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2018 December Newsletter Lambda Iota (Purdue University)
December 2018 newsletter for the Lambda Iota chapter at Purdue University. The newsletter is six pages in length.
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Purdue University
2018 December Newsletter Lambda Iota (Purdue University)
Imwbda Iota -f TheFrjxtebnityofPhi Gamma Delta •¥ Purdue University 4- WestLafayette, Indiana
Richard E. Grace
(Purdue 1951)
What did eight young men talk
about in Lafayette, Indiana in
1868? The Civil War, their jobs
and careers, girlfriends and perhaps
families, horses and buggies,
meetings at the Lahr House, Spring
Brewery or one of the many local
taverns? Surely most of these,
but certainly their thoughts and
conversations often centered on Phi
Gamma Delta Fraternity.
Eight young Fijis saw the
need for an organized fraternal
activity for graduate brothers in
Phi Gamma Delta; they petitioned
the Grand Chapter on March
12, 1868 to establish a "Graduate
Chapter" in Lafayette, Indiana. The
petition itself consisted of one brief
paragraph, 120 words, handwritten
in beautiful cursive of the day. Every
word, every phrase focused on need
2, 1868. Imagine the consternation
of the Indianapolis Fijis when they
became the Beta Graduate Chapter.
Perhaps the Lafayette body politic
simply outfoxed them...
There are no known records
ofthe Alpha Graduate Chapter
between 1868 and 1912. No attic
or basement has produced a dusty
carton ofhandwritten minutes,
photographs, programs or other
memorabilia. Not surprising! Young
Alpha Chapter (Jefferson) and the
".. .a closer union.. .to strengthen
and perpetuate the bonds...
Fijis were using nib pens and India
Lambda Chapter (DePauw) were
to increase the influence of and
ink; typewriters and Kodak cameras
Eight young men from the
wise beyond their years. The oldest contribute to the general interest of
was perhaps 30, the youngest 23
or 24 years old. Four saw action
in the Civil War. Three served
as major officers in the Grand
Chapter of Phi Gamma Delta and
the Fraternity." The Grand Chapter
was convinced: Petition was granted
on April 7, 1868 for the Alpha
Graduate Chapter in Lafayette,
There is an interesting subplot
to this tale. Indianapolis Fijis
In particular, Eugene]. Ball
petitioned the Grand Chapter for
(Washington and Jefferson 1868)
was born in Lafayette, Indiana and a "Graduate Chapter" on February
21, 1868; action was "delayed" and
became president of the Grand
their petition was granted on June
Chapter in 1867 at age 23!
attended the annual conventions.
were in their infancy. Fiji graduate
brothers of the day were focused on
a social agenda, and there was little
to record or to report.
Of note, the Lambda Iota
Chapter of Phi Gamma Delta at
Purdue University was chartered
on May 30, 1902. This event gave
the Alpha Graduate Chapter a
new beginning.
Early history of the Lambda
Iota Chapter first was recorded in
\r\nseveral membership directories. The
earliest section was written by Burr
S. Swezey (1913): Early History of
These eleven stalwart brothers had
Lambda lota, Phi Gamma Delta—
to understand future needs of the
Purdue. This was followed by Years
ofGrowth, Charlie Sargeant (1926);
Recent History, George Aschauer
undergraduate chapter. In part, the
original Articles read ".. .to acquire
by gift, purchase, or devise such real
estate as may be the
Lambda Iota Chapter..."
(1938); War and Reconstruction,
Ned MacDonald (1951) with an
Addendum (author unknown) to
granted by the State of Indiana.
both vision and common sense
The newly chartered Alpha
1959; Lambda Lota @ 100, Dick
Grace (1951) to mark the 100th
Graduate Chapter quickly went into
action. The first property purchased
anniversary of the Lambda Iota
Chapter at Purdue
University in 2002.
was a lot on North River Road in
completed and occupied by 36 men
on May 1, 1926 at a cost of $48,000
with a mortgage of about $40,000.
The dual roles of the Alpha
Graduate Chapter became defined:
1) to serve as property owner
and to advise on all matters of
undergraduate life and 2) to further
band together Fiji graduate brothers
who have left the chapter house.
