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2013 Fall Newsletter Gamma Tau (Georgia Institute of Technology)
Fall 2013 newsletter of the Gamma Tau chapter at Georgia Institute of Technology. The newsletter is eight pages in length.
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Gamma Tau
Georgia Institute of Technology
2013 Fall Newsletter Gamma Tau (Georgia Institute of Technology)
The Gamma Tau Chapter of Phi Gamma Delta at Georgia Tech
Fall 2013
By: Sean Arnold (2013) - Chapter President
The beginning
of this fall semester saw the
dreams and
hard work of so
many graduates
come to fruition:
Landon Nelson
Hall, the largest
fraternity house
on campus, was
finally complete.
The brothers
moved into the
house midAugust and the dedication
ceremony was held on September 7. Words cannot fully
express the impact that
Landon Nelson Hall has had
on the brotherhood, and
Gamma Tau is eternally grateful to every graduate who
helped make this dream a
reality. Thank you!
As our first semester in our
new home comes to a close, it
is my pleasure to update the
brotherhood on the success
Gamma Tau has shared this
calendar year.
This certainly was a unique
and challenging year for
Gamma Tau, as the brotherhood has been very mobile. In
the spring semester, a majority of the brotherhood lived in
the North Ave Apartments,
Things to Know
• Save the Date! Couser
Golf Tournament and
Pig Dinner - March 29,
• Dean Dull Winners -
Third Consecutive
• Biggest Pledge Class
on Campus.
while construction on Landon
-Nelson Hall was in full swing.
In the summer, as work on
the house was being finalized,
a number of our brothers kept
our presence alive on campus,
renting rooms in another fraternity’s house. Finally, at the
beginning of the fall semester,
the brothers moved into the
new facilities with a sense of
great pride and excitement.
In September, the Chapter
officially celebrated its new
home with our Dedication
Ceremony, attended by several hundred graduates, the
undergraduate chapter, and
special guests such as Bill
Martin, Executive Director of
Phi Gamma Delta, and keynote speaker G. Wayne
Clough, President Emeritus of
Georgia Tech and current
Secretary of the Smithsonian
Institute. The ceremony
highlighted the tremendous
amount of time and effort
put into this project by the
Campaign Committee, Building Committee, House Corporation, Chapter Advisors,
and undergraduate leadership. On behalf of the undergraduate chapter, I would
like to extend a heartfelt
“thank you” to all of the
brothers who donated and
participated in making this
project and this fantastic new
house possible; without such
outstanding graduate support, we would not be where
we are today. The new house
truly marks the beginning of
a new era in Gamma Tau’s
already stellar history.
(Continued on page 2)
• Run for the Kids was
held on November 29.
Inside this
Keeping Excellence
in Athletics
Run for the Kids Nov. 29
Welcome Pledges
We Encourage
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(Continued from page 1)
Gamma Tau continued its excellence
among other FIJI chapters, receiving
several recognitions from Phi Gamma
Delta’s International Awards. Our chapter placed third in the Condon Cup, given
to the chapter with the greatest overall
improvement. Also, Gamma Tau received honorable mentions in the Baker
Cup and Zerman Trophy, given to chapters with the most outstanding social
services and best overall campus involvement, respectively. At Georgia Tech,
Gamma Tau also excelled, winning the
Dean Dull Award for best overall chapter
for the third consecutive year. Our chapter also continued its athletics dominance, winning the IFC intramural trophy.
We continue to place a strong emphasis
on academics and philanthropy, and our
hard work has paid off. For the 30th consecutive year, our chapter received the
Certificate of Superior Academic Achievement, with an overall GPA of 3.17, well
above the all-men’s average on campus.
For our annual fall break service trip, we
had 200 brothers and guest travel to Cocoa Beach, Florida, for a Habitat for Humanity site build. Our annual fundraiser,
FIJI Run for the Kids, will be held during
Thanksgiving break, where brothers from
Kappa Deuteron and Gamma Tau team up
to run a football relay from Athens to Atlanta to raise money for Children’s
Healthcare of Atlanta. Gamma Tau has
raised over $50,000 in the past four
years, and the even has been publicized
on local news networks and the AJC. If
you would like to donate your time or
money, please contact Darryn Hutchinson
and Austin Rose at
The Chapter hosted an exciting Homecoming this year, with a full breakfast
and low-country boil lunch provided
by our new food service, UpperCrust.
