Reubelt, John A.

From collection Member List

Born 1819 in Germany. Emigrated 1840. Professor of Latin and University Librarian, Indiana Asbury U. 1863-69. Initiated June, 1866. Professor of Modern Languages, Indiana University, 1869-1870. Johnson's 1912 A History of Kentucky and Kentuckians says "a native of Alsace .... graduated from the University of Berlin with the degree of D.D. .... located in Philadelphia, near where he taught school for a time, then taught for a time at Kingston College, Pennsylvania, and then became professor of languages at Fayette College, Fayette, Missouri. Later he went to a college at Selma, Alabama, thence to De Pauw College at Greencastle, Indiana and last of all to the Indiana State University at Bloomington, Indiana, where his active work as a teacher ceased. His last home was at Henderson, Kentucky, and after retiring from teaching he devoted his time to writing. He died at Henderson in 1906, in his eighty-fifth year." 

Wylie's Indiana University: A history from 1820, when founded, to 1890, says "....born February 22, 1819, in a village of Franconia in Germany.... in or about 1858 he received the honorary degree of A. M. from Dickinson College, Carlisle, Pa., and sometime afterwards the degree D. D. from Baldwin University, Ohio. Nearly all the time since his arrival in America, he has been engaged in teaching.... In 1870 he removed to Henderson, Ky., where he was for some years Principal of a classical school. Dr.Reubelt has written much for various quarterlies and monthlies, and other periodicals. He translated Gess' "Person of Christ," published at Andover, 1870, and translated into German "Greeley's Great Conflict," and in the same language edited a "Manual of Natural History," and published many other smaller works and tracts in both languages. Dr. Reubelt is now (1889) Principal of an academy at Ghent, Ky."

Married Lavinia Orwig. Father of Henry N. Reubelt, and presumably Augustus Reubelt. There is a different John A. Reubelt who overlaps in time, place, and profession with this one, and it is unclear how they are related, perhaps cousins.