French, Benjamin Franklin

From collection Member List

DAR #363: "Physician. A.B. 1871; A.M., 1874; M. D., 1882, Hahneman Medical College, Philadelphia. Born, Dec. 27, 1843, in Miami county, 0. Superintendent in Martinsville, 1872-76; superintendent of schools in Attica, Ind., 1877-79; began practice of medicine, 1884, in Indianapolis; practicing in St. Louis, Mo. Three years' service in the Civil War. Married, December 25, 1867, Miss Olive Staton, Thorntown, Ind., who died, June 10, 1906; married, April 3, 1912, Mrs. Melissa Ten Eyck, at Greencastle, Ind." Initiated January 18, 1869.