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2014 December Newsletter Tau Nu (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute)
December 2014 newsletter of the Tau Nu chapter at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. This newsletter is eighteen pages.
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Tau Nu
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
2014 December Newsletter Tau Nu (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute)
The Tau News
Official Graduate Brother Newsletter - Tau Nu Chapter of Phi Gamma Delta
Volume AD, Issue 1
Sunday, December 21st, 2014
82 3rd Street, Troy, NY
The Winter 2014 Issue
Farewell, Old Cabinet! ......... 2
Hello, New Cabinet! ............. 4
Graduating Brothers ........... 8
Black Diamond .................... 9
Victorian Stroll .................... 10
Pledge Activities ................ 11
Housewarming Party ........ 12
Phantom ............................ 13
Community Service .......... 15
Sports ................................. 16
Holiday Cards .................... 17
\r\nThe Tau News
Pg. 2
/ Winter 2014
Farewell, Old Cabinet!
The passing of the baton happened as planned this semester. Our previous
President Garrett Szafman has now graduated and passed his position to our
previous Corresponding Secretary, Brad Schwartz. We are eternally thankful
to the old cabinet for all the work they’ve given to this chapter—especially
the copious amounts of effort they sustained to transitioned us into our new
house. This past year has been pivotal for the chapter, and we are confident
their shared expertise will be passed on to the new members of cabinet.
“It’s crazy to think about how different the FIJI that elected me to
Recording Secretary in November 2012 is from today’s group of fine
individuals. It was great to be a part of the transition out of RAHPs
and I feel really good about where our chapter is now. Hell, if we were
able to get such great pledges rushing out of North Hall, just think of
what we can do out of our new house. I’m excited to be passing the
gavel on to my little bro Brad, and I hope he enjoys it as much as I did.”
-Garrett Szafman (Class of 2015, President)
“Serving on cabinet has been one of the most rewarding experiences
I’ve ever had. As Treasurer, I created a savings account, moved dues to
bursar billing, and formalized a discretionary fund. The first two are
quality-of-life improvements necessitated by the new house while the
discretionary fund is a major change to the way we plan events. We’ve
already seen some awesome impromptu events, and I’m excited to see
new creative uses for it in the future.”
-Nick Payne (Class of 2015, Treasurer)
\r\nThe Tau News
Pg. 3
/ Winter 2014
Farewell, Old Cabinet! (continued)
“During my time as Recording Secretary, I made some changes to
streamline chapter meetings and cut down on their length, and it’s
good to hear Chris plans on continuing the new policies. I want to
stress the importance of cabinet’s role as the committee advisors—
when a committee has any questions, cabinet is there to help. I’m
positive the new cabinet will continue to support the chapter.”
-Brandon McLear (Class of 2015, Recording Secretary)
“It’s been a great year as corresponding secretary; I can’t believe it’s
already over! It seems like just yesterday that I was driving to Fiji
Academy through a blizzard, full of excitement for the coming year.
I am as excited for the next term as President as I was for my term
as Corresponding Secretary. Because my old position did not have
many explicit responsibilities, I have tried to bolster external relations
through both my duties and through advising my committee VPs.”
-Brad Schwartz (Class of 2016, Corresponding Secretary)
“As our house was cleaned up moving into the church, I updated the
brotherhood board and similar chapter artifacts, cleaned the historian
artifacts, and organized them in the chapter safe. I think the “other”
Zach has the proper attitude to foster brotherhood and help lead the
chapter. Our current pledges are amazing and I believe that we will be
able to continue to grow in the Church and recruit the best of the best.”
-Zach Shute (Class of 2016, Historian)
\r\nThe Tau News
Pg. 4
/ Winter 2014
Hello, New Cabinet!
