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1968 March Newsletter Lambda (DePauw University)
March 25, 1968, newsletter of the Lambda chapter at DePauw University. This newsletter is four pages.
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DePauw University
1968 March Newsletter Lambda (DePauw University)
Vol. CXIll, No. III
Phi Gamma Delia, DePauw
Mahrdt New Board President
B y Mr. George D irks
Lambda Corporation, by its charter,
exists for the purpose of owning and
managing Lambda Chapter's real estate. According to the by-laws, its
members include "all living initiates
·of Lambda Chapter of Phi Gamma
Delta, who are in good standing with
the fraternity in accordance with its
laws and who are not members of
the ~ctive Chapter". As a matter of
practice, the affairs of the Corporation ar handled by its Board of Directors, most of whom live in central
Indiana. Here is a review of what
the Board has been doing and thinking in regard to its responsibilities.
Just over three years ago, half the
members of Lambda moved into the
new house, and for the first time since
World War II, the chapter was entirely housed in its own property,
through the combined use of the existing and the new houses. Annexes
became a thing of the past. A lon,g
time dream was at least partially accomplished. The total plan of a complete new structur ewas not possible
because of financial limitations. As it
was, L ambda Corporation invested approxi'mately $250,000, including architectural and development costs. Of
this, $100,000 was cash, and $150,000 a
first mortgage. The cash was realized
a bout equally from reserves from
chapter rental payments, and from
graduate brothers' contributions.
Since that time, the mortgage has
been reduced to $96,000, or nearly
$41,000 ahead of regular amortization.
Regular payments have been made
from chapter rental income, which is
now $18,000 per year (and also pays
for such items as insurance and repairs a nd replacements). It has also
been possible to make substantial prepayments frorr. c~r1.tinuing alumni support which, in the time since the house
was completed, has totaled $32,565.29.
Some additions to prepayment have
been possible because maintenance
costs have been below estimates in
some years.
In the original planning, the directors of Lambda Corporation hoped to
be able to sell the older house, which
h as served us so faithfully for over
forty years. However, there seems to
be no market. DePauw has no interest in it and is likewise not looking
with favor on further fraternity expansion. We must therefore do the
job ourselves.
It's a big job. The architect estimates that completion of the new
house as planned, by adding the rear
wing, will cost $175,000. This is based
on bids in 1969, and reflects cost increases of 22 % over our actual costs
on 1964 bids. This means that we
need to pay off our present mortgage,
since $175 ,000 represents the maximum that the chapter budget can
prudently handle.
Many of our loyal brothers are con tinuing their support to the chapte r
program beyond our own origina l
campaign, through the DePauw pro gram of fraternity and sorority support. Briefly it is this. Funds donated
to DePauw may be designated for the
use of Phi Gamma D elta (or other).
Such funds are then loaned to us on
a 25-year note at l1h % interest per
annum . There are three distinct benefits to this program: (1) Such gifts
are tax deductible because D ePauw
eventually receives the capital; (2 )
These funds count toward D e.Pauw's
matching gift challenge from the Ford
Foundation ; (3) We receive use of the
money at low rates for 25 years long enough for u s to accomplish our
(Continued on Page 4)
J. Kurht Mahrdt ('28) has been
n amed the n ew Chairman of the Board
of Trustees of DePauw University.
He was el~cted to the post upon the
death of Brother Bernard Kilgore.
J. Kurht Mahrdt
Brother Mahrdt has been ac tive in
DePauw affairs for many years. Hav ing been a Phi Garn here he has also
been Presidents Board of Fellows.
Board of Trustees since 1964, Chairman of the Executive Committee, Vice
President of the Joint Board of Trust ees and Visitors and a member of
the Steering Committee. There are
numerous other honors and memberships which hav been bestowed upon
him which are far to many to mention .
