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results in pages
1980 Fall Newsletter Iota Mu (MIT)
Fall 1980 newsletter of the Iota Mu chapter at MIT. The newsletter is six pages in length.
Date/Date Range:
Iota Mu
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
1980 Fall Newsletter Iota Mu (MIT)
FALL 1980
Building Fund Status Report
Last spring we initiated a "once in a generation" fund
solicitation for capital improvements to 28 The Fenway. Our
renovation plans include repairs and reconstruction of the building
exterior, addition of alarms and a sprinkler system for fire protection,
and interior maintenance.
We are pleased to report that the initial response to the
solicitation was excellent. As of August 31, 86 alumni have
contributed an average of approximately $200 each for a total of
$16,671. Your names appear on the enclosed list. Obviously, there are
many more of our 700 members who can help. You may expect to be
reminded by letter and by phone during the coming months. In a
separate transmittal Bob Mohr 72, national chairman of the fund
drive, will describe our needs in more detail.
Much of the exterior repair necessary to halt progressive
damage from water and ice has been completed. Roof insulation and
storm windows have been added to reduce fuel costs. We have
borrowed (at low interest) from the MIT IRDF fund for a sprinkler
system. That system has been installed - very carefully,
unobtrusively. Further work awaits contributions. We thank
everyone who has responded, but we can only achieve our goal with
the help of all alumni.
Dan R. Test '50
Malcolm Cotton Brown Corporation
Spring Initiation
This past year's post-initiation training turned out very well. All
the new initiates were eager to find out all they possibly could about
lota Mu is enjoying a financially solid year. The House
the ritual. Many really found it to be their most precious inheritance.
Corporation provided funding for storm windows and roof
On a number of occasions during the term, one of the new brothers
insulation which we hope will keep our fuel bills down. A loan was
would come to see me to ask a specific question about the ritual or
taken out to provide money for a well hidden sprinkler system. The
just to ponder what the ritual really means. These long talks with my
brotherhood voted to pay an additional sum out of savings to forego
new brothers, as well as with older brothers, served to strengthen my
the original plan and install the fourth floor sprinkler pipes in the
own fair in the meaning of the ritual. Our new initiates for the spring
attic out of sight. This decision along with a great deal of work by Bob
term were:
Collins '82 to hide the pipes in the wall resulted in a virtually
unnoticeable sprinkler system which will save us money on
Robert Ashbrook
Paul Nahass
Bruce Calder
Krishna Pandaua
Despite our efforts to cut costs, spiralling food and energy bills
Michael Goldberger
Robert Spinner
have forced the house-bill upward to $1050 per term so that the
Rchard Kersch
Robert Voss
House can maintain its accustomed level. By filling the House with
Arthur Kinzinger
James Willard
boarders this past summer and with pledges this fall, we hopefully
David Lebow
Thomas Wolfe
will be able to add to our savings at the fiscal year's end so that lota
Robert McAllen
Mu can successfully overcome any financial surprises in the future.
Undergraduate President's
Dear Brothers,
The spring term was a time to evaluate and re-evaluate lota Mu's
standing as compared with the other fraternities on our campus and
The Iota Muse is published regularly by the lota Mu Chapter
the other chapters in our international organization. This brought the
of Phi Gamma Delta at MIT for its members and friends.
cabinet to realize that we have a lot of competition locally and
News contributions, changes of address, and photographs are
internationally if we hope to be considered number one at MIT and
welcome at all times and should be sent to Phi Gamma Delta,
one of the best chapters in our own fraternity. We then set out to
Alumni Records Office, P.O. Box 900, Cambridge, MA
motivate ourselves so that we might elevate the quality and
02139. All photos will be returned to the sender, upon request,
reputation of the chapter.
after publication in the the Iota Muse.
First, the House Corporation, using the generous donations in
time and money of Iota Mu alumni, is providing the means to
renovate 28 The Fenway. On behalf of the undergraduates, I thank
all contributors.
