1848 (May 1) - Minutes of the First Meeting of Phi Gamma Delta

From collection Phi Gamma Delta Documents Collection

1848 (May 1) - Minutes of the First Meeting of Phi Gamma Delta

Minutes of Phi Gamma Delta for May 1, 1848. This was the first official meeting of Phi Gamma Delta. A previous meeting of the Immortal Six was held on April 22, 1848 which appointed a committee to establish founding documents for the order. These minutes reflect the approval of the constitution and the Immortal Six signed the document. John Templeton McCarty (Jefferson 1848) chaired this first meeting. The meeting was held at 9:00 pm.

May 1st, 1848

The Association convened according to the adjournment and was organized by calling J. T. McCarty to the chair. The committee appointed to draft a constitution then submitted their report which was received and adopted. The members then respectively signed their names to the Constitution and thus was established the order of Phi Gamma Delta at Jefferson College, Pennsylvania in the year Anno Domini 1848. An election for officers was then entered into which resulted in the choice of S. B. Wilson ***, J. T. McCarty ***, and N. Fletcher ***. On motion the ***** was ordered to purchase a small blank book for the purpose of transcribing the Constitution.

On motion a committee of one was appointed to draw up a report in relation to the establishment of foreign chapters. Com. S. B. Wilson.

On motion the Chapter adjourned to meet tomorrow evening at 9 o'clock.

J. T. McCarty Chair.
N. Fletcher Sec.


1848 (May 1) - Minutes of the First Meeting of Phi Gamma Delta
Minutes of Phi Gamma Delta for May 1, 1848. This was the first official meeting of Phi Gamma Delta. A previous meeting of the Immortal Six was held on April 22, 1848 which appointed a committee to establish founding documents for the order. These minutes reflect the approval of the constitution and the Immortal Six signed the document. John Templeton McCarty (Jefferson 1848) chaired this first meeting. The meeting was held at 9:00 pm.

May 1st, 1848

The Association convened according to the adjournment and was organized by calling J. T. McCarty to the chair. The committee appointed to draft a constitution then submitted their report which was received and adopted. The members then respectively signed their names to the Constitution and thus was established the order of Phi Gamma Delta at Jefferson College, Pennsylvania in the year Anno Domini 1848. An election for officers was then entered into which resulted in the choice of S. B. Wilson ***, J. T. McCarty ***, and N. Fletcher ***. On motion the ***** was ordered to purchase a small blank book for the purpose of transcribing the Constitution.

On motion a committee of one was appointed to draw up a report in relation to the establishment of foreign chapters. Com. S. B. Wilson.

On motion the Chapter adjourned to meet tomorrow evening at 9 o'clock.

J. T. McCarty Chair.
N. Fletcher Sec.