Mr. Mahrdt is President of the Indiana National Bank where he has been
employed since 1928. Along with his
(Continued on Page 4)
Page Two
Every Fiji pledge dreams and prays
for the day when he finally will have
earned the privilege of being initiated and accepted in the brotherhood
of Phi Gamma Delta, and there were
no exceptions this year. Sophomores
Rog Frandsen and Thrasos Effaxiados,
and freshmen Mike Allee, Dave Baggerman, John Doan, Steve Jacobs,
Chris Maron, Wayne Martin, Paul Gibson, Graham Green, Bob Perry, Rick
Plain, Steve Romohr, Jim Sanford,
Tom Scaife, Bob Shaykin, Bob Smith,
Greg St au ff er, and Joe Vosicky
pledged their loyalty to the Constitution, By Laws and brotherhood of Phi
Gamma Delta in the Lambda chapter
As the initiation ceremony,
conducted by the cabinet members
drew to a close, the new initiate~
joined the circle of older brothers like
new links in a chain with Lambda
member, and with all Fijis past and
President Chuck Jenkins
was the first to extend his congratu lations individually, and then the entire chapter welcomed the new "active
brothers." Among those presen t to
extend their greetings were Field S ecretary Ron Enna and two fathers of
the initiates, Mr. Green and Mr. Stauffer, who are past Phi Garns. A ll in
all, th e new members ade definitely
looking forward to the freedom and
responsibility that membership entails ;
or to put it in the words of one
initiate, "Ferge!"
Our supply of material to use on
graduate members is steadily dwindling. . If you haven't contacted us
lately please drop us a line letting us
know what's going on. Or perhaps if
you know of anything about a brother who has not been able to get in
touch please contact us on the matter.
Your cooperation will be deeply appreciated as we want this paper to be
a link between the alums and Lambda. Any suggestions that you may
have to offer would be welcomed.
Thank you.
- The Editor
C. M. Mike Ogle, who had been
president and publisher of The TimesNe ws, of Henderson, North Carolina,
passed away on January 27, 1968. His
death is traced back to declining
health for several years. and hospitalization in December. He was 76 years
old on September 22.
At DePauw he had been editor of
the school's newspaper DePauw Daily
and later had gone on to serve as a
reporter and editor of the papers in
Greencastle, Tipton, Elwood, Muncie,
and Kokomo in Indiana. Brother Ogle
later went on to help in the founding
of The Times-News in February of
1927 in Henderson, - :t'~ 6T th ·Carolina.
At college he had become the 21Bt
member of Sigma Delta Chi, the honorary journalist so ~ rety. Along with
a lengthy list of accomplishments including president of the N.C. Press
Association, from 1966-1967, trustee of
the J ournalism Foundation of the University of N.C., president of the N.C .
Association of Afternoon D ailies, vice
president of the N.C. Press A ssociation an d member of the Southern Publishers A ssociation and American S ociety of Newspaper E ditors, he had
(Continued on Page 4)
With Spring
Comes Sports
Spring is here, and so is baseball.
S tarti n g practice early this year, we
fi n d t h ree of the brothers ou t for a
position on the Tiger nine. Senior
H arry Dunwoody, Lafayette, Ind. will
be shagging flys in right field in pursuit of his second letter. Junior Barry
K rau se, S t. L ou is, Mo., may see a
shift from his familiar third base to
shortstop, to make room for S teve
Pope, the leading hitter and fielder
on last year's freshma n squad. K rause
will bat cleanup, and he also lettered
as a sophomore.
We find several Fijis out on the cinders this spring. Senior Doug Smith
is the leading polevaulter, and is after
his third letter. Dave Norris, New
Canaan, Conn., can put the shot and
excels at the discus. He is a sophomore and should do well in his first
year of competition. Due to the NCAA
rule change, three freshmen are eligible this year.
Steve Romohr and
Eddie Sanford are distance men and
Bob Kirk broad jumps, triple j~mps,
and high jumps. All three should get
March 25. 1968
On March 4, 1968, Lambda Fiji installed new cabinet officers: President
Dan Swift, '69, Birmingham, Mich.;
Treasurer Barry Krause '69, St. Louis,
Mo. ; Recording Secretary Bill Scaife
'69, Glen Elyn, Ill.; Corresponding
Secretary Dick Marvin, '69, Aurora,
Ill.; Historian Bruce Menk, '70, Boulder, Colo.
As the outgoing President, Chuck
Jenkins commented, "Our new cabinet has an unusual challenge in that
our President-elect, Dan Swift, is in
Germany for the semester. However,
I am sure that we have elected the
best men and that this will be another
fine year for Lambda Fiji."