Live music entertainment was provided by graduate brother Bert Reeves
(1999) and his band “The Goodbye
Machine.” To cap things off, Georgia
Tech won an exciting game over Pittsburgh, 21-10.
As we look towards 2014, I invite you
to take an interest in the chapter and
the achievements of its brothers. Your
support is always welcomed, encouraged and appreciated at Gamma Tau.
Please see the website for more information and explore for updates from
your fellow graduates. This is a truly
exciting time to be a Fiji, and especially a Gamma Tau!
Page 3
2013 marked yet another great year in FIJI athletics. We entered this year having won the intramural trophy for 12 years running, but due to
changes in the athletic schedule, the IM trophy
has not been awarded yet. However, with 11
finals appearances and eight championships
under our belts this year, we are confident that
the IM trophy will soon be in its rightful place in
Landon Nelson Hall.
2013 Gamma Tau
Flag Football Fraternity Runner-up
Flag Football School Champions
Fiji vs. Fiji for the independent championship.
Ultimate Frisbee Fraternity Champions
Sand Volleyball Fraternity Runner-up
Sand Volleyball School Runner-up
Soccer Fraternity Runner-up
Whiffleball Fraternity Runner-up
Whiffleball School Champions
Dodgeball Fraternity Runner-up
Dodgeball School Champions
Cornhole Fraternity Champions
Basketball Fraternity Champions
Bowling Fraternity Champions
Bowling School champions
Fellow Fijis look on as Greg O’Neal (2014) and Eric Horn
(2016) aim to knock out their opponents.
Academic Achievement Awards (AAA) are just one benefit the Phi Gamma Delta Educational Foundation provides to
undergraduate brothers - a $250 check to new initiates for
achieving at least a 3.2 GPA during their pledge terms. Phi
Gamma Delta is the only national fraternity or sorority to offer
this blanketed scholarship that helps get our new brothers fo-
Quinn Dolan
Ben Murray
Thomas Henderlong
Brandon Danzig
Eric Hom
cused on their academics. Thanks to those donors who support
the Phi Gamma Delta Educational Foundation. Since its
inception in 1999, AAA scholarships have been awarded to 147
Gamma Tau brothers, including the brothers listed below who
received the AAA this calendar year:
Alex Raabe
Will Kittle
Austin Schoech
Zach Meyer
Xiran Wang
Austin Rose
Adam Theisen
Jack Diprete
Shaun Orr
Frazier Woodruff
Page 4
We have lost contact with the brothers below and we need your help. If you know the home address or email address
of a brother below, please send the details to so we can update our information.
James D. Hedges 1929
James P. Silver 1959
Ray P. Flowers, III 1977
Allen S. Lin 2002
Walter Krueger , Jr. 1930
Jerry M. Figgins 1960
Joseph C. Harrison 1977
Lucas Gangone 2003
Kenneth D. Foster 1931
John A. Parker 1960
Steven M. Andrews, USA 1982
Michael A. Bartolo 2004
Peter H. Buckley 1933
Richard E. Hazlett 1961
Charles E. Potts 1982
Kurt S. Rowland 2004
Robert B. Caterson 1934
Ben H. Holcomb 1961
William L. Yeager 1982
N. Inchull Lee 2005
John B. Hale 1934
Thomas J. Beaird 1962
Kevin D. Ryan 1983
Kesler A. Pollard 2005
Robert A. Carson 1935
Lloyd D. Bird, Jr. 1963
Russell L. Carter 1984
Frederick H. Tull, III 2005
Charles H. Reed 1935
Michael M. Larrowe 1963
Miles Mercer 1984
Russell D. Blatt 2006
William C. Park , Jr. 1936
John B. Marbury, Jr. 1963
Sidney A. Brown 1986
Justin P. DeMeester 2006
Anthony L. Kocsis 1937
Robert P. Murray , Jr. 1964
Carlos E. Caceres 1987
Raheel A. Goheer 2006
Edward C. Guilford 1938
Greg A. Potter 1964
Alfred L. Christianson 1987
Ryan N. Swingruber 2006
Erich Weissenberger 1940
Stephen A. Rinehart 1964
Jon M. Jenkins 1987
Christopher M. Bair 2007
Daniel B. Williams 1940
Mario J. Torre 1965
Ronald F. Kirk, Jr. 1987
Brent T. Baxley 2007
Stanleigh F. Elam 1941
Ben H. Mitchell 1966
Jack W. McDaniel, Jr. 1988
William J. Bridges 2007
