University of Kentucky hospital
the next day where he had his first of
seven surgeries to repair his Achilles
and fight off a persistent infection.
Ruby was on crutches for 10
weeks, but is now off and was recently cleared to partially bear weight on
his foot while in walking boot. He is
expected to be back at 100% around
the Spring of 2015.
After Missouri, the group rode
into Kentucky where they held several fundraisers and were able to spend
quality time with family and friends.
...continued on p.3
Friendship. Knowledge. Service. Morality. Excellence.
\r\nAfter leaving the Bluegrass state,
Bike4Alz rode into West Virginia and
rode over the Appalachians before
finishing off the ride in Virginia and
riding into Washington D.C.
Rider Seth Bland perfectly summarized each state :“In California we
didn’t know how to ride bikes very
well, in Arizona it was so hot, and the
reservations we stayed at were awful.
The cacti in Utah gave us so many
tire issues, Colorado was our first
long series of mountains, and it felt
like you were climbing uphill all day
to get to the peak. Kansas was windy
and you would have to push down
on your handlebars to keep your bike
stable which wore your arms out after
a while.”
“Missouri was Taylor, and then the
Ozarks were very hilly. For Kentucky
the hardest part was leaving, we
were spoiled by family and friends.
West Virginia was so gorgeous, but
they were a lot steeper hills than the
Rockies. They were higher grades
but shorter distances. Virginia was
the state for me where I did not want
to stop, I hated it the most because it
meant that it was over. I just didn’t
want it to end.”
Overall through the 56 days on
the ride, Bike4Alz was able to raise
just over $85,000, the most Chi Eta
has ever raised for a philanthropy
event or trip. Right around $50,000
of that amount is being donated to the
BrightFocus Foundation, a non-profit
foundation that supports research and
public funding to help eradicate eye
and brain diseases, including Alzheimer’s disease.
While the ride is over, the fight
against Alzheimer’s is not. “Alzheimer’s never quits” was the motto this
group lived by this past summer, and
as their support driver I can say that
these young men worked harder than
anyone I’ve ever seen in my entire
life. They pressed on in the face of
adversity and pedaled every mile to
beat Alzheimer’s. It was the best summer of my entire life, and I am very,
very proud to be a Fiji.
EKKLESIA: 166th Annual Gathering
This summer, the international
fraternity of Phi Gamma Delta held
its biennial conference, Ekklesia, in
Indianapolis, IN. Ekklesia, a three
day conference, is the governing
body of Phi Gamma Delta fraternity
which each chapter provides up to
three voting delegates. The purpose
of Ekkelsia is to approve the budget
for the next two years, amend the
Bylaws and Constitution, and elect
new archons. Archons are elected officials that sit as the Archonate (Board
of Directors) which consists of seven
graduate brothers and two undergraduate brothers.
The Chi Eta chapter sent five undergraduate brothers: President Kyle
Stewart, Treasurer Ryne McMullen,
Recording Secretary Seth Bland, Andrew Boyles, and Taylor Leigh.
Brother Kyle Stewart sat on the
nominations committee to
interview candidates and
nominate eight men to be
voted for to serve on the
Archonate for the 20142016 term.
Brothers Taylor
Leigh and Andrew Boyles
participated in “Project
PhiGam”, which calls for a
time for the brothers of Phi
Gamma Delta to give back
to the Indianapolis community through service.
Brother Seth Bland was elected
to the Archonate as one of the undergraduate representatives. Seth is
the first Chi Eta brother to hold this
prestigious postion. The ninth archon,
Bill Downing (Wittenberg 2015) is
currently in the middle of a two-year
term on the Archonate from 20132015.
Chi Eta graduate brothers in attendance were Brian Campbell, Josh
Wiseman, Bryan Hartzell, Brandon
Bowman, and Bob Anderegg.
Brothers Clay Simpson and
Tyler Jury also were in attendance as
vendors of their business, Clayton &
Friendship. Knowledge. Service. Morality. Excellence.
\r\nChi Eta’s New Graduate Brothers
Pictured from Left to Right, Top to Bottom (Austin Lanter, Ben Harris, Bryan Hartzell, Blake Neumann, Tyler Lockhart, Jacob Hood, Trip Carpenter, Jason White, Matthew Purdom, Griffin Fruge, Jeff Creech, Jonathan Caron, Jordan Kassel, Kaleb Moore, Nick Bratcher, Spencer Wright, Cody Hutchins, Kent Jones, Sam
Knott, Will Owens, Sam Wells, Will Garcia, Dallas Wilson)
Friendship. Knowledge. Service. Morality. Excellence.