Second, we are making a sincere effort to improve the graduate
correspondence, our community relations, our involvement in extra-
curricular activies, our social service to the community, and our
intramural athletics. The addition of a house tutor, Bruce Fish '80
should help raise the house G.P.A.
While accomplishing these goals, we hope to maintain the high
quality of our rush, pledge education, and post-initiation programs.
We also feel that our social activities are unmatched in quantity,
House Manager's Report
quality, and diversity.
Finally, this cabinet hopes to revise the by-laws, update and
During the spring term last year we completed a few very
clarify house records, and write a house history covering 1967-80
important jobs. A $24,000 sprinkler system was finally installed,
before leaving office in January 1981. Any interesting and/or
checked, and rechecked. (A major alteration was to preserve the
extraordinary memories from this period should be addressed c/o
beauty of the house, without lowering the level of protection.) Roof
Bill Zabor, 28 The Fenway before December 1, if possible.
repairs were finalized. Storm windows, for better fuel economy and
The cabinet and committee chairmen for the fall term are:
intruder prevention were installed on the entire house. Expert
stonework and renovation was carried out on the front of the house.
Greg Blahut
We purchased a good weight set and constructed a safe, durable
Recording Secretary:
Brian Moroney
weight lifting area in the boiler room.
Corresponding Secretary:
Dave MacIsaac
During work week we concentrated on renovation and
Bill Zabor
construction. Linoleum floors for the basement and kitchen hallway
Rush Chairman:
Owen Fordham
were laid. The dining room floor was refinished with polyurethane.
Pledge Trainer:
Brad Sackett
The roof constructed over the motorcycle pit will offer us a lot of high
Rodney Robertson
security storage space. Outside of it we built a large barbecue pit.
House Manager:
Bob Collins
Major renovations to the Skylight Ballroom and newly refinishied
Paul Nahass
desks give a touch of class to the fourth floor. The basement
Steve Nelson
bathroom has been completely retiled and repaired, showers and
Capital Improvements:
Mickey Goldberger
toilets included. The boiler room was painted colorfully and cleaned
Dave Lebow
top to bottom. The burglar alarms are now operable, and the pit
Bruce Calder
hallway recarpeted.
Comm. Rel. & Soc. Service:
Rob Spinner
Our goals for this term are to correct some old, long lasting
Graduate Relations:
Bert Ashbrook
problems. The staircase needs major repairs, structurally and
IFC Rep.:
Tom Wolfe
cosmetically. The desks, besides the ones on the fourth floor, all need
UA Rep.:
Art Kinzinger
a good refinishing. The electrical condition of the house requires
about $2000 to $3000 of professional work, in order to satisfy
Before closing, I would like to invite all alumni to stop by and
insurance regulations. In addition to storm windows, the heating
have dinner with us. Dinner is served at 6:30 pm every night. Also, we
system will be further improved, which, in part, will involve the
will be contacting local alumni about a homecoming cocktail and
purchase of a new blower.
dinner party this fall, and all alumni about our annual Norris Pig
The achievement of these goals require the immediate and
dinner next spring.
constant attention of the entire brotherhood.
Stephen C. Fairbairn 81
Among all fraternities at MIT during Rush Week, the Fiji Rush
was the most successful. Considerably more prospectives visited the
house during Rush Week than have in recent years. Despite the
fiercest cross-rushing ever experienced throughout the MIT Greek
system, our goal of 11 pledges was achieved by Monday evening with
only a total of 13 bids extended. Within 15 minutes of the earliest time
allowed, nine of the bid freshmen had pledged; at that point, this was
more than all of the Beacon Street fraternities combined. This
efficiency can be attributed to a strong rush effort by all of the
brothers. Especially outstanding jobs were done by Paul Nahass 83
in summer rushing throughout New Jersey, and Rob Spinner '83 on
the phones during Rush. lota Mu now anticipates with pleasure the
contributions and enthusiasm of a new pledge class consisting of
lota Mu has continued its successful participation in intramural
diverse and talented members.
sports with the basketball, softball, and pool teams all making it to
In pledging order, the men of the class of 84 are:
the playoffs last term.
