Cobb, William Henry

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Cobb, William Henry
Education: Cobb spent two years at the North Georgia Agricultural College [later North Georgia College and State University and at one time designated as the Military College of Georgia but now The University of North Georgia, Dahlonega, Lumpkin County, Georgia.]

He transferred to The University of Georgia about 1883. At The University of Georgia, Cobb was a member of the Kappa Deuteron Chapter of The Fraternity of Phi Gamma Delta and president of the Chapter in 1886. He graduated from The University of Georgia on June 16, 1885 with two degrees: Bachelors of Arts and Bachelor of Philosophy.

The Phi Gamma Delta Quarterly, January 1886, p. 57: “W. H. Cobb, has secured a fine position as Professor in the higher branches of study in the Georgia Female Seminary at Gainesville, Ga. [later Brenau College. For one so young, Bro. Cobb has good grounds for congratulation.”

Subsequently “he took a course in law and located in southern Florida for the practice of his profession,” according to “A History of Randolph County, West Virginia, from Its Earliest Exploration and Settlement to the Present Time,” by Dr. A. S. Bosworth, 1916, p. 409.

Excerpt from The Augusta Chronicle, Augusta, Georgia, Tuesday, June 17, 1890, p. 5:


Capt. W. H. Cobb is 30 years old; was born and reared on a farm in Hall county; got a common school education in the old field school; spent two years at the North Georgia Agricultural college at Dahlonega, where he got his military training; completed his education at the State University at Athens in the Class of 1885; after graduation, taught one year in the Georgia Baptist Female seminary at Gainesville, Georgia. He then read law and has been doing a good practice for three years.

Capt. Cobb was selected Captain of the Piedmont Rifles [of Gainesville, Georgia] at its permanent organization and has been the captain of the company ever since.” The Piedmont Rifles was the senior company of the Ninth Georgia Battalion and the only volunteer company in northeast Georgia.

Career: Brother William Henry Cobb was an attorney, author, businessman, civic leader, educator, historian, mayor, and military leader.

In 1887, The Phi Gamma Delta magazine reported that Cobb was practicing law in Gainesville, Georgia. He lived in Gainesville until at least 1889? or so.

“The History of Randolph County, West Virginia, by Hu Maxwell, p. 409:

Capt. Cobb was reared on the typical Southern plantation on the Oconee River ... With military mind, talent and training, Capt. Cobb has always had a native bent toward the profession of arms. [In 1898] when war with Spain was declared, he raised a company in his home town of Arcadia, which became a part of the Third Regiment, U.S. Volunteers. Capt. Cobb’s command saw service in Santiago and Guantanamo, Cuba. He has held commissions from President of the United States and from governors of three states and was preparing to enter the service in the recent anticipated unpleasantness with Mexico. At the close of the Spanish American War, Capt. Cobb’s company was mustered out, and he located in Elkins to practice the profession of law.”

By 1901, he was a member of the Elkins, West Virginia city commission and later was elected Mayor of Elkins. In 1910, Brother Cobb was a founder of the Chenoweth Creek Lumber Company of Elkins and, in 1920, the Cobb Coal Company of Randolph County.

According to his grave marker, he was the founder and president of the Randolph County (West Virginia) Historical Society. Also, member, Georgia Historical Association and the Virginia Historical Society.