Rippetoe, Jason L.

From collection Member List

Rippetoe, Jason L.
Private, 18th Indiana Battery, two years. (Unfinished Catalogue) Obit. mistakenly reads "As an officer of the 19th Indiana battery he served with distinction in the Civil War." PGD magazine, Feb. 1926, p. 848-9. CWSSS says 18th Battery, Indiana Light Artillery.


DAR #222: "Teacher. A.B. 1863; A. M., 1866. Born, December 6, 1838, Vigo county, Indiana. Principal of Danville Academy, Indiana, 1863-66; superintendent public schools, Connersville, Ind., 1866-87; superintendent city schools, Trenton, Mo., 1888-1905; principal public school, Malott Park, Indianapolis, Ind., 1906-14; supervisor public school music, 1914. Second lieutenant, Civil War. Married, September 26, 1865, Miss Sarah Ellen Allen. Father of Kate A., Emma J. and Bessie L." Initiated October 1, 1859. 1860 census shows him living with Tomas B. Wood and presumably Wood's parents. Elected chapter treasurer June 19, 1862; minutes of March 6, 1863 note the appointment of another brother to fill the vacancy. CWSSS says private in the 18th Indiana Battery for two years. However, other sources show private, Co. A, 78th Indiana Infantry July 29, 1862 to October 3, 1862. It is possible he served in both units, since the latter was during summer break. His wife's three sisters married DePauw Phi Gams.