Rogers, Louis M.

From collection Member List

Rogers, Louis M.
Lieutenant, Co. F, 46th Virginia Infantry. During Federal assaults on Petersburg, June 17, 1864, "Private Louis Rogers of Co. F carried the regimental colors which in the deadly fire was riddled by eighteen bullets and the flag staff shot in two. Private Rogers himself was shot in the shoulder and would die from the wound in August of that same year." (From 46th Virginia re-enactor site.) According to Collins, Darrell L. 46th Virginia Infantry (1992, H.E. Howard Inc.) p.136: Enlisted August 24, 1862 in Richmond. Detached service as a clerk, district headquarters, November and December 1862. "40-hour leave in Charleston, S.C. to have teeth "plugged" 2-2-64." Appointed Ensign (regimental color bearer, with the rank of lieutenant) July 1, 1864.