The softball team, after an undefeated regular season, made it to
Greg Hughes Angeles, CA
Surfing, backpacking
the semifinals where it was just barely defeated by a one run margin.
Malcolm Fairbairn - Ricott, IL
Varsity football
The pool team, also after an undefeated season, ended second
John Taylor-Clifton, NJ
Varsity track
overall after suffering its only defeat of the season in the final round.
Greg Harman - Springfield, VA
Music, varsity basketball
Fiji at MIT looks forward to a great soccer season this year, with
Mike Ehrlich - Wilmette, IL
Varsity gymnastics, music
many returning from last year's team, which lost to Delta Tau Delta
Cesar Maiorino - Edgewater, NJ
Varsity wrestling, music
in double overtime during last year's playoffs.
Ken Huggins-Columbia, SC
Backpacking, music
With some good size and some nice freshmen prospects, lota
Mark Fordham -- LaGrange, IL
Basketball, canoeing
Mu's football team looks to be gearing up for its own successful
Gordon Beckhart - Haddonfield, NJ
Soccer, skiing
John Chen - Parsippany, NJ
Last term lota Mu purchased a York olympic weight set and, with
Lee Silvestro Cedar Grove, NJ
a little elbow grease, we set up an adequate weight room in the
basement. I am happy to say that it has been at least moderately used
by the brothers, promising even more intramural success in the
Steven L. Nelson
Athletic Chairman
Graduate Relations Strong
The Spring term was a good one for graduate relations at lota
Mu. We finally discovered the identity of our previously anonymous
donor of Sports Illustrated magazine to the house. This gave us an
opportunity to thank him for his generous gesture.
Of course there was the annual Norris Pig Dinner which went
very well.' We had over 70 graduates in attendance and a good time
was had by all. A highlight of the evening was the attendance of two
brothers from the class of 1917 and one from the class of 1920.
The brother from 1920, Ralph Bartlett, was picked up in Maine
by undergraduate brothers and driven to and from the dinner. He
enjoyed himself immensely and we plan on bringing him to Pig
Dinner every year. Some brothers also visited Ralph over the
Social activities began slowly last term, but the pace soon picked
up after a few good parties. Eveyone's weekend was occupied with
The house was also in close contact with many graduates
some social event whether here at the house or out at Wellesley. The
regarding the renovations being done on 28 The Fenway. On the
main social calendar was highlighted by a terrific band party which
agenda for the fall term is Homecoming Dinner, which we will be
we hosted along with Kappa Sigma and a sunny beach party held
sending out invitations for soon. We look forward to a good fall term.
down on Cape Cod. The band party featured the Ellington Alley
Band, a local group and was a great success. However in the future we
The speaker was Lt. General Hillman Dickison '46.
will try to end them sooner to avoid housecalls from Boston's finest.
The beach party was held down at Sandy Neck Beach. The weather
Rodney Robertson '82
was warm and sunny. which combined with the large area of sand
Graduate Relations Chairman
dunes to get lost in, made everyone's day pleasurable.
ATWOOD P. DUNHAM '17 and his wife have settled in at
After 431/2 years with the Reliance Electric Company, ELWOOD H.
Eastwood at Dedham, 1007 East Street, Dedham, MA 02026 after
KOONTZ '36 retired in December and moved from Ohio to
putting their home of 37 years on the market. "Brick" writes, "It is
Connecticut (466 Main Street, Old Saybrook 06475). "El" wrote us
certainly no home, but we are comfortable and are waited on at all
that GORDON C. THOMAS '36 is moving from California to
Florida, but the only address we have is 117 Via Havre, Newport
Beach, CA 92663. He also hears from NAT AYER '36 (2881 Copa
EVERETT F. DOTEN '19 and "Brownie" (Malcolm Cotton Brown)
De Oro Drive, Los Alamitos, LA 90720) and JOHN A. MYERS '36
were classmates and he thinks it's "wonderful that this good work is
(401 Broadway, Ampex Corp., Redwood City, CA 94063).
being done for the house, and in his name." You can reach him at 415
Burns Drive, Detroit, MI 48214.
