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1999 Fall Newsletter Xi Deuteron (Case Western Reserve University)
Fall 1999 newsletter for the Xi Deuteron chapter at Case Western Reserve University. The newsletter is six pages in length.
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Xi Deuteron
Case Western Reserve University
1999 Fall Newsletter Xi Deuteron (Case Western Reserve University)
Received nay 15
The Xi Deuteron Potpourri
The Xi Deuteron Chapter of The Fraternity of Phi Gamma Delta
Case Western Reserve University ♦ Cleveland, Ohio
Fall-Winter 1999
Xi Deuteron Leads in Alcohol-Free Housing
Xi Deuteron has become a leader in
committed to the policy before a deadline.
alcohol-free housing in Phi Gamma Delta
Renovations from the use of these grants
and at CWRU.
have included new study rooms, Internet
networks and building additions.
At the ISOth Ekklesia in Pittsburgh,
Pennsylvania, in 1998, the undergraduate
leaders of Phi Gamma Delta Fraternity
adopted a policy that will prohibit the use
of alcoholic beverages in Fraternity
facilities. According to Archon President
Lee Moss '73 (Tennessee), students are
"coming to school to get an education, and
they need a family and some friends. They
want a clean, safe living environment
where they can study and hang out."
Phi Gamma Delta's policy states, in part,
It is important for graduate brothers to
know that the alcohol-free policy applies to
anyone—undergraduates and graduates,
members and guests, regardless of age—on
the chapter premises. Moreover, graduate
brothers should understand that Case
Western Reserve University holds
undergraduate students accountable for the
actions of their guests.
Xi Deuteron and Phi Gamma Delta
that "no alcohol shall be present, possessed,
expect several benefits to result from the
new policy. Brothers will refocus on the
brought into, or consumed in or on any
portion or room of any chapter house
facility or chapter property."
Although the policy does not go into
values of the Fraternity. Phi Gamma will
move away from an alcohol-dominated
fraternity environment. There will be less
deterioration of living facilities. The
effect until July 1, 2000, Xi Deuteron and a
Fraternity will be meeting the needs of
number of other chapters have already
today's college student. Rising liability
adopted the practice. Xi Deuteron's
insurance costs will stabilize.
implementation has the support of the
Chapter and its Purple Legionnaire, Board
Xi Deuteron has already held several
alcohol-free social events which were the
of Chapter Advisors and House
envy of others on campus. The Fall Smoker
During fall semester 1999, 30 Phi Gamma
Delta chapters have been enacting the
largest graduate turnouts in recent
policy by gradually prohibiting alcohol in
public areas or by eliminating alcohol
completely from the chapter facilities. As
There are still challenging days ahead,
however. The support of all Xi Deuteron
and Cleveland area graduate brothers will
an incentive for their efforts, the
be needed to ensure the success of the new
International Fraternity and the Phi Gamma
Delta Educational Foundation provided
policy and the future viability of the
Chapter. Commit yourself now to being
part of the solution.
grants to those chapters who voluntarily
was alcohol-free and attracted one of the
\r\nPage 2
The Xi Deuteron Potpourri
Chapter President's
The faU 1999 semester at the Xi Deuteron
chapter has been filled with enthusiasm,
hard work and enjoyment. This has been
our second semester of alcohol-free
Fall-Winter 1999
Xi Deuteron Directory
housing. The undergraduate brothers have
handled the change with surprising
maturity. Before this semester our chapter
Xi Deuteron Chapter of Phi Gamma Delta
had fallen to 33 active brothers, which is the
216-754-FlJl (3454)
lowest number we have seen in many
11317 Bellflower Road
Cleveland, OH 44106-3920
years. With these obstacles, we faced the
challenge of selling the ideals of Phi
Gamma Delta to the incoming freshmen of
CWRU. However, our chapter united
together and recruited harder than 1 have
ever seen. We finished fall rush with 16
quality individuals, a number that hasn't
been achieved for five years. This was the
third largest pledge class on campus and
the largest of the alcohol-free fraternities.
Once again Phi Gamma Delta has been on
the forefront of change in the Greek
In the middle of these positive transitions
has been the influence of our new Purple
Chapter Officers
Chris Scott '00, President
Joe Collura '99, Treasurer
John Murphy '00, Recording Secretary
Mike Deimling '00, Corresponding Secretary
Jai Macker '00, Historian
Chris Baker '94, Purple Legionnaire
Board of Chapter Advisors
Clay Barnard '69 (Miami), Chairman
Bob Niebaum '69
Nick Plaxton '93 (Akron)
Paul Qua '82 (DePauw)
Chris Baker '94, ex-officio
Legionnaire Chris Baker '94. His
involvement and enthusiasm has
The Xi Deuteron Building Association
strengthened our chapter's attitude.
