Gray, Arthur Henry

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Gray, Arthur Henry
EDUCATION: Brother Gray was a member - one of the first two initiates brought into the secrets of the Kappa Deuteron Chapter by its Five Founding Brothers - and treasurer. He graduated from The University of Georgia with a Bachelor of Law degree on August 7, 1872.

Brother Gray was a son of The Rev. John David Gray, a native of London, England, who immigrated to Boston, Massachusetts in 1818 and later moved to South Carolina and Georgia. Rev. Gray was considered “the first major railroad contractor in the South,” according to the New Georgia Encyclopedia, building railroads across the South. While leading the construction of the Western & Atlantic Railroad in Georgia, Gray founded the town of Graysville in Catoosa County, Georgia in 1849. At Graysville, he built a grist mill, furniture factory and munitions factory, the Graysville Mining and Manufacturing Company, which was largely destroyed during the Civil War. He was ordained into the ministry of the Baptist Church at Graysville in 1858.

CAREER: Arthur Henry Gray was an attorney, practicing in Ringgold, Catoosa County, Georgia, among other places. As an attorney, he was in New York City negotiating bond funding for the Catoosa Lime Works (producer of building materials made of calcium oxide or calcium hydroxide) when he died. Brother Gray was a member of the Georgia House of Representatives representing Catoosa County, Georgia from 1874 until 1884. As state representative, Gray introduced legislation to create a statewide, standardized voter registration system, requiring each county to establish a board of registration. He had turned his pursuits to agriculture and horses shortly before his death.