WALTER T. BLAKE '37 spent a pleasant week in Aspen with
RUSTY HASTINGS 35 (458 Country Club Drive, Battle Creek,
Present address for BRUCE MUNGER STEELE 20 is 39 Cliff
MT 49015) and hasn't seen an lota Mu Phi Gam since. Walt's address
Street, Burling, VT 05401.
is 716 Ladera Lane, Santa Barbara, CA 93108.
In February, CHAS. B. MILLER, JR. 22 rode in a chauffeured
President of Professional Video Systems, Inc. (a company
limousine to his surprise (82nd) birthday party. The limousine had
specializing in video educational communication) and director of
been restored by a local undertaker and Charlie "was indeed thankful
U.S. Dept. of Transportation's (DOT) National Executive Reserve,
that I could ride with him in a sitting position rather than a prone
JAMES D. MCLEAN '37 lives at 13934 Bora Bora Way, Marina Del
one!" He lives at 168 Cherokee Road, Charlotte, NC 28207.
Ray, CA 90291.
GEORGE H. HEWETT 23 of 115 Washington Avenue,
ROBERT L. JOHNSON '38 is still with the same firm he joined in
Morristown, NJ 07960 is fully retired though he was busy with
1938: Arkwright-Boston Insurance. He writes it has been "associated
consulting work until two years ago. "Jim" went to England last fall
many fine Fiji's (the late) MARSHALL DALTON '15 and (the
to visit his eldest daughter and granddaughters.
late) GIL RUDDY '31 and RUTHERFORD HARRIS '37 (36
Orchard Lane, Wayland, MA 01778)." Bob hopes all read about
LAWRENCE W. DAY 27 (1 Hickory Lane, Fairfield, CT 06430)
LLOYD BERGESON '38 (241 River Street, Norwell, MA 02061)
hopes one of his nine grandchildren will go to MIT, though three of
and his adventure in the North Atlantic in the February '80
them have already headed off to other colleges.
Technology Review. Bob lives on 11 Sterling Road, Wellesley, MA
JOHN B. DRISKO 27 retired in March after working as a civil
engineer. He lives at 29 Hickory Drive, Maplewood, NJ 07040.
When you get to the west coast of Florida stop in at the home of
WILLIAM R. TAYLOR, JR. '40 on 610 South Florida Avenue,
Since his retirement from Goodyear Tire and Rubber Co. in 1979,
Apt. 201, Tarpon Springs, FL (33589). Bill owns and operates the
JOHN F. BENNETT '30 and his wife have been residents of Florida
only textile mill in Florida - Gallagher Textile Mills, Inc.
(4663 Rue Bayou, Sanibel, FL 33957) with a summer home in
Hudson, OH. Jack is "spending full time working in the yard and
W.M. FOLBERTH '41 spends his time skiing and sailing and he
painting the house, etc., etc., etc. to the complete neglect of my golf
plans to attend his 40th reunion. "Bull" can be reached c/o Progress
Wire Product Co., 3535 W. 140 St., Cleveland, OH 44111.
Present address for LAWRENCE B. BARNARD 31 is 43 Garden
JAMES THORNTON '41 and his wife, Ruth, are spending a great
Road, Wellesley Hills, MA 02181 though he can be reached between
deal of time these days "trying to save a 1930's movie house from
the end of March and the end of Maya P.O. Box 177, Marco Island,
destruction so it can be converted into a first rate concert hall,
FL 33937.
something that does not exist either in the town or on the campus of
Princeton." JOHNNY ANDERSEN '41 (P.O. Box 426, St. Georges,
JOHN LAWRENCE '32 was elected chairman of the board in
GRENADA) visited the couple in February en route to Moscow.
