Smith, Charles W.

From collection Member List

Smith, Charles W.
At surrender of Robert E. Lee at Appomattox Court House. Initiated 1863; enlisted May 1864 in Co. F, 133rd Indiana Infantry; [transferred, sergeant major, Co. H, 109th Colored Infantry]; 2d lieutenant Dec. 1864; 1st lieutenant May 1865; adjutant Aug. 1865. (Chapter Rolls and Directory, 1898.) Mustered out October, 1865. (Unfinished Catalogue also says "Lieutenant-Colonel and Judge Advocate of Indiana on Staff of Governor N. G. Porter") "In May [1865] he was detailed on General R. H. Jackson's staff; in June appointed first lieutenant, and at his own request relieved from duty at division headquarters and returned to his regiment." (PGD magazine, October 1890)


DAR #269: "Lawyer, 119 E. Pratt St., Indianapolis, Ind. A.B. 1867; A.M., 1870; Phi Beta Kappa. Born, February 3, 1846, Hendricks county, Ind. Engaged in practice of law, 1867; private, sergeant major, second lieutenant, first lieutenant and adjutant, Civil War. Brother of 268. Married, October 12, 1869, Miss Mary E. Preston, Greencastle, Ind. Father of 1097, 1295, 1393, and Kate S." Initiated November 27, 1863 as a freshman. Elected chapter secretary June 30, 1864, but entered the military prior to school's resumption that fall and thus did not serve. Resigned from Army October, 1865 and resumed college. Elected Plato Literary Society's president, October 1866. See biography in 1898 Chapter Rolls and Directory. DePauw Trustee 1896-99, 1904-08.