Bowman, Charles Gideon

From collection Member List

Bowman, Charles Gideon
DAR #277: Manufacturer, St. Louis. "A.B. 1868; A.M. 1871. Born June 9, 1848 in Berwick, Pennsylvania [to Thomas Bowman and Matilda Hartman]. Married, May 22, 1874, to Miss Florence H. Warren, who died July 21, 1893; married, June 19, 1900, Mattie Belle Overton at St.  Louis." Father was president of Indiana Asbury U. 1858-1872, Methodist bishop, and president of trustees 1887-1895. Initiated June 13, 1868. Mercantile Correspondent (1895 catalogue). Tin manufacturer (1900 census). Died November 15, 1924 in St. Louis.

His cousin, Dr. Shadrach L. Bowman (faculty), was initiated in 1884 while Dean (1882-1890) of DePauw's School of Theology .