Armstrong, Irvin

From collection Member List

Armstrong, Irvin
DAR #202: "Lawyer. A.B. 1862; A.M., 1865. Editor "Democrat," Vevay, Ind. Died, November 23, 1884, Vevay, Ind." Born May 9, 1841, Buffalo Barracks NY, son of Lt. William Armstrong, who died during the Mexican War. He was subsequently raised by his Uncle David. Initiated October 30, 1858 while a freshman. Chapter secretary June 26, 1860 to 1861, when elected treasurer to June 19, 1862. President of Fraternity's 1864 convention in Pittsburgh. From his obituary in the Vevay Democrat: Graduated with second honor. Grauated from Cincinnati law school, 1865; practiced law in New Orleans, 1866-1869. Returned to Vevay; purchased the Vevay Democrat and sold it May 4th, 1882 due to poor health. Died of tuberculosis at his uncle's home; buried at Vevay Cemetery.