Hendon, William T.

From collection Member List

Hendon, William T.
Lieutenant Colonel, 14th Mississippi, Consolidated; Captain, Co. K, 6th Mississippi. "When the war commenced he assisted in raising an infantry company, of which Hon. A. Y. Harper was captain and W. T. Hendon first lieutenant. This later became Company K, of the 6th Mississippi Regiment, organized early in 1861 at Grenada, Miss. . . . Participating in the battle of Shiloh . . . it was reorganized . . . and Lieut. W. T. Hendon succeeded [Harper] as captain of Company K. He held this rank until . . . April 9, 1865, when seven companies of the 6th, the 14th, and 43rd Mississippi regiments were consolidated and known as the 14th Mississippi, Consolidated. Captain Hendon was made lieutenant colonel of this regiment. Afterwards he surrendered with the regiment at Greensboro, N. C., under Gen. Joseph E. Johnson." --obituary, Confederate Veteran Vol, XXVI, p.167.