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2014 Winter Newsletter Mu (University of Wisconsin)
Winter 2014 newsletter for the Mu chapter at University of Wisconsin. The newsletter is eight pages in length.
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University of Wisconsin
2014 Winter Newsletter Mu (University of Wisconsin)
Mu Mumbles
University of Wisconsin - Phi Gamma Delta Fraternity - Winter 2014 Edition
Since colonizing in
2007 and rechartering in 2009, growth
and improvement
have been constant
goals and tasks faced
every semester by
the chapter and each
cabinet. Whether it
be chapter size,
grade point average,
restoring 16 Langdon to its previous
grandeur, or improved graduate
brother relations,
each cabinet thus far has
made considerable strides in
making FIJI the best fraternity on campus. Although we
currently enjoy a high chapter GPA, a new and beautifully furnished house,
healthy graduate relations,
and excellent brotherhood,
120th Pig Dinner
April 11-12
Invitations will be
mailed soon.
Pledges on Bid Night
the newly elected 2014 cabinet
remains focused on elevating all
these areas to unprecedented
heights. Through an improved
scholarship system, more
graduate brother events, better
fundraising, and a system to
improve chapter accountability,
we are confident we can meet
this goal.
Scholarship, Fraternity, Self
is a mantra each Fiji holds
near to his heart. Because of
this focus, we have surpassed
the grade point average
threshold necessary for the
alcohol exemption each semester since rechartering.
(Continued on page 2)
By: Jack Ordman (2017)
On behalf of the newly initiated Mu pledge class, I
would like to thank all the
brothers of Phi Gamma
Delta for giving us the opportunity to become part of a
great organization. Over the
course of three months, we
transitioned from a random
assortment of guys, with a
common interest in joining
FIJI, to a united pledge class
and eventually brothers of
Phi Gamma Delta. The journey was an exciting, fun and
often times challenging one.
We learned valuable lessons
that cannot be taught in
class and grew in deep relationships exclusively offered
through a fraternity. Personally, I consider all of my
pledge brothers true and
valuable friends. I trust them
and they trust me. I know
this deep trust and profound
friendship is held by each
one of my pledge brothers.
We are united with a common bond. That bond is
friendship, a value each
brother holds dear to his
heart. Friendship is one of
the many things that
(Continued on page 3)
(Continued from page 1)
However, the 3.0 necessary threshold
should not be seen as a goal, it is seen as
a minimum requirement. Beginning this
semester, our cabinet will be implementing a new scholarship program to
improve our chapter’s GPA through improved accountability, stringent requirements for both brothers and pledges in
order to be initiated, and a greater focus
on using shared academic resources. To
briefly outline this plan, if a brother has
below a 3.0 GPA at any point, he will be
immediately put on social probation
until his grades improve. If a pledge has
below a 3.0 GPA at the time of initiation
voting, he will be put on social probation
the subsequent semester, and if his
grades do not surpass a 3.0, his membership will be terminated from the
chapter. Finally, we will pool the academic resources, such as notes, tests
and study guides, each brother possesses in order to make a Fiji Academic
Resource Bank. Through strict adherence to these policies, along with incentives for scholastic achievements, we
strive to make our chapter GPA fall in
the top one-third of all Greek organizations on campus. Our long term goal is
to raise the chapter GPA well above the
all-men’s GPA.
Without our graduate brothers, none of
us would be able to enjoy the benefits
that FIJI gives us. Over the past years,
we have rekindled relationships with
more and more Mu Chapter graduates,
but we feel there is more that we can do,
and more relationships to be made and
fostered. While our annual Homecoming and Pig Dinner give us opportunities
to reconnect with our graduate brothers,
we would like to add two additional
graduate events over the course of the
year to improve graduate relations even
further. Our chapter will never be able
to fully express our gratitude for revital-
izing our Mu Chapter,
and in hosting more
events, we hope to display
our gratefulness.
