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2017 April Newsletter Zeta Deuteron (Washington & Lee University)
April 2017 newsletter of the Zeta Deuteron chapter at Washington & Lee University. The newsletter is four pages in length.
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Washington & Lee University
2017 April Newsletter Zeta Deuteron (Washington & Lee University)
April 2017
Washington and Lee Fiji
Z e t a
D e u t e r o n
C h a p t e r
Frank Norris Pig Dinner
We the brothers of Phi Gamma Delta’s Zeta Deuteron Chapter
invite you all to join us on May 13th for our annual Frank Norris
Pig Dinner. Come meet other ZD brothers, alumni as well as
undergraduate, as we roast a pig and drink in accordance with
one of Fiji’s finest traditions. We especially invite those from
the classes of 2007, 1992, and 1967 to come and celebrate their
reunions with us at the house. Bring a date and be ready to
Scenes from last year’s Pig Dinner
Chapter Leadership
Inside this Issue
Pig Dinner
Message from the President
Letter from Kelly
VFA: A Fiji Tradition
President: Nelson Helm ‘17
Treasurer: MacKenzye Leroy ‘18
Corresponding Secretary: Isidro Camacho ‘17
Recording Secretary: James Hayes, ‘17
Historian: McCollister Everts, ‘17
Rush Chairs: Joe Wen, 19 & Justin Hart, ‘18
Pledge Educator: Chris Cardon, ‘17
Risk Management: Corey Guen, ‘17
\r\nMacKenzye Leroy:
ZD’s Incoming President
Brothers of Zeta Deuteron,
standards we’ve come to expect for Fiji pledges.
I hope this letter finds you well. My name is
MacKenzye Leroy, and I will be the proud president
of the Zeta Deuteron chapter of Phi Gamma Delta
for the 2017-2018 academic year. I’d like to use
this letter to introduce myself, give a brief year in
review, and provide you with our vision of Fiji at
Washington and Lee moving forward.
Lastly, I’d like to thank you, the alumni of our proud
chapter, for all of your support. This past year was
a pivotal year for Phi Gamma Delta at Washington
and Lee, and we could not have achieved what we
did without your continued help. Whether this was
in the form of monetary donations, time, or words
of encouragement and wisdom, we cannot thank
you enough. We hope to see as many of you as
possible on May 13th, for our annual Frank Norris
Pig Dinner. We’d like to extend an open invitation
to our house and hope many of you will visit us. I
look forward to meeting many of tyou over the next
year and am truly honored for the opportunity to
represent this great chapter as president.
I’m originally from a small town in upstate New
York, but I’ve had the pleasure of calling the Fiji
house my home for the last two years. I am a
Physics major with a German minor. I am also a
varsity cross country and track and field runner as
well as an active member of the Student Athlete
Advisory Committee. Through all of my academic
and extracurricular activities my Fiji brothers have
always been my closest friends.
MacKenzye Leroy’18
This past year has been a very important one for
our chapter. Our Rush Chair, Justin Hart ’18, did a
fantastic job of recruiting a group of 12 eager new
members. Keeping with Fiji tradition, this group is
extremely diverse. It consists of 5 varsity athletes,
a Bonner Scholar, and a wide variety of academic
interests. I’d also like to personally thank Nelson
Helm for his immeasurable contributions to our
chapter this past year. I witnessed first-hand how
hard Nelson has worked to better our fraternity.
Moving forward I am very excited to work closely
with our new cabinet, especially Joe Wen ’19 and
Beau Merhige ’20, our incoming Treasurer and Social
Chairs. This year’s top priority is continued growth.
Our goal is to bring in an even larger pledge class
this year, while simultaneously maintaining the high
Brother Leroy’18, left, with Brother
Mark Gensburg ‘16
\r\nA Letter From ZD
House Mother Kelly Harris
Often I’m asked what exactly my job is as a house
mom for a fraternity. I describe it as a hall monitor
who works 24/7 with flexible hours.
About to finish my second year, I realize that I
do a myriad of things every day where some are
visible and some not. Over the past two years I’ve
spoken with most departments from facilities to
administrative to academic for questions, fixes or
general information.
The heat stopped working. There was an icky smell
in the house. The pipes leak. The landscaping
needs serious work. The band needs to be hired.
Oh, Waitstaff, tables, chairs, centerpieces, grill, pig
need ordering, outlets blow, flag catches on the
light and rips, meetings with facilities to get things
repaired, keys, decorations for events, flowers and
on and on. I realize that in two years I have more
than 500 emails to different departments for fixes
and questions. We’ve gotten a lot done and there is
still more to do.
By accident the summer I began here, I found a box
of old papers from the 1980s and 1990s. The owner
of the box gave me permission to research, post and
ask questions on anything I found.
So one of my big and ongoing projects is
documenting and organizing all history, photos and
documents I run across. Many times I find one
thing that leads me in another direction so it is a
slow process.
I wasn’t sure the current guys would appreciate the
research and organization. My thought was that at
least older alumni could come back for reunions, look
through the albums and recapture amazing times in
their lives while they were in-house Fiji brothers. I
enjoy walking through the house seeing the guys
looking through the new pictures I’ve added.
Recently I contacted the Rockbridge Historical
Society, Lexington Clerk and Historic Lexington
Foundation to see if there were more records of
this property and its history.
I met with Don Hasfurther, executive director of
Historic Lexington Foundation recently. He walked
the property with me and I asked him questions and
he asked me some, so the search continues.
If any of you older alumni remember the house
before the 1984 fire and remember a window on the
cottage side of the main house, let me know. I have
pictures from the time of the fire and older ones,
but nothing shows that angle.
Also if any of you have tidbits of history that I can
add to our memory book either tell me or send me
an email with the info.
I believe we all agree that this property is an amazing
one. I’d have loved to be a fly on the wall in each
decade of this house’s history!
Zeta Deuteron Chapter
112 West Preston Street
Lexington, VA 24450
VFA: A Fiji Tradition
This year, senior brothers Corey Guen and Mina Shnoudah find
themselves part of a new ZD legacy. After a rigorous interview
process, both were selected to join Venture for America’s newest
class of fellows. They were 2 of 3 W&L seniors chosen to join the
prestigious program. VFA was founded in 2010 and it pairs college
gradates in start-ups around the country where they are placed in
leadership roles. Brother Shnoudah, a Computer Science major and
a Math minor, will use his full-stack coding skills at a technology
company. Brother Guen, an Economic and Chinese major and a
Poverty and Human Capabilities Studies minor, hopes to employ his
background in research and marketing. Neither Guen nor Shnoudah
have committed to a company yet but both hope to join businesses
in Baltimore. They join the growing line of Fiji VFA fellows, which
include Dillon Myers 14’, Marino Orlandi ’15, and Tyler Kaelin ’16.
We hope that the tradition continues in next year’s graduating class!
Brother Shnoudah, left, and Brother
Guen, right, were roommates
freshman year.
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April 2017 newsletter of the Zeta Deuteron chapter at Washington & Lee University. The newsletter is four pages in length.