\r\nChi Eta pairs with Independence Bank, Bowling
Green Housing Authority
In the fall of 2013, the Fiji
house was faced with a few appliance
difficulties that needed fixing. Bob
Fitch, CEO of Independence Bank,
was contacted about going to fix these
things and at first he was very reluctant to work on a fraternity house. He
decided to anyways and happened to
come the same weekend as Parent’s
Weekend and marveled at the kindness of everyone he met. His initial
thoughts were that this couldn’t be
a fraternity. He came the following
week and noticed the same character
and politeness by the guys he met.
Fiji at the time had been searching for a way to take service to the
next level. They were seeking a connection in the community to partner
with and make an even bigger difference than otherwise independently.
One of the unique characteristics
about Independence Bank is that they
are very active in the community by
contributing to service and encouraging their employees to contribute as
well. It seemed to be fate that Mr.
Fitch came to make a few appliances
better when really he came and unexpectedly provided an enormous way
for the brothers of Fiji to be better.
Mr. Fitch saw the potential and
genuineness of the guys and asked if
they would be interested in partnering together to make an impact in the
Bowling Green community. Dylan
Ward and Kyle Stewart agreed and
announced at a meeting that the opportunity Fiji has been searching for
had appeared and that they accepted
the proposal.
Following this, another door opened as the
Bowling Green Housing
Authority provided an
avenue for Independence
Bank and Fiji to help a
family in need by providing free labor to work on
a house and renovate it
for a low-income family.
Fiji then established a committee lead
by Taylor Bowling as
the Committee Chair to
serve as a liaison between the Housing Authority, Independence Bank
and Fiji. Taylor would also organize
the guys along with the dates and
times to work.
With everything seeming to
come together, everything was ready
for the kick off date. On March 21,
2014, almost 40 guys showed up to
help with demolition of the house.
They removed drywall, wiring, and
cleaned up the backyard and worked
so hard that in 8 hours they accomplished what was originally planned
to take two days. News coverage from
around the area came and interviewed
the guys and Fiji was featured on the
front page for the Bowling Green
Daily News for their efforts.
Fiji then worked on the house
April 11 and May 2. The same work
ethic was exemplified as each time,
Fiji finished what was scheduled for
two days in one day and twice the
number of guys showed up to help
each time than what was requested by
the Housing Authority. The goal of
having the house finished by June was
a real possibility by how well everything was being accomplished.
Fiji then invited Bob Fitch along
with Richard Reker and Abraham
Williams from the Housing Authority
to the annual Frank Norris Pig Dinner. President Stewart’s presentation
included their impact on Chi Eta and
the opportunity they have given Fiji
to serve the community in a massive
Fiji served their last day for the
semester on May 9. The Housing
Authority requested 5, but 9 showed
up and completed double the amount
of tasks planned for in less than three
hours. A new fence was installed, the
old flooring was removed, windows
fixed, and debris was cleaned. It
finished off a great semester working with Independence Bank and the
Housing Authority and made one step
closer to being able to provide an
underprivileged family a home, something we all take for granted.
With the house almost complete,
...continued on p.6
Friendship. Knowledge. Service. Morality. Excellence.
\r\nanother opportunity fell into place
for Fiji to help the Housing Authority. Following budget cuts, Delafield
Community Center became a location
that Bowling Green could no longer
afford to keep and maintain so the
Housing Authority offered to buy it
and renovate it. A church interested in
moving into it contacted the Housing
Authority and it will be leased out to
them once renovation was complete. 10 girls showed up to help paint the
Fiji agreed to help the Housing inside walls.
Fiji was recognized for their serAuthority with renovation. This included painting the interior and exte- vice on October 1 at Warren County’s
rior, clearing out walls for new rooms, fiscal court meeting where they anreplacing ceiling tiles, renovating the nounced the Housing Authority’s purchase of Delafield Community Center.
bathrooms, and replacing floor tile.
On September 26, Fiji had 15
guys show up to help. Kappa Delta
sorority was also invited to serve and
Change in Purple Legionnaire
Chi Eta has experienced many
changes in graduate leadership over
the past few months. Bob Anderegg,
the former Purple Legionnaire of Chi
Eta, recently accepted the position of
section chief of the fraternity. Brian
Campbell, a recent Chi Eta graduate, was voted in as the new Purple
Legionnaire of WKU FIJI. Chi Eta is
proud of the role of our graduates in
this fraternity.
