Jenkins, Alexander Stephens

From collection Member List

EDUCATION: Member, Kappa Deuteron Chapter, Phi Gamma Delta. University of Georgia, Class of 1874.

After the death of his father in 1862, Aleck, then age 15 - and two brothers and his sister, Mary Emma Jenkins - are found in census records living in Putnam County in the household of James Lewis Reid, father of Alex Jenkins’ future fraternity brother, Samuel Alonzo Reid.

CAREER: The Phi Gamma Delta Quarterly, April 1886, p. 143: “Alex. S. Jenkins lives near Eatonton, Ga., in Putnam County, where he is successful engaged in farming.”

In October 1891, The Quarterly proclaimed that Jenkins “ ... one of the finest lawyers of the Eatonton bar.”

His ancestors include Lieutenant Colonel John Jenkins, an English soldier, who served as Proprietary Governor of North Carolina during various periods from 1672-1681. Brother Jenkins’ great-grandfather was Revolutionary War solider Robert Jenkins, who was awarded land in Georgia for his military service.