Claypool, Marcus S.

From collection Member List

DAR #389: "A.B. 1872; A.M., 1875. Born, August 1, 1851, in Wayne county, Ind.[Son of Austin Bingley Claypool and Hannah Ann Petty.] Assistant cashier, Muncie Bank, 1872-79; agent Victor Silver Mining Company, Yandas Silver Mining Company; secretary and superintendent, Consolidated Columbia Tunnel and Mining Company, Georgetown, Colo., 1879-84; Alameda Place Stock Farm, 1884; member of State Board of Agriculture, 1893?; president, State Live Stock Sanitary Commission, 1896-1904. Married, January 14, 1880, Miss Elizabeth Burson, Muncie, Ind., who died, July 7, 1917." Initiated January 18, 1869. Probably related to Solomon Claypool.