Times changed: The Great
Depression, World War II, the US
Navy V-12 program taking over
A comprehensive
history, Purdue
Fijis Observe Semi
centennial, was
authored by Norman
H. Shortridge, Jr. (1949)
and published in The
Phi Gamma Delta
640 Russell Street; 1926 and now..
magazine in September
Early Days
The Alpha Graduate Chapter is
first mentioned by Charlie Sargeant
West Lafayette, ca. 1912, close to
the present location of the Sigma
Chi house. Finances and building
plans apparently sputtered and the
lot was sold. The "Murdoch House"
in Years ofGrowth. This graduate
chapter may have played a quiet role
in the lease of early Fiji properties
for the Lambda Iota Chapter. The
at 1114 State Street, Lafayette
was purchased on June 15, 1916
the Chapter House, construction
of a Quonset Hut in the side yard
for returning GFs, and Lambda
Iota winning the Cheney Cup in
1949 for operations in 1947-48.
for about $13,500 with a 90%
Around 1950 $16,500 was spent
to modernize bathrooms, hallways,
living room and kitchen. Glory
mortgage. The chapter lived there
three locations: NE corner of Sheetz
for 10 years. At Pig Dinner in 1922-
and Wood Streets, West Lafayette
23 the Board of Directors approved
the purchase of four building lots
in West Lafayette at the corner of
During 1952-55 the Alpha
Graduate Chapter completed the
first major addition to the chapter
(1901); 417 Waldron Street, West
Lafayette (1902-03); and 1217 Main
Street, Lafayette (1903-16).
On May 20, 1912 eleven members
of the Alpha Graduate Chapter filed
Articles of Association with the
State of Indiana. By September 17,
1912 the Alpha Graduate Chapter
was incorporated and a charter
7th Street (Stadium Avenue) and
house. Located to the east of the
Russell Street. Baldy Reed and Burr
living room, a three-story addition
provided a new chapter room,
Swezey purchased these lots for the
library on the first floor, and study
Alpha Graduate Chapter on April
rooms and cold-air dormitories on
13, 1923. (Lore has it that these 50
the second and third floors at a cost
foot lots cost $500 each, a princely
sum for 1923.) The current chapter
of $60,000. Approximately 53-55
men could be housed under roof.
house at 640 Russell Street was
December 2018
\r\nGene Cernan, Pig Dinner, 2012
Bricks and mortar pale by
comparison to the leadership,
generosity and devotion of many
graduate brothers who served
the Alpha Graduate Chapter for
decades. With all the risks of
omission, and with apologies to
others ad astra, these few have
given extraordinary measures of
leadership and service: Heinie
Merkel (1904), Dutch Riebel
(1904), Art Brockenbrough (1906),
Fijis at Mitch Daniels'initiation, 2013
Alpha Graduate Chapter into a new
corporation under The Indiana
General Not For Profit Corporation
Act of 1935: Alpha Graduate
Corporation of The Fraternity of Phi
Gamma Delta at Purdue University.
This was executed by Richard E.
Grace, President and Roger G. Gay,
Secretary and duly notarized by
Henry C. Ryder on March 29, 1958.
A separate corporation was
formed under Chapter 279 of
the General Assembly of Indiana
Purple Legionnaire continues to be
pivotal in maintaining close liaison
with the Lambda Iota Chapter.
Monthly "First Friday"
luncheon meetings of the Alpha
Graduate Chapter are held at local
watering holes; Fiji graduates from
all chapters are encouraged to
attend. Pig Dinner continues to be
the principal joint meeting of the
Alpha Graduate Chapter, the House
Corporation and the Lambda Iota
Kent Blacklidge (1906), Frazz
Jennings (1906), Rosier Levering
as approved on March 14, 1953.
Alpha Graduate Chapter at Pig
(1907), Harry Reed (1911), Hugh
This exempts property of fraternal
Dinner to undergraduate brothers
Woolverton (1912), Burr Swezey
organizations from taxation.
for scholarship and leadership.
(1913), Poss Johnson (1914), Shine
Lambda Iota Graduate Corporation Graduate brothers meet with new
initiates to outline the purposes of
documents were executed by
Richard E. Grace and Larry Lane on the Alpha Graduate Chapter and
the House Corporation. Leadership
March 29, 1958. Both corporations
were filed with the Secretary of State dinners are held with newly-elected
of Indiana on April 14, 1958, and R. undergraduate officers, and at a
Joseph Rudolph was named Resident farewell dinner, graduating seniors
are given membership cards and
Geupel (1923), Jack Bixler (1924),
Charlie Sargeant (1926), Paul Jones
(1927), Richard Crowder (DePauw
1931), Bill Covert (1934), John
Bradshaw (1935), Lucien Jones
(1936), Sid Fenstermaker (1939),
Henry Ryder (1948), Bill Currise
(1949), and Norm Shortridge (1949).
