Pyke, James Howell

From collection Member List

DAR #404: "Minister and Missionary, Peking, China. A.B. 1872; A.M., 1875; D.D., Willamette, 1901; D. D., DePauw, 1919. Born, July 9, 1845, in Glenwood, Rush county, Indiana. Entered the North Indiana Conference, 1872; appointed to Tipton; missionary to China, Peking and Tientsin, 1873-81; in the United States, 1882; returned to China, 1883; appointments: Asbury Church, Peking, 1883; principal of academy and pastor of church, Peking, 1884-86; superintendent, Tsunhua District, 1886-88; superintendent, Lanhsien District, 1888-91; in America, 1892; returned to China, 1893; superintendent, Lanhsien and Shanhai Kuan District, 1893-1901; in America, 1901; returned to China, 1902; superintendent, Tsunhua District, 1902-04; missionary in charge, Lanhsien and Shanghai Kuan Districts, 1905-06; in America, 1906-07; returned to China, 1907; superintendent, Peking District, 1907-08; Peking City Evangelist and Missionary in charge, Lanhsien and Shanhai Kuan Districts, 1909; Tientsin City and Lanhsien Districts, 1910-17; in America, 1917-18; returned to China, 1918; superintendent Tientsin District, 1918-19; retired, 1920. Married, October 7, 1873, Miss Annabel Goodrich, at Tipton, Ind. Father of 1801, 2022, 2224, 2444, and Ethel and Arthur." Initiated February 14, 1868.