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2014 April Newsletter Alpha Iota (Iowa State University)
April 2014 newsletter of the Alpha Iota chapter at Iowa State University. The newsletter is 16 pages in length.
Date/Date Range:
Alpha Iota
Iowa State University
2014 April Newsletter Alpha Iota (Iowa State University)
\r\nLetter from the President
Greetings fellow Phi Gams,
First and foremost, the undergraduate chapter thanks you all for setting the bright examples that we work diligently
to follow, and strive to even improve for those to come after us. If in 50 years the graduate brothers of Phi Gamma
Delta give themselves as our graduate brothers do now, the chapter will be thriving with tradition and the brotherhood, somehow, even stronger.
Imagine what the immortal six would think if they knew the traditions are alive and growing today. Their work was
done in silence and secrecy due to the nature of Greek organizations at the time, but the outcomes were that which
pushed mankind to higher places. Imagine what Edward “Pa” Prince (1902) would do for the men at 325 Ash Ave if
he were alive today. Our tradition of the Norris Pig Dinner is coming once again on April 26th – 27th. Your brothers
would love to see you there to reconnect once again and celebrate our Fraternity’s traditions.
So that the mankind can benefit and so that the world is a better place we build upon our brotherhood and never
cease adding to it and support our brothers as they become better men, our chapter just happens to be the way that
we do it. Our brother Nate Burger (’16) has been charged with the duty of recruiting new Fijis to our chapter. We
all believe in Nate, but the recruitment team cannot do it alone. Spread your great experiences of Fiji, and continue
making new ones. It takes the whole brotherhood to recruit. If you know of a man that is fit to be a gentleman of Phi
Gamma Delta at Alpha Iota or elsewhere, please contact Nate at (712) 212-5471.
The continued success of the men here seed from you, our graduate brothers. With the chapter house near capacity
and the undergraduates at 84 members and climbing, we can’t possibly point out everyone’s great achievements.
Our brothers are the presidents of other clubs on campus (David Moore ‘15, Dustin Blount ‘16), we play key roles
in university community service efforts (Dance Marathon, Relay for Life) and we’re pursuing the careers of our
dreams (Bobby Dunteman ‘16, Alex Menke ‘16).
With Greek Week, VEISHEA, Norris Pig Dinner, Spring Break and more ahead of us,
we are planning for yet another busy spring semester. The traditions of Greek Week are
continuing this time with our team including the women of Alpha Omicron Pi and Phi Beta
Chi as well as the men of Theta Xi. Our Greek Week leaders are working hard to prepare
our chapters for the competition that brings all of Greekland together.
Brothers, once again your undergraduate brothers thank you. 107 years of success don’t
come from just one generation of proud Fijis, but from many generations of proud brotherhood, persistence and determination.
Trenton Purdy ’16
\r\nRecruitment Update
Recruitment this year was headed by Thomas
Peetz (15’) and Nicholas Wells (16’). Our recruitment
season began in April with Greek Getaway. We had ten
different incoming freshmen stay with us over the two
days, and eventually signed five of them, which was
on par with the great precedent set by last summer. We
spent the month of May on the phones, calling potential
new members and trying to get them to stop by during
their orientation sessions, or even stay with us rather
than in the dorms. Our time on the phones proved to be
well spent, as we brought our total up to 15 by the end of
June, when orientation sessions end.
Next, we travelled to Illinois, stopping on our
way to Chicago in Peoria for a night to meet with a
PNM from that area. Once in Chicago we met with all
the potential new members that we knew in the area. To
entice them, we invited them all to a White Sox game
that evening. After our trip to Illinois we had twenty
one signed men. Once school started, we began finding
interested men around campus. Many of the men that
we had spoken with over the summer that were unsure
of Fiji, had changed their mind and wanted to sign. Two
weeks after the semester began we ended Fall Recruitment with thirty two good guys in the class of 2017.
In July, we began our travels around the
Midwest. First, we drove up to Minneapolis where
we stayed with Dan Donatucci (‘12), who graciously
offered us a place in his home. We spent three days in
Minnesota meeting with guys we have talked to on the
phone or through email. The following weekend, we
traveled to Shellsburg, Iowa to play paintball with a few
guys from that area. Paintballing was a huge success;
we had 22 potential new members attend in all.