The New Corporations
Times changed again, this time
by the Indiana General Assembly.
The Masons had successfully
lobbied to exempt their lodges
from possible state taxation. Henry
Ryder advised to reorganize the
TheBoilermaker Fiji
Since 1958 the Alpha Graduate
Chapter has enjoyed a new
symbiotic relationship with the
Lambda Iota Graduate Corporation
or "House Corporation." These
organizations maintain separate
presidents with shared corporate
officers, board of directors and
board of chapter advisors. The
Chapter. Awards are given by the
inducted into lifelong membership
in the Alpha Graduate Chapter and
the House Corporation. Summer
graduate picnics with our spouses
often generate stories which only
get better with each passing year.
Recent decades have produced
new heroes within our graduate
chapter. Astronaut Gene Cernan
\r\n(1956) was Commander of Apollo
XVII and left man's last footprints
on the moon on December 19,
1972. Art Hansen (1946) and
Mitch Daniels (2013) have served
as President of Purdue University,
and Jim Stukel (1959) was President
of the University of Illinois. Three
Purdue University buildings have
been named for Purdue Fijis:
Hansen Hall, Art Hansen (1946);
Bill and Sally Hanley Hall, Bill
Hanley (I960); and Spurgeon Golf
Training Center, Tom Spurgeon
(1961). Bill Miller (Zeta 1962, GA
Graduate Ghapter, the Lambda
Iota Graduate Gorporation and/
or the Lambda Iota Chapter. Over
the last twenty years few formalities
have evolved. Legends see each
other often, and new Legends are
added by consensus and voice vote.
A framed certificate signed by the
undergraduate Chapter President
is presented at a Purdue Fiji event,
such as Homecoming, Pig Dinner or
Pledge Class Reunion. The Legend
roster to date: Joe Rudolph (1948),
Larry Lane (1950), Dick Grace
(1951), Jack Coffin (1959), Carl
Lambda Iota 1996) was elected
Horner (1978), Kent Upton (1978),
International President of Phi
Bill Miller (Zeta 1962, GA Lambda
Gamma Delta, and Bill Miller,
Iota 1996), Jeff Cooke (1967), John
Sorensen (Alpha Deuteron 1968,
Dutch Riebel (1904), Steve Prifogle
(1999) and Ben Deschner (2009)
have served as Archons; Doc
Zeta 1968).
Crowder (DePauw 1931) served as
Lambda lota Graduate
National Historian.
Seventeen members of the
This unique organization
became responsible for the chapter
house in 1958. Beyond fiscal
firm, Rowland and Associates,
Indianapolis, was engaged; they
recommended both major upgrades
and additional space. A project team
of Chris Burke (1977), President
of the House Corporation, Bob
Swinehart (1965), John Barbee
(1998), and Bill Miller (Purple
Legionnaire) was authorized to
negotiate the necessary agreements
with Purdue University and the
Purdue Research Foundation.
In 2015 the House Corporation
Board leased 15 parking spaces to
the immediate west of the Kappa
Alpha Theta chapter house. In
2017 the Board purchased two 50
foot lots to the south on Russell
Street, thus insuring our ability to
maintain and expand our presence
on Russell Street. (The University
retained ownership of the corner lot
of the old Ludy property at 6th and
Russell Streets.)
Alpha Graduate Chapter have
been named Distinguished Fijis by
the Archons: Burr Swezey (1913),
Charlie Sargeant (1926), Doc
Crowder (DePauw 1931), Bill Smith
(1939), Art Hansen (1946), Joe
study rooms were added above
A planned addition also would
expand the dining room and provide
improved areas for study as well as
Rudolph (1948), Dick Grace (1951),
the kitchen to bring the live-ins
social activities.