Jim Griffith '54, Chairman
Thanks to Andy Jaworski '94, our previous
Purple Legionnaire, for his dedication to
Mike Magness '70, President
our chapter.
Bob Niebaum '69, Treasurer
This semester our chapter has
concentrated on scholarship, graduate
relations and social service. Our
Scholarship Chair Ryan Lustig '01 has had
the challenge of motivating Xi Deuteron to
keep the standard that we set last year
when we had a house CPA of 3.21 (5th of
17 fraternities). Paul Deimling '02 has been
(See President's Report, page 4)
Pat Carney '80
Jim Merklin '85
Chris Baker '94, ex-officio
Clay Barnard '69 (Miami), ex-officio
Chris Scott '00, ex-officio
Joe Collura '99, ex-officio
The Xi Deuteron Potpourri is published for the graduates and friends of
The Xi Deuteron Chapter of The Fraternity of Phi Gamma Delta
at Case Western Reserve University. Address changes, news items and photographs are
always welcome and may be sent in the enclosed envelope or to Graduate Records Office,
Xi Deuteron Chapter of Phi Gamma Delta, P.O. Box 5846, Cleveland, Ohio 44101-0846.
\r\nFaU-Winter 1999
The Xi Deuteron Potpourri
Rajeev Raghavan '01
Receives Roesch-
include American Institute of Chemical
Engineers (Secretary and class
representative), CWRU Racquetball Club
(President), CWRU Chamber Orchestra,
Faragher Scholarship
Cleveland Clinic Foundation volunteer,
student tutor, Indian Students Association
Rajeev Raghavan '01 has been named the
1999-2000 recipient of the Paul B. Roesch '29
- Burton P. Faragher '28 Scholarship. A
junior chemical engineering major from
(class representative) and Residence HaU
Association (intramural representative). He
has served Xi Deuteron as Scholarship
Chairman and Awards Chairman. The
school. He has attained an overall GPA of
amount of this year's award was $2200.
The Roesch-Faragher Award is presented
by The Phi Gamma Delta Educational
3.73 and has received Dean's Honors and
Foundation to a Xi Deuteron brother of
High Honors. Rajeev is a member of FSA
Greek Scholarship Honorary, Golden Key
National Honor Society and National
Honor Society. Other campus activities
particular academic accomplishment and
promise. The award was made possible
Roesch '34.
Jai Macker '00,
grades in the spring 1999 and fall 1999
semesters respectively.
Dayton, Ohio, he is focusing in
biochemistry and plans to attend medical
Martin Woyczynski '00,
Adarsh Mantravadi '01
Are Crawford Scholars
through the generosity of Emerson P.
Adarsh Mantravadi '01 has been named
the 1999-2000 recipient of the Albert H. and
Doris F. Crawford Scholarship for
participation in the chapter and on campus.
The Crawford Awards are presented by
The Phi Gamma Delta Educational
Jai P. Macker '00 and Martin W.
Woyczynski '00 have been named the 19992000 recipients of the Albert H. and Doris F.
Crawford Scholarships for most improved
Giving Something Back
This year nearly $5,000 in scholarships
will be awarded to Xi Deuteron
undergraduate brothers through the
generosity of our graduate members. Our
Chapter House Endowment Fund also
Foundation and were made possible
through the generosity of the late Albert H.
"Buzz" Crawford '24 and his wife Doris
who survives him.
contributing to the CWRU-Phi Gamma
Delta Scholarship Fund through the CWRU
Gift Processing Office, 10900 Euclid
Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44106-7035.
Contributions to both the Foundation and
and/or Chapter House Endowment Fund
the University are tax-deductible and may
also be matched by employers.
Both the Foundation and the University
offer special assistance for those interested
in deferred gifts or other special plans.
Significant tax advantages may be available
for gifts of appreciated securities, charitable
at The Phi Gamma Delta Educational
remainder trusts and the like.
Foimdation, Post Office Box 4599,
Your gift today will live on indefinitely
through benefits to our future brothers.
continues to grow.
Brothers may establish named
scholarship funds or contribute to Xi
Deuteron's Chapter Scholarship Fund
Lexington, Kentucky 40544-4599, (606) 2551848. Brothers may also aid the Chapter by
\r\nThe Xi Deuteron Potpourri
Page 4
Chapter President's Report
(continuedfrom page 2)
very active as the Philanthropy Chair. He
is currently organizing a joint project with
the Mandel School of Applied Social
Sciences (MSASS), our next door neighbor.
Dan Hopper '02 is our Graduate Relations
Chair. This was the first year Smoker has
been alcohol-free. However, with his
planning, we had the most successful
Smoker in years. Thirty-three graduates
from Xi Deuteron, Wittenberg, Perm,
Illinois and other chapters came back toour
1999-2000 Potpourri
Donor Honor Roll
Herman Pocock '40
Herb Putnam '44
Bill Martin '46
Bud Colgrove '48
Randolph Fusselman '48
Bill Benagh '49
Ted Castele '51
Bruce Jackson '52
Don Spies '60
98 year old chapter house on Bellflower for
a night of cards and cigars.