We would like to thank the graduates for everything they did for us, they were a great help. We would
also like to note that if any of you have sons, nephews,
or even grandkids that are attending Iowa State to please
have them consider Fiji and get their contact information
to us so we can show them around the house.
Yours Truly,
Thomas Peetz ‘15
\r\nGraduate Relations
106th Annual Norris Pig Dinner
The 106th Annual Norris Pig Dinner is fast approaching and there is a lot to
be excited about this year. Gather up your fellow brothers and come to this year’s
Pig Dinner, so we can get a big turnout this year! Pig Dinner is scheduled for Saturday, April 26th, 2014 at the Ames Golf and Country Club.
On Friday, April 25th there will be a dinner gathering for people that want
to start their weekend off early being back in Ames. That night will be a great time
to catch up with fellow brothers at the new Blue Owl Bar in Campustown where
we have a block of time set up just for FIJI’s. On Saturday, there will be a lot going on at the house including brunch, House Corp meetings, and, of course, the
annual photo. Then, at 6:00 PM, there will be a cocktail hour at the country club
before dinner begins at 7:00 PM. Peter McNally (’90) will be our Toastmaster this
year. Cost for registration is $85 when registered before April 1st or $100 when
registered any time after April 1st. Please RSVP through our mail invitations or by
going to
It would be great to have as many people as we can for this year’s Pig Dinner. If there are any questions or concerns please contact me at stahulak@iastate.
edu or
Grant Stahulak ‘16
\r\n2013-2014 Cabinet
Historian: Mike is a junior
Corresponding Secretary:
from Cedar Rapids, IA majoring
in Chemical Engineering with a
minor in Nutrition Science. He
hopes to work in the food industry or go to graduate school after
attaining his Bachelor’s degree
from Iowa State. He is also extremely proud of his super power
is his ability to cook minute rice
in 57 seconds.
Caleb is a sophomore from
Bloomington, MN majoring in
Construction Engineering. This
semester, he is helping write a
“green” retrofit proposal for a
national competition. He is also a
firm believer Sean Connery was
the best James Bond.
President: Trent is a sophomore
from Eden Prairie, MN majoring
in Marketing and Supply Chain
Management with a minor in Entrepreneurial Studies. He someday hopes to live in the Pacific
Recording Secretary:
Treasurer: Isaac is a sophomore
from Des Moines, IA majoring
in Accounting. He enjoys excel
spreadsheets and golfing in his
free time while constantly trying
to live up to his dad’s (Mark
Cowan ‘86) high expectations.
Patrick is a junior from Sibley,
IA majoring in Kinesiology with
an emphasis on Pre-Health. Upon
graduating from Iowa State, he
plans to attend medical school in
pursuit of a career in anesthesia.
Patrick is the proud owner of a
220-gallon saltwater fish tank
that currently resides in Fiji’s
\r\n2013 Fall Pledge Class
By Eli McKeever ‘17
Last fall, Alpha Iota welcomed 27 pledges to 325 Ash Ave. Brought together by
recruitment chairs Thomas Peetz (15’) and Nick Wells (15’), this group contains freshmen, sophomores, and juniors from a variety of backgrounds. From transfer students,
to student athletes, legacies (Nick Arnold, Max Bush, and Matt Delanoit) to newcomers, we are a diverse group. Despite our differences, we were all brought together by
our interest in the ideals of Phi Gamma Delta.
Our semester began quickly and was spent in the company of the men of Alpha
Iota: playing sand volleyball, grilling in the Pit, and getting to know each other. Soon,
preparation started for Iowa State University’s Homecoming festivities. This included
Yell Like Hell, a five minute skit performed with our Homecoming pairing, the lovely
ladies of Delta Zeta and the men of Sigma Alpha Epsilon.