Franklyn H. John 1941
Jimmy L. Woods 1966
Thomas F. Sieja 1988
Ryan J. Doherty 2007
Franklin B. VanValkenburgh
Richard M. Hill 1967
Joel K. Wood 1988
Christopher F. Fehn 2007
Wallace L. Paton , Jr. 1967
Jeffrey L. Crumley 1989
Graham R. Neff 2007
Eric A. Borges 1968
Kirby C. Pruett , Jr. 1989
Daniel M. Knopp 2008
G. Patrick Putnam 1969
John W. Drury 1990
Auroop M. Roy 2008
Sherman D. O'Brien 1970
Derrick R. Duell 1990
James C. Waring, III 2008
Michael T. Woodall 1970
Thomas J. Bryant 1993
Perry E. Williams 2008
George L. Smith, Jr. 1971
Jason A. Hill 1994
Mateo Garcia 2009
Ronald H. Benson 1972
Scott F. Oran 1994
Andrew Kohrs 2009
Stephen J. Farrell 1972
Stephen J. DeLancey 1996
Paul M. Sansom 2009
Stanley W. Lowe, Jr. 1973
Fredrik J. de Geer 1997
Stephen J. Hench 2010
Robert D. Blythe, Jr. 1974
Steven Zachok, III 1998
John M. Hoffer 2010
Foster E. Brown 1974
C. Shane Carver 1999
Kristofer J. Johnson 2010
Robert W. Hooper 1974
Michael A. Gibbs 1999
Akira Matsuzawa 2010
J. Wesley King, Jr. 1974
Anthony C. Watson 1999
Benjamin E. Reyes 2010
William R. McLellan 1974
Lovett G. Young 1999
Austin M. Lynch 2011
James T. Voglino 1975
Nicholas D. Johnson 2000
Mohsin J. Zuberi 2011
John H. Clark 1976
Justin M. Witty 2000
Philip J. O'Brien 2012
Charles E. Harrell, Jr. 1976
Charles T. Martin, III 2001
Brian Sprague 2012
A. Mc Kinley King 1976
J. Kenneth Morgan, III 2001
James K. Quina 1976
Michael W. Swift 2001
Robert O. Dodd , Jr. 1943
Lionell H. Nelson 1944
James C. Brooks 1945
Cleaborn S. O'Kelley 1946
William L. Peel 1946
Richard C. George 1947
Billy W. Williams 1947
Wayne G. Shear 1948
William K. Melton 1951
Samuel H. Scott , Jr. 1951
Adrian D. Bolch, Jr. 1953
Jan Bundsen 1953
Orlando J. Caluff 1953
Martin J. Kaiser 1954
David B. Donald 1955
James W. Thompson 1955
Hugh E. White 1955
Russell D. Jessee 1957
Jerry R. Mitchell 1959
Page 5
Since 1998, the Gamma Tau Chapter at
Georgia Tech and the Kappa Deuteron
Chapter at the University of Georgia
have hosted the annual FIJI Run For
The Kids fundraising event. Both chapters collaborate to run a football between Athens, Georgia, and Atlanta,
Georgia, for the Georgia-Georgia Tech
football game on Thanksgiving weekend.
This year, the 2013 FIJI Run For The
Kids event was held on November 29.
With the help of over 90 brothers at
both chapters, alongside generous dona-
tion from friends and family, we were
able to raise nearly $9,000. Our goal is
to raise $10,000 with the help of friends,
family, and corporate sponsorships.
100% of the money raised is donated to
Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta. Children’s mission is to become the leading
voice for the health of Georgia’s children
as they provide treatment and enhance
the lives of children with illnesses in
Although the Run is over, it is not too
late to donate. If you would like to sup-
FIJI Run For the Kids Route
port our chapters and Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta, you can donate online at
the following website: http://
If you prefer to send a check, please mail
your check to:
Darryn Hutchinson
841 Fowler Street NW
Atlanta, GA 30313
Page 6
This past fall, the Gamma Tau Chapter won the Dean Dull Award for the third year
in a row! The award goes to the best overall fraternity at Georgia Tech and is based
on scholarship, athletics, leadership, philanthropy, Homecoming, Greek Week, educational programming, and other aspects of Greek life. The award was announced
last fall at the Georgia Tech Homecoming game against BYU.
Winning Dean Dull has always been one of the foremost goals of the chapter, and
the brothers have worked hard to excel in all aspects of Greek life in order to be the
best fraternity on campus for three years running. The Dean Dull Trophy continues
to motivate the brothers, and we will strive to keep it at Landon Nelson Hall for
years to come.