JamesWorthley '62
Phi Gamma Delta's chapter at CWRU is
on a spirited upswing. With our large
pledge class and strong brotherhood, Xi
Deuteron is looking to regain the status of
"best fraternity on campus." Thanks to all
of our graduate supporters, for your
influences impress upon us more than you
can imagine.
Doug Wilson '64
Chris Scott '00
25 Years Ago . . .
"The crisis years at Xi Deuteron and
fraternities nationwide are easing. The
attitude of the freshmen this year is a
complete reversal from the past classes.
The defiance of social structure and total
Fall-Winter 1999
John Guthleben '63
Gerald Lublin '66
Bruce Yeager '67
Bob Niebaum '69
Barry Lehto '70
Lewis Coppel '71
John Lubalm '71
George Yanok '72
Pat Carney '80
BUI Jackson '82
John Medwid '89
Rob Henderson '91
Tim Caggiano '97
Wojbor Woyczynski ('98 Faculty)
(Through January 25, 2000)
independence is not nearly as prominent as
in the past. People are reverting back to
"The house remains the cleanest on the
Reserve side of campus which is one of our
strong selling points. However, age keeps
creeping up on her and thankfully, the
House Corporation is standing staunchly
Fiji Datebook
Wednesday, July 19,2000
Cleveland Graduate Chapter Golf Outing
with Delta Tau Delta at Orchard HUls Golf
Club, Chesterland, Ohio.
behind her."
Friday, October 6, 2000
"We have not been approached by the
University officials for over two years
concerning the relocation of Xi Deuteron.
Fall Smoker
Decreased undergraduate enrollment and
light money have dampened their
expansion plans for the time being."
Xi Deuteron Potpourri, October 1974
Saturday, October 7, 2000
CWRU Homecoming
Xi Deuteron 125«'» Anniversary Celebration
\r\nFall-Winter 1999
The Xi Deuteron Potpourri
News of the Brethren
his SS-100Jaguar in the California MiUe, a
1000 mile tour in northern California. Golf,
reading and neurology stiU take up a lot of
Bill Tresch '40 is a retired manager with
Aetna Life & Casualty living in Mountain
Lakes, New Jersey. He recently returned to
Ohio for a family reunion in Chagrin Falls.
Being that close to Cleveland brought back
many fond memories for Bill and his wife
of their college days at Reserve and of Phi
Gamma Delta.
Herbert "Putt" Putnam '44 of Shaker
this time.
Doug Wilson '64 of Charlotte, North
Carolina, recalls many fond memories as an
undergrad '60-'64 and times shared with
brothers at WRU. He recently visited John
Studer '64 and has had occasional contact
with Paul Weiss '66, John Guthleben '63
(the second-best pool player), Joe Deleese
'65 and Laurence "Rubes" Rubinow '66.
Heights reports that his travel schedule was
suspended in 1999 for a complete knee
replacement. He did see his granddaughter
graduate from college. Putt still well
They agreed to plan a get-together soon
while they're still able to get around under
remembers 2039 Cornell Road.
interested they should contact Doug at
(704) 568-7478 or Paul at (810) 598-5144.
William Martin '46 is a professor at
Cleveland State University. He lives in
Chagrin Falls.
Bill Benagh '49 built a new home in
Cincinnati, Ohio.
Ted Castele '51 advises that Bob Reed
their own power—perhaps at a Pig Dinner
or Smoker. If any brothers from the '60s are
Gerald Lublin '66 and his wife Sheri
(Mather '69) moved from West Hartford,
Connecticut, to Longboat Key, Florida. He
retired from the practice of law after 30
years. They will be living in Lenox,
'50 did in fact rush him into Phi Gamma
Massachusetts, in the summers. The
Delta, an invitation for which Ted says he
will be eternally grateful. Ted knows that
Bob is also eternally grateful since Ted
revitalization of Cleveland and the CWRU
introduced Bob to a beautiful coed from
Allegheny College who later became Bob's
wife, even though the young lady was
Ted's date at a Fiji party! Ted congratulates
Jim Griffith '54 and Bob Niebaum '69 for
the wonderful work they do for CWRU and
the Fijis. Ted sends his thanks for the nice
Potpourri article about his activities. He
says he brags about being a Fiji all the time.
John "Guth" Guthleben '63, a resident of
Erie, Pennsylvania, reports he is "retired
and lovin' it."
Bob Sutter '64 of Corona Del Mar,
California, wrote that in the spring of 1998
Lonnie and he visited Lee Hurshman '64
campus greatly impressed them on their
recent visits.