November, 1979 of Recognition Equipment, Inc. (a Dallas
They "loaned him sweaters and down jackets since his normal
manufacturer of optical character reading equipment). Reach him at
wardrobe in Grenada scarcely gets beyond shorts and short-sleeve
2929 LTV Tower, Dallas, TX 75201.
shirts." Jim and Ruth live at 49 Lovers Land, Princeton, NJ 08540.
RUSSELL J. BROOKE '33 is retired but has a part-time job as a
L.C. TURNCOCK '41 (2925 Glenmore Road, Shaker Heights, OH
construction arbitrator for the American Arbitration Association.
44122) writes that BILL HOOPER '41 (72 Barrett Street, #17,
"Commodore" lives on 89 East Park Lane, NE. Atlanta, GA 30309.
Northampton, MA 01062) has regained "full mobility (he plays
tennis), and most of his memory, speech, and comprehension
DANIEL C. MITCHELL, '33 continues to enjoy his retirement at
capabilities" after suffering a brain hemorrhage in December of 1977.
9242 Briarwood Circle North, Sun City, AZ 85351.
This "as a result of almost unbelievable perserverance and contrary to
the predictions of his doctors." We hope he continues to enjoy good
WESLEY H. LOOMIS, III 35 was recently selected for the Illinois
Business Hall of Fame in the role model category. "Wes," who retired
in 1978 after 22 years as president of General Telephone Directory
MALCOLM M. ANDERSON '42 was transferred to corporate
Company, lives on 2425 Gulf of Mexico Drive, Apt. 1A, Longboat
offices in New York City with the Union Carbide Corporation. He
Key, FL 33548.
hears that CURTIS D. BUFORD '42 (c/o T.T.C., 300 S. Wacker
Drive, Chicago, IL 60606) is the president of the Trailer Train
RICHARD T. SCHWAEGLER '57 sends his best regards to all long
lost Brothers. The recent growth in engineering enrollment keeps
Dick busy as chairman of the Civil Engineering Dept. at Seattle U.
He also works part-time with a structural cosulting firm as a
computer consultant. And, as if he didn't have enough to worry
about, he has six children (ages 7-22). Write to him at 1102 16th
Avenue, E. Seattle, WA 98112.
Application sales manager for Gould-Modicon, ROBERT A.
WILLIAMSON, JR. '59 has a musical and athletic family. The
whole family plays hockey at various speeds and hours of the a.m. at
ALF R. BJERCKE '44 (President Harbitz Gate 14, Oslo 2,
the MIT Club of Princeton, and all play a musical instrument.
NORWAY) has been corresponding with CHARLES H. SMITH,
Robert's address is 21 Woodland Road, Lawrenceville, NJ 08648.
JR. (22500 McCauley Road, Cleveland, OH 44122). Alf, who is
veteran athlete (shot, discus, etc.) and an amateur historian and
DON WEAVER '60 "would be overjoyed to see old Fiji friends." He
genealogist (among other things), also has four children in various
writes he has heard nothing from other alumni. Don is practicing
interesting occupations.
internal medicine at Penobscot Bay Medical Center a new hospital
in Rockport, ME. His home address is 69 Main Street, Thomaston,
Engineer JAMES A. GARRISON '44 works for Colorado State
ME 04861.
University in the Foothills Research Center. Write to "Jaggie" at
1115 West Mountain Avenue, Fort Collins, CO 80521.
As president of his class, THOMAS N. HASTINGS '61 (35 Barberry
Road, Lexington, MA 02173) is organizing the 20th reunion for
Still enjoying his job as VP Venture and Capital Appraisal for ICI
June, 1981. He hopes that many Fiji members will be able to get
Americas, Inc., JAMES B. WEAVER, '44 from 4620 Weldin Road,
together at that time.
