1921 Initiation Scavenger Hunt - Ohio Wesleyan University

From collection Phi Gamma Delta Documents Collection

1921 Initiation Scavenger Hunt - Ohio Wesleyan University

1921 Initiation Scavenger Hunt - Ohio Wesleyan University

Contents include:

1. An envelope addressed to Harry L. "Hap" Dowler (Ohio Wesleyan University 1924). The envelope is for Fairbanks Lodge which is the chapter house for Theta Deuteron.

2. Six slips of paper which include clues to lead Hap Dowler around the greater campus area to eventually lead him back to the chapter house to find a letter.

3. Letter on Theta Deuteron stationary to Hap Dowler from chapter president J. Douglas Torrance (Ohio Wesleyan University 1921) which reads:

Feb. 18, 1921.

Pledge Bro. Dowler,

You are requested to present yourself to the officers and initiated men of Theta Deuteron Chapter of Phi Gamma Delta, for initiation into that order, at four o'clock on the afternoon of Monday, February twenty-first nineteen hundred and twenty-one.

With cordial felicitations,

J. Douglas Torrance [signed]


,Doug Torrance was a high school friend of Harry Dowler. They played high school basketball together at Marion Harding (Ohio) High School. Harry Dowler initially attended Washington & Jefferson College to play football, but was not good enough. He pledged Phi Gamma Delta there. Doug Torrence invited Harry Dowler to transfer to Ohio Wesleyan to play football. Harry Dowler eventually played on two championship football teams before graduating in 1924.

Harry "Hap" Dowler is the father of Harry "Hap" Dowler (Ohio Wesleyan 1954).


1921 Initiation Scavenger Hunt - Ohio Wesleyan University
1921 Initiation Scavenger Hunt - Ohio Wesleyan University

Contents include:

1. An envelope addressed to Harry L. "Hap" Dowler (Ohio Wesleyan University 1924). The envelope is for Fairbanks Lodge which is the chapter house for Theta Deuteron.

2. Six slips of paper which include clues to lead Hap Dowler around the greater campus area to eventually lead him back to the chapter house to find a letter.

3. Letter on Theta Deuteron stationary to Hap Dowler from chapter president J. Douglas Torrance (Ohio Wesleyan University 1921) which reads:

Feb. 18, 1921.

Pledge Bro. Dowler,

You are requested to present yourself to the officers and initiated men of Theta Deuteron Chapter of Phi Gamma Delta, for initiation into that order, at four o'clock on the afternoon of Monday, February twenty-first nineteen hundred and twenty-one.

With cordial felicitations,

J. Douglas Torrance [signed]


,Doug Torrance was a high school friend of Harry Dowler. They played high school basketball together at Marion Harding (Ohio) High School. Harry Dowler initially attended Washington & Jefferson College to play football, but was not good enough. He pledged Phi Gamma Delta there. Doug Torrence invited Harry Dowler to transfer to Ohio Wesleyan to play football. Harry Dowler eventually played on two championship football teams before graduating in 1924.

Harry "Hap" Dowler is the father of Harry "Hap" Dowler (Ohio Wesleyan 1954).