Bruce Yeager '67 of Maumee, Ohio, says
hi to Bob Niebaum '69. Bruce volunteered
to work with the Fijis at nearby Bowling
Green State University, but the chapter has
been slow to get its advisory board going.
Lew Coppel '71 is a physician in New
Albany, Ohio.
Chris Winkle '85 is now with Mariner
Post Acute Network in Atlanta, Georgia.
He resides in Hunt Valley, Maryland.
Rich Pople '86 recently attended the
Belgium Grand Prix (Formula One) in Spa,
Belgium, and thoroughly enjoyed it. He
resides in Lasne, Belgium.
John Medwid '89, wife Chris and one
year old daughter Emma recently moved to
and June in Springfield, Illinois. It had
been over 30 years since they got together.
Bob's mother still lives in Painesville (his
a new home in Fairlawn, Ohio. He has
father died in August 1998). On his trips
quite some time and would enjoy hearing
back to Ohio Bob occasionally sees Burr
from them at
Myers '62 in Wooster. Bob recently drove
been out of touch with his old brothers for
(See News ofthe Brethren, page 6)
\r\nPage 6
The Xi Deuteron Potpourri
Fall-Winter 1999
News of the Brethren
Homeowners and the East Cleveland and
(continuedfrom page 5)
Glenvdle YMCAs. He was a member of the
Dr. Wojbor Woyczyriski 'Faculty reports
that his book (co-authored with Manfred
Denker from Gottingen University,
Germany) entitled Introductory Statistics
and Random Phenomena- Uncertainty,
Complexity and Chaotic Behavior in
Engineering and Physical Sciences was
published in 1998 by Birkhauser—Boston.
Club and the Rotary Club of Cleveland.
Brothers Pass Ad Astra
Francis Menster '38, Canton, Ohio,
November 5,1987.
Don Herron '42, Easton, Maryland, June
Theodore M. Mann '43, East Cleveland,
Ohio, October 25,1999. Ted was a lawyer
who played a major role in the
development of the Northeast Ohio
Regional Sewer District. He was appointed
in 1972 as a special hearing referee to
establish a rate structure for the new court-
appointed sewer district that replaced the
City of Cleveland's sewer department in
managing the major sewer systems
throughout the Greater Cleveland area.
Born in Cleveland, he graduated from
Collinwood High School in 1939 and
enrolled in Western Reserve University. He
was class president at WRU as a freshman,
Union Club, A1 Koran Shrine, the Rowfant
Ted was a trustee and volunteer counsel for
the Society for Crippled Children and was a
former Amercian Legion post commander.
Ted is survived by his wife Mary;
daughters Mary and Janet; sons Ted Jr. '70
(Allegheny) and Herbert; seven
grandchildren and one great-grandchild.
Anton J. Hejl '49, Greensboro, North
Carolina, January, 1996.
Donald Gilbert '51, South Euclid, Ohio.
Arnold McPhail '52, Fairview Park,
Ohio, July 22,1998.
Steven P. Cunningham '74 (Miami),
Lexington, Kentucky, May 21,1999. He
was a former Purple Legionnaire and Board
of Chapter Advisors member at Xi
Deuteron and later served as Section Chief
in southwestern Ohio and on the Board of
Chapter Advisors at Miami.
Bom in Cincinnati, he spent most of his
youth in Camden, Ohio. He began his
professional career as Director of Finance
for the City of Eaton, Ohio. He moved
from Eaton to Ernst & Young, Honeywell
and Midland Ross. While at the latter he
traveled throughout South America, South
Africa and Scandinavia. His last Cleveland
employment was as Director of Internal
sophomore and junior zind was president of
Audit for Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Ohio
(now Medical Mutual of Ohio). He left
the Student Council.
Cleveland to become Internal Audit
He left college to join the Army after the
Director for CHA Health in Lexington.
attack on Pearl Harbor. He became a field
Steve was a member of the Institute of
artillery officer at Fort Sill, Oklahoma, and
was assigned to the 75^ Division. He saw
Internal Auditors and was to have become
combat in the Battle of the Bulge.
After the war Ted returned to WRU and
earned his law degree. He maintained
offices in the CAC Building downtown and
sat as a visiting judge in East Cleveland.
Ted was an Episcopal vestryman of the
Church of the Incarnation and at St. Paul's
Episcopal Church in East Cleveland. He
served on the boards of Forest Hills
Vice President of its Central Kentucky
Chapter on June 1,1999. He was a Mason
and an active member of Plymouth Church
of Shaker Heights. He was a faithful
supporter of the Cleveland Orchestra and
Cleveland Indians. Steve returned to
Cleveland often to attend orchestra, Indians
and church events.
Steve is survived by his mother Donna,
two brothers and two sisters.
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Fall 1999 newsletter for the Xi Deuteron chapter at Case Western Reserve University. The newsletter is six pages in length.