Restoring 16 Langdon to
its original splendor is
another primary objective
for our cabinet. While
furnishing the house for
the first time since 2009
was a major step for our
chapter, we feel that there
is more we can accomplish to make our house
look like the historical
landmark it is. Through
brother-initiated fundBrothers at the Fiji Academy
raising, we raised over
in St.Louis, MO, in January.
$2,000 to rebuild the
adequate chapter size, increasing the
deck that originally overlooked Lake
quality of each pledge should move our
Mendota which fell victim to vandalism
chapter to greater heights.
over the years when we were not occupyIt is extremely difficult to quantify the
ing the house. This deck will be constructed during the spring 2014 semester. growth of a chapter into a number.
However, each semester our Field SecIn addition to this deck, we will be putretary gives us a grade based on our
ting more emphasis on fundraising in
order to pay the house endowment and to overall chapter success. Last semester,
we received a 92/100. Good, but not
install landscaping in the front yard.
perfect. In implementing an improved
scholarship system, more graduate
“Without our graduate
brother events, restoring our house to
its original state, and higher bid rebrothers, none of us
quirements, we believe that we can
would be able to enjoy
achieve the perfect score that has althe benefits that FIJI
ways eluded us. With the aid of our
gives us.”
graduate brothers, we know this is possible, and we know that we can continue to grow to become the best chapWith an active roster of 102 brothers, our
ter at the University of Wisconsinnumbers have more than doubled in the
past four years. While we have reached
our chapter’s goal of having 100-120 active brothers, we are wary of the chapter
becoming overinflated and bogged down
from too many numbers. In response to
this, we will be initiating much more
stringent requirements that a recruit
must meet in order to have a bid extended to him. We believe that with an
\r\nP AGE 3
(Continued from page 1)
separates the Mu pledge class, and all
Mu Chapter brothers, from the majority
of people.
When the value of friendship first came
up in pledge education, I thought to
myself something along the lines of
“obviously we’re going to be friends,
we’re joining the same fraternity.” While
partly right in this thinking, I very much
undervalued the strength and deepness
of the friendship that Phi Gamma Delta
pursues. An almost brutal, albeit constructive and sincere, honesty results
from a Phi Gam friendship. An example
of this when honesty, born of friendship,
came to full fruition within our pledge
class was in our ‘council circles.’ We
held our own council circle to work
through challenges we were facing. Several people directly told our pledge class
president problems they had with his
leadership and other personal prob-
“The motto “Not for
college days alone” rings
true when we consider
the pursuit of excellence
and the true meaning of
lems. In turn he was able to effectively
fix those problems and became a better
pledge class president and more importantly, a better man. In addition several
of my pledge brothers worked out personal problems they had with each
other or our pledge class as a whole.
Everyone walked away from that circle a
better man and a better Phi Gam because we could be completely honest
with each other. A major lesson we
learned was our commitment to one
another to make sure we all upheld each
of Phi Gam’s five values.
We are still in the process of strengthening each other, a process we will continue over the next four years and beyond. In fact, our growth will never stop.
The motto “Not for college days alone”
rings true when we consider the pursuit
of excellence and the true meaning of
friendship. We will continually form
new memories with each other and look
forward to a bright future of being
brothers of Phi Gamma Delta.
The 2014 Pig Dinner will held be on the weekend of April 11-12 and it marks a
momentous year for the Mu Chapter. This will be the 120th Pig Dinner since our
Chapter was originally chartered in 1893, and will be the fifth Pig Dinner since
re-chartering in 2009. Because of this unique importance, the current undergrads
have set a goal of having 100 undergrads and 100 grads attend the event. The
event will be a weekend of festivities, culminating with the formal dinner at
Monona Terrace on the evening of April 12. Join us in celebration of those
who have paved the Mu Chapter path. A formal invitation with details will
be sent as soon as they are finalized.