The long weeks of preparation for this event helped bring the pledge class
together and foster friendships with other Greeks. However, our interaction with other
Greeks was not limited to Iowa State. In an effort to connect us to other Fijis, some of
the brothers of Alpha Iota helped the pledge class to organize a trip to the Chi Deuteron Fiji chapter at Kansas State University. The experience was very rewarding, and
resulted in the establishment of new friendships and a greater respect for The International Fraternity of Phi Gamma Delta. These events and more have helped to shape our
pledge class into fraternity gentlemen, worthy to be called Fijis.
By Peter Batdorf ‘16
This past semester has been one of academic shortcomings. We received a poor
overall house GPA, however, a few outliers achieved scholastic excellence to give our
chapter hope moving forward. Our house GPA average was 2.83, 0.06 below the All
Men’s average. We always strive for excellence, but inexcusably we should be average. One factor of our GPA can attributed towards our New Member average- 2.69,
the lowest freshman average our chapter has seen in years. This noted, we are greatly
vamping up our freshman scholarship program so that next fall freshman GPA will be
much higher. Although this GPA was a hit, we will take it in stride and look for ways
to greatly improve our scholastic techniques. We are a brotherhood, through successes
and failures alike.
Despite our house GPA, there is some good news to lift our spirits. As a chapter, we had 15 members placed on the Dean’s List (3.5 minimum GPA for that semester). Furthermore, Brother Eli Krambreer (former President, Historian and Archon;
Class of 2013) and Brother Derek Huser (former Corresponding Secretary, President;
Class of 2014) were both inducted into the Order of Omega. This Greek honor society
only takes those who are involved on campus, in the Greek community and receive a
GPA of at least 3.4 cumulative. It is an honor that our chapter now has two brothers
among their order.
The theme for homecoming
2013 was, Homecoming 101: Keeping
the Traditions alive. Phi Gamma Delta
paired with Delta Zeta sorority and Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity. The efforts
and time put in by all members led to a
very fun and fulfilling homecoming. As
a community service pairing, we participated in the ISU Blood Drive, the 5K
Color Run, and sent emails raising
awareness for St. Jude Children’s
Research Hospital.
Aside from that, a traditional Yell
Like Hell skit was composed which
took a spin off The Princess and the
Frog. The final component of homecoming this year was the tournaments. Our
pairing competed greatly in various athletic competitions including basketball,
soccer, and treds football.
Robert Dunteman ‘16
The gentlemen of the Alpha Iota
Chapter ran it’s annual fall Philanthropy,
The FIJI S’More Roast in October raising over $2300 for the USO. Beating last
years total by over $100.
Raising money for the USO
means so much more for this chapter as
one of our members, Francesco Coco, is
a veteran of the Afghanistan war. He has
brought back many stories and life lessons that has helped many brothers and
pledges become the young, successful
men that they are today.
Patrick Conness ‘15
\r\nGreek Week
After many years of participating and
having a great time in Greek Week events, the
brothers of Alpha Iota had a break through
spring, garnering respect and recognition
from the rest of the Greek Community. Led
by Brice Ballentine (2014), Ricky Williams
(2013), Jack Fletcher (2013) and Chris Teney
(2013), the Fiji’s, with the help of Beta Theta
Pi Fraternity and the newly reformed Kappa
Delta Sorority, set new standards for Greek
Weeks to come.
The senior class set the standard by being
incredibly involved in events, and leading the
way through co-chairing. Seniors Chris Teney
and Ricky Williams, acting as the Lip Sync cochairs, led the pairing to places no Fiji pairing
has gone in nearly a decade: Lip Sync Finals.
With the theme of “Monsters University”
the skit starred Alex Menke (2016) as Frank N.
Stein, Eli Krambeer (2013) and Evan Brooks
(2013). Sacrificing much of his time and his
basement, Senior Jack Fletcher spent much
of his time designing and creating the Greek
Week banner and All-Greek banner with the
help of those willing to volunteer. Jack spent
many a nights without sleep due to sheer dedication to the cause!
Along with their Lip Sync success, members of Alpha Iota placed well in Greek
Olympics by finishing near the top in Bed
Race, Road Race, Dizzy-Dizzy-Duck and
L.A.R.P. With many of the younger members
in the house learning the ways of Greek Week
and stepping up into vacant leadership roles
through it, the house is poised to perform well
for years to come while riding of the huge momentum gained in 2013.