Wilmington, DE (19803) also plays the clarinet in local Red Lion
Jazz Band.
ROBERT A. MAYER, JR. '62 would like to hear from more
members of the classes '58-'63. Bob is working for the IBM Federal
Senior Vice President of Finance for United Airlines, JOHN L.
Systems Division on Navy Sonar projects. He also has several
COWAN '47 wrote in March: "Both son and daughter are away at
aircraft wing patents that he's trying to find a backer to help develop.
college so my wife and I travel 'constantly." His address is 575
Anyone interested should contact him at 11006 Hiram Court,
Douglas Drive, Lake Forest, IL 60045.
Manassas, VA 22110.
D.H. "Tony" BERGIS '49 was in Boston in March for a few days, but
OTIS C. "Tunney" WRIGHT, JR. '62, having just completed his
he was "happy to get back home (getting old - don't sleep well in a
sixth year in Australia, writes "we really enjoy living in Sydney and
strange bed)." You can reach Tony at Bergis Associates, 14431
recommend the area to anyone who is looking for an enjoyable area
Miranda Court, Los Altos Hills, CA 94022.
to do a foreign management tour." He ran into PAT MCGOVERN
'59 (355 Walnut Street, Newtonville, MA 02160) at the Sydney U.S.
Chief Engineer for C&K Components, Inc. DAN R. TEST '50 is
Trade Center a few years ago. "Tunney's" address is 4 Stratham
active as director and officer of the House Corporation. He is "also
Place, Belrose, N.S.W. 2085, AUSTRALIA.
active on steering commitee of alumni interfraternity conference at
MIT." Dan is interested in "strengthening the total MIT fraternity
When CHRISTOPHER MILLER '65 wrote to us in February, he
system by improving communication and providing assistance in
had been recently promoted to head of analog circuit design in the
matters of insurance plans, energy audits, physical inventory, and tax
Tuscon Engineering Operations of the Hughes Aircraft Company.
counsel." Dan lives on 8 Hillside Avenue, Winchester, MA 01890.
Chris lives at 4125 Paseo Dorado, Tucson, AZ 85711.
ROBERT NOCK '51 "managed to disengage a number of years back
Traveling to Europe and other more "civilized" locations makes
from the engineering world" to become a partner (Director Hotel
PAUL JEFFREY TRIMMER's ('66) wife breathe a little easier,
Operations) in Mariani-Buss Associates in Santa Monica, CA. Write
though Jeff has enjoyed his travels to China, Egypt, Japan, Pakistan,
to Bob at P.O. Box 1274, Mammoth Lakes, CA 93546.
and even the Fiji Islands. Jeff is the general manager for European
and African Operations for the American Motors Corporation. He
JOHN J. KOCH '53 is a stock broker with Smith Barney. When he
saw BILL HAMILTON '66 (281 Fairhaven Hill Road, Concord,
wrote to us in February, he was in training for the NASAR Skiing
MA 01742) in late January, and writes that Bill and his wife, Paula,
National Finals. His address is 44 Beach Park, Pewaukee, WI53072.
have been rebuilding a magnificent home in the countryside. Jeff lives
on 1168 Lyonhurst, Birmingham, MI 48009.
HENRY E. "Eric" THEIS '55 moved to 603 Maple Lane, Sewickley,
PA 15143 in late February. He wrote that he ran into DR. JIM
ELLIOTT (need address!) who is director of admissions at Carnegie-
JAMES E. GOUHIN '56 is designing and selling heating and air
conditioning systems in Columbus, OH. He lives with his wife and
three sons at 7764 Samberly Road, Dublin, OH 43017. Jim hears
ALAN HOSMON '56 is living in Ashtabula, OH (help! need street
without sending
us your new address!
Enjoying his work as a sales manager for American Stamping Co.
