Birch, Jonathan

From collection Member List

Birch, Jonathan
Lieutenant, Co. E; promoted Major, 63rd Indiana. Wounded at Resaca, Georgia (PGD magazine).

Jonathan Birch.  DAR # 156. "Lawyer. A.B. 1858; A.M., 1861. Born, June 8, 1834, Fountain county, Ind. City attorney for Greencastle, 1866-75; major, Sixty-third Regiment Indiana Volunteer Infantry; professor of law, DePauw University [1881-82, 1884-91]; engaged in practice of law, Greencastle, Ind.: elected trustee DePauw University, 1888 [to 1903]; mayor of Greencastle, 1894-96. Brother of 63. Married, February 7, 1871, Miss Marietta E. Jones. Father of 1342 and 1591. Died, April 9, 1906, Greencastle, Ind.; buried, in Forest Hill cemetery."Member of Arcanus Decem. Initiated June 8, 1857. 1860 census shows him as an attorney, living with family of Charles Douglas Jones (DePauw 1871) in Covington. Wounded at Resaca GA.


Mayor Greencastle, Indiana (1894-1896).