Our new cabinet is a diverse mix of brothers focused on bringing our
house forward. Our Historian and Corresponding Secretary are cousins,
our Recording Secretary is the former head of The Poly, our Treasurer is a
sophomore, and our President is last year’s Corresponding Secretary. What
these new leaders all share is an enthusiasm for Phi Gamma Delta and the
courage to lead us into our first full year in the church. The chapter is as
strong as ever, and we are proud to have these five brothers leading us.
“Dear Graduates,
I am incredibly excited to take over as the first president to have a full
term in the new house. For those of you that do not know me yet, I
am working towards a bachelor’s degree in Chemical Engineering, as
well as an MBA, set for graduation from RPI in the Fall of 2016. I sing
a capella in the Rusty Pipes, play trombone in the Jazz Band, and am
highly involved with Tau Beta Pi, the engineering honor society.
It is an incredible honor to take over as the president of the chapter at
such an historic time. There will need to be many new decisions and
precedents set by me and the other chapter leaders as we continue to grow accustomed to
our new house. I can’t wait to continue and expand upon the work of the outgoing chapter
leadership. Garrett was an amazing President, and I know I will be continuing to seek his
guidance throughout my term. It would be hard to summarize all of the goals and objectives I
have for this chapter in the next year; because the influence of president is so far-reaching, there
are too many to list. Instead, I will simply express my excitement, as well as my confidence in the
other chapter leaders. This cabinet is incredibly promising, and I cannot wait to see where we
take the chapter!
-Brad Schwartz (Class of 2016, President)
\r\nThe Tau News
Pg. 5
/ Winter 2014
Hello, New Cabinet! (continued)
“For those of you whom I have not had the pleasure of meeting, my
name is Nicholas Seguljic. I am a pursuing a bachelors degree in
Chemical Engineering and will be graduating in 2017. I am truly
honored to have been elected for this position in the brotherhood. The
movement of the chapter from RAHPs to the church marks an epoch
as grand as the inception of our chapter. As such it is important that
as Treasurer I set the correct standard for those who are to come after
me, and as a cabinet to set the right goals to better our chapter. My
predecessor Nick Payne was a leader throughout the transitionary
period to our new house. Most notably he introduced a convenient way for brothers to pay
through the RPI bursar and established the discretionary fund. Continuing in his innovative
foot steps I am ready to take on the changes necessary for us to adapt to our new environment.
-Nick Seguljic (Class of 2016, Treasurer)
“My name is Chris Leong, and I’m pursuing a degree in Chemical
Engineering at RPI. I’m the current Recording Secretary at FIJI.
Having just received our new house, there are many rules and
procedures that need to be overhauled following the transition
from RAHPs. As the keeper of our Constitution and Bylaws, it is my
responsibility to oversee the wording and amending of bylaws. A few
amendments that are currently in process relate to housing and the
fraternity budget. Some others that I’m working on amending are
those relating to parking and other housing regulations. Additionally, I
know that my experience as Editor in Chief of The Polytechnic will ...
(continued on next page)
\r\nThe Tau News
Pg. 6
/ Winter 2014
Hello, New Cabinet! (continued)
... aid in my management of committees and committee heads to their full potential. I believe
that our Tau Nu chapter of FIJI is on an exponential upward trend. We are blessed to have a
phenomenal chapter house with which we can hold communal events, such as the Rensselaer
Music Association for the annual Victorian Stroll and our last social event, which held more
than a tenth of RPI’s student population. As a fraternity, we are not only getting our name out to
not just the RPI community and Troy, but we are also being mentioned on other campuses, such
as Syracuse University. And that makes me mighty proud to be a Tau Nu FIJI.