“It’s a sign of a healthy chapter
when we’re able to advance people
into higher positions, and fill leadership positions from within,” Kyle
Stewart, chapter president, said.
“The chapter and its leadership
are excited to have our first full-time
Purple Legionnaire that is a product from our chapter here at WKU.
Brian’s connections to Chi Eta as
well as WKU will lead to a successful
advisor under which the chapter will
Brian Campbell, who graduated
in 2012 with a major in secondary
education, was named interim Purple
Legionnaire in the summer of 2014.
He was voted by the chapter into the
position in September. As an undergraduate Brian was a very active
a large
role in
Cups and
living in
the house,
and playing a part
in the service trip to
Haiti. He
is currently
working as
the new Admissions Counselor for
the Honors College at WKU where
he recruits new students for the university.
“I look forward to working with
the undergraduate brothers as they
continue to bring other amazing men
into the chapter and continue all of
the things that make Chi Eta excellent,” Campbell said.
Bob Anderegg, an undergraduate
the University of Southern California and graduate initiate of Chi Eta,
is now the section chief of the Phi
Gam chapters at WKU, Vanderbilt,
and Austin Peay. Bob held the Purple
Legionnaire position before becom-
ing section chief. As Section Chief
Bob advises in the development of
relations with graduate brothers and
“I am excited about the opportunity to encourage my three groups
to become resources for each other,”
Anderegg said.
“I am especially eager for our
two Chapters to assist our Colony at
Austin Peay as they enter their stretch
drive to obtain a charter.”
The next few years look bright
for the future of this chapter under the
leadership of these two men. We appreciate their support and advice thus
far and for many years to come.
Friendship. Knowledge. Service. Morality. Excellence.
\r\nThe New “Nu” Pledge Class
Daniel Aroh
Year: Freshman
Major: Undeclared
High School: Christian Academy of Louisville
College Activities: FIJI, Intramurals, and Living Hope.
High School Activities: Soccer, Lacrosse, NHS, Beta Club, Sewing Club.
Big Brother: Connor Slade
Why did you join FIJI: “It’s a brotherhood of awesome guys that share similar
morals and values. I’ve known about it for 5 years because of my older brothers.”
Favorite Dessert: Apricot Pudding
Favorite Color: Anything but green.
Carson Ball
Year: Freshman
Major: Business
High School: West Jessamine High School
High School Activities: Football, Basketball, FCA, Pokémon.
Big Brother: Drew Tingle
Why did you join FIJI: “Eternal brotherhood, to get involved, and to make new
Favorite Dessert: Protein Shake
Favorite Color: Navy Blue
Jonathan Blair
Year: Freshman
Major: Healthcare Administration
High School: South Oldham
High School Activities: Varsity Basketball & Golf, FCA, Lawn Mowing.
Big Brother: Grant Rohleder
Why did you join FIJI: “I noticed how it changed my brother into a better man
& I wanted the same.”
Favorite Dessert: Snow-cone
Favorite Color: Blue & White
Friendship. Knowledge. Service. Morality. Excellence.
\r\nBen Brooks
Year: Sophomore
Major: Management
High School: Jasper High School
College Activities: 2 years College Football, College Mentor for National Football Academies.
High School Activities: Football, Track & Field, YoungLife, Boy Scouts (Eagl
Big Brother: Brandon Ernstes
Why did you join FIJI: “I saw the good values and character with which FIJI
members lived their lives & wanted to be apart of something like that.”
Favorite Dessert: Brownies
Favorite Color: Black
Alec Brown
Year: Sophmore
Major: Mathematics, Secondary Education
High School: Brownsburg High School
College Activities: Honors Toppers, Share-a-Swipe, and CRU Bridges International.
High School Activities: Golf, Basketball, NHS, FCA, International Club, History
Club, and Student Government.
Big Brother: Seth Bland
Why did you join FIJI: “ I joined FIJI to get out of my comfort zone and create
lifelong relationships with mentors and younger brothers.”
Favorite Dessert: Cheesecake
Favorite Color: Purple
McGavinn Brown
Year: Sophomore
Major: History and Political Science
High School: Franklin Simpson High School
College Activities: Spirit Masters, History Club, and History Department Student
Big Brother: Taylor Bowling
Why did you join FIJI: “To be closer with the guys that I was already close with
in the fraternity; furthermore, to grow that number significantly.”