“The brothers have
worked hard to excel in
all aspects of Greek life in
order to be the best
fraternity on campus for
three years running.”
With a whirlwind of enthusiasm surrounding the new house, the fall semester began with an extremely strong recruitment,
which brought in a pledge class of 25 men, largest on campus.
These new recruits have already shown a great deal of promise and have done an outstanding job learning about the chapter,
growing together as a pledge class, and becoming increasingly acclimated to the traditions and expectations of our brotherhood. We look forward to seeing their contributions to the house in the near future. Thank you to all those who gave us rush
contacts or helped us in the rush process this past year; please continue to submit names to the rush chairmen at and help us continue to build upon our recruitment success.
Jack Anderson (2013)
Darryn Hutchinson (2015)
Ziran Wang (2015)
Kyle Chrzanowski (2016)
Brandon Danzig (2016)
Quinn Dolan (2016)
Carter Eaton (2016)
Thomas Henderlong (2016)
Eric Hom (2016)
Will Kittle (2016)
Zach Meyer (2016)
Ben Murray (2016)
Alex Raabe (2016)
Austin Rose (2016)
Austin Schoech (2016)
Kyle Seebohn (2016)
Adam Theisen (2016)
Brooks Doyle (2016)
Adrian Kramer (2016)
Alec Padgette (2016)
Justin Reichling (2016)
Anish Sharma (2016)
Jake Anderson (2016)
Zach Bailey (2016)
Brian Bradley (2017)
Palmer Brasher (2017)
Jeffrey Chang (2017)
Ford Croft (2017)
Sarin Devraj (2017)
Ryan Dwyer (2017)
Zach Flegle (2017)
Josh Horton (2017)
James Karle (2017)
Colin Kirkpatrick (2017)
Andrew Kurowski (2017)
Shane Mudrinich (2017)
Luke Newman (2017)
Brent Rosseland (2017)
Jai Sharma (2017)
Will Somers (2017)
Casey Wright (2017)
Page 7
This year, Gamma Tau has participated in multiple philanthropy
events and has amassed over 1500 total philanthropy hours. For
our biggest philanthropy trip over fall break, 200+ brothers and
guests traveled to Cocoa Beach, Florida, to assist in a Habitat for
Humanity Build.
The fraternity has been involved in several IFC sponsored events
including Campus Beautification and Sting Hunger. Biggest among
these is GOALS, an organization founded and sponsored by FIJI
brothers, that is dedicated to playing soccer with mentally handicapped children.
If there are any additional philanthropic organizations you think
would be a good idea for the Gamma Tau Chapter to get involved
with, please contact our Philanthropy chairmen: Austin Schoech
(2016) – or Ben Murray (2016) –
Brothers volunteering at GOALS soccer.
MARCH 29, 2014
This year we will be bringing back the old tradition of holding the Couser Golf Tournament and Pig Dinner on the
same day. In doing so, we hope to increase attendance and create a memorable event that lasts for the entire day.
Pig Dinner will be held in Landon Nelson Hall for the first time, and we are still working on finding a location for
Couser. The brotherhood is already very excited and we look forward to seeing everyone back in Landon Nelson
\r\nNonprofit Org
Phi Gamma Delta Fraternity
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STAY CONNECTED - Chapter Website: - Grad Website:
Information Update - Tell us about you!
Please detach and return with your contact information so we can update our records. We will feature graduate updates in
upcoming newsletters. If you want to share your recent news, fill in the news section for your information to be published.
Name________________________________________________ School/year__________________________
Phone (H)______________________________________(W)_______________________________________
News to share with classmates: _________________________________________________________________
Occupation ___________________________________ Employer ____________________________________
Spouse’s name __________________________________ Anniversary Date ______________________________
Children/Grandchildren Names and Ages: __________________________________________________________
I am pleased to make a contribution to Gamma Tau of : $1,000 $500 $250 $100 $50 $25 Other ________
I would like my donation to be used in the following area: _______________________________________________
Donations can be sent to: Gamma Tau Chapter, 841 Fowler St NW, Atlanta, GA 30313.
Please make checks payable to Gamma Tau Chapter of Phi Gamma Delta.
Design, printing and mailing services provided by the International Fraternity of Phi Gamma Delta.
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Fall 2013 newsletter of the Gamma Tau chapter at Georgia Institute of Technology. The newsletter is eight pages in length.