-Chris Leong (Class of 2016, Recording Secretary)
“Dear Graduates,
I am very excited to be the 30th Corresponding Secretary of our
chapter. For those of you that don’t know me, I am a senior from
Cohoes, NY studying Computer Science dualed with GSAS. I am
on the RPI ski team and am in the Outing Club. FIJI deserves to be
the biggest name on campus, and I will work hard to get us there. I
plan in involving us in every inter-Greek event possible to increase
involvement on campus. I also want to create a long lasting event as a
tradition hosted by FIJI in the Greek community. I also plan on
improving and solidifying the strong relationships with other fraternities and sororities that I
started to build as social chair. The last Corresponding Secretary, Brad Schwartz did a great job
paving the path for me. Brad oversaw my committee and helped me build lasting relationships
with Sigma Chi and Sigma Delta. He led us to victory in Greek Week for FIJI against all other
Greek houses. He now continues to lead as the 30th President of our chapter, and I very much
look forward to continuing my work with him. FIJI will be known throughout Troy for our
community service while being known on campus as one of the most involved houses.
-Dave Vanderzee (Class of 2016, Corresponding Secretary)
\r\nThe Tau News
Pg. 7
/ Winter 2014
Hello, New Cabinet! (continued)
“Dear Grads,
For those of you that perhaps don’t know me, my name is Zachary
Vanderzee. I am currently one of the many Computer Science majors
in the house and will be graduating in 2016. I am a member of
both the Cross Country and Track and Field teams and am the new
Historian for our chapter.
I can’t express how excellent it feels to have been chosen as the new
Historian for our chapter. At such a critical and pivotal point in our
chapter’s history, our actions and choices set the tone for our future
and it is truly an honor to be selected as one of the leaders at this time.
Being given such a huge and wonderful home, it is now the chapter’s job to fill it with young and
hardworking members. As the Historian, it is my job to record, maintain, and teach our history
and traditions to these new members. It is also my job to shape them into strong leaders that will
one day fill the very roles that we, the current cabinet, now hold.
Of course, not all traditions can stay exactly the same as they were back in RAHPs. Some of
our traditions and practices will have to be amended and updated to work with in our new
home. We have already amended several bylaws this semester related to the new home and
we will continue to do more as they come up. During my term, I plan to set the example for
how important events and rituals will be organized and run from now on. The old Historian,
Zachary Shute, did a wonderful job with initiating the most recent pledge class during a tough
transitionary period. I look forward to working with him on solidifying this process in our new
home and making it a truly special event semester after semester.
-Zach Vanderzee (Class of 2016, Historian)
You can always email our leaders at
\r\nThe Tau News
Pg. 8
/ Winter 2014
Graduating Brothers
It is with a heavy heart that we send off this semester’s graduating brothers.
These three have contributed countless hours to Tau Nu, and we will sorely
miss their contributions to (and presence at) the house. We’re not just
saying goodbye to half our driving force behind the new house, a long-time
cherished brother, and our most recent President—we’re saying goodbye to
three of our best friends. We’ll miss you three!
Brendan Edward Cazier
Class of 2015, B.S. Mechanical Engineering
Plans: Maintenance engineering with American Airlines
Location: Tulsa, Oklahoma
Garrett Mitchell Szafman
Class of 2015, B.S. Chemical Engineering
Plans: Relaxing at the church before starting work
Location: Still here, guys!
Altan Kaya Gulen, PCF’12
Class of 2014, B.S. Computer Science
Class of 2015, M.S. Information Technology & Web Science
Plans: Software development at Microsoft
Location: Seattle, Washington
\r\nThe Tau News
Pg. 9
/ Winter 2014
Black Diamond
As always, the FIJI members
Here’s to the breezes that blow through the treeses
started their adventurous night
And lifts the skirts above the kneeses
out with our famous poem spoken
Its teases, it pleases, it spreads diseases
by social chair Dave Vanderzee
Oh what a snatch, down the hatch.
Here’s to Delta!
at our 6:48 pm toast. This was the
first time those words were used
as a Black Diamond toast in our new fraternity house. Over 70 FIJIs and
dates raised their glasses of champagne to celebrate our excitement and pride
in our chapter.