(heavily involved with the heavy truck and off-highway industries),
Be sure to let us know
WILLIAM F. HOTCHKIN '56 (1133 Croyden Road, Lyndhurst,
when you move. Our
OH 44124) plays tennis and racquetball in his spare time.
address is on page two.
Actor STEPHEN NUDING 74 (203 Garden Street, Hoboken, NJ
07030) hears from RODERIC P. TAFT 76 (41 Lloyd Street,
Winchester, MA 01890) and saw STEVE "Arab" JORDON (448
Leslie Lane, Highland Village, TX 75067) during the summer of 1979
while on tour.
After graduating from B-School in 1979, TOM "Wizard"
EVEREST A. "Tad" WHITED, M.D. '66 is enjoying his work in the
WEGGERT 74 moved to Miami with his wife Jo Ann. Jo Ann is a
emergency room at Hamilton Mem. Hospital and his wife, Cheryl,
student at the U. of Miami Medical School and the sister of RON
has passed the Georgia Bar. "The big news," he wrote in February "is
"Lumpy" FRERE 74 (Goshen Road, Litchfield, CT 06759).
the arrival of our son Phillip Brownfield Whited on August 9, 1979."
Tad also reports that RICK ART '66 (11212 Cashmere Street, Los
BERNE STOBER 76 is a chemical engineer working at Exxon in the
Angeles, CA 90049) is with Rockwell International & JOHN
Technology Department. He, his wife, and son live at 4 Beaver Lane,
FREEMAN '66, his wife Kathy (Caputo), and daughter are enjoying
Flanders, NJ 07836.
the life in D.C. (4331 Reno Road, NW 20008). Tad resides at 1210
Phillip Drive, Dalton, GA 30720.
STAN STONE 76 wrote in March that he bought a house ("late
1700's or early 1800's, judging from the foundation") in Beverly, MA
GREGORY PEACOCK '69 would like to hear from his classmates if
and was trying to make it liveable. He is working in R&D in electron
they wind up visiting Southern California. He develops
beam lithography at VARIAN/EXTRION DIV. Stan went to a
microprocessor based products as a consultant; primarily
stockholders meeting of Tonal/Videon/LIONEL J. GOULET (74)
telecommunications and consumer products. Write or visit him at
Corporation and saw "Lie" (34 Tremlett Street, Dorchester, MA
137 Ave. Princesa, San Clemente, CA 92762.
02124) for an hour or so. Things seem to be going well in the software
consulting business. Stan's address is 18 Franklin Place, Beverly, MA
JOSEPH "Big Q" BARON 70 is manufacturing tennis stringing
machines and has a joint venture with a friends in manufacturing
roller skates. Contact him at New Venture Ent. Ltd., #24 Lane 410,
BRETT LOUIS BACHMAN 77 (214 West Canton Street, #4,
Pa Teh Road, Sec. 2, Taipei, TAIWAN.
Boston, MA 02116) wrote in February that he has "left the good life
as an engineer for Data General in Raleigh, NC to become a student
DAVID A. LEIGHTY 70 wrote in May that "it's good to be back in
again - at Harvard Business School." He also informed us that
New England!" He is doing product development work with
STEVE MACONI 77 was flying P-3's for the Navy in Maine and
Instrumentation Laboratory and his wife is working as a nurse. They
was planning to leave for Japan and the Indian Ocean in March
are building a house in Londonderry, NH and renting in Derry, NH
(help! need address!).
(30 Ledgewood Drive, RFD 03038).