Chapter President
Paul Fredrickson (2015)
Recording Secretary
Sean O’Hara (2015)
Chapter Treasurer
Ben Evans (2015)
Chapter Historian
Joe Fiorita (2015)
Corresponding Secretary
Dan Troutman (2016)
By: Dan Troutman (2016) - Pledge Educator
On the night that bids were given out,
and recruits turned to pledges, we told
this group of men that the person
standing next to them would soon become their best friend. They casually
looked around the room at the eclectic
group about them, and doubts arose in
their faces. Upon their initiation, we
asked them whether or not they still
doubted our statement. Needless to say,
the pledging process had proven them
wrong and dispelled any doubts.
Throughout the pledge process, we emphasized persistence, for persistence
and determination alone are omnipotent. The Mu pledge class took this
principle to heart, and made us proud
throughout the entire process. The
pledge process this semester was an
overall amelioration of the laundry room.
The room was in dire need of help, and
the Mu class worked quickly, and effectively to clear the room, paint it, and put
a new epoxy floor finish. They took it
upon themselves to elect a leader to
spearhead the project, and as a result,
finished the project well before any other
pledge class had ever finished. Scholarship was also a priority for this pledge
class. We tried a new tactic, and had a
Scholarship Chair within the pledge class
who communicated with the chapter’s
Scholarship Chair to promote academics regularly. Whether it was hearing of
good test grades, or even just seeing a
group of the pledges at the library on a
Friday night, the Mu class has made it
evident that they truly understand the
priorities: Scholarship, Fraternity, Self.
Throughout the 10 week process, Mu
class persisted through all, and it is my
honor to say that each and every one of
them has earned the right to be a
brother of Phi Gamma Delta. I have no
doubt that they will better themselves
as a result of FIJI, and that FIJI will
greatly benefit from their membership,
as individuals and as a class.
Pledges at Formal
♦ Josh Angelchik (2017)
♦ Brian Keenan (2017)
♦ Nick Rush (2016)
♦ Nate Baskfield (2017)
♦ Colin Komisar (2016)
♦ Jordan Singer (2017)
♦ John Batterman (2017)
♦ Connor Kotte (2017)
♦ Emmett Smith (2017)
♦ Chris Bloch (2016)
♦ Tyler Lane (2017)
♦ Nate Smith (2017)
♦ Grant Bonewell (2017)
♦ Jack Ordman (2017)
♦ Cole Soffa (2017)
♦ Jeff Cofsky (2017)
♦ Matt Oswald (2017)
♦ Daric Thompson (2017)
♦ Mike Ebsen (2017)
♦ Nate Pond (2017)
♦ David Zhou (2017)
♦ Wil Ferris (2017)
♦ Randall Pulfer (2017)
♦ Nathan Huber (2016)
♦ Griffin Pyle (2017)
\r\nP AGE 5
The Mu Chapter built off of its social
strides from the previous spring semester, and enjoyed an action packed autumn. For starters, we had a social
event with our neighbors Alpha Phi at
Diego’s Mexican Bistro. The following
week brothers dressed to impress in
either their “Athletes or Mathletes” attire as we met Alpha Chi Omega at the
same venue. One week later, we paired
with Pi Beta Phi to rent out a party
room at Segredo’s of Madison.
A goal of ours heading into the semester
was to have more events at 16 Langdon.
We did so by hosting a number of parties and events. We had a Halloween
party as well as a pajama themed party,
a brotherhood Olympics event, and an
acappella concert in which the UW
Madhatters came to perform as part of
our Rivalry Run efforts in raising funds
for the American Red Cross.
The highlight of the social calendar this
semester was the addition of of two new
events held at the house. The first,
dubbed the FIJI Speakeasy, was a 1920’s
themed date party. Phi Gams and their
resplendent dates dressed in sparkling
‘20s attire and enjoyed each other’s company in an attempt to emulate the once
thriving and thrilling lifestyle a select few
Americans achieved in the roaring ‘20s. A
few weeks later, the Fiji brothers hosted
an ‘80s cover band known as the Usual
Suspects. Friends from across campus
came to rock out to some of the most
classic ‘80s music in the great hall. There
were even appearances from a handful of
the Delta Gamma fathers in part of their
Dad’s weekend. The fun was capped off
Seniors at Formal
Humorology Directors before the Kappa Formal
the first weekend of December when
FIJI and their invited dates went to
Eagle Ridge Resort in Galena, Illinois,
for FIJI Winter Formal.