We arrived at Birch Hill at 7:30 pm, dressed to the 9s in our matching tuxedos, to enjoy six food
serving stations and an open bar. Shortly after we had eaten too much steak and pasta, the urge
to dance had started for many of our brothers. Eventually, the DJ started to play the requested
songs for individual pledge classes to get up and shake it with their pledge brothers. From
“Allstar” by Smash Mouth to “Fireball” by Pitbull, the pledge classes bonded in their own ways.
Brother Altan Gulen received the honor of the slow dance this year for his seven year strong
relationship with his girlfriend Michelle to “I Won’t Give Up” by Jason Miraz. After 11:30 pm,
our buses came to bring us back home, where we continued celebrating with
our dates until the fatigue of the night caught up with us.
This year, our glassware favors are a customized ale glass. The glass opens up
more toward the top and is topped off with a golden rim to give it an elegant
touch. On the side of the glass, two palm trees are printed on with “FIJI”
written between them, and “Black Diamond 2014” above.
See photos online at
\r\nThe Tau News
Pg. 10
/ Winter 2014
Victorian Stroll
Every year during the holiday season, downtown Troy transforms into a
“magical stage of song, dance, and family enjoyment.” The Troy Victorian
Stroll marked its 32nd year as the region’s premier free holiday event.
All afternoon on December 7th, the historic downtown of Troy offered more than 100 free
attractions in the form of the region’s best performers, musicians, dancers, magicians, and
storytellers. Typically the event brings in around 20,000 people to the streets, and despite the
cold many organizers agreed this was the best stroll yet. We opened our doors to host much of
the event, helped prepare Barker Park, and sent Brother Spencer Pilcher as Santa Claus.
Our chapter utilized this event to as our grand
opening and appearance to downtown. Our
doors were open to the community for the
whole stroll, from 11 am – 5 pm, as we hosted
a Stars for our Troops event with Susan Wells.
The main event that drew in the crowds was the
performance of four of RPI’s jazz ensembles.
The show, running from 2 – 5 pm, drew in
hundreds of stroll-goers - filling every seat we
could lay out in the sanctuary. The full house
paired with the great performances made
this event truly amazing for everyone. All
who passed through were amazed with our
dedication to the house and the community,
and how well organized and neat the house was.
Plus, everyone was very appreciative of the free
hot chocolate to warm them up from the cold!
\r\nThe Tau News
Pg. 11
/ Winter 2014
Pledge Activities
It is with a clogged heart and full stomachs that we can happily report PCF14
is doing quite well with their food preparations.
Their first meal was well-prepared mac and cheese with bacon, breadcrumbs, and seasoningnot the most creative, but executed with a bit more finesse than PCF13’s. They followed it up
with a high-quality Thanksgiving meal (impressive given the single oven they could use), and
concluded their meals with a refreshingly out-of-season grill-themed burgers & hot dogs night.
The pledges finished their semester by presenting their gift to the house. The ten freshmen and
sophomores worked hard to build us a Slap Cup table! FIJI Pong will always be first and foremost
in our hearts but the chapter will benefit from this table during larger get-togethers. The table is
six feet long by two feet wide, painted royal purple with our black diamond in the center.
\r\nThe Tau News
Pg. 12
/ Winter 2014
Housewarming Party
How would you feel if you held a party attended by a tenth of your college
campus? According to Brother Josh Goldberg, “pretty damn good!”
It’s hard to describe how jubilant we are having held Tau Nu FIJI’s largest and greatest in-house
party yet. We attracted about 550 partygoers in our housewarming party, co-hosted with Sigma
Chi on November 14th. Everything from brother turnout (100%!) to pledge turnout (also 100%)!
to the line outside was on an epic scale.
“I think it’s great that we’re going strong right out of the gate with a successful social event after
just obtaining our new house. If students at RPI didn’t know about FIJI before, they sure do
now,” says brother Chris Leong. “Events like this and Victorian Stroll are what will make our
house flourish.” The crowd got to the point where, despite having our massive rec room, we
found ourselves at capacity and were forced to halt new entrances at the door.