The old cabinet has met several
times in a joint session with the newly
installed members so as to smooth
out any rough places in the procedure
for an efficient term.
Ma n y DePauw alums may look back
at their collegiate society as being
somewhat stagnant. However this is
no longer the case as definite changes
in the atmosphere of the university
are coming about. These changes involve students and adm inistration
along with the faculty.
Phi Gamma D elta has been affected
by the movement an d also been instrumental in the present policies
here at DePauw. Brother D ave Jensen, DePauw Studen t Body President,
has been among the leaders from the
st udent body. A ccordin g to D ave the
situation is presently in a state of reevalu ation which will lead to a slate
of changes. "F or if DePauw is going
to main t ain its educational excellence
it must accelerate its growth and de~
velopment in order to keep pace with
a rapidly changing and revolutionary
Lambda follows the situation with a
close eye, and I am confident that
DePauw will progress towards reaching its greatest potential along with
the cooperation of the Greek system
on campus. The year looks promising
with a great deal held in store for
many involved followers of higher
Barry Krause
Acting P resident
\r\nMarch 25, 1968
1896- Lester C. Poor died January 17,
1967, at Portland , Oregon, after a life
as a clergyman.
1910- The "Citizen of the Year" award
of LaGrange, Indiana went to Paul M.
Riddick. The annual award made by
the local Jaycees and Corn School
Week (county fair organizations) was
presented to Mr. Riddick for his many
services to the community, church,
scouting, the United Fund, civil deMr.
fense, and county government.
Riddick is the former owner of the
LaGrange P ublishin g Co.
1920-Arlie P. Julien passed away at
Ashville, N. C. J anuary 25, 1966. A
forty -four year employee of Allied
Chemical Corp ., he was director of
research for the Solray Division of the
1926 - T. Conlin Alexander, former
vice president in charge of trade relations for Stokely Vancamp, Inc.,
Indianapolis, retired after forty-one
years with the company. H e plans
to devote his time to his favorite
pastimes of golf, fishing and hunting.
1934-William H. Frosch died of cancer last May. He was 54 and is survivd by his widow and two son s. Mr.
Frosch's career was radio, an d prior to
his service in the Army in W .W. II he
had been a staff writer for stations
WIRE and WL W. After the war he
was chief announcer and program director for WISH in Indianapolis until
1963 when he joined WIGO. Returning to WIRE in 1965 he was later
forced to resign because of his illness.
Mr. Frosch was active in Goodwill
Industries and the Pal Club program
in his community. He was a Rector
Scholar while at DePauw.
1939-Warren J. Reynolds is publisher
(Continued on Page 4)
Page Three
before and after!
After fina ls in January, the p ledges
came back early from their semester
break and pitched in d u ring their
"Help Wee k " to straighten out the
annex of L ambda Chapter. The "Old
House" or "Castle" as it is affectionately referred to, has needed patching
up to stay in shape the past several
years. Our new house feels like home
now, but there is still a great deal of
attachment towards the annex .
The freshmen worked hard , polishing the floors with a new wax, plastering up the walls in the halls, scrubbing down the bathroom and repainting it. After new tiles and a fresh
coat of paint the upstairs really looked
good and the age began to wear away.
But the big project was the basement
and the old library. T his room had
become a collection spot for all sorts
of debris including left overs from
F iji Isle last spring. The pledge trainer, Bruce M enk, coordinated the work
and su pplied all that w as needed as
the frogs worked diligently and with
pride in the castle. With carrying
wood, building up doors, adjusting the
lighting, and cleaning' up, the pledges
brought in the furniture and paint
and made the old library one of the
most comfortable rooms around.
" We enjoyed doing something worthwhile to help the house," one fre shman was quoted.
Their spirit and
help are a sure sign of a strong class
for 1971 here at Lambda of Phi Gamma Delta.
\r\nPage · Four
- Alumni Notes
of Parade magazine.
1954-William Weatherly is presently
the vice president of Exchange S ecurity Bank, Birmingham, Ala. , and also
of their 32nd St. South office.
1957-James Nesbit is the new radio
and television production director of
Martin Erans, Inc. , a Ft. Wayne advertising firm.
