Hays, John B.

From collection Member List

Hays, John B.
From Mattern: "i[nitiated] July, 1860 . . . enlisted, Wash., D.C., Oct. 24, 1861, and apptd. 2nd lieut., 19th U.S. Inf.; promoted tp 1st lieut., Apr. 5, 1862, to capt., Apr. 28, 1865; brevetted major "for faithful services during the War of the Rebellion," June 8, 1865; resigned Sept. 19, 1865; served with Army of the Potomac and engaged in many of the hard-fought battles in Va.; later served with distinction and great bravery in Army of the Cumberland; was div. commissary, 1st Corps, Army of Cumberland, and served on staffs of Gens. Baird, Stedman and Thomas; commended for proficiency and bravery by Gen. Roscrans . . . ." [Photo Mattern, p. 275, civilian aged]