Despite the incredible surge of guests we managed to keep the party safe and prevent risky
situations at the house. The only part of the party we didn’t enjoy was the cleanup, but when you
have hundreds of people in a room, that’s to be expected.
\r\nThe Tau News
Pg. 13
/ Winter 2014
On November 11th, a pitbull/bulldog mix with the name
“Phantom” was unexpectedly dropped off and abandoned by
his owner at Graduate Brother Colin Pyzza’s apartment in the
middle of the night. Colin took Phantom, about 3 ½ years
old, to our house, not knowing what to do. The undergrads
took the dog in and reached out to a local rescue group that
a number of brothers volunteer with, Peppertree Rescue, to
try to find him a home. The situation was also discussed with
our Housing Corporation, and a one-week time frame was
given to allow Phantom to stay in the house. Brother Terrance
McGovern, who has already done extensive volunteer work
with Peppertree, took the lead on caring for Phantom.
Phantom ended up being a wonderful dog and brought hours of joy to many of the brothers
in-house. During his time in the house, many of the brothers took it on themselves to make sure
this pup was always cared for. An evaluation was arranged for Phantom by Peppertree, which is
required of all dogs coming into their Rescue. He is now being fostered through Peppertree after
immediate approval by their board, and is in search of an adopter for a permanent home.
\r\nThe Tau News
Pg. 14
/ Winter 2014
Community Service
Hour of Code
Puck Run 2014
Nothing is better than a good rivalry,
especially like the RPI-Union Hockey rivalry.
But, instead of tailgating, brothers were hard
at work partnering with Union’s Chi chapter
to make the second annual Puck Run happen.
Last year, our chapter and the then-colony
organized a relay run from RPI’s Houston
Field House to Union’s Messa Center, carrying
the game hockey puck over twenty miles
to be dropped for the faceoff. This year, we
ran the puck to our home game, the Black
Friday RPI-Union faceoff on October 31st.
Tau Nu reached out to a number of our new
small business neighbors for support. Many
sponsored the event, and along with backing
from individual donors, we raised just shy of
$1000 for the United Services Organization.
Any grads interested in purchasing a shirt
should email Terrance at
The second week in December marked the
2014 Hour of Code, a nationwide weeklong
event in which students are encouraged by
teachers to try simple programming activities
for an hour. Brother Josh Goldberg, who
has been traveling to the local Shaker High
School weekly to teach programming, opted to
travel to Latham Ridge Elementary School to
help with the coding activities there as a FIJI
brother and Microsoft Intern Ambassador.
The school’s teachers were happy for the extra
help, and a school reporter featured him on the
district’s Hour of Code article online.
We’ll be starting more outreach programs in
conjunction with RPI’s CS Club at schools like
Shaker Junior High and Shenendehowa High
School this coming semester. Stay tuned for
more exciting news!
\r\nThe Tau News
Pg. 15
/ Winter 2014
Community Service (continued)
Dyken Pond
Edna’s 97th
Our chapter has had a great relation with the
Dyken Pond Environmental Education Center
over the past few years. This semester, we
continued to foster that relationship, and headed
out to the Cropseyville area, about 40 minutes
east of campus. On the 26th of October, we helped
haul wood out of the forest and split it into
firewood for the winter. Despite the cold and the
rain, we (along with the other volunteers) cut,
hauled, loaded, unloaded, split, and stacked over
three cords of wood in about 3 hours. To express
their gratitude, we were invited to stay for dinner,
where they praised us and appreciated our work
over the years. Later, on the 19th of November,
we also sent a few brothers to help make wreaths
for a fundraiser they run. We plan on continuing
our great relationship with Dyken Pond in the
years to come!