Favorite Dessert: Derby Pie
Favorite Color: Green
Friendship. Knowledge. Service. Morality. Excellence.
\r\nBrandon Carey
Year: Freshman
Major: Math Economics
High School: Greenwood High School
College Activities: Share-a-Swipe, Living Hope College Ministry
High School Activities: Soccer, Track and Field, Cross Country, FCA, NHS,
Big Brother: Hayden Hickey
Why did joined FIJI: “Brotherhood and to become a better man.”
Favorite Dessert: White Cake
Favorite Color: Orange
Toryn Cornell
Year: Sophomore
Major: Biology, Pre-Physical Therapy
High School: South Warren High School
College Activities: Student Athletic Trainer
High School Activites: Football & Basketball
Big Brother: Ryne McMullen
Why did you join FIJI: “I wanted to join a group of guys with the same standards and morals.”
Favorite Dessert: My Grandmas chocolate cake.
Favorite Color: WKU Red
Elijah Essa
Year: Sophomore
Major: Financial Planning
College Activities: Worship Leader at CRU, Bridges International Ministry, Honors Toppers.
High School Activities: Worship Southeast Christian Church and NHS.
Big Brother: Jay Todd Richey
Why did you join FIJI: “During my freshman year at WKU I met a lot of guys
in the fraternity. After meeting them I began to see what the fraternity stood for
and Iwas thoroughly impressed and very interested. I am so pumped for the next
three years in this awesome brotherhood!”
Favorite Dessert: Anything with association to birthday cake.
Favorite Color: Blue
Friendship. Knowledge. Service. Morality. Excellence.
\r\nIan Greer
Year: Junior
Major: Biology
High School: Franklin-Simpson High School
College Activities: Spirit Masters, Alpha Epsilon Delta, Pre-PT Club, Camp
Loucon, Golden Key Honors Society, and Intramurals.
Big Brother: Charlie Rhea
Why did you join FIJI: “I joined FIJI to grow as a man of God with an awesome group of guys and to provide accountability and growth for others.”
Favorite Dessert: Brownies
Favorite Color: Red
Travis Hardcastle
Year: Sophomore
Major: Business Administration
High School: SWHS
College Activities: Living Hope, Guitar, and Intramurals.
High School Activities: Bball, Baseball, and Guitar.
Big Brother: Jonathan Brennan
Why did you join FIJI: “The brotherhood and support that is second to none
anywhere else. Opportunity to grow in ways that I will soon find out.”
Favorite Dessert: Ice Cream Cake
Favorite Color: Red
James (Jamie) Harvener
Year: Junior
Major: Dance
High School: Lafayette High School
College Activities: CRU, Alpha Psi Omega (Theatre and Dance Honor Society),
National Dance Education Organization (NDEO) National Society of College
Scholars (NSCS).
High School Activities: Leadership Lexington, Beta Club, French Honor Society, Key Club.
Big Brother: Will Linder
Why did you join FIJI: “To join an association of like minded men who will
make me a better man.”
Favorite Dessert: Ice Cream
Favorite Color: Blue-grey (storm cloud style)
Friendship. Knowledge. Service. Morality. Excellence.
\r\nJustin Hobbs
Year: Freshman
Major: Meteorology
High School: Breckingridge County High School
High School Activities: FFA, Archery, NHS, and Chorale.
Big Brother: Taylor Leigh
Why did you join FIJI: “ I joined FIJI because the guys were so welcoming
and they made me feel at home. In addition, I found that we all share a common
interest. We are determined to succeed and grow as individuals in order to help
our home and community.”
Favorite Dessert: Coconut Cream Pie
Favorite Color: Yellow
Drew Morgan
Year: Senior
Major: Psychology
High School: Elizabethtown High School
College Activities: Three years of baseball at University of Cumberlands.
High School Activities: Baseball, FCA, and KYA.
Big Brother: Kyle Stewart
Why did you join FIJII: “I joined FIJI because all of the guys in FIJI are guys
I want to surround myself with. They are so awesome that they make FIJI very
attractive. Also, to have a common bond that allows me to see my friends later in
Dessert: Chocolate Cake
Favorite Color: Kentucky Blue
Peyton Rhea
Year: Freshman
Major: Sports Management
High School: Louisville Male High School
High School Activities: Class President, Student Senate Officer, and Football.
Big Brother: Chris Mckenna
Why did you join FIJI: “To surround myself with an ambitious group of guys
striving to be the best while finding a sense of community and making great lasting relationships.”