Previously he was
with WPTA- TV. He resides at 3711
Arlington, Ft. Wayne with his wife
Barbara (Wright x -'57).
1959-Dale Chandler is vice president
in charge of commercial loans at the
Dayton, Ohio area office of J. F. Aook,
Inc., a Cleveland mortgage banking
1961-Daniel Yoke is an assistant professor of Chemistry at Cornell College,
Iowa. He lives with his wife at 511
Second Ave., S. , Mt. Vernon, fowa.
1962-Walter Foltz is now with the
correspondant bank division of American Fletcher National Bank and Trust
Co. Address: 6365 Brookline Dr., Indianapolis.
-John Hammach Smit h received
his LLB from Harvard University in
-Mrs. Thomas Dauson (Bonnie
Cole '61) gave birth to a baby girl
Laura Beth on April 23, 1967. The
Dausons reside at 509 W. Charles,
Champaign, Illinois.
1965-David Gilbert is with the Peace
Corps teaching English in Iran.
-William VanWey is working in
New York City with the Housing and
Redevelopment Board in connection
with Vista.
1966-Thomas B. Grooms and Sally
Marie Smerz were married August 26 .
and now reside at 15 17th St.. NW.
Washington, D.C.
-Andrew Smith and Dianne Gros"
Phi Gamma Delta
1757 N St., N.W.
Washington. D.C. 20036
Return Requested
were married August 26. Both are
taking graduate work in California.
-Robert Vedder and Susan Smith
'67 were married June 24, 1967, and
now reside at 11200 Lockwood Dr. ,
Silver Spring, Md . Bob is an assistant production manager for Dow
Jones & Co.
1967-Robert Palmer married Kathleen
Kamp July 29.
- Mahrdt
banking and D ePauw activity, Brother
Mahrdt has also been chairman of the
Committee on Cultural Arts ('63-'65),
director and past president of the Indianapolis Convenii,~-&1 o.J''7d Visitors
Bureau, the directo. hPcomFe Indiana
State Symphony Society , and past
president of Regior..,. Nin ~ oi.' the Indiana Bankers Associati~n.
Lambda Corporation
entire building program with regular
mortgages, after which the DePauw
not:~s can be paid on some kind of
installment basis.
Meanwhile, we
will have completed and enjoyed one
of the best fraternity residences on
any campus in the country.
Time is here again when Lambda
Fiji is searching for the high quality
men we want in the house next year.
To be able to be most effective we
need the help of our Alums . If you
know of any man interested in coming to DePauw next year please write
us and let us know so we may contact
him personally. We feel the house
will be one of the top on campus
again next year but w e need to get
good men in rush .
March 25, 1968
Editor ______ __ ___ ___ Rudy Hokanson
Assistant Editors __ __ Gerry Hoffman,
Jim Sanford
Contributors ______ Rick Plain, Mike
Scalzo, Bill Scaife, Joe Vosisky.
Jeff Coleman, Jim Yoder
Photography ______ ___ Doug Mitchell
Published four times yearly by
Lambda Chapter of Phi Gamma Delta
at DePauw University for its Graduate Members and Friends.
Please send suggestions, news, or
change of address to: Tiger Fiji Edi tor; Phi Gamma Delta; Greencastle,
Indiana 46135.
- Ogle
been a member of the First Methodist
Church and acting Steward for 30
years along with once being chairman
of the finance committee.
During his four years at DePauw
his activities also included Managing
Editor of the Mirage, and was member
of the interfraternity council of Kapp·a Tau Kappa. The University bestowed many honors, upon our brother
which included the D ePauw Alumni
Citation, 1964. C. M. Ogle contributed
a great deal to the fraternity while h e
was here with the class of 1914 and
he kept the pace in years later when
he tried hard to recommend good men
to our chapter.
Brother Ogle had recently been appointed a member of the Governor's
Council for Economic D evelopment by
Gobernc r Moore.
Brother Ogle was married to the
former Miss Thelma Poorman in Muncie on June 1, 1922, and he is survived
by his wife and a numbe r of nieces
and nephews.
We of Lambda of Phi Gamma Delta
extend our sympathy to hi s widow .
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March 25, 1968, newsletter of the Lambda chapter at DePauw University. This newsletter is four pages.