By Rickey Williams ‘13
\r\nReggie’s Sleep-out
By Caleb Bonderer ‘16
Every fall a there is a community
service event called Reggie’s Sleep-out which
takes place in Drake University’s football
stadium. People go on a Saturday night and
sleep on the stadium’s turf, under the stars, to
raise awareness for children’s homelessness
in the Des Moines area. We have sent brothers
and pledges to this for a few years now but had
the highest attendance in 2013. Twenty-one
guys related to 325 Ash Avenue drove to Des
Moines on November 16th and volunteered
their time and money for this event.
This is even more notable because at about
5am on the 17th, while everyone was outside
sleeping, it began to rain. Despite this, the men
of Phi Gamma Delta showed persistence and
roughed it out for another two hours, when the
event concluded. The event raised a total of
$133,840 to fight homelessness. If you’d like
more details on Reggie’s Sleep-out in general
you can visit their website at
\r\nMeet A Member
Co-op With Cargill
By Alex Menke ‘16
My name is Alex Menke and I am a
sophomore majoring in Mechanical Engineering. Currently, I am away from Iowa State on
an eight-month work experience co-op with
Cargill Inc. The plant I am working at, in Eddyville, Iowa, is a corn milling and processing
plant. Here my position is defined as a Project
Management Engineer. In this role, I am given
projects throughout the whole plant that vary
from fixing an inefficient process to designing a new, safer way to perform maintenance
Depending on the time of the year, this
can be very difficult, because there are many
spring projects under construction at Cargill.
After a contractor is selected, construction
begins. During this phase, I stay near the work
area to make sure the progress matches up
with what the design looks like.
Overall, I am very happy with my position and what I am doing. I feel that it will be a
great learning experience and will help put my
engineering schoolwork in to perspective.
After receiving the initial scope of the
project, it is my job to acquire information and
specifications about the project. This includes
going out to the plant and investigating the
project area, figuring out why the project needs
done, who is affected by the malfunctioning
process, and locating any drawings or sketches
of the area. Then, I start to formulate possible
solutions to the problem. This phase takes
quite a while, because not only do I need to
come up with new solutions, I need to consult
the people that will be affected by this new
solution in order to see what ideas they have
about it. If needed, I will contact an outside
engineering firm to create a final design. Once
the design is decided upon and drawn up, it is
then time to find contractors that will do the
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\r\nIn Loving Memory
Thomas Michael Foster
June 27, 1942 - December 19, 2013
Iowa State Class of 1964
Thomas Michael Foster Loving husband for fifty years, dedicated father and grandfather,
accomplished businessman, patron of the arts and international traveler passed away peacefully
at his home in Novato on December 19, 2013 due to complications related to pancreatic cancer.
Born in Ottumwa, Iowa on June 27, 1942 to John and Margaret Foster, Tom spent most of his
youth in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. He earned a degree in Mechanical Engineering from Iowa
State in 1964 and an MBA from Stanford University in 1968. He and his wife moved to Mill
Valley in 1969 where they raised three children and became active members of the community. In his career, Tom quickly became a partner at a large accounting firm. He later worked as a
financial consultant with various domestic and international clients. Tom also brought his business acumen to the Marin Theater Company, as its President, and to Bank of Marin, where he
sat as a board member until his death. Tom greatly enjoyed the outdoors and spent time playing
golf, sailing, skiing and hiking. Accompanied by his wife, he recently completed the Tahoe Rim
Trail. Tom Foster is survived by his wife, Cynthia, their three children, David (Wendy), John
(Gabrielle) and Katherine (Tom), and six grandchildren. The family suggests memorial donations
to pancreatic cancer research. A celebration of life will take place in early 2014. Arrangements
entrusted to Keaton’s Mortuary.
\r\nAvpHa Tota =| = Put Gamma Detta” =| ~—- 3325 ASH AVENUE
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April 2014 newsletter of the Alpha Iota chapter at Iowa State University. The newsletter is 16 pages in length.