Ed Ogden (1952), Gene Cernan
to 60-62. Between 1982 and
water boiler was installed. A modern
Major remodeling inside the
chapter house was completed in
2017. The old hot water heating
system was replaced with a new
HVAC system throughout;
sprinkler system was added for fire
protection throughout study rooms,
bathrooms were gutted and
modernized, including the ladies
dormitories, kitchen and public
powder room; all plumbing was
replaced and structural deficiencies
(1956), Tom Spurgeon (1961), Tim
McGinley (1962), Bill Miller (Zeta
1962, GA Lambda Iota 1996),
Chuck Armstrong (1964), Brian
Lamb (1964), John Edwardson
(1971), Morgan Burke (1973), and
Mitch Daniels (2013).
In 1996 Bill Miller, then Purple
Legionnaire, proposed a new service
management, annual maintenance
and improvements have been
scheduled regularly. In 1974 new
1994, bathrooms were remodeled,
windows and interior doors to study
rooms were replaced, and a new hot
By 2013 the physical condition
The goal: to retain and upgrade
our historic chapter house and to
increase capacity from 60 to 74.
were corrected. As of fall 2018, $4.2
recognition known as Legends of
of the chapter house needed
million had been expended and
Lambda Iota for those who have
attention to remain competitive
given extraordinary leadership and
within the Greek system at Purdue
fund raising covered $3.2 million.
Fund raising will continue and
service over many years to the Alpha
University. An architectural
new construction will occur when
December 2018
\r\nsufficient funds have been collected
to cover the majority of the cost.
other Fijis who have contributed to
our rich history since 1868. What is
here is a solid testament to fraternal
Reflections @150
This brief history of the Alpha
Graduate Chapter has focused
on brothers, events, corporations,
bricks and mortar, all coupled in
service to The Fraternity of Phi
Gamma Delta. What's missing are
the lifelong triumphs and sorrows
of the 2,200 Fijis initiated into the
Lambda Iota Chapter and countless
life—undergraduate, graduate
and the many intersections with
Purdue University, the International
Fraternity and Fijis world-wide.
In one way or another, at one
time or another, every brother has
your extraordinary leadership,
generosity and service; and to the
Fijis of today and tomorrow, we
charge you: Perge!
I am very glad to be a Fiji!
Ace Grace (1951)
October 18, 2018
participated in our upward march.
Phi Gamma Delta is not for college
days alone!
To all, we say thank you; to
many, we add special thanks for
Correspondence, DeWitt R. Cogswell (Case Western Reserve 1915) to William S. Zerman (Michigan 1949),
December 30, 1974, The Archives of Phi Gamma Delta
The Story of Graduate Chapters, Arthur R. Burnstan (Lafayette 1925), The Phi Gamma Delta, Vol. 55, pp. 255258 (December 1932); also see The Archives of Phi Gamma Delta
The Fiji Thesaurus, The Phi Gamma Delta, Vol.70, No. 1, October 1947
Articles ofAssociation ofthe Alpha Graduate Chapter ofThe Fraternity ofPhi Gamma Delta, May 20, 1912
Lambda lota Chapter Membership Directories, 1950, 1953, 1959 and 2002
Purdue Fijis Observe Semi-Centennial, Norman H. Shortridge, Jr. (Purdue 1949), The Phi Gamma Delta, Vol. 75,
pp. 20-28, September 1952
Articles ofReorganization ofAlpha Graduate Corporation ofThe Fraternity ofPhi Gamma Delta at Purdue
University, Approved and Filed, April 14, 1958, Secretary ofState ofIndiana, Indianapolis
Articles ofIncorporation ofLambda lota Graduate Corporation, Filed April 14, 1958, Secretary ofState ofIndiana,
Celebrating 150 Years ofGraduate Chapters, The Phi Gamma Delta, Vol. 139, No.2, pp. 40-44, Spring 2018
Note: The complete text ofthis article may be found in The Archives ofPhi Gamma Delta.
TheBoilermaker Fiji
Phi Gamma Delta
State College, Pa.
Permit No. 2
Graduate Relations Processing Center
P.O. Box 7007 • Albert Lea, MN 56007-8007
'• -1
Pig Dinner 2019
Please join the Lambda lota Chapter of Phi Gamma Delta for the Annual Norris
Pig Dinner.
Saturday, February 2nd, 20119
Keynote Speaker
Mike Dilts
Lambda lota Class of 1981, President/CEO Shiel Sexton Company, Inc.
Please RSVP by January 20,2019
Visit for more details
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December 2018 newsletter for the Lambda Iota chapter at Purdue University. The newsletter is six pages in length.