While the brothers of the Mu Chapter
had a fun time week in and week out,
we continued to deepen our relationships inside and outside the Greek
community. The brothers of Phi Gam
look forward to carrying the momentum the Social Committee has created
this fall. We are proud of the fact we
see ourselves as one of the most outgoing, involved and inviting chapters on
campus, while continuing to impress
everyone we interact with as gentlemen.
Halloween Attire
Spring 1977 Pledge Class
Dave Reichert (1971) kissing the Pig as the
youngest pledge in attendance at the 75th
Anniversary Pig Dinner.
1966 Spring Cabinet: Bruce Voss (1967), William
Clapp (1967), Greg Custer (1967), Phil Sobocinski
(1967) and Robert Shearer (1968).
(l to r) Gary Ross (1974) and Jenkin
Jones (1933) were presented with
citations for Distinguished and
Exceptional Service to the Fraternity
and Gary Nevermann (1980) proudly
displayed the IFC Football
Championship trophy.
\r\nP AGE 7
We currently do not have a valid address for the brothers listed below. If you know his address, please
submit at or send a quick email to
Widney Lyon 1929
Robert L. Horneck 1952
Scott J. Johnson 1973
William C. Blaesing 1988
Robert B. McCormick 1930
William H. Gadow 1953
Dean W. Nelson 1973
James A. Hill 1988
Charles P. Clogher 1932
Richard A. Graf , MD 1953
Charles A. Armstrong 1974
Daniel Marcus 1988
Carl A. Schroeder 1932
Donald F. Lang 1953
James S. Johnson 1974
Francis M. Raia 1988
Whedon Slater 1932
Gosta H. Westring 1955
James J. Rubatt 1974
J. Timothy Graf , Jr. 1989
Orlando H. Murray 1933
Peter B. CoBabe 1956
Christopher Branson 1975
Christopher J. Hadley 1989
George C. Miller 1935
Robert M. Bartholomew 1957
Robert L. Wells 1975
Andrew M. Newcomer 1989
Don L. Davis , Jr. 1937
Ole S. Frederiksen 1957
Daniel J. Yagow 1975
Steven A. Birnhak 1990
James L. Jacobson 1937
Christopher Prebensen 1958
Peter J. Garratt 1976
Thaddeus B. Carlson 1990
John E. Anderson 1938
Robert C. Fivian 1959
James Long 1976
David H. Dugan 1990
George A. Dunlap 1939
Olcay Goksu 1959
P. Rockwood Calkins 1977
Paul C. Lague 1990
William J. Graham 1939
James P. Searls 1959
William F. Starck, II 1977
Matthew C. O'Brien 1990
Robert J. Stark 1939
John R. Wohlford 1959
Scott T. Speaker 1978
Michael J. O'Brien 1991
Douglas W. Barrett 1940
Audolfur Gunnarsson 1961
Alan M. Langdon 1979
George S. Polydoris 1991
Ralph M. Jones 1940
Charles S. Rehm 1961
Randy J. Villa 1979
Michael A. Barr 1992
Russell W. Brickham 1941
Henry V. Tease 1962
Kevin M. Cronin 1981
Stuart D. Ericson 1992
Harry W. Garrison 1941
Todd G. Boehm 1963
Jon C. Eberhardt 1981
Charles S. Karasik 1992
Donald V. Weber 1941
Thomas E. Iermiin 1963
Larry J. Marx 1981
J. Scott Swanke 1992
Henry A. Sehring 1942
Christian Kronman 1963
Jay R. Koeper 1982
Steven G. Adair 1993
Ray K. Smith 1942
Geoffrey A. Ross 1963
Robert C. Leffler 1982
Michael A. Buchianeri 1993
W. Page Anderson 1943
Robert O. Smail , Jr. 1963
James M. Stevens 1982
Kevin J. Joyce 1993
Roger T. Barr 1943
Jerome P. Westbeld 1964