Favorite Dessert: Churros
Favorite Color: Red
Friendship. Knowledge. Service. Morality. Excellence.
\r\nHunter Sewell
Year: Freshman
High School: Greenwood High School
College Activities: Living Hope College Ministry, Honors College, Intramurals,
and Campus Ministry.
High School Activities: Soccer, Basketball, Student Council, FBLA, NHS VP,
and BETA.
Big Brother: Andrew Boyles
Why did you join FIJI: “To assist myself in my growth into being the man I’m
created to be.”
Favorite Dessert: Cherry Pie
Favorite Color: Orange/Black
Caleb Sloan
Year: Junior
Major: Architectural Science
High School: South Haven Christian School
College Activities: ROTC, RUF
High School Activities: Football, Drama, Service Club, and Church
Big Brother: Levi McQueary
Why did you join FIJI: “Awesome group of guys with great goals and aspirations.”
Favorite Dessert: Cookies and Milk (Whole)
Favorite Color: Green
Favorite Color: Kentucky Blue
Friendship. Knowledge. Service. Morality. Excellence.
\r\nChi Etas Abroad
Left: Sophomore Jacob
Hodges and FreshmanBrandon Carey spent
the summer traveling
the northern atlantic
with Toppers at Sea.
Right: Junior Zach Miller traveled through the Czech
Republic for a WKU Political
Science Program.
Friendship. Knowledge. Service. Morality. Excellence.
\r\nLeft: Junior Colton
Hounshell spent this
summer traveling
around Japan and Taiwan where he studied
mandarin at the National Taiwan Normal
University in Taibei.
Right: Junior Chris McKenna in
Amman, Jordan. Chris worked as
an intern at Jordan River Foundation, a non-profit organization
that teaches english to kids ages
6-8 and professional skills to teens
ages 15-17.
Friendship. Knowledge. Service. Morality. Excellence.
\r\nRight: Sophomore
Brandon Pruitt
spent the summer
traveling through
Brazil and studying
Spanish in Buenos
Aires, Argentina.
While in Brazil,
Brandon had the opportunity to explore
many cities and attend several World
Cup games.
Left: Senior Matt Lawson traveled to Costa
Rica to continue studying Spanish.
Friendship. Knowledge. Service. Morality. Excellence.
\r\nGraduate Spotlight : Jason White
This summer’s Graduate Brother
Spotlight, Jason White, graduated
from WKU this May (2014) with a
Broadcast Operations Major and is
currently working with “Pro-nounce,
Broadcasting and Media Production”
in Nashville, Tennessee. White has
also connected with the Music City
FIJI Graduate Chapter.
As a recent graduate, Jason’s
character and leadership while transitioning from WKU to the “real world”
has been both motivational and
educational. Jason has proven to be a
great example to the Chi Eta chapter
and has effectively carried the FIJI
spirit of excellence into his career and
While keeping up with studies and grades are important, Jason
proves that completing hands on work
while going through undergraduate
is equally important to landing a job.
Communication between Jason and
“Pro-nounce” originally started when
White was looking to purchase a
camera from his current employer in
his freshman year. Through undergrad
Jason worked on freelance projects
for “Pro-nounce” by shooting weddings and sporting events, and later
moved into a full-time position after
graduating in May.
“It truly is about who you know
not what you know,” said White.
“You’ll be behind without any outside
Considering White’s career was
put in motion in the early years of his
studies at WKU, its not surprising that
another equally important opportunity has paralleled his pursuit into the
working world.
As a freshman White, and the
Chi Eta FIJI chapter, was approached
with an opportunity to sign up as
bone marrow donors in a WKU Greek
Week competition with the program
S.A.M. (Sharing America’s Marrow).
White’s sister, Hailey White, had
had Hodgkin’s lymphoma and he felt
driven to provide aid to those in need
of donations, so he signed up to be
put on a donor list. However, because
of detailed DNA matching, sometimes bone marrow donors are never
called to donate. This summer, four
years later, White received a phone
call telling him he matched a woman
in Canada, and if he was willing to
donate, he could save her life. Despite
the years that had passed and his fear
of needles, Jason said the choice to
donate was easy.
“The first thing I thought of was
my sister. If Hailey ever had to have
a bone marrow donation, I’d want
somebody to do it for her,” said White
in an interview with S.A.M.
White received injections five
days prior to the donation to pull the
required stem cells into his blood
stream. This keeps the donors from
having to endure a much more painful
harvesting procedure from the pelvis,
however the injections still cause
discomfort and body aches.
