From collection Member List
DAR #136: "A.B. 1856; A.M., 1859. Born, July 21, 183_ White County, Ind. Tutor in Indiana Asbury University, 1856 [to 1858]; instructor in Illinois Institute for Education of Deaf and Dumb, 1858-59; founded the Deaf and Dumb Institute of Arkansas, 1859 instructor, in the Pennsylvania Deaf and Dumb Institute, 1870-75; instructor in Illinois Deaf and Dumb Institute, 1875-1903. Married, 1871, Miss Elvira Gage. Died, February 23, 1903, Jacksonville, Ill." Initiated 1855 into Arcanus Decem. Initiated as graduate, June 28, 1859, when he returned to receive his master's degree.