1881 (March 17th) Fundraising Correspondance - Ohio Wesleyan University

From collection Phi Gamma Delta Documents Collection

1881 (March 17th) Fundraising Correspondance - Ohio Wesleyan University

Two page hand written letter dated March 17, 1881. The letter is from Elias J. Jacoby (Ohio Wesleyan University 1881) who at the time was the third editor of the Phi Gamma Delta Journal. The letter is written on letterhead for the Phi Gamma Delta Journal. The letter is written to Wilbert T. Ferguson (Ohio Wesleyan University 1879).

The letter contained a request from Elias Jacoby to Wilbert Ferguson for a donation of $5 to help defray a proposed $75 renovation of Theta Deuteron's meeting hall.

Transcription as follows

Delaware, O. 3 17th 1881

W. Ferguson

Dear Bro:

I have been wondering why you don't write, but since you have not been doing your duty in this respect and as I have also been negligent, I will say a few words because I have something special to propose.

You know that our fraternity boys have been paying out a great deal of money and seem now a little slow to make any more draws on their pocket-books, but all of them have at various times expressed a strong desire to have our hall refurbished. I am especially interested in this work and am willing to make a great sacrifice to see the hall nicely fitted up before I leave college. The chapter owes me for my construction expenses to the extent of about $20. They paid me a small amount of my expenses. Now I propose to turn this $20 over towards refurbishing the hall and if necessary add $5 or $10 to it, if I can collect enough from outside parties to insure me to go ahead with the project. What can you do for me on this line? Can you go me a $5 bill? I desire to know immediately, as I am keeping it from the boys and wish to make the improvements during this vacation so as to be a surprise to the boys when they come back next term. My purpose is to furnish two more stands and to seat this hall with sofas or lounges. If I can do this work and pay for it, I feel sure the boys will purchase some appropriate window fixtures early next term and then the hall will be in a first class condition for years to come. The work I intend to do will cost fully $75.00. Let me hear from you as soon as possible. Of course I do not wish you to feel under any obligations because I mention the matter to you, I only wish to accomplish this work if I am safe to undertake it. I do not wish to do any half way work.

Your bro,


P.S. I don't want you to send any money till I see that I can carry out my plan but all I desire now is your promise for whatever you will be willing to give in case I call for it after receiving enough of such promises to justify me to proceed, Jacoby


1881 (March 17th) Fundraising Correspondance - Ohio Wesleyan University
Two page hand written letter dated March 17, 1881. The letter is from Elias J. Jacoby (Ohio Wesleyan University 1881) who at the time was the third editor of the Phi Gamma Delta Journal. The letter is written on letterhead for the Phi Gamma Delta Journal. The letter is written to Wilbert T. Ferguson (Ohio Wesleyan University 1879).

The letter contained a request from Elias Jacoby to Wilbert Ferguson for a donation of $5 to help defray a proposed $75 renovation of Theta Deuteron's meeting hall.

Transcription as follows

Delaware, O. 3 17th 1881

W. Ferguson

Dear Bro:

I have been wondering why you don't write, but since you have not been doing your duty in this respect and as I have also been negligent, I will say a few words because I have something special to propose.

You know that our fraternity boys have been paying out a great deal of money and seem now a little slow to make any more draws on their pocket-books, but all of them have at various times expressed a strong desire to have our hall refurbished. I am especially interested in this work and am willing to make a great sacrifice to see the hall nicely fitted up before I leave college. The chapter owes me for my construction expenses to the extent of about $20. They paid me a small amount of my expenses. Now I propose to turn this $20 over towards refurbishing the hall and if necessary add $5 or $10 to it, if I can collect enough from outside parties to insure me to go ahead with the project. What can you do for me on this line? Can you go me a $5 bill? I desire to know immediately, as I am keeping it from the boys and wish to make the improvements during this vacation so as to be a surprise to the boys when they come back next term. My purpose is to furnish two more stands and to seat this hall with sofas or lounges. If I can do this work and pay for it, I feel sure the boys will purchase some appropriate window fixtures early next term and then the hall will be in a first class condition for years to come. The work I intend to do will cost fully $75.00. Let me hear from you as soon as possible. Of course I do not wish you to feel under any obligations because I mention the matter to you, I only wish to accomplish this work if I am safe to undertake it. I do not wish to do any half way work.

Your bro,


P.S. I don't want you to send any money till I see that I can carry out my plan but all I desire now is your promise for whatever you will be willing to give in case I call for it after receiving enough of such promises to justify me to proceed, Jacoby