Along with Jason, graduate
brother Nick Burnett also made a donation this summer as well as several
friends and family members of men
in this chapter. It is amazing to think
about all the lives that could be saved
if all of the brothers of Chi Eta, graduate and undergraduate, signed up
to be donors. If you are interested in
donating go you can go on Facebook,
to the “Sharing America’s Marrow –
S.A.M” page and find a link to register and like
their page.
Jason is
a wonderful
example of
how exploring opportunities can
result in
amazing successes.
Graduate News
Dustin and Brittany Clevidence (‘09) welcomed a new baby girl Ella on June 2nd.
Jeff Baynham (‘10) accepted a Promotion to Assistant Vice President at WKU.
Luke and Katie Gilliam (‘12) moved to Henderson, Kentucky in June. Luke transferred from the Utilities Department
to a construction office in his work at the Transportation Cabinet.
Tyler Jury (‘12) was selected as WKU’s Young Alumni of the Year in October.
Malcom Lunceford (‘12) accepted a position at University of Alabama at Birmingham as the Marketing and Special
Events Coordinator for their Campus Recreation Department in September.
Jake Ryle (‘12) accepted a position as a News Reporter for WDTN in Dayton, Ohio in July.
Friendship. Knowledge. Service. Morality. Excellence.
\r\nZack Ryle (‘12) married Mary Katherine on August 2nd,
Bo Armstrong (‘13) accepted a position as Faculty Advisor for the FIJI Omega Deuteron Colony at Old Dominion
Nick Burnett (‘13) is moving to Lima, Peru.
Brian Campbell (‘13) accepted a job as the Honors College
Admissions Counselor in August.
Ryan Demuth (‘13) moved to Lexington, Kentucky and
accepted a job for Apex Realty Inc., Managing and Leasing
Commercial Office and Retail properties in May.
Corey Johnson (‘13) got engaged to Faith Edwards on
September 20th.
Chris Kinney (‘13) accepted a new job in Nashville with
TEKsystems in July.
Dylan Ward (‘13) married Hannah Blair on July 5th, 2014.
Tyler Wittmer (‘13) got engaged to Alicia Beach on April
30th and will be married in December. Tyler will also be
licensed as a minister by the end of October and is attending
Southern Seminary for his Masters of Divinity.
Nick Bratcher (‘14) became an intern with Reformed University Fellowship at Indiana University in August.
Jonathan Caron (‘14) accepted a position in June as a producer for WYMT-TV in Hazard, KY.
Jeff Creech (‘14) accepted a staff accountant position starting in the fall of 2015 with Baker Tilly in Washington DC.
Ben Harris (‘14) got engaged to Logan Thompson on May
3rd and has started Law School at University of Kentucky
this fall.
Bryan Hartzell (‘14) accepted a position in June as a FIJI
Field Secretary.
Jordan Kassel (‘14) accepted a promotion to Creative Alliance’s Marketing Communications Manager.
Tyler Lockhart (‘14) moved to Texas in June and accepted
a position as an Account Executive at CBS Radio.
Matthew Purdom (‘14) got engaged to Merritt Swisher
on July 19th and accepted a position as Judicial and Circuit
Court intern in Shelbyville.
Will Owens (‘14) accepted a position in July in the Athletic
Department at Georgia State University.
Sam Wells (‘14) moved to Tacoma, Washington in June and
is completing a service year with AmeriCorps and the Pierce
Conservation District.
Spencer Wright (‘14) got engaged to Kelsey Kaetzel on
August 29th and started Dental School at the University of
Kentucky this fall.
Chi Eta By the Numbers
58 Initiated Brothers
17 Pledge Brothers
83 Graduate Brothers
1 Brother Abroad
2008 Chi Eta founded at WKU
Have any graduate news? Send an email to!
Learn about the WKU Excellence Fund and how you can
support Chi Eta at
Current Supporters
Bob Anderegg (USC `71, WKU GA `10)
Jeff Baynham (WKU `10)
Ray Blankenship (Kentucky `84, WKU GA `10)
Brandon Bowman (WKU `10)
Dr. Craig Cobane (WKU Faculty `10)
George and Jane Pennington (Parents)
Blaine Routt (WKU `11)
Josh Wiseman (WKU `12)
Brad Stephens (WKU’13)
Friendship. Knowledge. Service. Morality. Excellence.
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Summer 2014 newsletter of the Chi Eta chapter at Western Kentucky University. This newsletter is seventeen pages.