William L. Cochran 1983
Boaz D. Rosenberg 1993
Warren G. Delaney 1944
Michael J. Bunch 1965
Charles T. Mudd 1983
Daniel M. Avila 1994
Malcolm L. McQuiston, II 1944 Milton R. Carr 1965
Grant J. Pierron, USN 1983
A. Andrew Crouppen 1994
John B. Gates 1946
Alfred Gunnterman , Jr. 1965
Michael R. Schemel 1983
Micheal J. Dressen 1994
Peter W. Olsen 1946
William H. Marling 1965
John T. Koeper 1984
Jason A. Hartig 1994
Robert J. Pierson, Jr. 1946
James R. Drake 1967
Brian S. Holtz 1985
Troy L. Barnett 1996
Sumner J. Rogers 1946
Daniel L. O'Neil 1967
John R. Wohlford 1985
Joseph A. Hirasawa 1996
Pryor E. Cosby 1948
E. John Voss, II 1967
Richard E. Adler 1986
John H. Jaeger 1996
Robert H. Ennis 1948
Roy M. Christianson 1968
James S. Coleman 1986
James E. Bitter, III 2010
Thomas C. Robbins , Jr. 1948
Arthur J. Davis , Jr. 1968
Thomas A. Dean , II 1986
Nicholas Calle 2010
Richard G. Gibson 1949
Patrick Moran 1968
Stefan H. Szybalski 1986
William A. Buecksler 2011
Robert A. Cooper 1950
Jon D. Aldrich 1969
Joseph J. McGinnis 1987
Derek J. Punches 2011
John G. Foyer 1950
Richard N. Bauch 1969
Christopher M. Miller 1987
Leo Warman 2012
Thomas A. Sterner 1950
Barry J. Theiler 1970
Scott A. Newcomer 1987
William A. Kramer 1951
William R. Cape 1972
Dean W. Tarrolly 1987
Robert B. McConnell, Sr. 1951
Theodore E. Rathert 1972
Eliseo E. Thorrens 1987
John E. Uhlenhopp 1951
Stephen M. Schmitt 1972
Paul C. Alberte 1988
John M. Elliff 1952
James N. Henderson, II 1973
Michael S. Anagnos 1988
\r\nPhi Gamma Delta Fraternity
1201 Red Mile Road
Lexington, KY 40504
Nonprofit Org
US Postage Paid
Lexington, KY
Permit # 540
Mu Mumbles is a biannual publication of the undergraduate members for the graduate members,
parents, and friends of the Mu Chapter of the Fraternity of Phi Gamma Delta.
All correspondence regarding this publication should be directed to
Corresponding Secretary Dan Troutman at
Contribute to 16 Langdon and the Mu Chapter Fund
I want to give a donation of:
$ _____
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$ 1,000
$ 100
$ 500
$ 50
I want to give a monthly donation (credit card only) of:
$ _____
$ 100
$ 30
$ 10
Credit Card (circle type): Visa MasterCard Discover AMEX
Donations can be made:
- On-line:
- By phone: (859) 977-6314
- Send checks payable to Phi Gamma Delta – Mu Chapter to:
__Mu Chapter Donations, 16 Langdon Street, Madison, WI
53703 and include this form.
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CC number _________________________________________ Phone __________________________________________________
Exp. Date _______ Name on card _______________________ Email __________________________________________________
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Gifts to the annual fund are not tax deductible.
Design, printing and mailing services provided by the International Fraternity of Phi Gamma Delta.
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Winter 2014 newsletter for the Mu chapter at University of Wisconsin. The newsletter is eight pages in length.