Bartholomew, Orion A.

From collection Member List

Bartholomew, Orion A.
From the DePauw Alumnal Record: DAR #164:

164. Orion A. Bartholomew, Lawyer, Chariton, Iowa.

A. B.; A. M., 1862, Born, September 4, 1837, in Bellville, Indiana. Brother of William F. Bartholomew (DePauw 1867). Private Co. A., 7th Indiana Infantry Volunteers; First Lieutenant 70th Indiana Infantry Volunteers; Lieutenant Colonel, 15th Indiana Infantry Volunteers; Colonel, 109th U. S. C. Infantry and brevet brigadier-general; prosecuting attorney and mayor of Chariton, Iowa; president Elliott Fuel Co., Minneapolis, Minn. Married, Jan. 16, 1866, Miss Mary J. Smith, of Hendricks County, Indiana.

Military Service - Sergeant, Co. A, 7th Indiana Infantry. 1st Lieutenant, Co. K, 70th Indiana Infantry, except when detached as judge advocate at Division HQ, until 1863. Lieutenant-colonel, 15th Colored Infantry Regiment. Colonel, 109th Colored Infantry Regiment. Commander 1865, 1st Brigade, 2nd Division, 25th Army Corps. Brevetted brigadier-general USV, March 13, 1865. (PGD magazine, November 1919, p. 276)


Mayor Chariton, Iowa.