Susan and Edna Wells have been great
friends of ours—as members of the
former First Baptist Church, they’ve been
supportive throughout our entire transition
process. Edna just celebrated her 97th
birthday, so we sent a few brothers with a
card and snacks to the party congratulate
her. A collection of interesting artifacts
owned by Edna were on display, such as
a blanket from the only rescue ship at the
Titanic, as well as signed congratulatory
letters by President Obama and Governor
Not only was she active with us, she played
an impromptu piano performance of the
songs throughout her life for the party. No
wonder this is the lady who’s been helping
her daughter with Stars for our Troops.
We served up 338 reported hours of community service this
semester. That’s 14 consecutive days of service!
If you have a project for us to do, please email us at!
\r\nThe Tau News
Pg. 16
/ Winter 2014
Ultimate Frisbee
Our run at a third ultimate frisbee title in three years
almost came to an early end in the semifinals. It
took place on a Sunday night that just happened to
be at the same time as our second round of elections.
Luckily, our pledges came through in a big way for us
and showed up to make sure we didn’t have to forfeit
and held the game within reach until the rest of the
team could get there and claim victory. The finals
took place on a snowy, windy night against Chi Phi,
who proved to be no match for us. The game ended
in a 9-3 victory and another frisbee title for FIJI.
After a very promising undefeated
volleyball season, we went into the
playoffs strong and steamrolled
through Phi Mu Delta in the
semifinals. Unfortunately, we never
made it to the finals due to the fact that
it was scheduled day of and we were
never notified (coordinators, right?).
At any rate, we know who truly
deserved to win and that’s all that really
Other Intramurals
The last two sports, indoor soccer and walleyball, were somewhat less successful. After an easy
schedule in the regular season of indoor soccer, we entered playoffs undefeated. The semifinal
round started off promising, with a goal scored on the first play of the game, but in the end we
just couldn’t hold together on defense well enough and failed to move on. The walleyball season
took place in the form of a double elimination tournament. Our first game looked like it would
be an easy win after dominating the first set against Phi Tau, but we dropped the second two and
were sent to the losers bracket. We came back strong in our next couple games, taking out Ski
Lodge and Pikes before facing Phi Tau again. Like before, it was a very hard fought game that
could have gone either way, and we split the first two sets, but ended up dropping the third and
getting knocked out of the tournament.
\r\nThe Tau News
Pg. 17
/ Winter 2014
Holiday Cards
We’re starting a new tradition of sending out Tau Nu Phi Gamma Delta
holiday cards to the surrounding businesses & friends of the chapter. We’ve
already received a few cards from kind locals like Edna Wells, so it’s natural
we extend this gesture of friendship to our new neighbors.
The cards are two-sided 5x7 matte paper. The top of the card is black with white and purple trim
with “Happy Holidays” in white text, while the inside is blank white (for personal notes) on the
top with the above graphic on the bottom. The back is white with a small graphic of our seal in
the center. We delivered these in person the week before Christmas with candy canes to very
positive feedback from the community. Looking forward to doing this again next year!
\r\nThe Tau News
Pg. 18
/ Winter 2014
Many thanks to the generous graduate brothers who have contributed to
the Tau Nu chapter of Phi Gamma Delta. Without your hard work and
generosity, especially considering the work of the House Corporation, neither
this article nor its contents would have been possible.
Additional thanks to Brendan Cazier, Josh Goldberg, Altan Kaya Gulen,
Tyler Gumina, Chris Leong, Terrance McGovern, Brandon McLear, Jacob
Merson, Spencer Pilcher, Nick Payne, Joseph Pringle, Geoffrey Rosenthal,
Brad Schwartz, Nick Seguljic, Zach Shute, Kirk Smith, Ananth Sridhar,
Garrett Szafman, Dave Vanderzee, and Zach Vanderzee for providing content
inception, writing, and editing services.
The Tau News
Official Graduate Brother Newsletter - Tau Nu Chapter of Phi Gamma Delta
Volume AD, Issue 1
Sunday, December 21st, 2014
82 3rd Street, Troy, NY
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December 2014 newsletter of the Tau Nu chapter at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. This newsletter is eighteen pages.