JAMES DATESH 77 (1500 Cochran Road, #604, Pittsburgh, PA
Attorney ROBERT OWEN VEGELER 70 (14114 Spring Hollow
15243) writes that GEORGE MARCOU 79 lives about 5 blocks
Road, Fort Wayne, IN 46804) is a partner in the Kennerk, Dumas,
away from him, but the only address we have for George is 5
Burke, Backs, & Salin firm and is also a part-time felony trial division
Farmington Court, Chevy Chase, MD 20015. "Dato" was looking
prosecutor. His wife is an attorney for Pepsi-Co. and is assigned to
forward to finishing his 2 year MBA program at Carnegie-Mellon
North American Van Lines. He writes the Class of 70 Tech notes and
University when he wrote to us in March.
interviews all potential MIT students in the Fort Wayne JOHN
HOLDING 70 is working as marketing director for the Chicago
Writer, piano player, and nuclear engineer, JOE EGAN 77 (5502
Board of Trade according to Robert. John's address is 2508 Central
Madison, Apt. 2, Hinsdale, IL 60521) was looking forward to his
Park Avenue, Evanston, IL 60201.
marriage to Sheila Fitzgerald in June when we heard from him in
March, but we haven't heard who made up the wedding party (it was
Vice president of Forms and Procedures for IBM, DAVID M.
rumored that JAMES DATESH 77 (see address above) was going
EVANS 72 (5 Arnold Street, Arlington, MA 02174) informs us that
to be in it).
JOHN F. SCHENCK 72 is operations manager of Waltham Animal
Shelter and DAVID DEKANTER 75 is a fitness instructor at the
Production engineer for Intel. Corp., DAN LUDINGTON 77, from
Weston YMCA (help! only address we have for him is in Spain.)
211 Byron, Palo Alto, CA 49301, sends us the following information:
Baby JOE WALKUSH 74 (Escondido Vill, Quillen Hall 4J,
"Private practice is a nice change" writes attorney RALPH
Stanford, CA 94305) is at Stanford U. DAVE HINSON 76 (300 Del
FERNANDEZ 72 of 7801 Greenshire Drive, Tampa, FL 33614. He
Medio Avenue, Mountain View, CA 94040) is nearby and working
worked for the past year in charge of drug trafficking prosecutions
on his PhD. JOHN "JP" PEARSON 74 was in Half Moonbay for
for his circuit. Ralph has hundreds of pictures and slides from 1969-
EDM (Dan wrote in February). JP's address is 4 Bluejay Way,
72 at the house. He thinks of often (and sometimes sees) TIM HULT
Maynard, MA 01754.
WEGGERT 74, & JOHN "Clover" SITARSKI 74. (Addresses for
"After swearing that computers were fantasy and pure chemical
those mentioned upon request!)
engineering is real work stuff," LOUIS WELLS HEAVNER, III 78
has "become a glorified computer engineer and must take care not to
Clinical psychologist DAVID L. HAYES 73 moved from Michigan
write with logic drawings." "Sweet Lou" wrote that there was a
to Kansas in August. His address is W. 34th Street, Topeka, KS
tremendous Mardigras gathering in New Orleans with JOHN
66614. "Gabby" also wonders if anyone has news of JOHN
SIMMONS 78 (P.O. Box 3874, Wilmington, DE 19810) and
STEVE SIFFERLEN 78 (22 Washington Drive, Sudbury, MA
01776) among others. "Sweet Lou" lives at 427 Peake Street, Lake
Since graduation, PETER JASAK 73 has worked for Xerox in L.A.
Charles, LA 70601.
for 2 years (left because he didn't like the large co. work atmosphere);
married in January, 1974; became a father of two & moved to NJ in
BRUCE P. NEMLICH 78 (50 Sunset Drive, Croton, NY 10520)
1975 to run a tourist retail business in the summers. As for more
wrote that DONALD "Screamer" MCCORD 78 (511 Hoover
recent news, he and his family moved to Florida (5271 Heron Road,
#10, Ann Arbor, 48104) rolled into the area over his spring break.
Venice 33595) in November, 1979 and he kept busy during the winter
rebuilding train cars to provide living quarters for the Barnum and
Address for JOHN E. BERG 79 is 27 Trowbridge Street,
Bailey circus people.
Cambridge, MA 02138.
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Fall 1980 newsletter of the Iota Mu chapter at MIT. The newsletter is six pages in length.