1848 (April 22) - Minutes of the First Meeting of the Immortal Six

From collection Phi Gamma Delta Documents Collection

1848 (April 22) - Minutes of the First Meeting of the Immortal Six


Saturday night, the 22nd of April, 1848, was the date on which the "Immortal Six" gathered in McCarty's room at "Fort" Armstrong and determined to establish a society "founded upon the principle of secrecy." Let us read it in the words of the first secretary, as he wrote them in the little worn leather covered blank book which at the second meeting he was ordered to purchase "for the purpose of transcribing the Constitution."

Minutes of the Grand Chapter

Saturday night April 22/48.

Messrs. Jno. T. McCarty, Jas. Elliott, D. W. Crofts, S. B. Wilson, E. B. Gregg and N. Fletcher, students of Jefferson College at Canonsburg, Pa., at a social meeting and while conversing on the subject of association came to the conclusion that a society founded upon the principle of secrecy into which none but men of distinguished talents and acquirements, endued with a high sense of Honor and possessed of a laudable ambition and who were members of some college (at the time of their admission) should be admitted, would be of incalculable benefit to those thus uniting, thereupon determined to organize and establish such an association, whereupon Mr. S. B. Wilson was called to the chair, and N. Fletcher appointed Secretary. After many suggestions on the part of those present a committee of two was appointed to draft a constitution and report at their next meeting.

Committee Messrs. S. B. Wilson and Jas. Elliott. On motion the meeting adjourned to meet on Monday evening May 1st at 9 o'clock precisely.

S. B. Wilson, Chair.
N. Fletcher, Sec.


1848 (April 22) - Minutes of the First Meeting of the Immortal Six

Saturday night, the 22nd of April, 1848, was the date on which the "Immortal Six" gathered in McCarty's room at "Fort" Armstrong and determined to establish a society "founded upon the principle of secrecy." Let us read it in the words of the first secretary, as he wrote them in the little worn leather covered blank book which at the second meeting he was ordered to purchase "for the purpose of transcribing the Constitution."

Minutes of the Grand Chapter

Saturday night April 22/48.

Messrs. Jno. T. McCarty, Jas. Elliott, D. W. Crofts, S. B. Wilson, E. B. Gregg and N. Fletcher, students of Jefferson College at Canonsburg, Pa., at a social meeting and while conversing on the subject of association came to the conclusion that a society founded upon the principle of secrecy into which none but men of distinguished talents and acquirements, endued with a high sense of Honor and possessed of a laudable ambition and who were members of some college (at the time of their admission) should be admitted, would be of incalculable benefit to those thus uniting, thereupon determined to organize and establish such an association, whereupon Mr. S. B. Wilson was called to the chair, and N. Fletcher appointed Secretary. After many suggestions on the part of those present a committee of two was appointed to draft a constitution and report at their next meeting.

Committee Messrs. S. B. Wilson and Jas. Elliott. On motion the meeting adjourned to meet on Monday evening May 1st at 9 o'clock precisely.

S. B. Wilson, Chair.
N. Fletcher, Sec.
